` % , � -.r �"Y+' 1 t -� �r � �
<br /> "S,'I�i.l ���.��..,..t� '� � � , � . ......_..�_.._.,__ _-.S f*
<br /> ��..^�..�.�t..i.�.�..�..�.� �.�AisbY.iifl'A4rild..............
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<br />,_,-;- -:�,>.� 9d"a.o���2
<br />___ __ {33�. _
<br />���4-� paymeNe nwy no longor bo reqnln�l,:et�ho opqm�.of I.cnAnr.IP.mnrtpago Insurence covemga(in thc anaun[and for ibc perl0d-
<br /> -���:�r� thnt 1.CnAer requiros).p(nvlded by on Inuircr app�vod by Lendm oAflin�becomca nvallabie and b ob[alned. Borrower sh5i)ppy�
<br /> "`�:"'� tAo prcmlum+rcqnircd tm m�tntaln mortgnga insiimnoo 66sffcct.or.m.providu a loes rescrve.umil the requirement fornwrtgege
<br /> �N-,;��.-,,,: insurenca erds in naoidnnce wfth uny wrlRen ayramont-6Gwcen Bntrnwtt and Lenderor npplicabte law.
<br /> �;`;x���:r�. 9. InspecUon.I.ender or lie agent may mnko ro�sonnbin enMns u�ron end inspocilons of�he Proµ:rry.Lender shnll givo
<br />°''���� Borrower notice et�ha tlme ot or prfar ro an in:paAan�cpeeify[ng rea�onablo cause for tho tnsptetlon.
<br />�`'"�^''s'-%' !0. Condemnetlon. Tho prumude; of any award or elnhn for.dnmaga, dirut or consequenUal,in connection wllh any �
<br />—J_FF:,^,.���
<br /> �' .,,:�:.t__;. wndemnatlon or other teking of eny part oh6o Properiy�or far mnvcyancc(n Ileu of condemnatlon,ere hcreby esslgncd and
<br /> , - shail bo pald io Lcndor. _-
<br /> 3 ' ��j� In�tho event ot a total,tnkinp oE�6p.Properry,�he procude shnllibe epplicd to tho sums saurcd by�his Security Instrument,
<br /> ..�t_;'..3�,,; whdhcr or.not�hen duo, with•eny�excess paid ro IIorrowcr. 6t�hp-ovrnt of a p�rtinl taking of the Properly In whlch iho folr
<br /> .- "t�^.-E'-it;:i.
<br /> �-: ;-,.�� market valno of the Propeny�immedie[oly bcfom�im tnkiny fe eqnnl�tn.ar gmetcr than the emount o!the sum+secured by th s
<br /> -- E .r,�.:�.
<br />= " _�=�%�:; Ser.�irity lnstmment immedintoly bctarc tho mkinp,unlou Bortowcr nnd LenAar otherwisc asrce in wriiing,the sums securtd by
<br /> `'-'""��%"'`' this Sceuriry Inytmment shn14 ba reduced by Wn amaunt of the p�ocads mulilpl(ed by the following fractlon: (e)�ho�otel
<br />`�"`�'�-°'°=�=��``�- emonnt of Uie sums secumd immedintoiy be(on:�he tnkinp,dlviAcd 6y(b)�he feir markct value of ihe Propeny inwediatcly
<br /> _;r�.,:`,.:
<br /> t->�_=-�'r•"✓' befora�ho rakin M 6olnnce sfidi�be xid ta-Darro�ver. L�,dm evem of e rtial iakin ot the Pro n In wiilch �he fefr
<br />:..... `t,�,;';� 0• N P Pa 8 P� Y
<br /> mazket vutua of the Property immcdintaly befom the tnklnp ie los�tBan the emount of the sunss secured immediately before tho
<br /> ' '2%te�:?��`? taking, unless Borcowcr and-Lendor oiherwise egrex imwritfup or unlese applicabie lew othernise ptovides, U�a procecds shall
<br />�1;;;i���fi;;�„��. bo epplied to�he sums secu`ed Uy Uiis Secud�y Instrumem whether or no��he sums ero�hen due.
<br />�F��,r:•.�'?ti�-��:� If tha Pro rt i9 a6nndaned b Borrower,or if,eRar naticz b Lender to Dorto�ver thet�he condamnor offera ro nmke en
<br />>>•, ;.:�:';..r-.. P� Y • Y Y
<br /> '`���3TSfb:{.:•'.�t eward or senle a claim for dmm��es,IIorto�ver fails to mspond m LenAcr wi�hin 30 days a(ter q�e date the notice Is given,
<br />�;:��.y)n rar^i _.
<br /> _ � ..p,._��;;, Lender is euthoriud ta collect end appiy the pmcceds,at ils option,either[o resroration or repair of lhe Propeny or ro the sums
<br /> ;9�;;p'.�-^;; :,•, saured by thfs Secvrity Inatrumem,whether or not then due.
<br /> -.�- ,., ..�, :Ii.,.
<br /> •-�u�:.,��•,,;,=� Unles+ Lcnder and Aorro�vcr o�hcrwisz agrce In wming, eny npplication of procecds to pdncipal shill noi extcnd or
<br /> ' �` �� �ti�g`�� �' ponpone�he due dnu of the monthly paymeme referrcd la in pa�egmphs I and 2 or change the enwunt of such paymenu.
<br /> _,ci,,,5�.�f•
<br /> i�"��?�-'�`�:f'�'� U.Borrower Not Releascd;For6earance By Lender Not e Walvcr.Exte��s(on of the�ime for paymem oc moditieadon
<br /> ,S.,r„P(�t.�''1{
<br /> �:;:r.,_-.�q:{���` of amorti��ion of ehe sums secumA by[fiis Sauriry Instrument gromed by Lender ro eny auccessor in interest of Bonower shnll
<br />�;r^••:x�.�;� ;. n•, not opernte lo relcase N�c Iinbility of U�c original Borrowcr or Borrower's suttessore in Inlerest.Lendcr shall mt be requ(md to
<br /> . .,., r.,A.,.-.
<br />;s•'; � �.•s,':�,,� commence proceedings egnlnst any suaeuor in intercu ar reiuse w extend time for payment or oiherwise madify emonlza�on
<br /> «„.. :,;.:.,
<br /> z.,-",,�.��;+�;.!•�,.�.. of �he sums secured by this Security Ins4umem by reason of eny demand made by the original Oortower or Bortawt�e
<br /> 7;-rif.'-i?3'r=t;: successors in incercst. Any fofieamnce 6y Lender in exorcising any right or remeAy shnll nm 6e a �valver of or preclude the
<br />_, ,k:;-��.r.� .,
<br /> :;�+,-=ry:✓;•;_,: exercise of any right or remedy. .
<br />--- - ` iz. �uccessore and Asigns uonnol Jaini.end Severul i.iauilily: Cu•�igiieri. 'fha ir,tie��anG ard adr-r.�aia �f ihla
<br /> '�� �� T�„f� Securily InsWmem she.11•61nd and btnefl� ihe suocessors end assigns of Lender nnd Uorrower, subJttt m�ho provlelons of
<br /> . .t' �.:. „ .
<br /> �:=+.��,;�:�;,,_ paregmph 17. Uarroirci s covcnnms and agrcemcnts shall be joint end uveral. Any Dortower who co-sign+ thia Secudty
<br /> - -._"� - Instmment bm daes not execute�he Nota (a)is m•si6ning�his Security Instrumem anty w mongage,gram end convey�hnt
<br /> "'t' ;�-,j,',���,.� Dortowcf.interes�In !he Propcny undcr�he tcrnu of�his Securiiy Instrumem:@) Is no1 personally obligeted lo pey tho eums
<br /> securcd by ihis Sxuriry Instrument:end(c)ugrcca�hn�Lcnder nnd nny o�her�orrowcr nuy agree ro oxcend, modify,forbeat or �
<br /> � nmke nny nccommodaila�s wiih regard ro the icrms of�hia Security Instmmem or�he Note wlthout tha��ovoxrr's rnnunt.
<br /> � � 13. tuan Charges. If lhe loan ucurcd 6y t61a Securiry Inswmem Is subJcet lo a low which sete maxlnmm loan cl�argea,
<br /> ' end ihat law is finally Int�rprc�ed so thal �he interes�or othev loan charges collected or lo be mllecled in conncelion with th0
<br /> ;�..;.�_ :,`.,'^,;� Inan exeeed�he pennined linil�s,�hen: (n)any wch loan charge shall 6e reduced by the emount necessary to reduce Iho charg0
<br /> ;:.-�-;:�_, �� ' to!he permlued limll; and (b)any sums alrudy collec�ed hom Uorroo�tr a�hich cxcecded pemiitted limits will be rcfunded to
<br /> Borrowcr. Lcnder may choose �o makc �his ro(und 6y reducing iht pdncipal o�ved under �hc Noio or by making u dirtct
<br /> _' �'�-7....,��,. ': payment �o Qorro�ver. If a rc(und reduces principal, the reduc�iun will 6e uwted as e partial prepayment without eny
<br />?;��_ ; �.',:��,';.: prepaynum charge under the No�e.
<br /> --"'`-��r.�1-. 14. Nolice�.Any nniice m Rnrmaer prnvided for in�his Security Inswment shall be given by delivering il or by m�iling
<br /> _ _ r^°
<br />- it by first class mail unless nppliwble law requiros uu of another me�had. The no�ice shall be direaed�o the Propeny Addrcss
<br /> ,•�+j",`'.`;� or eny o�her address Uarrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice �o Lender shali be given by first class n�ail to
<br /> :�,a-��`;:�:':�°_'�: Lender's nddres+s�a�ed herein or nny other addrcss Lender designates by no�ice�a Dortower.Any naice provided for In�his
<br /> ;.-'•�'�j�;S� i` Securiry Insnumem shnll be deemed m have bwn given to Borto�vcr or Lendcr a�hen giren as providcd In thfs pamgraph.
<br /> �..i, :.'.t.
<br /> ,•.i5(F.;%��t>;; IS.Co��erning Low; Sc��ernblllly. This Seariry Insirumen� shall bc gaverncd by kdcrel law end �he law ofthc
<br /> �,<<,:.�:.;,: , jurisdic�ion in which�he Propeny is located. In�he even��hae any provision or clauu of�his Securiry Instrument ar�he Note
<br />_�"�i%�� "�``�+•- rnn0ias�vith applicable law,such conliict shall not a(fect aicer provisions of�his Sewri�y Insuununt or�he No�e which wn be
<br /> '�'��`.%' . given efka withaut�he con0ining provision.To this end�he proviaions of this Security Instrument and the Note ere declared _
<br />_;�},.
<br /> � " `"� to be severable.
<br /> . �• ' 16.Qorrox�er's Copy. 13orro�ecr shall M given one mnfomxd copy af�he Note and o(ihis Securiry Instmmem. =
<br /> "��� ���'�.� Form 3028 8/80 -
<br /> • Pp��e16
<br /> . (� '-•
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