_ll. �.' � �. 3i� i �� .1t.- ..t�i�l - . _ �� ___
<br /> 5: � .'.
<br /> - � ^ r _ _ . - 1,� .
<br /> ` � �t -�t . �. "—
<br /> . .. , - ......_ .,uI..�...... ..,�..c_�_ .,.. .._.... -=eR,Y__�s_xacNh . ._'— '— __
<br /> =�.�:; 93•'�o���z
<br /> �. . -,�.
<br />`' ''� x S, ib�,rd or Yropeny tnwr�nce. Bnrrower shxll kap dio imprnvememe now exlsUng or here+Rar erceu0 on the ..
<br /> `��� Pru rt fnsured againai in�e b Iirc, hnrard+IncludM wlthin�ho �crm 'exiciMed covcre c ond an a�hcr hozord�, includli
<br /> = `�.—.;.,-�,— P� Y Y 8 � Y �Y
<br /> Ilaods or O�xxlLig, (oi which I.cndcr rcqulres insurancc. Tlde Insumnm shnll ba nmimnined In�ho nmomrte nnd for Iha podode
<br /> �^.�. �hei Lender requires.The insuranee carder provlJing iho Inauranca shnll lia chnsen by Dorrower subJat�o I.enJer'e opproval
<br /> - "�--�. which shall not be unrcasonu6ly wlihhdd. If fbrrower falls io mnlmnin rnverega descdbed ebovo, I.ender may, nt Lender'�
<br />. - option,ob�nin mvcmge lo prolcct Lender's dghta In tho Propcny In ettnrdance with paragreph 7.
<br />. _ `�i_; All insurance polides und renewnle shall bo eceepteble io Lender¢nd ehuil Inciude e siandard mongage cleuse. l.ender
<br /> ,. .
<br /> - •...::: -
<br />�-� "' � � -"� shall hnre tlio dght m hald�he poflcfes and rcnewais.If Lcndcr rcquiras,Oorrower shall prompily g(ve�o LenAer all recelpts of
<br />. :�,--.,�..'.,�,
<br /> _._ . � __. . ..
<br /> - "� - pafd prcmlumx end rcnewal noqccs.ln the event of lou,[iorrower shnll glvc prompt notlm ro�he insurenw cnrtier and Lcnder. � - � - � �
<br />`"_lr�,_;iiY' Lcndcr may makc praof of loss if not mado promptly by Bortower.
<br /> � -'-� '� Unlcss Lender and Oortowcr o�henvix egrce in wriqng,imurenm proxeds shall be applied ro res�oretion or rcpalr of�he ---
<br />:,`r,;i; �-: ��.;�
<br />-�;_�3_3��;.,,�:,'_;� Propeny damaged,if ihe ruarztion or repair Is economieally hasible end Lender'a secudty is not lessened.If the restoreflon or _�
<br /> ;;:�.�i�_.i�;�;SS repair is not economically feasible or L.ender's security aould be lessened,tho insuranr.e procecds stull 6e epplied�o�ho sums _-
<br /> :,=�1l�.. ,s:
<br />;,:,r;,,,g�<rt jf;- securcd by ihis Security Insuumen4 whethar or not then duq wi�h eny axoess paid to Borto�rer. If Borrower abandons the �,_,,.,_
<br /> '�t. °"" Propeny,or does not ens�ver within 30 dnys a no�ice Gom Lender Iha�the insurance carrier has o(fered ro settle e claim, then �— -
<br /> �� .
<br /> -�"'� ;r 4, Lender mny rnllat 1he inwmnce proceeds. Lender may use the proaxds to rcpair or msrore the Propeny or to pay sunu � V _
<br /> r b - '-�� securcd by this Saurity Insuumcnt,whet6er or not then due.The 3Gday pedod will begin when the notice is given. "7�� � --
<br /> 5��� Unlcss Lender and Oorrower oihernire agru in wdting, any apptication ot proceeds �o principal shall not extend or �b*;!`,' �"
<br />-;���.:..:.:�j' ' t'"'-- ---
<br />_, •„-, - -+" pas�pana�hc due dalc of Iha momhly paymenls rcfcrreA to in pareg�ephs 1 end 2 or chenge the aniount of thc paymenla. If (�'?�+,;;_".`
<br /> � �ir a��'�; r: .—.
<br /> �- , under puagraph 21 tlio Propeny is acqnired by Lender, 6ortower's right to eny irtaarance policia and proceeds resulqng from
<br /> + �'�: dnmaga to�ho Propeny pdor to�he ocquisi�ion shnll pacs to Lender ro iho extent of Ihe sum�recured by thie Seturity Inslrument rt�? ..
<br /> t` tii< immcdiaicly prfor to thc acquiai�ioa �- .�
<br /> �..
<br /> C
<br /> < < < 6. (kcupnncy, Preservetlon, �laintennnce end Profeciion of ihe Property{Qorrower's Lafln Appllcuqon;l.easeholds i�:�
<br /> - � --,+! Dorrower shnll occupy,es�ablish,and use Ihe Propeny as Bovo�ver's principal residence�vithin sizly days efter Ihe cxxution of >, <<.�ya,a
<br /> - i .- r h�F: this Secudty lnstrument end shall continue to occupy the Propeny es Bonower's principal residence for at lexst one year afler 'r��"� -
<br /> -.���� fri��� r.:a �p�
<br /> ,{ � ,�X, qie date of occupnncy,onlese Lender olhernise agrces in wriiing, which conunt shxll not be unrensonably nilhheld,or unless �r�,;z�"_
<br /> ,_,Z.�s}r.,'i� exmnuming circamsiances exist which ere beyond 6orro�ver's control. Qormwer shnll not dutroy, damage or impair the - _„'�_ _
<br /> sr 6� , ',1 Pmperty, nllow�he Property Io deleriorAte, or cnmmil wasfe on the Pwpeny. Bortower shall be in defaul[ if any forfeimrc ���;��. -
<br /> S�`r�;y e;}�r ecHon or procealing,whe�her civil or edminal, is begun�ha�in Lender's good feith Jndgment muld result in forfeilure of ihe Ti�� :
<br /> ..;�;, �'7'('Rs ':
<br /> ��,f� c _ Propcny or o�hernise materielly impair�hc lien crcated by�his Secudly Insirument or Lendels ucurity Inrorest.Borrower mey J�, '
<br /> t� -� r: cure such a defaull o�reins�ate,as provide4 in pamgrnph I8,by causing Ihe ection or praceeding lo be dismissed�vith a mling �� _ --�
<br /> � ����:'��� Ihnt, in Lender's gaad fniih determfnx�ion, precludcc forfciwre of�hc Borro�ver's interest in the Prauerty or other me�edal �� �.. __
<br /> �'7C' j_ 1.%' impalmirnt of�he lien crca�ed by �his Security Inslmmenl or l.ender's scedrity Interest. Borto�ier shall elso be in defeult if .,—�
<br /> �l} : 6ortower,during�he lonn npplication proccs,gave mnerially felae o�inaccurs�e infomixtion or s�etements ro Lender(or(efied - _
<br /> r . �o provido Lender with any mntertal fnfornviinn)in connec�ion witli�he loan evidenced by�he Note,including,but not IlmilrA k
<br />-- ' ��.;, ro,rcprcuntx�lons coneemfng Dorro�rer's occupnncy ot�he Propeny m n princfpal residena. If�his Securiry Instrument is on e i�''i_.:T-�
<br /> Icaxhald, fSorrowcr shnll mmply �vith all lhc provisinns of�hc Icue. I( �arcowcr acquires fcc Utic ro �he Propcny, Iho g�=?= �
<br /> •"�:`};�"��`.��� Icx:ehold ond tho fce tiilc shall not merge unless Lendcr agrces m the mergcr in wri�ing. +..;._.—._
<br />..-.,��-`� 7.Protectlan of I.endcr'x Rlghle In thc{4opcHy. If Uorrowcr faila m perform�hc rnvcnnnts and egrccments comained in �-��t---
<br /> Ihis Security Inswmem, or�here is a Iegal pra�mling�hat may significamly affect l.ender i righls in the Propeny(such as e ��'".�-
<br /> . :-•,,�; proreeding In bankruptcy,probate, for mndemnailon or forkllurc or to enfome lawx ar regulnllons), then Lender nuy do und
<br /> . -- pay Por�vlmtever is necessary to pro�ect �he value ot ihe Propeny anJ Lender's riglns in�ho Pmpeny. Lender's aclfons may ��-��`.�'
<br />- -'�s���� IncWde paying uny sums secumd by n lien which hns priori�y over �his Securi�y lusuumem, appradng In mun, payln@ -4`i:;'--,
<br />-- -`�a`� �'�'��' � rctiNnnble nilomeys'fccs and cn�cring on Uw Properry�o make rcpnirs.Although Lendcr n�ay�ako ocUan undcr this paregraph �•�=Y=� �
<br /> -- � - 7.Lendcr daes nm hnve to du sa. i� =
<br /> _^.,-�.:���• Any amoums disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shnll become addiiional debt of Dortower secured by thls ?'��q.{���—
<br /> ' - Se:uri�y Insnum¢nt. Unlesc I3orrou.r and txnJm ngrec�o other ternu of p;�ym�m, t6c,c umoums�hWl bcar inceres� from ihe ` � - -
<br /> � - '� da�e of dis6ursement a� �he Note re�c und shall be payuble, �vith imeres�, upon notice from Lender w Qonower rcqeesting ;�.;i�-'+__°
<br /> , i '•n Pnymcm. "'� y
<br /> �t'
<br /> r� 8.�farigagc Insnrnnce.If Lcndcr rcquircd mongagc in.wr�ncc a�a mndi�ion of making�hc loan securcd by this Sccuriry :r.s�,y �� --
<br /> F5 - Insimmen4 Oorcowcr shall p.ry We prcmiums requircd io nv�imain thc mungagc iacuranre in e(fect. 1(, Por any reason, thc ,t%�,���� �?-''-
<br /> G mnngnge insumnee coremge rcquired by Lender lapus or eexus to be in ef(ect,Qorrower shall pay the premiums required ro �f`Y�lt �c ;�; ,!�
<br /> abuin covemge xubsuntinlly equivalem to�he mongage insuranm previously in effat. a�e coxt substamially equivalent to[he ;;,;,.--.:i{,�'Z-� -
<br /> � ,f _ cosl lo �urrm�Yr of Ihe ntortgagc insurantt previously in cffem, lrom an almma�e mongage inmrcr approved by Lendcr. If -:�ilfr .y�J?'`�,.(
<br /> _�_.-_ subs�amially equivalent mnngage insunnm coverage is no�avaiiabla Oorrower shall pay m Lender each month a sum equal�o ._,+.,, .. ,,. .:
<br /> '� "���'r�- onruvelfth of the earl man z e insumnee remium bein id 6•6orro�cer when Ihe insuranm cocern e la scd ar c�eaced to '"^
<br /> Y Y S R P f P� S F P ;, _ �r•.,:.-�
<br /> --,-�;.r'�,_";;:� be in efTea. Lender will aaep�,use anJ retain�hcse paymems as a lotic rexen�c in licu of mongage insuranca Loss rexn•e "�� -. .i c:j;,,
<br /> �
<br /> Form 3028 P+90
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