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� L ,i-� .. � , d� rt�- <br /> V ,:`, ": . . ' r` �t- <br /> G�dl����/Ir ,• _ � .�....._ .R. ..�a.�c=_ —N..�.YU- ..tL:::_ k .�� _ � <br /> • "�:;�...,° <br /> � ' 77. TnnN�r ol Ih� Pro • or � B�n�tlel�l Inbn�t In Borrow�r. n u or�� perty 1"''"��" <br /> P Ry Y Put ol Ihe Ro or ,,-v��;�-.�t�4�;:;._.-. <br /> � ;�'< �ny Ntnesl N M la solA or Vaneterted(or H�bmellcial Nlerest In Barown le eolA or InnstttreA �nd 6artowa b not�n�NrU : .�.�,•t{+r:•.- �- � <br /> � �� pcnon)wllhovt Lendefe pdor wrXlea wnam6 lenEa m�yat Ita oplion.reWYe Imme6aee p+ymmt In NI ol q auma�ecure0 by " -'v;4'��;"i�� <br /> ,,, Ihie Seadly InsWmml. Howrrn, l�b oplion ehal not be exerdseA 6y LenGn II exerdse N prohWllM 6y IMerd Aw ea ol Ihe - _- `�?��;( '�_ .- <br /> Gte ol lhb Securiry InsWmmL ` <br /> - � II Lmder exerdsea Ihle o tlon.Lmder ehd re Bortaxer noQ�;e ol �uelaaUon. The noGOa eMl ror1Ue• Mo0 0l not '��,��" � <br /> D OF P P ' -'- ar:•. - <br /> , � less Ihan 30 Q�ys trom the d�te the nollw�e dcF+crM a m�led wilhin rMch Bortower musl pny�0 seared Ey Nb r .,! .�f;.�:�- �. <br /> .' Sewriy InSWmen1. II Bortawer lade Io pay these 6um! pdot to Ne e�iretion ot Ihla pertod. Lentler may hroka nny temedea - �;,tlff'-'" -- <br /> ' pmntled by thls Securfty ImWmmt without lu�her nollee a tlmxnd on Bonower. �-; ';�}�.� . <br /> �� 1B. 8olfOWH'e RIyM to Reln{tlt�. It Uonower macte eertaN condllam. Bortona aAJ haxa Ihe dghl lo have �_,��:��:_�-,_ , <br /> --�---;- mlacemenl ol lhis &cu�iry Instrummt dsWnlinued el any Ome pdor lo IM earitt oL (e)5 dap lo� nu[h other DMod u -:' �'�r��-�--__--''_ <br /> abla kw m� a lor reinsqtemmt bHOro aele ol lhe R 'iyy}�$;;`., . <br /> . �GW Y V�H ) oD�Y Wnwnt lo onY Pown ot eile oont�ed in Ihb SecurilY (� i,�;�f.:�yi�,._ -. � <br /> . ... InsWmenl or(b)enlry of e pAgmmt enfordng/Me SecurTy InsVUment.Those eondqons aro�Nt Banower.(a)�Ya LmAer�! C/� Pt;;�;T;.;._ � �- -. <br /> y,. <br /> - . ` aum�wh:ch then would be Ouo undtt this Seariry InsWmmt en0 Ihe Note es il no eeeeleralion had occurteA; (b)arp my � -�.:.i��� - <br /> � dehuA oi eny olhtt covenani or egrttments: (c) paYS WI emensea incurted h enbrci�9 iNe Sewdy InsWmml IncNdng.but � "!`C_",'[••�� - -„ _ <br /> -. � - not fmited(o.roasombia etlomeya'lets: and(�Ykes soch eUion es Lmdn may reasonaby reqaYe lo essure Ihat Ne tien ot � �'{��' ' ' �� <br /> , <br /> - � -� Ihb Sewrtry InsWmmt. Lcadcie Aghte N iha Roperly end Bartorrefa oGigatlon lo pay iha sum�aewrcd by lNe Securiy li� � - - �.� <br /> . . InsWment ahd conlnue unchonged. Upon relnsutemenl Gy Bortowtt. Ihb Secunty InsWmmt �nd the abfgatlons aewred �� �-;.�- ��� '� . �� _ <br /> � haehy ahal remaN Nry efleclNe es H no aaderatlon had oeartM. Howera,tMS .yht to«bsteto sM1all not apDN„�ha wsa �� ��"''- -� - <br /> ' ot eccel¢ratlon un6er pangzph 77. � �f�{•r,; � <br /> �, - - 7B. Sala of Note; Ch�npe ot Loan Bervicar. n�e xoie or. e paniil Inlaai In �M1e Note Qogethtt wlth Nis )r�',;'_.-„��r�� . : <br /> -�'C' Sewriry InsWmenq may 6e aold one or more time�wrihoN pdor notice to Barov�er.A sele may reswl h e chenpe N tha mliy .� , � <br /> (Ynown ea Ihe'LOan SeMcer')lhal coiecte monihy payments due under IM Nett rnd Ihis Sewrtry NsWmmL Thee dso mey ��- � - <br /> - be ona or mwe changes ot Iho loan Smicer unrelated to a eaie of Ne No;a 1�Ihera B a eh+n0e ol Ihe Lwn Bm�icer, �s`_�_` '- � - <br /> •� Bortowv x�be gMn wrtlim notice of the change N eccordance x,ih paragaati t�obove and epplabte I�w. The no�ca x9l I -' ' � (- : ` <br /> - sWta Ihe name end eddress ol lhe new Loan Bmker end Ne edMess to wAich prymenta should 6e made. ihe noBca wi7 Wo �' ' ! <br /> � eontain nny dher IMOfmallon requketl by eppGcable Ww. a'� � -1 " � - <br /> - 20. Hazardous Substaneee. eonower nnan nm csuse or rermi�me �esmca. use, msposm, ai«e9s. or re�ease o� ���L.,.. , � -; }.� <br /> - "� an Hazerdoue Substances on or N Iha Pro Bortowu shaG not do.nor one elso Io Eo, enylhA eXeeW ihe �?';-��t - ..e� �---� ��. <br /> . Y P�Y• Y 9 9 T( � - <br /> Proµriy ihat is in rlola0on of any EnNronmmief lew. The preceGng lwo emtenun shall not appy lo lhe prexenu. us0.or f S,.�; _ <br /> ,�f+� stowg� on ihe Properly ol¢mall quantitlos ol HazarAOUS SLOStences t�at are B��eC/recopnkrd ta 6e eppropdate to nomul �'� � �j� _, s',- <br /> � ;�?q resl0mllal usee end lo maNtmanee ol the PropMy. � :� r,:.-:-�p'��. <br /> - - �'f"� Bortovrtt aha0 ro Ne Lmder wdl�en noUte of en NvesU alion, dam, demanQ bwsu3 or olher adion b en ���� ��� - <br /> D mPN' 9 Y 9 Y Y z t, : <br /> � remmenW a r lo e m or Avete a NvoMn Iho Properry end en Flazardous SLbstance or Emkonmmlel Ww oi t� �'� <br /> - .. B� � �Y 9 �Y P D rtY 8 Y ! ..-� y;: <br />- wh!ch Bortower hae ecluil Imowledge. 11 Bortowu leama.ot U noGfleE by eny govemmenlel or reg,latory eulhotlry, [het eny y`,i,i_;- . .� --_:��S�_� <br /> � removal or oNer remedatlon ot eny HazerEOUS Subslance atlectinB P�oD�M1Y �s necessary. Bonowa ahal Owmply teka a9 f.�.l,_�_ .?� ;,,il:-- <br /> . -_ necessary remeElal ecUons N eccordanca wflh EnWOnmentel lsw. :iil - � �-.. <br /> �� � Av usetl In ihis pxregraph 20, 'HaiarOOVe Substances'ere thaae subsWCOS deMad ea loxlc u hazardoua subslencea by �,h� �.` � �':'. <br /> EnWonmentnl Lew end Ihe IoVowhg substenees: gaso6ne. kerosene, oNx pammablo or to�do peVOleum proAucte. Iw1c +�� °� <br /> � " � <br /> +� .� pesGddes end het6ldtloe,rolaulo sohmle,matedale conleNinp asbeslos a IormalCehylo, end radiwd'no male�fals. Aa used In <br /> - � . parsgraD� �• 'EnWonmentel law' meana tederel laws and Wws ol ihe�udsdclion where ihe Rcqery Is loceled Ihet relate to ��' ->,� '� <br /> ����,•'� heallh.sniely or environmenW ProleUion. I`� ,'�i'i. ••. <br /> t�:,-__� �.�_`r ,�' � <br /> . , ���)�:;, NON-UNIFORM COVENANT8.Bortower and Lender NMer cavenant end egree ea IoOows: � -�� <br /> . '� 21. Acceleration; Remedias. Lender eh�ll glve notica to Borrower prior to eccal�ntion- <br /> - - - foliowing Borrowar's breach of eny covonant O� eg�eement In thls 3acur(ty Instrument @ut aot ��. ' �f��" <br /> � -' prlo� ta ecceie�atlon under paragropb 77 unless appllcab�e lew provides otherwise). Tha noHce {{{ - `���'�:� <br /> � ' ehall apoclfy: (a) the default; (b) lha acllon requlrod to cure the defaul4 (c) o dete, not tssa thon )))�:- . .� :t��i <br /> �. - 30 dnys irom lhe dria tha notice is given to Bonowar, by which the detaWt must be curad; �nd { _ -���=``` <br /> , � (d) thet failure to curo the default on or 6aforo the date spockiled in lhe noHc� mcy reaufl In is:"_�: — .-.---- <br /> � - ecceteretlon ot tho suma secured by this Sewrity Inatrument and eale ot the Property. The natica ����-� - ��` <br />=�- -� - Yr`:-. � . <br /> ___- shall turthe� Inform Borrower of thx right to relnslete after ecceieration and tha dght to bAnp n s�!�1 -._ ' <br /> '�:;+', couR nctlon to assert the non-existence ol a dMault or any other de4ansa of Borrower to �:; ��y ,--= - <br /> ����i;• accetorntlon and Bete. It lhe def�ult Is not cureA on or beforo the dote epeeitied in the notice, t <br /> :. , •0' Lender at Its optlon may require Immadlato paymont In }ull oi ell eums sewred by lhie Security �fi' � • - ��O' "��� <br /> -�;,,_ -.�. Inctrument without iuAhar demand and may invoke ihe powor ot saie and eny othar remadiee �,I: ,. � ��� _ <br /> ' - permttted by applicable law. Lender ehall be entltled to collect all expenaea incurred In purauinp �I <br /> � " the ramadlea provided In thle pvag�aph 21, Including, but not Ilmited to, reasonoble uBorneyn' ?'�� �- <br /> - feea and costn af tltle evidance. ��i, � <br /> - ' If the power o} eale Is Invoked, Trustoo ehall rocord a noHce of dofault in eoch county in �� � <br /> . - which any part o4 the Property ia locatod and shall mail copios oi such notice In the mannor <br /> •- ' prascribed by appiie�blo law to Borrowor and to th�e other pareons prescribed by epplicahto Iaw. '�' . <br /> . .' � Attor ihm timo roquired by appllcebio law. Truston sfiall givo pubtic notice of sale to the persono <br /> �� , '�,•., and In tho mannor preocribed by epplicablo law.Trusteo, wfthout dnmand on Borrowoq shall seil ;;. - <br /> . tho PropTrty M public aucHon to lho hlghost btddar et the timo �nd pfacm ond undor tho tarms , � - <br /> . - . Bestpnated In tho nolice of ealo In one w more parcols end In eny or0or Trustee [leterminoa � - - � <br /> - - Trusteo may pw^tpona eaie ot ail or any parcoi of tho Property by publlc onnouncemonl at tho ' <br /> � - timo end plece u1 any proviouaiy scheduiud eato. Lender or Its designee may pu�chue tho <br /> °- _ Aropar2y at any salo. � <br /> _, Upon racalpt W paymont ot tha pdco bid. Troetao shali dolHor to the purchnsor Trustee's � <br /> � . - deed comaying the Property. The recitals in lho Trustoe's deed shnll be prima hde evidence of . <br />,� {`�.�._~`, -�: tl» lrulh o! lhe sFotemanta mada lharein. Trustee shall opply the prosaeds of Ihe sale in lha <br /> . fdlowtng ad�r. (�) to ail costs and expenses M exerc�sing th� power ol sale, and the e�ie, <br /> �� Including tM ptymsnl o}the Trustee'e fees ectu�iy Incurratl, not to exceed three ' <br /> - �� X ot lM prinelpal unount W lhe � <br /> - _ - -`-_,, not� �t tM tim�o!th�dacloration of defautR and reuonabl� aHwn�ys faea�s parmittQd by Isw; <br /> - - �� (b)to ail sumi s�cund by lhla S�curIIy Instmment; and (e) any �xcesa to tha person or persons ' <br /> ., �. byitiy�MRI�d to k. ! <br /> � -�,-�: � ou,e.uea pn» na��a� � �. <br /> � e.�:.,:` � jf�'. <br /> ; iy_- 91t70.W <br /> . <br /> 5� <br /> �. <br /> • , <br /> . � .- l. <br />