��.:� _ . __ � ,. , �_ __ ._.�v ; ..
<br /> � _ _:
<br /> , .. __ . .�.��,�. _ _,, .
<br /> _ �__ �.
<br /> y�..�._.. a
<br />..,- •.::':;"` . • Bortoww m�y an auch � dafiuN en0 nN:��tt u provldW B pv�Qr�P� 18, DY uueNq Ihe�clbn a pta�p 10 W .
<br /> „�,.,;'�: d+MS�sO wNh�N9np Ih�l.N Lxidr'�pood Wlh delKmhUlon.preduASf IoAeMUro o11he BortowKe Inlwnt N Ih�P�opxty a =__
<br />_ -- oNn m�IxMl htp�kmenl ol Ihe kn aaatad by Nlf B�cur%y IntWm�nl a lendn s eacwlty BtKUL Bartow�r�hd Wa M N _
<br /> ^;;�' ',`���° MhuX M Bortowr,OurNq Ihe lan�ppieauon porwu�aw mu«wN ws•a Y,aea,rn•�n�omruon a.ui«n.nu w�.nar fa ���
<br /> ° �-�} �.+°�r:..-._:---
<br /> .:';n-, NiM to qovM� Undx xich �ny muuNl NlomrVon) N connecVon wilh th�ban Mda�iud by Ihe NoU. hW6np, bN nol
<br /> " _ FM�d to. rWni�nudon� concKnh9 Bortaxer'� ouuD�noY of Ih� koP«N �� � prNdp�l ne�donce. II Ihp B�wMy ��c ._—.
<br /> � InsWm�n1 le on � IenMold, Bqrowa ahN caipy wXh J ths podefoaa ot ths laee. 11 Bortavm �cquYee lee WN to IM -� - -- -
<br /> _ _,-S` Properry,Ihe taaMOlA�nA t�e lee VJe eh�1 nol merpa unlese LenQa�9reee lo the maper N x�hNg. �"' ^T� ,�,:�.
<br /> ; 7.ProNction o1 lwnd�r'� plyM�In th� Prop�rty�II Bonown hAa lo pMam Ihe eovennnte end�grem�xiN _ ri , --_
<br /> eonWnW In thif Becurlly Inatrum�nt.a Ihxe b� NpW procKAn9 tMl rtNY tlpnMUnty �fled tendcr'e dphie In Ihe Ptopay '� r' ..— ..
<br /> - (svch ee o procadmp h 6anlwAtry.Prosate.Icr conOemnn�kn a IoAenure a lo enf«oe lawe or«gu4tlona).�nnn lanA«mey ��'- ��` .- :.
<br /> tlo�nd pay lat whntwa le nacesury to prol�cl�he rWe ol Ma Propary�nq LmAa'e dphte in Ne PropMy. LmOefe�cUona � -+ *�PQ!�-��
<br /> mry induda peyNg �ny aume aecured Dy � Am wt�kh Aae (niorAy over Ihle Sewrity IneWmmL �DP�9 N couM. peying - ��;�,�+::-
<br /> re�sonWle ntlome�a'lees�nd mtcMp on tha RopMy lo m�ke repaYO.M�iough Lendn rrwy take sdion nnder thie poragr+ph � � ' ��•
<br /> Y; � 7.Lp1ElI AOE�f101 AiY010 GO 60. ��
<br /> Q �
<br /> � - . My vnounta BsburaeA by Lmder under pu�g+ph 7 ahal bewme�dQ�lional GeDt ol Bonower searM by Ihie 6early - •
<br /> - InsWmml. Unbse Bortowa �n9 Lmder a9ree�o othtt fmns ot paymmt. Ihesa �mwnls ah�9 beer Nlaesl trom Ihe dete ot � -��,;: �. '
<br /> . - _ _ -.- 6sbursttnrnt at iho Nota r¢to and sha0 bo paycblo,wtth Ntaesl,upon notica from Lendu to Bortowa requesGng paymmt. � _ __-_�,-1�___ ___
<br /> � B. Mortpap� Insur�nC1. II Lmda requYed mo�y�ge NsuMCe aa a condtion ol mtldng Ihe lan sewred by IhU � r:�S;�;_.[:� -�'�;
<br /> Securiry InsWmenl,Bortowa shaY pry ihe praMime requYed lo mainWn lha mortgage hsuonw N ellecl.If,Im�ny reason,lhe -:;'�':�,-
<br /> �� --- mwtg�ge Insumw covt�go requYed 6y LenAn lapses or ceasea to be N efleot. Borrower shal pry Ihe premlums requBed lo � : -t�. "-
<br /> oblW covmge subslenWy equMlmt lo the mongage hsuruice previousy N eRecl.�t e cost substanlNy equkdml to Ihe � -i-! `�;�
<br /> `' cosl to Bortower ot the mort e Nsuru�ce revious M eHect. hom an Nemata matqaye Nsurn �pprmM Cy lenAer. II -.��t G��` `-`�' �
<br /> .�.��.�-:< 9�9 D N ,_ {4,.:,t,.. :. --' �.
<br /> '����;.��� subsWt4y equktlmt mortgage Nsunnce corerage U not erWWe, Borrc«er aha! pey to Lmdd e�ch month � aun equ�to . • !-.n•r�y-v.���-.i- :�
<br /> ','�'`:���-�� � ono-twdllh of Ne mort e insunnce enJUm beh Bortoaer wllm ihe insuru�ce corenge Uysed or cwsed to ��^��-;��.��r�'-' �.
<br /> Y�N 6e9 M 9 V�tY L �l�ld"'�'-�
<br /> 1 - 6e in eHea. Lmder wi eacpt.use end reuN Ihese paymuiu es a loss resave N ku o1 matg�pe Insurance. loss ra3ene - - --�-� --�
<br /> �i-- ` �_ paymmis may no longa 6u rcqu'red,e1 tha opibn ol Lmder,il moh9�9e insurence mwerage(n Ihe�mount u�tl fa the peAoA ,. �y f��°°�
<br /> �A�I Lmdtt requYes) proNdod by en insurcr epproved Dy Lmtler egeM becomes uvaiaWe and is obtehed. Bortower shJ pry ,'� r S ���..
<br /> - �� Iha preMuma tqulrcd lo meNteN morlgego Nsurence N efled,or lo proMde e losa rserve.unU No teQU4emeni Iw motlg�ge ��.}���:`1�.�-,di4F:dW-�:
<br /> ' "-��� hsumnee mds h aecorEence wX��ny written ayeement betwem eonower and lmd«or eppleade law. ::�nr':G��-�h�+�,-='- �
<br /> 9. 1�3 lMIO�. lmde/or Rs a enl me make�easonable mWes u on entl Nspecdons of Iha Pro . :;����'!ft``�;.
<br /> .. P 9 Y D P�Y. lcnder aha!pNe �:i;)?i"i°?+
<br /> Bortowu nofica al lho fine ol or pdor to en Nspeclion apedh/�ng reasonable cause tor Ihe lnspeclion. _�_i,,���.� �:,:����_
<br /> . � 10. COIlditnflN10I1.The proeeeAS ot wy eward a dalm lor demvgn. Gred or eonsequpi�ial, in connectlon wiih�ny -; t�,' ''�-
<br /> � - eondmnetbn or other teking o1 eny pa� ol the PropMy. or lor anvey+nce in 5eu ol condemn�don. ue hereby�aai➢nod uitl �.�� }��f� ��1 :
<br /> � ah�0bepaldtolmder. S:r�jT.�"��, ,,,-•�;.;f.
<br /> . '� In Ihe wenl ol e tolal teldng ol tho P�operty. Ihe proceeda sha0 6o eppfied to the auma securetl by Ihie Secudry f�. ,5,� i � � ��•_-.
<br /> InsWmmL ahhher or nol lhm due,wilh eny e�wsa peld to Bortower. In tha evmt ol a pv141 Wdng ol t�e Propttry in which ,�}�tyii t 1 ..,,
<br /> the lilr mukei valua ol the Prooctv 4nmeduteN 6eloro tha WMU Is epual to or grwk��hen Iha emounl ol�ha aume searcd !;�.�i'fi,.Q.,r,,,r.:'-'.___
<br /> � - 't� -i `: 6y IhB 6ecutlly InsWmml 4nm��tey bufaa tha leldn�j. unl¢se Bortawer �nd Lentler otAmvisa �gree N wrfling, lho auma -"';��S��F ��r ��
<br /> ��:�).;��i:�•� seaired by ihle Securiy InsWmmt shqA bo redueeO by lha emounl of Iha proceede reulltplied by lha fo0owing tmWon: (e)ihe '�`f;?��J�z'`^`�"�w'-
<br /> ��'..�,r:eddi�:: . V' ''.r.: -
<br /> �,,..�,_�,i. to�l emovnt ot lha sums seareE NunoUlMay balore tho 1eMng. dMdotl by @)Ihe taY merkel ralue ol tAO Propctry immed�aldy ��-y��1`.:�i^�:;;���°
<br /> 7r- �. 6COre Ihe laldng.My baWCe ahaG bo poid lo Bortower. In lhe evmt ol a paNe�teldng oi t�e Properly in whlch I�e Iair mvkel , -✓. y ��
<br /> ' � t<{ velue oi Ihe Property MmMulely bolore lha takln8 b�ess Ihan Ihe emount ol lho ¢um� eawred trnmo?niMy beloro tha takJng. „ )r t j.,." �¢ -
<br /> � '•' unless Bortower end lmdn othmvise epree N writin9 or unless eppGCnWa Ww mhenWSe proNEOS, lha pmeeeds sheA ba � - [J �.,,_�.i,i:: '
<br /> -�:�.�:,.- . }')�_.. :, .
<br /> °,-G, �- epp5ed to ihe s�ms seamd by Nla Sewriry InsW ment whelha or nof Iho sums ere Ihen dua r �,�.. rer,..
<br /> 'S'�'" >[;' �- 11 Ihe Pro ts abontlonM Dortowtt.or B.��er noGw b Lender to Bortowtt Ihat the condmmor otlere to maka�n � �'�, � �
<br /> .. DcrtY DY Y I.:�•�_•'._�.:.;:__.=.�,.
<br /> . � ewud or setlle e CAUm lor Aama9ee. Bortower/alls lo respond to Lender wi�hln 30 days eller Iho date Ihe nollce Is gken, !d,�r.2.,�,:;��.!..r.,�
<br /> _ Lmder u aulhotlzetl lo wGect entl eDPN �he D�oceetls. et Me op0on. either lo resloreGon w repilr of the PropMy or to Na �-- �t•?6:�>}�-`
<br /> � wme aeared by ihis 9ecudry InsWmmt,whelhtt or not lhrn dua ��-a .i= -x:_
<br /> Unlusa Lender end Bortower olhmNSe egree N writNy, eny eppli;atlon ol procceds lo pindpel eha0 not extan0 or ����� -� '.:•xX .
<br /> poslpone the Ma date ot l�e mmihy paymenle relertetl to In peregrephs 1 and 2 or chango No emounl ol sueh paymonta. FS�fI� � � 1 t -�
<br /> 71. Borrower Not Releaned; ForLe�ranca By Lender Not e Walvar. Fxtmsan ol me umo 1«paymenl a � '���� t -J
<br /> � moGA�atlon ol amoNzeGon ol the aums aew�ed by I�b 3ecuriry Inswmenl qrenled by Lender lo uy suexssor in interesf of /t�t�� ..4 �
<br /> Bortoner shaA nol opefalo lo reitase�he fiaDP�y ol Iho origNal Dortower or portowere successora h Intttesl lendn sho0 not �}��{� �j ��h� '.,
<br /> '� be rcquiwtl to commmee proceedings egoNst eny suecessar in inlerest or reNse lo exlend time iw peymenl w olhenvise - 7yLi ' .
<br /> Sn - �adily emoni[allon ot I�o sums se�wreO by Ihls Sewriy InsWmml by reason of eny demnnd mede by Iha odBNal Bonower or �-,���Hf �-_�; ;
<br /> t `' �arowere suocessore N Intemst My toNearance 6y len0er in erzerdsing eny dght or remeUy ahell not be a waNer of or �t�SS �
<br />��n�,. Dleduda Ih�pcerdse o�eny dpM or remedy. ��.j Y?t�..��...;,�:�.
<br /> - 72. Successme and Asslgne Bound; JoIM and Several Llabllily; Casignere. rne cormante end ` JS,,;_ j,,,.,
<br /> �� " _ e9reemmte ol lhb Seady InsWmenl shell bNd end bmefrt Ihe suoceuon entl esslgns of Lmtler and Bonower.subJecl to Ua ,
<br /> p�ovisiona ol paraqmph 17. Oortowtv e covmanls end egreemmis n�all 6e�olnt entl severeL My Bonowtt who eo-signs Ihb ,k1,'-_.' •�, ,
<br />„�,�'" '- Seadly InsWmmt bul doea not exeane Ihe Note: (a)is co-slgning Ihis Securily InsWment any lo mortgaga.grant end conre� �� ;.-;��,�;,� -,-�
<br /> r�.
<br /> Ihel Oortowere inlerest in Ihe PropMy under the te�ms ol thla 3ecurity Instrumenl: @) is nol personaly obGgntM lo pay Ihe � - �
<br /> z;!„`.", _ euma securetl 6y Ihie Sewriry IosWmmt: end (c)egrees thal Lender anA eny othtt 6ortaver may egreo to extend,modRy. - . . �i�`''
<br /> �� lorbear or make eny eccommodalione vrilh rega�d to iho terme ol tlds SecuiNy�nsWment a iho Note wX�oul Ihel Donowere . :
<br /> �' ' conSenL - •
<br />-��?•- � -�,'��� 19. Lofln Ch8ffl88. II Ihe loen eeared by this Securiry Instrument is sub�eG to e law which sets nwimum loan . . _
<br /> >
<br /> .'_ "•' ' eharges, entl Iha!law b finnl.y bleryreted so Ihal tho interesl or other loan cnarges conecfed or lo be wnecleE in eonnection - � -
<br />�1�.:.1. _ .
<br /> a.....;, ,�. . wMh iha loan exceM iha permflled limils. Ihm: (e) eny such loan chnrgo sha9 be reduced by Ihe emount necassery to reCace ., .
<br /> -„�'�}�=,-{..^._ Ihe chargo fo Ihe permriletl fm71: end (b) anY sums a4wdy coL'eded Irom Oorto•rcer vrhich exceeEed pa-m9tetl bn'�s wl bo � . - , -,
<br /> _ relunEM to Uortower. lender may choose fo make Ihis reNnE by reWting Ihe pdndpal owed under tha Nole or by making a f.- � -
<br /> , - dued paymenl to Dortower. 11 e celuntl reduces prindpal. 1he reEUCiion wi0 be trealetl as e pa�al prepaymenl wn�out eny
<br /> p�epaymenl ehargo unOer tho Nofe. I� ;.,�.,�
<br /> - 14. NO11C99.My nollce to Oortower prmided br in Ihis Security Inslrumenl sha!bo ghen by tleLVeAng R or by rtaSl.iq 7 �
<br />' __ by fuat dass maD unless eppllcnDla law requves use af nnoiher melhod. il�e nolice a1wi1 be Guected lo Iho Propvty AdCress j ��•�,.-
<br /> _ �- `i or eny other eEdmsa Bortarer des�gnatoa by nolica lo Lendec My notice to LenGer shal ba gHen by fust Wsa mni lo f '�-.' � . .
<br /> � �mEn's etldro:a emted h�vdn er v nfhn.nnha:� LondG deslanete+ �v noGce lo BMtowet. Mv nodm wovMM lo+t�IhL� L---
<br /> � � � Sewriy InsWmmt sho7 bo deemM lo hnve been ghen to Oortower or LmOer when gkm as provltlnl N thla paragaph. .
<br /> ��'- 'f-�::��;��� 16. �oveminn lsw; Sevorablltry. rnis Securiy �nsWmmt ahe0 be govemed Dy lederol law end 1ha lew oi No �� T �
<br /> -.':it�[�;";��,.�`� N�sddbn N whkh tha Property U kcetetl. In�ha erent that any proNS�a� or +wuse o1 thb 6ewriry InsWmmt or�ho Noto I-
<br /> •N",�:�' tonfiqe x11h eppfitayle lew, such canfq s�sG nol efiecl olhtt prorislans ol lhla SewAy InsWmml or tho Note xfiich cnn be �
<br /> - = 4+����oN Ne eonlCCting prarlsbn.To Ihie md the provlsbns ot Ihi�Sewnry NsWmmt enA Ue Na�o me EeclareA lo
<br /> - bB 6He'eDIB. r ,
<br /> - 18. BWfOW1►'C COpy.Oortowq eha�ba g.4m ona eonfofineC copy ol Iho Noto entl of UU 6ecudy InsVUmml.
<br /> � �;,`:,�i �rk�� _. . .
<br /> _. : Fi716L.10 p/9lI Pope]ol 5 .
<br /> ^��K�y.
<br /> '�i�.tlt:: '
<br />_ " _'Y :
<br /> YIIAIAI ,
<br />