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,.,.��--.�-.-.,.�--_..__,...� _. _ - — <br /> E:� � Y . - 'Y :J�. _ __ ". .. .. . _.. . _" "_ _ _ _ __--_ <br /> - ` ' y " -�t" _ ' _ - � _ �_. -- <br /> �[� -:i{�-} � � <br /> .��,� .. . . ' . . � . ... � � _ ' "� a' _ _ } . _ . <br /> �"i .'.'.' �", <br /> .�d i ...... `S��� . • <�� • .� � <br /> -- �:;����,;:�:� ; - � . _ , ��-�1�654 .` <br /> - ... ... <br /> . � � - �: <br /> _ ` . � �GI'�OdS t�L9�j.CddCf[rQU!lGS. �1C I�SUIBIICC C�lIC!QfOYtdlflg t11t'It6SOt811CG S���G C�OSGfI�ljl�4IIRWCi<SU�7J�Ct[O�dflt�CtS � <br /> ap�ttoval wluch shall txst be unreasanably withheld. IF Barrower,faits to msirtt�in aaveaagc d�cribed above.Laider <br /> i, Laeader's optiar.oMain coYera�+e ta pmtect Leaaet's r�gJtts in the Ptopetty in aoco�d�nce with pstr�gcaph�. �: <br /> _ '. AII iASUtance palictes and t�enewals shall be uccepta6ie to Leader and sf�a!!include a standard ma�tgage cla�te. Lender <br /> � s6a1!tiave the rig6t to hold ti�policies and tenewstls. if iRnder reqcures.Bomowcr s6a11 ptantptiy giv$to Leitdct:ill reQeipts . <br /> � of p�id ptpa�i�ms aad�enea�al noricies. In the evcrtt of toss.Bonv��v shall give prompt notice co the.iasurance c5rcier and <br /> � Lender. L.eczder may make proof of tass if nat rn�de pmmptly by B+rrmwer. " . <br /> -- — . Unless l.ender and Boaower�thenvise agie in wntuig,msunu�ce proceeds shait be apPlied to restoratioe�ar tepais of <br /> - the Pt+�y damagM.if the restnrarian ar repair is econnmically feasible and I.eader�security is not Ie.c.,ened. if the <br /> --�� restoiation at ceyair is not�onumically feasebt�or Lender's secunty would i�Iessened.�he insurance pmtt��ds shatt be <br /> ;ipplied to the sums secuted lsy this 5ecuriry Inst�umeat,w6ether or not ttsen due,witN any excess paid w Bormwer. if <br /> - Bamawer abandons the Ptoperty.or dces not �nswer wittin 30 days a natice frum ixnder that ehe insur.mce canier has <br /> = offered to seaie a claim.d�Lende�may cottect the insurance proce�ds. Lender rtu�y use the proceeds to c�epair or reston <br /> th�Ptopecty or to pay swns serured by this Security Insuument,whet]r;t or not thec�due.'Ilie 30-day period wili beg�n wlxn <br /> .. the notice is given. <br /> - - Unle��.ender arua @pnawer oti�etwise ag�ee in writing.anY aPPlicadon of proceeds to principal shall nat eatend or <br /> posipnne th�dae date of the montlily payments cefemd co in paragrapf�s i aud 2 or chanre the amount af the payrnents. if <br /> " ander patagraph 21 the Prope�ty is acguired by Lender,Borrower's righi to any in�urazu�r poiuies and praceeds resuIting <br /> -' fr�damage to tAe Propecty priar ta the acquisition st�all pass to Lender to the extent of ttEr sums secured by th"ss Security <br /> .� instrament immediaui}priar to�he acquisitiou. <br /> � - 6 OciupancK Prrservaita� Maintsnance sud Pratection ot.t6e Prop�ty, BorroRer's Laan Appliqtion; <br /> .?+ I,eASehold.s. Borrower sFal�accupy,establish.and use the Pruperty as Bmzowet's principal residence within sixry days after =_ <br />'�,:�:.•.. the eucution af this Secacit�r tnstrument and shall continue to accugy ths Property as Borrowes:s principal reside�e farat -- <br />`.�,;. . <br /> _-:�, teast one year after the �date of accupancy, unless l.ender adit-rhise agcees in wri[ing, whicb cunsent s6a11 nai 6c . � <br />�`�°�'�,: unreasan�6ly withhetd.dru`�less eatenuating cinumstances exist:wiuch are beyond Bnrrawers cantrol. 8omnwer shali nof. _ <br />- destroy,darnage or im{rsir�t�Properry,aifow the Frapeay.ta d�t�i+�ate.or cummit waste an the Property. BnRnwcr shatl :. - <br />'Y_.5.,`: '�e in default if any forfar�i�e=actian ar proceed'mg;��civ7.ii,r.,� begun that in Lender�good fa'sds iudgment — <br /> ;,. - " �' coutd�resatt in farfeituie aF the Pts�-�v>or otherwis� materi3itv�,fi�aic the tien creats;d by tLis Security icz.�ert gr�. _ <br />::�,;�;r�`';.� ' r I.ender's s�tv�ity interes� Bo:raweraa,as_;�r�e sucba defauIt ands�ri�r:t» provided in patagcaph!S,by causing the actIon . -_- -_ <br />,�„���, :;� . 'y`�` or procec�to be dismi�sed with a'itilfiisg that,in l.ender's good���°detertnination.precludcs�tio;Feiture of the Bor�w�� �LL--- <br /> � interest in i�ie PropeRy or other materi�l'impairment of the lien created by this Security ii�trumenr or Lender's•sec�.� �'"°'a--- <br /> �-�•- <br /> interest. Sarrower shalt also be in default if Bnrmwer, during the laan aptsii!�ion process, gave materialiy false oc: ��a� <br /> ,� inaccuraGei�formation or sYaterten�c to Lender(or failed to provide L.ender with mtu c�terial informarion)in connectian with• . � <br /> •- �"%" •` �i the loan�ir3:nced by the Note, including,hut not limited to, tepresentatioss��mceming Borrower's accupancy of the' ' - . ,,,�_-��_ <br /> � � �+ '�����r��.., Properiy as a principal rzsideace. If this Securiry Inswment is an a t��ehold.Harrower shall compiy with a11 the provisio�. r�;•: <br /> ;;. , `'f`:t:i.,,>;� <br /> ••� t , ��.; af the lease. If Barrowcracquires fec title to the Propetty.ths ieasetrtid and the fee:titte shal}aot merge un2ess Lertder agree's �-: <br /> ��' "�" �' tothemergerinwriting. : . , ` ~ L:� <br /> � , ' t�:ld,��, . . ,�.:,�... <br /> �'''�'% ' � ' 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights In tde L?iirp�rty. If Barmwer fails��r.a eeform the covenams and.�i nts ��'� <br /> . � � R ��� �'�';;�— <br /> �;. cantained in this Security Instrumen�or there is a te;;�.3 proceeAing that may �:;�-ificantty affeci Ixnd�r.°s n�u�n the ��-� <br /> .�' '+k•-:° Property tsuch as a proceeding in bankmprcy,probate,fbr condemnaaion or forfciture os to enfi��e iaws os re�v.iatinas),then °_�- <br /> , _ �'*'�"'�'��- Lender may do and pay for whatever is necestiary to protect the-vai�of th�Property and 4�s`righu in�e Propeny. � j� _ -- <br />