_ !'i. '.. S ntl t . . _ � . . t - -n
<br /> ��F.� " . l .5? � . . t . .. � 1�1 • � � '��
<br /> �._.... .��..�n.. i...l_.t._.�.[14,. ..�..M�v __ .. _. - —rl. .
<br /> -ti:3���w:� 93`so�s��
<br /> -�-���� � periods�het LenAer requircs. The insumnce cnrtier providing the insurnnce shall 6e chosen by Uortower mbJec��a Lender§
<br />- ---"��"e epproval whlcU shall not be unreasonabty wiihheld. If Dortower faits to mainta(n mvemge described ebove,LenAer may,at
<br />_F.�;p�:;�`:• , Lenderis op0on,obinin coverage m protect Lenderb righis in�he Propeny In nemrdanm wllhµ�regmph 7.
<br />=#?,i:�;;^z''�.t. All insnranco polides end rene�vals shall bo ncecpiabie io Lender nnd r.hall include a xmnAard mnngaga clause. Lender
<br />-=_ ':ri-- ' shall havo�ho right ro hold the policles and rcnewnta. If Lender nquires,Oortower shall prompUy give to I.enAer nll recetpro `—� "-"
<br /> `' ,- ot nid rcminms and«newal noitces. In the event o(loss,6ortoner shall ive rom �no�ice to�he insumnce cartier nnd — ---
<br /> .: � _
<br /> s �`+�� -` Lender.PlenAer mny make pmof of lass if not mede promptly by 6ortower. g P P
<br /> - '' Unless 4cnder and�orto�rer o�henvise agrce in wrl�ing,inmronce prceecds shall b�xpplicd m rcsmm�ion or rcpair ot � -- �
<br /> �----
<br />_<!•��:;:.-�'`- the-F'ropuny dmm�ged, if the rcstomUon or rcpair is ewnomicaliy fa�sibfe and Lenderr security is nn1 Ieuened. If�he � -----�
<br />_�:�;r?'y'?;�i e restoration or ropalr is no�ernnomically feacible or LenAerk secudty would be Iescened, �he insumnce proceeAs shall he .,7�-_
<br /> r�{��'.��,c'�?�"�;��� npplirA to�he nums secarcd by�his Sunri�y Ins[rumen6�vhe�her or no� then dne,wi�h nny excexs p,id ro Qovower. If �`:=�---
<br /> � �� y DoROd�er abandons the Pro n or does not answer wi�hin 30 da s n notice (rom Lender thn��hv insurance carrier has ��=_�•*' - --
<br />�it:S�Yy�,�: 1'� Y. Y ._---
<br /> r offercd ro scidu n claim,Ihen Lender may colleci Ihe insurance procecds. Lender may use�ho prncecds In repafr or rcxtare � --_-
<br /> � ,�:•+. �he Pro�ny or�o pay snms securcd hy�his Secariiy Instrument.whether or not�6en due. 77ie 30•Aay peflod will begin�vhen r �...-__-----
<br />_°.�...;;:{':.;ii`.� �hcnotcefsgiven. r•-:,-=��. _�.._�.
<br /> - `- Unloss I.ender nnd Bartower oihenvise agrce in wrning, nny applicmion of procecds to principal Fhall not extenA or '� -°'°�°
<br /> .� �?-�` posipono�ha dua Aarc of the momhty paymems rcfcmd ta in paregnphs I nnd 2 m changc thc umnunt of ihc paymem+. If .. - -
<br /> '' � -'�" "� nnder im ro h 21 ihe Pro n Is nc ulmd b Lender. Oorrowerk d h� �o nn Insmm�st licies nnd rnceeAs resul�in
<br />.. . P• S P P� �' 9 Y 6 Y P� P 6 '.-:.sR-,:: ..
<br /> -''•+ �„ Gom damngu m�he Propeny pnor�o ihe ncqufxi�lon sM1all pass ro LenAer�o�he ex�ent n(�he xums eecurcd by thix Secnrity "L4;>.n:--�
<br /> "'' �'� In.wmem Immedimely priono�he nce ufsiilon. "�-- -�- `—----
<br /> n 6. (kcupnncy, Preserrpllon, �talnlrnnnce and Proteclian of lhe Properly� Itarrmrer•v lewn Appllcatlan� .j ,��-
<br /> _'. I.easehnl�is. 6anmvcr shall acapy,csla6lhh,and usc Ihc Propcny as fiorm�vcrA principal rc.idcncc within nix�y d.rya nfler -
<br /> - �°� Ihe execininn of�his Sand�y In+trumenl and shn11 mminue io ixcupy�Im Propert�u Rorto�eer4 principal nddence Por a� ; „ �- -
<br /> ' ' �,':r � Ie;ul ono year nfter �he da�e of accnpancy, unlas l.ender mh�nvise ngrees �n wr6ing, which conani +h:dl not be :�^;�. ..
<br />��;.�:: < ;, unmawnnhly withhcld,or tinlax ex�ennming circunu�ancee ezist which arc boyand fiorrowcr�conlml. Durrmrer shall no� :��,e:��i^��'
<br /> -- Acx�roy,dnmage ar Impair ihe Pmpeny,nllow�he Propcny m Ae�criormc,or commft�vas�e nn�hc Propeny. Roaowcr xhall �?��'--:-.
<br /> be In defm�h If nny forfei�urc ac�ian or praecding,whether civil ar criminal.is lxgun�hai in I.enAert gooA(af�h judgmenl !,-:�:''�-'�
<br />- �- �,-��. cunlA rcsull in forkimre of Ihe Pmpeny or o�herwise malerinlly impair Ihe lien cmaled by Ihis Security InxuumeN or "tr����"
<br /> Lenderl securiiy imercs�. Dortower may cure snch a defaul�and reinsuue,ns provided in parngrnph 18,6y causing�he neiion '�}��-,"'�+,����
<br /> .'.`;;i;,- �. or proceeding tu 6e dismissed�vi�h a mling�hat,in LenderS good Gi�h detenninatlon,prccludes Podelmrc af tlm�orrower� -
<br /> :. :,� �-�' Imems� in �he Propeny or o�her mu�erinl imp�immm of the lien cmuted by�hix Securiiy Insuumem or Lenderk securi�y ,(�;�t:.�;.;-
<br /> ' � �%::*�f imercst. Qorto�ver shall also be in defanli if �ortower, durin �he lam a licaiion rocess, xve mmeriall fnlse or -�
<br />;i' „:.,,_ . , 8 PP P S Y I�_`;�_,-._.�,.,
<br /> � .,F inxccunte infomiation or smtemems to Lender(or tniled tn pmvide Lender with nny ma�erial In(umia�ion)in connec�ion wi�h .�,•. � -��-
<br />.�;-;• . �he loan evidenced by ihe No�e, incluAing, bnt not limi�ed to, reprcxntmions conceming Qorro�reri occupancy oi the ->"-�'�+`��t:
<br />_ `�,` Propeny ns a principal raiAence. I(ihis Security Insin�mem is on n Ir.isehold,Uorro�ver shnll rompiy�viih nll�he provisions �` '"+����
<br />_ i:",��_"!' ui ine icu,e, ii cunuwcr ncyuires iee�iiic iu ihe Pmpeny,ii�c icasenoiu und tne ice�i�ie annii na�mergo uniesv i.ender ngreex -� � �°-
<br /> ' ' - lo�hc mcrger in x�riling. +�°.
<br /> �:—
<br /> � ����a;' 7. Praleeqon of l.ender's Righln in the Proper�y. If �om�wrr faik �o perfomi �ho covenams anA agrcemenis � , . _--
<br /> -���• ' canmined in �hts Securi�y Insnvmen6 ar �here is n legal pmcecding Ih�l may xignificamly affect Lender§ rights in �he ' ��
<br /> � ' ' Propeny(such as n procceding in hankrup�cy,proba�e.for condemnalion or fodeilure or m enfarce Liwc nr mgulations),�hen ��a` _-�;�::
<br /> LenAer mny Ao nnd p�y(or whateve�is necessary in proteci �he value nf�he 1'ropeny nnd LenAer� ri6h�s in �he Propeny. ; _ 'R�?
<br />;�'�, ;'.:�:._'; LenAork ac�ions mny include paying any xmns securcd hy a Ilen ohich has priorAy over�his Securi�y Insvumem.nppearing .�>�•�.,-"';u����
<br /> r. , : in coun,paying reasona6le anomcy.s'fecs and emering an Ihe Pmpcny to make r.pairs.Allhangh l.endcr mny Inke nclion ��' �+�g��.
<br /> } ` undcr this pamgraph 7,Lendcrdoes na have ia do.o. : � � ;��`
<br /> - 'S� ' An omoums dishnr.ed h Lender under i6is �ra ra h 7 shall beronu nddi�ional deb� of Uurra�rer secured b �his �� � �
<br /> .;r• Y Y P• S P Y (t . .�::w��-
<br /> - __ Sccurity Ins�mmem. Unicu 6orro�vcr mid Len<ler ngrce lo other Iemis ol paymenL Ihese amnums xhall 6car iNCrcx1 from�he . `{);,.3
<br /> - dme of dis6ursemcN.��hc Na�c rmc mid shnll Ix paya6le,wi�h imerc.�.npun no�ice fmm IsnAcr to 6urtower rcyuexting ;� ,
<br /> '�- - •:'� pnyment. �r � -,�. -:�-
<br /> � 8. Morigage tnsumnce. If LenJer reyuircJ mongage insunnre eu n condi�ion of m;Jcing Ihe loan+ecumd by Ihis �� r ' �!. _ , _
<br /> + �-�• Setudty lnsuumem, Barmwer xhnll pay �he premimnc rcqmrcJ ia mninmin ihe mangage inmrnnce in ef(ect. IL for nny '
<br /> �" �camn, Ihc mofl a c insurancc cuvem e m uired b Lcndcr In scz or ecau. m Iw in cf(ecl, 6urro�ver shnll � Ihe �i ' �s - ���, E`-
<br /> p�c,!:. S S G I Y P P'Y �t.` .f.�,. � ""
<br /> prcmiums required to o6lnin covenge +ubslamially equivalem �o�he mangage in�nnuuc prcviously in effec6 at n caa •-,e s,; .n�.�:---
<br /> -��t��} su6si�mlinll e urv�lem lo Ihc rnst l0 13ortnxer a(Ihe mon � e iaeurnnce n.vioud m e((ecl.fmm nn nhemale mon � e � �P �i=�= `
<br /> � y q ' • g,F p • y' g.F �. .
<br /> ' 7.,�_ insurcr npproved by Lcndcr. If su6siamially cyuivalcnt mongngc insurnncc cnrcrngc�.not nvailnblc.Ilorm�vcr shall pay�o f��
<br /> Lcndcr ench monlh a sum cyu:d�o one•nvcl(�h of tl�e}•cariy mohgagc insurance prcminm 6cing paid hy Rorto���cr when the k�� ��-t-��I
<br /> �` -: insurnnee covemge lapsed or eeatieJ lo lx in effec6 Lender will necepl,uu:md mt��in Ihe.e paymenh as n laca resen�e in lieu '� -F - ��+�
<br /> � of mongngC insu�ancc. Locs rescrvc paymenh may no longcr be requircd.ai Ihc oplian nf LcnAcr. if mongage insurance T, °� �-� ,
<br /> 4['.i . a �-: ...
<br /> �y - - � .. covcrnge(in ihe nmoum anJ far�he perioJ�hai LenJer rcquire+)provided hy an in+nrer appnrved 6y Lender again Mcmnes � ,-�
<br /> ___�1� " ^ nvailnble nnA is obtaincd.[3urrowcr shall pay Ihe prcminm.nquired lo mainlain motlgage incurnnce in cffccL or lo provide a .I....}...,..�.,,•�.�.'
<br /> "'� •�-��i- loss reserve,umil Ihc requircman fur mongage in+ur.mce enJs in armrdance�eith any���riucn ngreemem Ixnvecn Rorro«er ����- �
<br />�i:=�`�;`'.�� ` and Lendcr at n licablc law. %' .i4,� '` .'..
<br /> '.. PP ' � .:ri -
<br /> =- 9. inspeclion. Lender or its agent nr.ry make m:uonahle enuiea upnn and in.pec�inn.nf�he Pmpetly. lAnder shall ��1 �--
<br /> ��'�` give Oorro�v�r nolice a11he lime of nr prior la:m in.peclinn.peeifying mrmnahle c:m�e for Ihe imprclion. ' , �,��.
<br /> ��•;�`t;, 10. Condemnaflon. The proceed+af any a�varJ or cL�im for d:muiFes.Jitecl nr cunccynenli:J,in canneclion�eilh any '��-��� -� -
<br /> ��- SintleFamii)'J'annieNueR7tdEie!11acG\IF08\1IS\TRR�IF:\T-UnifonnCmenm�c 9.90 IryxrJn/n�a¢nl j' - . , �
<br /> t . fhm leRn 6_�Yr..l'mu lec■ i� .
<br /> � IoO.W�W tAWS]D9]O�iAIl16i9�-1�11 il
<br />-- ��1^F%� -- '}'- - -
<br /> -..._-��':.� .
<br /> k . :, ' _ .. e,�..:�a"...-T'.-._�_+�"�'•s. „T'x53�4�'$z!7 .:c > , i. '^T¢ .,
<br /> i.. _ - .. _ . _ .._ .. .� r _ ., .... -.-, ,_' -�- . . -..r - _ . J"':� _ a,
<br /> -� s 4 ._� . . ..
<br /> .'s:. _ i , ', � '__. _ ;�� (
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<br /> ___' 1;�c� ,a}� - - r � ���`t)iY�@ �{fft' � s{ .. c -, ... i �t . - ��f?' _
<br /> n r�:4� ��� � � -� x +) r3� '�'f s. - �,� r � '��� - .
<br /> �vr,�r �r �� , , +� �1! ..��5' Stf1 y}.. r�. i>�s a ni�t ,�t .
<br /> � t�JP`�K -�i 1 � � 1 �!i �t(Fe�'Fr - it �'9�_�. lt�� - .
<br /> `��r '��f� �f�i�5faJJ}b���.�r � ��R�Y .yv��(rtti� !� . v ,y�r�r f t$> �� ' .
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