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�.ti,.� .�` ._ {- . .li - , �F . - <br /> . r - • <br /> .•. . r -.,.f.h . . ... . F. <br /> � y_ . � <br /> .�..._i_._._...IC.�...�.��_y�..:�. . .��,..u.:'iu.Yi�"`"� .__.�...�� �'� '�-_ .. .. <br /> ,_:�:d.:�� _. ._ �g��so�s�� <br />::�.: <br />-;�:_F_ T00[i771RR WITN all ihu Improvement�now on c�rcalict crcc:�ed on�ho propeny,end nil casemem�,appuncnances, <br />- u�Oxlurca now or hercafier e pan of�he propeny. All rcplocemanLti�ond addi�lom shNl elso bo covered by thls Sccurl�y <br /> Inserumem. All of tho forcgoing U refercr4�o in�hi�Securily Iniirumr.nt;�+IAa'Mopcny.' <br />..;,,�:�.f;-,; BORROWGR COV6NANT9�hn�6ortower Is la�vfulty selscd of t6q csiaie hcrcby wnvcycd md ha��ha dgBt to grem <br /> r�_; and conroy�he Propcny nnd thm�io Propeny I�unencumbered,exc�pt fot encumbrsnces of record. 6ortower warrznts end <br /> �-�i�;,, will defenA gencrelly�he q�lc ro�he Propcny agalnst all claims end damnnAa,subjcet io any cncumbrancce of rxord. °_ -�- <br />-�-.s;",';j-: TNIS 3L•CURITY INS1RUAiCNT combines uniform covcnama-for national usc end non•unitorm wvcnmts wi�h -- <br /> Ilmited verlatlons byjudsdlctlon io cons�imte e unifomi secudty insirumentcovedng real propeny. _ -- <br /> :- �-w°"— -- . <br /> - ' UNIFORM COVGNANTS. Uortower and Lcnder covcnant and ngrea as follows �-�� " � - -- <br /> f�fi,� 1. Peyment ot Pdncipai pnd Interesti Prcpryment and Late Ct�rges. Bortower shall prompUy p�y when dw�he . _ - - <br /> ,_,;� pdnclpal of nnd Interest on�he deb�evidenced by the Noie and any prepaymen�end late chargee due under�he Note. -� <br />� �-r"S=-.��'�. 2. PLadsfor7l+xespndlnsuronce. 5u6Jat�oapplicabklawortonwritten�vniverbyLender,Uortowcrshalipay�o ��'_���- <br /> �-P� '. I.ender on the day monthly pa�Tncma ue due mMer Ihe Note,umil Afie Notc is paid irt fall,a sum("I•Lnds')for.(e)yearty �T-'`� <br /> y�r��%• tazcs end essessmems�vhich mny ettam priority aver this Securit9 fnsu�•mont as a licn on thc Propeny;(b)Yearly Ieaschold <br /> -�v�FS�S paymen�c or grourtd mnls on the Property, it eny; (c) yearly haxard ur property incurdnce prcmiumr,(d) yearly flood <br />���=•:�Nr��,; ___. ... . <br />-;;-.�r� : insamnm premiums, if eqy; (e)ycarly moRgage insurence premiums,if any; und(ty nny sums payeble y Uorrowcr 10 � <br /> � Ler.der,in acmrdance with the prnvision�of parayraph 8, In Ileu of�ho p�ymm�t of moNgage Insurence prcmlunv. Theu <br /> � - ` items ere celled"6scrow Items.' Lender may.e�any�ime,collect and hold Ponda in en umount nm to exceed the max(mum <br /> t i'� ameum e Iender for e federally rclated monBegt Ioan may mqulrr fa Dortawers escro�v eccount undet the kderal Real <br />'�"[r:;;:;" Cstale Setqemenl Proce4urcs Act of 1974 a+nmendcd Gom Iime lo�imn, 12 U.S.C.4�1�ri rsg.("RPSPA'),unlcae nnothet <br />- `"�;!"� � luw ihei epplics to�ha FLnds sen a lesser emoum. If so.I.cndcr mnp,nt w�y-.lime,eollect and holA I'unds in an nmount nol lo <br />.°r�• oxcced�ho Icsscr amount. l.cndcr may cstimaic �hc amnunl of I•linds-dua on ihc bnsie of curtent dm�ond rcasonablc <br />� ' --- estima�cs otexpcndimrcs of fuiuro I:xmo•licm�or oilunvlxe In accnrd�m:e wl�h npyIlcable Inw. �- <br /> �� � The 1•Lnde shall lx held In nn InsOmilon xho�o dcposl��am Insurcd by n fedeml ugency, ImimmeNallly,or enOq <br /> - - (including I.ender,If I.ender ie+uch nn In�lh�ninn)nr In any�rJenl 61nnn luan Oank. LenAcr sh�ll upply ihe iLnda ro pay <br /> -- �hc I:scro�v Ilemi. l.cndc�mny nol ch�rgc 8artno�cr fnr holJing v�d�pplying ihc ILnd�, annually nnalyxing �hc cscrow <br />- uccoun6 or vedtying �he 1?scrnw Item�,nnlc�i I.enJer pay� 13om�wrr Interes� an ihu I�nds nnd npplic�blo Inw pennlla <br />� ' ' - l.enJer m make snch a charge. Howeve4 I.enJ�r may m ulrc Iiort�,xer lu pay a one•tlme charge Por nn independem rcal <br />. a�aie mx re{wning service used 6y LenJrr in connec�inn w�iL thih locm,unlqns appIirable law provides othernisa Unlesa en <br /> - ngrcemem Is made or npplicnbic law ruryires intercst to be paid,Lendor shnll not 6c rcqulred to pay Dorrower ony Imercst or <br />-- enming�on�hc IUnda. Dortowcr and Lcndcr may,grec in wriiing,hnv:ev.r,th:n incerost shall be paid on ihe Nnd+. Lender <br />. �,�,�,� shall give to itortnwer,wiihom charge,an nnnuil ncwuming of�hu Ponds,shuwing cmdi�s und debita to�he I'unde end tho <br /> purpou for ivhich cach dcbit m ihe F�nds wns made. 7rie Nnds nre pledgeA ac uddiUonal secudty Por all cums secured by <br /> . <br /> - ��, thisSecudty Inswment. <br /> If�he fimds hcld by Lendet excecd thc amoums permiucd lo W hcld by.applicoble 12w, Lendcr shall eaounl lo <br />.- --���r�- Bortower Por�ne excess FLnds in eccorAyue �riN tiie rqmrement; of eppiicnoia ia�v, ii ine nmouni oi fie Funw hcid'oy °�- "° � °� �- �� <br />-��-�2`i'` '- Lender e�nny�Ime is not sufficicnt tu pay the Cxrow hems when duu,Lender nuy so mtity Dormwer in wrlNng,and.In <br /> -��"�- such case Bortower shall p,ry to Lender ihe nnmunt naessary �o maku up thu deficlency. Dortower sAall make up �he <br /> �'fs�•1 deflciency In no more�han nvelve monthly paymrntz,at LenAer§solo distn�lon. <br />� Upon payment in full of nll aums secured by�his Secumy InsvumonG Lender shnll pmmpily re(und�o Oortower eny <br /> R�nds held by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquirt or scll�he{'�roperty,Lender,prior lo ihe ucqufsition or <br /> - sale of the Property,ahall epply nny I'vnds held by Lcnder ai �hu tinw of nryulsition or sale es e orcdfl egalns�the sums <br /> '��'-''��- securcdbythisSecuritylnsuument. <br />.,.���;,c��`.' 3. Applirntion of Peymenls. UnlesF applicable Inw providus u:hen�iye, nll paymems rxeiveA by Lendcr under <br /> $ j� } paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be xpplied:firs6�o nny prepayment ch�rgar.duv under�ht�ote;xcond,�o nmounu payable under <br /> J- - pnrngmph 2;�hird,ro tmeresl due:founh,�o principal dne:and laa6 io nny late charges due unda�he Note. ;. <br /> -a:. 4. Chnrges; Llens. Borzawer shall pay nll �axa, nsscsamune�, chargea, fines nnd ImposiGons emf6utable �o �hc �c`7u �� <br /> 's - i Propeny which mny mmfn prlority over�hls Saurity InsimmenL nnd knsc6old payments or ground rcnts,If eny. 6ortower ^-_ <br /> - .� shdl pay these obligatlons in�he mannet providcd In pamgmph Z,or if no�pald in thal manner,Dortmver aM1all pay them on �� - <br /> -� " Ume direcdy to ihe penon owed paymcnt. Rortoo•cr shall prompity Cwnish to Lender all naiices of amoums�0 6e pafd under s4htk�� -- <br /> �+ �_�� thie paragmph. If Dorro�ver makes�hese paymems diredly. Dortower shall promptly fumish to Lender rcceipia c.idencing p r-,,,� �� <br /> y-_ thepaymcnts. `..� �}� - <br /> Dorrower ahall prompdy dischuge any lien ivhkh has prioriry uvrr t6i1 Securn�•Incwment unless Bortower.(a)agrces E '_:!.;�t ��-ss�r,-: <br /> n r in�vriting ro�he payment of the obligatfon securcd by�ht lien in a nv�uner a�cepwbk�u Lender,(b)con�es�s in good fai�h ih: „ , <br /> ' - ' lien by,m defends egains�enforcemeN of�he lirn in.Iegal proceedinnn which in ttx Lender�s opinion opereie lo preveN the � ''-�,� i-_�_ <br /> - enforeement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of�ho lien nn ogrcement satixfectory to Lender subordinnting�he Ilen --�,� �; :: <br /> �-2:_;-r-,: to U�is Seeurit Inswmem. I(Lender de�em�ines�hat un on of thu Pro rn is sob' a m n Iien which ma ettaln riorit .�.,1�:�•-;�`� - <br /> Y Y P P Y 1� Y P Y � -' <br /> ,�!�}c over thie Sccurity Instmmen6 Lendcr may givc Oorto�ecr n no�ice idanGfyino tlw lien. Bortower shall sntlsfy�he Iicn or take ��. 4-a;� <br /> ..,,},��:d� oneormorcoflhenctionssetfonhebovewilhinl0dayso(tl�cgirinQofnotice. .,ry,���-;'_i <br /> :,�v: . ;•]'rn:-. <br /> ��� 5. fiazard or Properly Insurnnm. 6amower fiall kcep�hu improrenxnts now cxis�ing or hercalicr crcctcJ on tltc �'; � <br /> �"' Propeny insurcd egainst loss by fire,hazuds includcd�vi�iin tho tcrtn'ex�cndcJ cm�eragc'end any oUicr hazerds,iceluding �.,�,�: <br /> ' Ooods or ftaoding, for which Lender requires ineuranm. This insue+nce shall h maimained in the nmounts and (or tlie . � ' <br /> a ',� <br /> . �:�5: <br /> - ''ci�� PormbtB 9/90 p"eBetoJ6paga) . .c.s. : . <br /> `��* i� <br /> _ �t <br /> L} '��e��5i'"'_.^ .T.��,";°"'�_."�_""�M:. � . . . � �. <br /> _.. . _ - '�(' - , <br /> . �. . . . _i _ - . . <br /> ..t ' 4 � - ' . i.. . � . _ '_ � .:�'t_' _ _ <br /> -i=i : � _ �- . .'. . , - - . <br /> . _aY�� .t. .. '- .. - -.: . . � .. _ . ... �".. <br /> ♦ <br /> L ' <br /> . <br /> - - .> .. ..- �-. <br /> .. <br /> _.—_ _ 5 -_. ...c:,:- . . -i xt:. - ` . ( _ __ - _ _— <br /> . , . <br /> �` <Y "[" :j , � 1 ) -t�'J s � <br /> .'K> y� � . 1- • �� � t - ] _ . . � ~ <br /> ��� S- \ "f�5}� . . . � . . 4/ 1 } �� <br /> hr+w `))�y,�i fC� n r�f�' /4 ta'K nr _ ' i t r � f � -d�g-�s i S J�S,.' + 9y��< ti t���l� . ,. . <br /> 1 x t'1z���7 n- ¢ri+�{h) �n]^;:�.��1 r. i ' t tf-* t � ' `5' t'i 3 r �` v��r�,wfS�L�f;t � s� r r 5 . <br /> me4 J( � ���� . � �et) r 1L i}sr-: 4 tl k � 3 �{-n >> �� j` ir4�"4ffFtS . ¢�1{l� tf � f t.� <br /> t64�J�,i53�,�tf}�j���ff�J �i1TS�ttf{F9r ri' --.�t, �+'_TiJjty�� �i�+r�t �n ,-�fYx} � ti:�t <br /> ,r���p`ey�t��r°:�t Y<ire i� n"� t' ! 7t _ .71f � t . c � c �w' � e <br /> � -, tNr� r}L i � �y` s� - � - <br /> -- 4.' t4 i -ti�.� - . " � I� . ..?- - t,,,� r _ a0 � <br />._ -�.A.tt11i4ci. ��iS4'`....V i � . . � . a- +. : � . <br /> T��w'�.�a���Y'33�+E f 1 4 4 � J' f. 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