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'��.A. � r _ r.ZI' 1�.� ":. ..` .__.__ <br /> ,-.� .. +w� _ n-�—�—�.�.� --� .� � . <br /> . r5 , - . . � 93-_ io'rsi� . �_ . ... . . <br /> pymrnq nMy no lon;er Lro rcquirod,u the option of Lender,lf rra�tgigo Imunnse mvcn�e(in da u�wunl qnd for tho perJud <br /> �hal Lender requlra)provWed by�n Imurei opproved by LsMer again be,come�evaltable�nd le obtained.Borrox�er ah�il p�y <br /> Ihb prcmiume requlreq lo rtWntoln mortg�b Inwronce in effecl,or�o provido w loss ressrvq untll�he requircmcnt foe nwnQaya <br /> Imm�nce ends In acoNuko wfth any wdtten agrcenxnt buwan Borrower and Lender or epplic�6le law. <br /> !.fapectiop.l.erider or iq�gent nuy rtulce reasoniEle entrita uQon and inspailoru af tha Propeny� L.udu shal�give <br /> Bortower notico�t tha time of or prlor to en Inspectlon epaifying reasonabla cause for tl�e Insptalon. <br /> 10.Ca�dtmmlbn� Tta procade of nny ewaM or ciaim Por danuga,direc�or consequentiai, In connation with eny <br /> eondemnatlon ar oiher taking oi my part o4 tha Propetty.or tor mnveynnce in Ilw of condemnailon, ae hercby euigned end <br /> , stu11 be pdd to Lendcr. . - <br /> in�Aa event oh roial teJcing ot the Propcny,the proctode shill ba epplied to�ho cuma saured by thle Secud�y Instrument, <br /> whether or not�hen due, with any ezces�paid to Borrower. In iAo event of o partl�l�aking ot thc Property In aM1ich the fair <br /> mvket value ot tha Property Immodlatety beforo the teking b equai ro or greatar than tho emount of tha sums savred by Ihis <br /> 3ecurity Instntment imm�diatciy betoro�he�aking,untus Borrower end Lcnder othe�wisc ngrco In writ(ng,�ha smm accurtd by <br /> �h�a Security Insuumeni shall bo reduced by �ha amount of tho praceeds multipliod by tho follawinp fracUon:(e) the totil <br /> - -- �— amount of tho sums secured Immcdintcly beforc�he taking, divided by @)tho falr mazket valua of tha Propeny inunodi�tely — - - -- <br /> before�he taking. Any batena shall be pald to Bortower. In�de event of e panid iaking of tha P�vpeny in whieh Ihe fair <br /> mukel vahlo of the Property immedletely befor��he�eking is Iess than d�e enwunt ot�ho sums sccurcd immcdletely boforc tho <br /> teking,unless 8onower ard Lender otherwiso egree in wdtlng or unlese applicnblo law othuwlse provides,Qto pioceede shnil <br /> bo eppiied to�he sunu saured by�hls Security Insuumem whether or no�the sums erc then duo. <br /> [P�Ao Propeny Is abandoncd by Bortower,or if,aRer noifce by Lender to Bortower thet Qio condemnor of@n to make an <br /> .,__. _.._ award ot settlo e claim for damages, Borrower fails�o rcspand to I.ender wfthin�0 dnye after tl:e dnte thc ndiro ie given, <br /> =q,=.:,=� Leader ie euthoriz�d ro collect and eppiy the proceeAs,at iu option,eiiher to restomtion or rep�ir of�he Property o��o U�e sums c -� <br /> -_;�;� scared by this Security InStmmen�.whGher or noi then dua. _ - <br /> ��1��(� Unless Lender end Dono�cer othenviu ngru in wri�ing, eny epplicaiinn of proeecds lo pdnclpal shnil not extend or _- <br /> ,-<, postpone the due date oi�he monthly paymen�s referreA to in pamgrephs 1 nnd 2 or c6ange the emount of such pnym.ents. <br /> �ra�S;A�: 11.Bortower Nol Releused;Forbrmm�ce By l.endu Not e{Va�rer.L�xtension of�he timc for pnyment or modllicetion <br /> �I�_f of emortizallon of Ilie sums securt4 6y this Sxurity IntuumeN granied by Lender to eny sncoessor in Inlareu of Bortower shall <br />��;;j�+;:# not ope2te�o rcicuc tho liability of the originxl Hortower or portowcr's suocessore In Inrerest. Lendcr shail not 6e rrquircd to <br /> "'''�3�t� mmmena prooe�dings egainst eny sumssor in interrs�or retuse to extend time for paymcnt or aherviise mad(fy omortf�ation -- - - <br /> � �k{i�c: — _ . <br />�Zi'i1�:�"; .��, of�he sums securcd by �hls Saurily Ins�mment by reason of any demend madc by tho odginal [3orcower ar[iorcower'e �__,.. <br /> "'s^" suocessora in imercst. An forbearence b Lender in exercisin en ri u or rcmed shall not bo e waiver of or reelude�ho .—:_� <br />.::;<i.r:.-r� Y Y 8 Y PJ Y P _ <br /> -' �-.u,�:, exerdse of eny righ�or rqmody. _- <br /> - 12. SLcceasore and Assign� Bound� Jolnl and Severol Llabllltyj Co•slgnen. 74�c mvenama end agrxments of�his J � _ - - <br /> ��� � Secudty Insnunxnt shill bind and benefit tlm successon end essigm of Lender enJ Qorrower, wbJon io the provisloro of + �- <br /> -�-�:,_.5�� paragraph 17. Borrowcr'e wvcnants and agreementa shall bc jolm nnd scvcrol. Any {IORUWCE N'IIO CO�SI811]IIII! Sccudty a,�,���.x-� <br /> - "� Insuument M1ut does nol execme�he No�e. (a) is m•signing�hie Sccud�y Instruor.m anly�a mongage, gram and mnvcy d�at ';�.. ,,;-,;:_� <br />_ ���"' ���'� �orrowcr'e Intcrtst In�hc Propcny unJcr thc tcmu of�his Sccudty Inu�umcm:(b)Is not personnlly obliga�ed ro p�y O�c wma �l- � � - <br /> securcd by�61a Stturity Imtrumem;anJ(c)agrca�ha�Lerolcr onJ uny rnher fSnrmx�cr m�y ogne to eatcnd,modify,forbrar nr i„-� �- '.��� <br /> " makc nny occomnwdaiions wilh rcgard w lhc Icrms of�his&turily Inxlrumcnl or Ihe Notc wi�hom ihat Durcowcr'�ronscm. .r�' : �; -.j. <br /> -.t��.. ,- IJ.I,oan Chuga. If thc laan sccnred by thl�Securi�y Insuumem is su6Jca �a o law whlch wts madnmm lau�chargce, - �. ;+'�-_- <br /> .``, • ond that Iaw 0 Molly interyrcted so tha��he imeres�or o�her loan charges collec�ed or�a bo milene-0 in connMion with Iho �` '�- ��`K° <br /> :-�> >,°- lo�n exeeod�he permlllod ifmhs,�hen: (o)nny auch loan charge shall be redoced by�M10 umounl nonessary lo redutt lho charge ���_� ' <br /> .,, m ihe pemiltted flmh;end(b)nny sums already mllected from 6orroo�er which exrnded pemiined linti�s will be rcfunded to <br /> Qortower. Lcndcr may chaox to make �his refund by rcducing the principal owcd undcr tha Natc or by making n dirccl � .V�� <br /> „ ;. <br /> n _1 ' paymem w [iorrowea If e rc(und redums principal, �he aduaian will Ix �rca�ed ns a pnnial prepaymem wi�hom any :� <br /> y . prcpayment chargc under U�c Nota - ; � � � r` <br /> �. �:�: l4.Notltts.Any nolim�0 13ortowcr provided for in�his Sceurity Inxtrumeni�hall bc given by dclivering it er by nN�iling �' �4 �� <br /> �,� �J°'_� it by first class mail unless nppliceble law rcquires ux of another me�hod.The notice shall be dintiicd to�he Propeny Addrcss � �, , � <br /> t r f or eny aher uddras 6orro�rer duignata by mtice �0 4nder. Any notice iu Lender shall be given by firsi clus nuil to �t_ _�_ �� ; <br /> i�_� LendcPs addresc sta�ed herein or any ahcr address Le�cr designates by nntice �o liortowcr. Any nntire providai for in�his "-'• - ��l .� <br /> r •- Smtri�y InsWmcro shall be Joemed ro hxvc 6ecn giren to Qorm�rcr or Lender whcn givcn as provided in�his par�g�aPh. �t '_,°���;.,''�-:�;��cr' <br /> �Ct�;t.�.'ii . .. ..:. <br />_ .,;j;;: I5.Coveming Lax; Severablllry. "Ihis Security Insuument shall be govemed 6y kderal law and the law of�he _� ,. . ;.:�t:-;,-,.: <br /> er -. Jurisdic�ion in�vhtch the Propeny ix located. In the a•ent that any provision or claux o(�his Security Instrumem or the Note � �-� 1 i y <br /> , - •�f- �'� mniticts�vi�h applicable law,such mnilia shall no�a(@ct other prorisions of�hia Securi�y Instrumem or�he Note xhich can be :�, , <br /> - +4�, �� given effttt withom the mnilicting provision.To�his end�he provisinns of�his Saumy Im�rument snd the Nou are deciared ��'.: <br />. - �� to be severzble. <br /> �j''�!(:�� 16.Iiorrm+er's Copy.6orto�rer shall br given one rnnfonned capy nf the Nme and of�his Security InsiruttMnt. � � �� �t"� <br /> � Fqm3020 8/00 � - ;�����'� <br /> � ' � v.,x�m e - � <br />' � <br />. <br /> .,n.;. <br /> �" �^t—�"'^'---"—."`_„—__,-__ _'___ . . . _ '_'_ '___"_ ___ '_ '.'_'_' _ _ . . . - <br /> .... � . . _ ._.. � . ... . -. - . . . " . . - ' - _ _ . . . . ' <br /> . :'<'�' . -� . . ' . . . . . ... .. . . . . <br /> �'`'"' ' " ' - - . . <br /> . <br /> , .� . .- .. _ . . - ' . <br /> ' -___ � . __.__ ._____..__ _ _.____• __ _ __ _'__'. '—'_---'�_�__ _,. �_--_— "—_ _ ' _---_-- ', __ _ __' <br /> ;�,f1� l� t ' / . . <br /> l <br /> � - 4� , i iJ�'z/ �._ � , - - . - - <br /> � , �,ri - . . , - . <br /> ' �C: eU- j:' � t,� , -.� i � i _,r-r <br /> 1�/ ` !i _ ' 3, 4. - � t 1 1'� ti� I r . . - . <br /> - ; - t�)Z�� � f d t�. <br /> .t t � - ' _ t't.'� . l. i . ' . �. . ... <br /> •. - . ,Y,., - r,.,�' �. <br /> �[ � ,. � .,., . ' ` .. _ <br /> , <br /> , _ <br /> �. . <br /> . „ <br /> . <br /> � .. - <br /> � • . <br /> � <br /> , <br /> .. ,. ' : . <br /> .... � . . , .. � �, - � � , _ <br />