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Huira or rro�aty irrn�cs. torrower�h�U�koep Uw im�oveinenu mw qxlacin{or Aaad�a creqed-aa�he , <br /> Propcny lnwrodµ�liut Iou 6y pre,h�zud�inciudad wl�hin.the tsrtn,.'ex�endeq coverya•�nd my ahn Mt��ludbiQ <br /> I fiood�a flooding,for which Lcn�Ier roqulra fnsuronce, Thipinwnntt shvJl�bo matnulnd in ita anwunq anA.fot 1MC.palod� <br /> thu Eeider requlra.7fip insunnce artler provlding tho Inwmnca sA�ll bb choun by Bortower subJat ro[.ender's�plirov�l <br /> I which�hdl not be unrcuoru0ly wlthheld, ff Bortower faAa ro m�intdn covenga deacri6ed �bove, Lender rn�y;u�LeMer'e <br /> o�tlon,obtein coveraga�o pmieci l.erder'e dghte in the Propeny in aaoNanco w(th paregnDh 7. <br /> All insuruke policles ud renewd� ehail ba pxeptable to l.endsr u�d slull inciude�staid�rd mortg�go clwse. l.ender <br /> � sh�il havo tho right ro hoid the policiw and renewais.ff Lendcr rcquirca,BartoN�er sfiall prompHy give lo Lender aIl rtaiMe of ,_ _ <br /> 'j paid premium�ind tenewai naloes.In the event of los�,Horrower sfiall give prompt no8a ro the insurwwo carder:md l�ender, <br /> � Lender may maka proot oP los�if na mzde prompUy by Barrower. ' _ <br /> Unlesa Lender and Borrox•cr ahuwlu egreo In wd�ing,inuranocprocud�shall be�pplled a rcstoreqon or rc(�)Ir otlhe <br /> I Propeny du�uged,tt�ha rosiorotlon or rop�ir I�eoonomlcally feasibte and Lcndu's sear(iy b not lusened.If the ramrollan or <br /> I repair is not aomm,lcaliy featlble or Lender s securiry would Iw Icssened,the insuranco proceed�shall be eppllal ro the euau - <br /> ' savrcd by thir Secudty.Inswment, whaAu or not then duo, with ony oxas�pald to Bortower. If Borrowrx ebandona tho <br /> ' Pmpeny,or does not in5wu wiihln 30 days a rwlica from Lender that�he insurcnce certiu ha,o(hred to utde a cialm,�hen <br /> LeMer may collea tAC Insurrnca procade. Lender may uae the proottds m rcpair or rutoro the Property or to pay sums <br /> . securcd by this Secudty Instmnxm,whuher or nm�hen duo.Tho 30-0ay period will begin whcn�he notia is given. <br /> � Uniw Lender ard•Bottower o�henvise egrco in writing, eny eppllratlon of proceeds to ptincipal shall no� extend or <br /> ipostpone the due date paynxnts referted lo In paregrephs 1 end 2 or change thc emount of the paymsnts. If <br /> under parogreph 2t the Ptoyeny ie acquired by Lender,Borrower'e righ��p any insurance pollcics and proceede reaulUng Rom <br /> .._--...—' danugo ro tho Property pdirr�M the acquistqon cball pass to I.ender to the eatent of the sum�suured by Ihls Sceutity Tnsirunxnt ____.__. - <br />. -- Immedie�ely pdor ro ihe ac�{v}sitlon. <br /> __ 6,Occupancy,Peeservntion,Malntenance and Rntection af the Proyerty�Borro�rer's Losn ApMicat}on;I.eavehMdc. <br />-_�_;��:�;;;�e . iiortower shatl occupy,at�blfsh,end uso Ihe Propeny as Iiortower's pdncipal ruidena wi�hin sixty dnys aRer tho aav[ion of <br />- ----- this Securhy Instrument anrlahall rnntinue ro om�py the Propeny es Boaower'e pdncipal residence tor at Ieast one year efler <br /> --�`�'�'`�;"g� the date of oceupancy,unlnrs Lender o�hernfu esrees in writing,which consem shall not be unrea:onably withheld,or unlesa =__- <br />_:_.t`i�..�� -- <br /> -;^:q� extennnting circumstentes erist whlch ero beyond Borro�ver's control. Hortower ahall not deatruy, dan�age or impalr the - _ _ <br /> �- }f��• Propeny, allow tha Pro�sty�o dcteriomtc,or commit waste on�he Propeny. 9onower ahall be in defnUlt If eny forkimre -� <br /> ,� ection or proaedfng,whethx civil or crlminal,is begun the� in I.ender's good felth judgment could resuit io todeitutt of tho = - <br /> �rfl : p�o n or otherwlse m�kdall im ir thc licn crca�ed b U�is Sett�ri� tnstrument or Lender's securit Incen:st.Borrowcr ma <br /> --��+,ij��t:)I. P� Y Y Da Y Y Y Y --- - _ . <br /> --_ ,+.';,::., cure sur.h n dntnuh end rdvutete,ns provided In pamgmph 18,by eausing tAe eGion or proaeoding�a be dismiased wich e mling °'�"" <br /> �`""�:" �'�� _ Ihet, in LendeYs eood @ixfi�detemilna�ion, orccludes fodeimrc of�hc Dovower's intcrnt in �he Property or o�her matcrial _ _ _.. . .. . . <br /> ;.'-,`�`.�;`��� Impaimtent of�he Ilen crmtad by this Secudty (nswment or Lender's ucudry interut. fiortooxr shall alao 6e in defeult If <br /> -�-,;<�•„ Borrower,dudng�he loon�pplica�lon process,geve ma�erinlly fatx or ireaurete infomu8on or siatemenu to Lender(or feitcA -�� <br /> - ro provido Lcnder with�cdnl Infortna�loN im m�ncetion with thc loan evidcnced by�he Note,including,but not limited �;��_ <br />-�` _ '-� ro,reprcsenteiiom concem�.ng florrower's aaupancy of�Ita Propeny as e principal residena.If thB Security Insimmen�is on a CI�`__ — � <br /> .•� � �'%�� Icasehold, 13oirowcr shalOmmply wfth nll �hc provisinns of �6e Icasc. If Oortowcr ecqufres fa �ide io thc Propeny, thc •�'� ��'��- <br /> "'•. leaschold und�ho feo�iik shall not merge unla�L.ender ogrces io the mc�er in wdting. h C'i�s��� <br /> _, 7.Protatlon o!I,trtd�r'e RIqMe In thc Propctly.If Uurrower faile to perfomi�he corename and egrcenxnte mntained in --�-�?�:'�����? <br /> ' �his Sttr�dry Insnument,ot�here Is n legal procecding�hat may signilir�ntly afkc� Lender�righ�s in�he Propeny(such a+e �'-°=x`�. <br /> Sttr <br /> ''y'' " procading in bankrupcy, prolnta !or condemnatlnn nr forfeiwre or to rnPorce lawe or regulu�lone), �hen l.ender nwy do end �' �� -` �,��-� <br /> - pay for wha�over le neceawry lo protm �he valuo of�he Propeny nnd Lender's righ�s in ihe Propeny. Le�der'e ections nuy '---- <br /> - .__ include payfnp any sumv arenred by e Ilen mhich hu priority over �his Socurity instmmem, appearing in mun, paying �`-'•�••��,-�.>F:�= <br /> rcasonablc nRamoys' fecs ar.d emedng on�he Propeny tn makc repairs.Although Lendcr may take edion undcr ihis patagrvph -f,:'- — <br /> * 7.Lendtr doa nu�haw lo do so. 1 �: `r - -- <br /> �-, Any amom�le disburcnl by Lender under this pnmgr�ph 7 shall bcmme addiilonal dcb� of 13ortowcr savred by thia ,!y_ . ' _,.— <br /> ' Security Incuument. Unlecs 6ormwcr and Lcndcr agree to oiher�cmu af paymcn6 thuc amoums shall 6car intcrat trom tho j .� �_...f�a <br /> t f"'. dntc of disbuncntrnt ut ttu Note rutc and shall 6c peya6le. �vith interest, upon noiice from Lender to Dortower rtqucs�ing j 7(4f--�— <br /> : paymeni. { -.v � _ <br /> -- 8.�foNgn6e InSUrnnm.If Lender rcquircd mongage insmm�ce as a mndiiion of nv�king the loan secured by this Securiiy z .-rf���ii .+x+� ;-, <br /> " InstrumenL �ortox•cr slull pry the prcmiums requfnd tu maintain �he motlgage insumntt in cffwt. IL far any rcasnn, the �*r�,`. 5 4v � ,t,��.,.. <br /> � - mongegc insurence mvcra�t requirod by Lendcr lapus or ceases to hc in cffm.6orm+��cr shall pay thc prcmiums required ro -�±,�_ + -- ,-t, 1_� <br /> obtain rnverage subs�anti�llp aquivalent�o�he uwngoge insurance previously in effeci,at a mxt substaniiafly equiralent w the �t. ' - �5 ';;.r:'`-- <br /> -:_:�:,._.:_,: <br /> eos�m Oorrawer of itw mnngage insumnce prcvinusiy in e(@c�. Gom an attemate mongage inwrcr approved by I.ender. If -'�" ,�__ �--� <br /> subs�antially cquivalent n»ngagc insuranm mseruge is nm availablc. [torrowcr shall pay io Lender cach month a sum cqual�o �"� � _ <br /> �„r`, onrtwdith o(the yearl�-mongage insurance premium being paid 6y 6orrower�rhen the imurance corerage lapsed or ceaud to " � . <br /> - be in eRat.l.ender will accep;.use anJ rctain the.e paymenu a. a loss rcsen�e in licu of motlgage imurance Loss resCrvC ��1� �� �r- <br /> ' S. <br />.. � ._ Po�m 302D 9i90 �I' '� . - <br /> Py�]M6 � � � � <br /> . ' "_ . jl' <br /> .�-�• ' . u •� -_. <br /> .. ._ ..�.1' <br /> '_:.. <br /> ' �i:. <br /> ' •. 'r----• • �' '_"� /T� � _ . :.. .� ._. _ ' �. � .. . . . . . .—. .Z�. <br /> � .• }�T <br /> � - �..-.� -__.._:" _ ` '________ _ _____ __ a_'�_�� - - " <br /> , i <br /> ' (�+J� ._ " . - . <br /> / Vf1� � - "{ � � ��. <br /> ; frJ r� :'�r}x�t)li�)� " ' 9_. . . )i _ "�. i ! � � _,)_- f -_ !'S�' �i� .. <br /> e <br /> � - S 3� fl � •/ J . t . � , t ! _; > - .` �' . • • � . <br /> °.1 - /1 . . . }c }t y,� � .j: -,�. ' . <br /> �`r � SE i�r `.�� r, �, , .. . <br />. ,, �t . . _ - � ,. - , _ . . „_:r '-- r - � - <br /> ?-+�. �'_�r . . ... � . . _ � -. . - � -'�� - ' - _ <br /> -� r�}t� ;,�`j`f' - . ., . . . -� . - �. :i ;:. _ <br /> ��xr �� �� . - r . t�, - � . � . �y- � . .. . _ <br /> -m- ,.l _ _ '4 . _ . _. <br /> e " . - � - ^' . - <br /> ._�, r � . . . . � . - - � <br /> , . <br /> _ .. . � . :, . � _ ' . <br /> -. . .. . ' .. .. <br /> ,_ � s <br /> ; <br /> � , . <br /> ,. .._ <br /> - - { . • ' .. .. . _ ' <br />