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<br /> ` AssigqmentofRenfa o020o2q0A8
<br /> � TIi191�lPAMILVRIDIIRIsmsdetRis Z6TH dayot AUGU3T 93 �
<br /> _-`°" " ; and is Incvrporetod imo end shill be dttm�d to amenJ aixl suPP�em:nt.the MnrlGage..J)er��a4"nusi.or Savdty
<br /> Doal (the 'Baurlty Instmment") of tho sanx daro given by tM undrrsigned (tde "OofnhvCP') to eewro
<br /> -� Bortower's Noto m '
<br /> � The Equita6le Building and Loan Association of Grand IB7And,
<br /> , Nebraska, A Fedaral Savings Bank ��pp��I;��er")
<br /> - �--- -- _ of the sanx date end covedng�he Propeny dacrfb:d in�he Security lnswm:nt und lora�ed aL•- - —
<br /> � 2516 W DIVISION, GRAhD ISLAND, hEBR�TSkA OD803-63G0-
<br /> IProDCny Add�ml .
<br /> __._ 1�4 FAFIICY C06'@T�.4NfS.In addition ta iho rnvrnams and egreemems msde in tlic Savriry InstNmen6
<br /> ..."°.`.".-.;� Bortorer end Lent!cr tunhu ooeenant nnd ngrco ss fol lows: `"`."".
<br /> ���u�� Prn�ny descdbed in the Secumy Instrum:n6�he follawing itcros erc addod io the P�operty description, nnd shall __
<br /> `----° aiso constitnro�he Pmpeny rnvercd by tho Securily Instrumem:building mx.eriF,lr„e�plianms end goods of every __
<br /> naturu whatscever now ar herealter lacatod in, on, or used, or imendod m bC en+i in rnnnarlon wl�h the �`^.
<br /> ��"�^"� Pro�ny, inciading, but not Iimiled to, thnse far �he pulposes of supptying or.Ein.ibuting heating, cooling. . �
<br /> _ -- electddty, ges, water, air and Iigh4 Gro provemion and oxtingufshing appernms, �coriiy end eccess coutrol
<br />,__�:t.�'� epparauu, plumbing, baih �ubs, water heatem, waror closGS,sinks, mnges, stoxa, rclrigeratore, dishweshers, _�
<br /> disposals,washers, dryers, nwnings, stonn winAaws, stann daors,xreens,6linds, shades,curtelns end curtatn
<br /> `'` - rods,ettachcd mircor�,cabineu,panelling and euadicd Oaor mvedngs nmv on c�rca�er e�tachcd ro�he Property, -
<br /> �rs"� ell of which. Including repinoenwnis end addl0ans thercta, shall be deem:d �u 6e end renuin e part of �he
<br /> . .- M - -"- -- -- ' � - --
<br /> ' ,.� F��pc�q w're�i� uY i�ie��ii�iy Ilisi�wTrciil. nii G(iFc i�iPi$GII'iyT i�'SciFi7 wilii ii�2 Feoyz7y d�i� la ii�c ."' ' -.'-..
<br /> -=''�'�� Secudry Insaumem(or�he lexaehold esteto if ihe Security O�suumen is on n Icaschot�)ere rctened to in this (-4 R��—.
<br /> Pamlly Ridrr nnd tlw Sccud�y Instrumcm as t6e"Pmperty." �� .�v:--
<br /> �. B. USE OF PRtlYBR7'i'� CO�iP[.l.LRfE WITA 4A1Y. 6oaoe•cr shall nol seek, egrec ro or make e � _--_
<br /> change In the use of the Proptny ur lls wning classiRo�ian.unless Isnder hss egreed In�vrl�ing ro the change.
<br /> s.': Dorrox•tr shall mmply with all laws, ordinanRS, mgultnians and cequiremcnts of nny govemmenrel body Ld��s<<t-..•
<br /> ' epPlicablc ia�im Pmpcny. i��' 'h`' ..
<br /> (�,r�,,��r.,, ,
<br /> �,', lo Iit S�O'RIDIrhAf'E u be perfaiodPegain�the'Propeny withom L ndcr's prior�vr ueo penniss oln n intedor y al�� � __::
<br /> _ D.R6NT IA.AS IN9URANCB. IluRmrzr shall maimnin insumno.ngoinc�rem loss In edditfon to the o�hcr i��'i:r��•�.i::
<br /> hvords for�vhich insumnce is requinxl6y Unifom�Covenani S. 'j"F' ,�,,,�=•
<br /> '�7-'�� E."DOIiROWER'S RIGETf TA REII657'ATE"DLI.ETF.D.Unifami Covenam 18 is dcleted. �'� �`_,.--'
<br /> F. OOAROW[?R'3 OCCUPaKCY. Unless l.ender and Oortmvcr utherniu agrc� in wri�ing, ihe fint [`i�Tj ,�_,
<br /> semence in Uni(urm Corenam b conaming Burrower's occupancy of �he Prapeny is deletal. All mmaining VY''0,' '� - ..-
<br /> k ,
<br /> mrenamx and agrecm:ms set fnM in Unifnnn Cocenznl 6 shall rCnuiin in efkM. 6 4� ��
<br /> G.ASSlGhTfENT Or 1�1SP.fi.Upon Lendcr's mquat, [iurmwer shall auipn m Lcnder all Ieases af the �'1 a `.'�,
<br /> Propcny and ull secnri�y deposiis made in rnnnm�ion wiili deues uf ihe Propeny. Upnn�he nssignmrnt. Lender '��i ;
<br /> ,
<br /> _ shali huv.�hc riph��a modi(y,cx�cnd nr tenninrtc thc existing Icax�c and to exccute ncu•Icaxs, in Lcndcr's solc �� ' '�--
<br /> � discmUon.As used in this pamgmph O,the xr,rd"Iease"shall iuean"suhlcace" if the Sewrity Instrument is on �r�i�}�i � �_:
<br /> . a ImKLald. -'
<br /> S:��13;>s:.:;f�.-
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