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<br /> llpdn rtttipt ot p�ymmt of tM prke bld� Tnisfee sh�11 dellvn tP the'purciuse�'fruWee'� dad com'ey(ne tYe._
<br /> — Progeely,97ie reNl�u In the'Itusttt'e detd dull be�xim�6cl9 rvidence o�the ttulh of Ihe'6falemenls m�de IIKMn.
<br /> 7hWeo eMll apply Ihe prxeMs ot the etJe tn t6e fdlowlne orden(q lo dl mss��M expensea of exercising�Ra power of
<br /> uk,uM th!Mie,Inc�pdtn�Ihe p�ymenl of IAa 7Yustte's fea�cluAlly Incurrcd,not to exc�M %
<br /> of lhe prinelp�l pmount of Ihe note rl lha tima ot the deci�rplbn of dehult,and reasonable xttorney,s'kes a.v pertnllled
<br /> . by I�w�@)to�II surtu securtd by Ihis 6ecudty Instrumrnti o�d(c)wny excess to ihe ycrson or persons legally enHlled to
<br /> it.
<br />. ,__,�_.�„- - 2t. Rtmnveyance. Upon pnynunt of all sum� usured by thls Sccurity Inswmem, Lendcr shall requcst Trustec !o
<br /> rxonvey ttw Propeny end ah�ll eurrender thle Secudty instrunxnt and all natee ovldcncing deb� sccurM by ihia Secudty `
<br /> Im1cumeiit to 7yustea:7Yus�ce�hdl reconvey�ha Propeny Wiihat warmnty und wlihout charge�o�he person or persons Icgalry
<br /> entided lo f6iSuch�puson or persona shail pay eny raordadon cosu.
<br /> 2�;bLh6ti�utc.7ltusta.Lender,et Ita opllon, nuy fmm tlme ro Qnw remove Trusteo¢nd eppolm o suc+cessor tNStee�o
<br /> any Trva�eC npp(�Inted hereunder by en Instrunknt recoNOd in iho munty In whkh Ihls Security Instmmmt�s recordcd.wltl�out
<br /> cnnveyatwe pf tha,Propeny,tho sucassor tnu�ec shnll suorocd ro all thc ti�lc,powcr and dutla wnfernd upon 7�ustce hcrcin
<br /> _ qnd 6y applip�la law. _ _
<br /> � 7A�Request foe-No{ices� Bortower requests Nm oopira ot tho noNm ot dcfauit end salo bo unt to Borrower'e eddresf
<br /> whlch b�Iw Prcyxrty Addrcss.
<br /> � 2S.Rlders to Ihls&cudty Iastrumeat.lf ono or more rtdero are oxecwid by Borrower and remrded�ogaher witli�his
<br /> Saudty Instrumtnt,�he wvenanta enA egreemenia of each wcl�dder shall be incorporated intn anA shnil nmend and supplement
<br /> the covenanta and ugr�tmenis of this Socudty inurument as if Ihe dder(s)xxro e pan of�his Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> [Check upplicable box(ea)1
<br /> �-'-'° --° Adj��pable Reie Rider Condominivm Ridcr 1•4 Family Ridcr ° -"'--
<br /> aroduated Paymen[Rider Piennod Unit Des•clopmem Rider �Blweekiy Payment Rider
<br /> ._ Etellaon Rfder Rate improvement Rider Second Home Ridcr
<br /> V.A.Rlder Otheqs)�spoclfyJ °'
<br /> BY SIONINO BBLOW,Dortower aocepis end agrce.v to the tertns and covenams mntained In this Security instmmenl end
<br /> in eny rideKs)uccu�ed by Ibrrower end ruordod with i�.
<br /> ���,����
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<br /> �� by RICHAP.9 _ c•iY�FR A�1D COT:\'.F J SPlvprn ,� �;,4 $
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