<br /> __ •. .. .: , ,.._ . . . ..
<br /> .. �
<br />�.� : gg� i4'�'�i � �
<br /> ff. NattM a PropMy inwrneKt. Aorrower shdl kap tho imS(av�msAt�naw:exiitfnq;�o6h;fir'rdtr�_f cd oa�h4:� `
<br /> Prop�rty Insurcd ogafnst las�Ey fire, hwrda InCiudsd wiihln�he term'exic�KiM�wverpgq'rur�,nny,qt�f;thrt,r 9�,Ineluding•
<br /> fiood.a or floaiing,for which[.eadee requlr�a�nsuren�e.7Ale Insurenee ch�ll:be mvintntrvd ln.iha a�»un4A�!A�l;fbi�ih:pedoAs '
<br /> thnt Lender requlree.Tho insum�ce tatAar provlding�h'a insuranw shtl4 be chnsen.6y Aprrm��ec QubJMt,t9,1.ttYS:de upprovil
<br /> whlch shall not bo unreasontbty wit4MtIA. IR Bnoawer faile to nulnt�in mvetttgo dtacriq�!ntwve,l.eivX:K may, ut I.erder's
<br /> opllon,obtaln wverogo to prMoc�Lsndu'a�iSht►In the Propeny in accordance wllh p�rqgrnph:7a
<br /> AIJ Insurana policles aM rcnewals sh�Jl�be aacptabla tn I.ender ancl eh�li fntluda e sttavAazA.�ttpge ctau�c. Lender
<br /> -.--- --, ehalt have ti:e rigAt to hold ths pollcics mid rcne�vale.If LeMtr requ(res.Borrower shell pTnn�tlg gtr.e tq.ixndsr nll reccipu of -, -. : -
<br /> pald premlunu and rencwal notlon.[n tAe cvent of lass,6ortnwer shall give prnmpl notic�to tha Insunw:r:�curler nnd Lenper. '
<br /> Lcndcr nwy nwke proof of loss It not nude promptiy by ifortower.
<br /> Unteu Lender end Borrowerothtrwiso agroe In writing,Insuronco procwda shall bo eppilM tn res�nrntinn or rspair of the
<br />------ Propeny dan�aged,it the resmmdon or repair Is 000nomiplly feasiblo end Lender's secudry Is nat.Icssen;d,JLthe restomHon or
<br /> rcpair Is not cmnomicelly fcas[hlo or l.ender'e security would be Icsuned, �I�e Insumnce ptnceeds ahlll:ba ejpllM to Iho sums
<br /> —�--= ucuted by �his Securiry Instntnxm, whtther or not then dno, wlih eny oxcess pelA tn 6nRnwer. If Dnna��r.s:eh�Mom tha
<br /> Propetly,or does not enswer wiihln 30 days e noqce from I.ender�hat�ho Insurnnce catticn c�s o(@.tod•[q salltl e.c61m,then
<br /> ;_;s.e� Lender may wllat the Insurnnce prac+ecds. Lendcr may usa the pmaods to repafr or_rastoro �he Prnp:ny�on.ln pay sun�s
<br /> --==3?!!� secural by�hi�Secudey Insuumen6 whuher or not�hcn dne.Tho 30•day pcdod wlll begin whm tha npiltr.isgh�e.a�.
<br />�°„�7.=-� Unless Lender end Qorm�rer othemise egrce in �vd�ing, any eppliraUon of proceods io p�inripgl�shMllnti(�extend or
<br /> :�_:��', postpone A�c due da�e of�he momhly paymems refcrrcd tn in paragmphs I and 2 or chaage i6o emount.o611ip psymenla. If.
<br />-;�..-„„ � undcr paragreph 21 thc Property is aoqnircd.hy Lendcr,Oarrower'e dghl lo uny insumnre polidcs anA•p�rnv¢dFYasulHitg from
<br />_- - - dmm�ge to�Ne Pcopeny pdor�a�he acquisitlon Y�x�l pass m Lendcr�o tho ex�em of tho swus secumcl 6y U�IaSeutd�y Insuunxail- - - - -
<br />__ ���-,�,'� immedlatelypdorto�heecqufsitlan.
<br /> =��-`+�_;;,�,`,•; 6.Occupuncy,Preservatinn,M1inlntennnce m�d Protalion otthe Proprrtyj Rnrrower's Lonn.A�ptltallimt I.eueholds.
<br />=�-��� -�•�% 13orrower shall accupy,esteblish,and uee the Propeny es Dorro�ver's principal rcsiAenoe a�ithin sixtydays ttt�wlh0 exocutlon of
<br /> �'K!�":�iF.�.
<br /> .'�, =�'`�,�!:�i Ihis Sewrfry Instrument end shall continue to occupy the Propeny es Oartower's pdnripal a�sidence Por 2t leatt ono year oRet
<br /> - < <'�a�` �he da�e of accupancy,unlas Lender othenvise ngrees in wri�ing,�vhich rnnsent shall nat be unre:son�ly�d�hheld,or unless
<br /> �"'�^�:���r'; exiewnting circunu�ances exist which aro Ixyond Unrco�ver's mmrol. Dorrower shall nm destmy. danuge or Impair the
<br />-'y�1';thV,'�'+;; Propeny, allow �he Propeny ro dqedamto, or commf� �vas�o on�ho Propcny. Uarm�ier shzli be in defnull if eny(o�kiture
<br />'�x;;.;.i;��,tf;t; ection or prnceeding,�vhe�hrr civil or criminal, le begun ihai in Lender'a goad fnlih judgmrn�wuld resuh In forkimro of the
<br /> ° ��n>=jd�-r'�. Propeny or o�hcrwisc matcrially impair�he Ilen crca�od by�his Secud�y Insttumcnl or Lendcr s stx�dty intcrtst. Oorrower m�y
<br />``4.'';''4"•;• .` cure such u deta�ih and reinsteto,as rovidod(n �re m h 18,b causin tho aalnn or mc+eedin ta Ge dismissed with e tuli
<br />= ....Y P P� S P Y B P E �8
<br /> _. ;;y:':"' - '�w: `' ..:r�:e:'' -+�i ta�th ds�in-<:{ai. 't�,-� lcC.imr of::e r-.�:��er's iniura;: in:��c 5. r :.:htr t�a.'i�d ....... .. ... .
<br />?;''.:;..->-i,:- . . .�, • �6.�, k.,�:R �� 'y--�-:ty a
<br />;��i`:'�����xt.t. im�airment of tAr Iicn crcatod 6y ihls Securiry Inswmem or Lender's security in�crea. tinrtax�.r sMll alw be in defnult If
<br />"�-��'.t;'G;''� Dortowtr,dud2e�he lu�n application pmmss,gnve ma�erinlly fat<.e or inzccumte infnmivUon or ceatcmcnts lo Lender(ot lalled
<br /> - ;rr;:� lo provide Lender�vi�h any material Infumiation)in ronnminn with�he laan evidenad by the Nnta,Including,but not Ifmiled
<br /> ' to,reprexma�ions mnmrning Unrtower's exxupancy of d�e Propeny ns a prinripal rasidrnce.If�t�is Sttvrity Instrument is on n
<br /> . IeasChold. Dorrow¢r shall can7ply wilh all [he provisions of �hc Icase. If Darro�rer acqnia�s fce tltle to�hc Property, �ho
<br /> ���i�'� �-'"�; Icnschold nnd the fec tltle shall nm merQc unless Lender ogras to ihe mrrger in wriling.
<br /> � :`;_.,,;��;�' 7.Prolectlon af I.endcr'x Righin In Ihc Praprrty.If Oann�ver fidl�.to pcdnmi ihe meenxntx��egrcements conlnincd In
<br />_ �:�:-;�(;--.-, thfs Security Insirumem, ar therc is a Icgal p�Y�ding�hzt may significamly aff� I,enA«i righls In�he Property(such as o
<br /> p�oceeding (n bankmplcy. pmbale.fnr conAcntnalinn or fndcilum nr�n cnfort�L•rex ar rogula�tonsL�hen Lender mny do and
<br /> pay for whatever is nece.sary �n pmtu��he ralur nf dic Prnpeny nnd Lender s rigL�h in ihe Prop�ny. L.endePs ectlons mny
<br /> -������ '�'�,���� Include pnying any sums secured by a lien u•hich hxs prinri�y acer �his Sttivriiy Inurvmem, app�aring in cuuh, paylnp
<br /> ��, - rcasonabk aitomey:i fces nnd rmcring on the Pmpeny�n nuke rcpainm.Nihnugh I.rn;icr may mkc ac�ion undcr thls pamgmph --
<br /> ' - - ' . 7,l.endcr does no�have ta Jo su. e�}r,=` -
<br /> r-- Any nnwunu disbafud by Lendcr under thi� par.igmph 7 .hall 6nvim: :xlditionul debl af Borroaer securcd by Ihis p;'k -
<br /> l) �l' Securily Insirumcm. Cnlca 13orrunxr and Lcn"_er agme�n mher temu a(paym:n�, thcsc anrounis shall bpr inicrcsl f�om the �� `a, -
<br /> dalc of disbursenxm at thc IGo1e nlc and shrll he papable. wit6 imennt, upnn nn�ice from l.endcr m Ourro�vcr rcqucs�ing
<br /> J n:znl. .-: 5
<br /> P'7'
<br /> ��v� ��,.-'�• 8.[�forlga�e Inswtmix. If Lender rcyuirtvl mnngage imumna:�s a cnndilinn nf making thc laan secund hy this Securily ',.��c•�,'- ,�-�_--
<br /> %%''-•4�-'�' Inc�mnxnt. �ovo��.r ahall puy ehr premium>reynina! In miinmin Ihr mongage in>urancc in ef(��c�. If. for any reason. Ihe .^.:•FC-i��;ii!::..
<br /> .�`(::�:�-.a:Y fC.::-
<br /> 4'..-_.,�-'t=-? mongage insnnmm mremge reyuired he Lender lapse.ar ir.�.c.tu he in efleal. 6nrrmcer ehall pny Ihe pnmiums requind ro •a'- ' ;:r�{�,-.
<br /> nbiain cnrcragc suhslamially cyniv�lcnl lo d�r mnn�;agc in,nrnncc prcriou.ly in cffca,al a nnl wM1slantinlly equivaleni In Ihc '�
<br /> �.-..�v::I.;..
<br /> _ wst �o Oorron•cr of th. mnnuag:innmmcc previamq• iu c(f'��c�. Gnm an :Jicma�c monc:�gc inwnr�ppruc�d 6y Lcndcr. If " '!.;�:-.:�::��,` _
<br /> . wbstanlially cquiralcm mnnpngc ironnmrr eoccragc ia nrn arnilable. 6nrmncr�hall pay�o Lcndcr ta�h nmmh n sum cqual lo
<br /> - - one•uerl(�h n(�he rearly mortenge msuren��prcmium being paiJ by Oorro�cer���hen�he in>urana�co��erage lapv:d or ceased lo . _
<br /> . .. 6e in effecL Lender iciil m�pl. uv and R.ant the.e p�pnunl�ati a lo.. rotne in liw n( mnngaFe inw rann. lwnc rcsen�e
<br /> ' form 3020 9lfl0 - ' '
<br /> r.eJa�b
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<br /> .......-._._T�.�_....._._..... :r��. ..� .� ..- . . .. ' . _ .
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