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<br /> —�fjtu_� " --_ i°/`°_ '"�� ' _ _ ."___ ____ _ S.. . .
<br /> 93- �o�se�
<br /> T60B7'H8R WITN ail tho Improvemenu now or hercaRer erectad on tlie propeny,and oll aaxnxnte,�ppueenancm,end
<br /> fixture� r.ow or herwRer a patt of�he prop:ny. All «placcments nnd additlone nhall niso bo mvercd by �hle Saurity
<br /> Insimment.All of tho forogoing Is rcfeR.d�o in thls Sccudty Instmment m�he'Propeny.'
<br /> BORRQWBR COVCNANTS that Rnrtowcr le Iawfutly sclsW of tho cstaia hcreby conveycd nnd 6a�thc righi to gram ond
<br /> mnvcy tho Propeny end that tho Propeny i�unencumbered, cxccpt tor rncmnbranas of record. Barrowet wuttante and wlll
<br /> _= defend generally�ho�hla to tha Propeny agnins�all cleims end demands,subJect ro ony encumbrancee of rcmrd.
<br /> THt9.SGCURITY IN5fRUMCNT combines uniform covenante for national use and non•unifami mvcnam�wi�h Iimited
<br />---
<br /> vadadons by Juriuiinion�o constitme e unifomi securl�y Instmment wvedng rcnl propcny.
<br /> ' � ' UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Uorrower and l.endcr wvenaN and egree as follows: °° --�-�-- � - -- -
<br /> 1. PaymenEOt Principol wnd [nkreslt �p�ymeN and L9te Charga. Barrower shall prompUy pay when duc the
<br /> --�� pdnclpal at ond fnrores�on�ho debt evidenced by�hc Note end eny prepaynxnt nnd latc charga duo undcr�hc No�e.
<br />---="� 2.FUads Por Taxes und Insurxnm. Su6Jec� ro applicable law or to a wducn walver 6y I.ender, Uorrowtr shnil pay to
<br /> �u'`"'� LenAer on�he d munthi � mems are dua andcr�he Note,until ihe Noie Is aid in full,e sum('�unds")tor.(e)ycnri �exes
<br />�'-+-..•�- N' YP�Y P Y
<br />=_x -4::'
<br /> .3���•:.�{,� enA nssessmenta which may auain prioriry over�liis Security Insuumem as a Ilen on�he Propeny;(b)yearly IcauAold paymeNa
<br /> -"- - or ground renle on Ihe Pruperty,i(eny;(c)yeady hazard or propeny insurance premiums;(d)yearty Ilood insurance prcmiuma,
<br />_*-�'_�� �%� if an ; e)..�ad mort a o insurance remiums, If an ; and �an sunu a able b Uorro�}l�r ro I.endcr, (n acrordanee with
<br /> - 's,-;�r-, . Y ( S Y 8 8 P Y ( Y P Y Y
<br /> �f;:.`;�.��,,.`F; the pmvisions of peragraph 8,in liw of�ha paymrn�of mongage insumnce premiums.'IBtte itzns ere called 'Escrow Items.'
<br />�"`i�:f?��� Lender mny, a� eny time, mllcca end hoid Funds in nn nnsoum nrn[o cxceed �hc maximim nmount n Iender for a kderally
<br />�:=:+r z�i;`�: «la�ed mongage loan roay requlre for 6arrower�escrow nccoum under ihe federal Real Fs�ate Seuiemeni Pracedures Act of
<br /> ..:i,.....,a,
<br /> ;;--`�,_:r.�,. 17IM1 rts enfended fro�n lime to Ilme, 12 U.S.C. Sallon 2601 e�seq. ("RFSPA'),untess enoiher law[hat epplia to the Funds
<br /> '•`.,_- sets a lessar amount. If m, Lender mxy, e�eny tima mllect and hold �unds in an emounl not m ezceed Ihe laser amount.
<br /> - :"!`"�:' Lender mny es�imate the amount of Funds duc on thc 6asis of current daia and re�sonablc cstinw�es of expendilures o(Nluro � -
<br /> '';i��,';.�; Fscrow Rems or oihernise in eccordance wilh eppliceble la�v.
<br /> �-''�?�:;;:�+'„ 7Le Funds ahall bc hcld in an ins�im�ion ahosc depnsi�s erc inmrcd by a &dcrnl agcncy, insuumemelity, or enlity
<br /> ��`��c f;r�_ (intluding Lender, if Lender is such an ins�imiiuN or in any Pedernl Honx Loan 6nnk. Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay tho
<br /> `'� �-'�' � `� Gscrow I�enss. Lender ma na�char e�orrower for holdin nnA a I m �he FnnAs,nnnuull anal �m �he eserow nernun6 or
<br /> ', ;� Y 6 & PP Y S Y Y� S
<br /> ';�(�,;,'��-�% vedfying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Donosrer iNCrcs�on�he�unds and applicable law pemifis l,ender la make such
<br />. ' a cimrge. kloweveo Lender may require Borroa•cr w pay n one-�ime charge far an independent real es�nie�ax reporting sen�icC —
<br /> ' ���F° -'� uud by i.cnder im m�nection wfih �his loan, untas epplfcn6lc law prm•iAes mhrnvisc. Unless en agrcement is made oi
<br /> applicable law requires Inmrai ro be paid, Lender shall nm hc requind ro pay Qorroo�cr any intere.0 or caminga on the Fltnde.
<br /> ���"� Oortowcr nnA Lender may agrce in wrhing, howc�'er, �hat intcrcst shall be paid nn�he Funds. Lendcr shall girc l0 6arrower, _
<br /> - wi�hom chnrge, an annual uttnuming of the �unds, showing creJi�s anJ debits to the Funds n�d �he purpase fm•which cich
<br /> � �f,�;-�� UeUit to Ihe I9mds was m2AC.7he 1'vndc are plMgeG az nAAitional secutlty Inr nll sun�s ucuntl�y�his Securily ImW menL �� . ---�-- - --��
<br /> �'ti•� If d�e�unds held 6y Lender exmed�he nmoums permiued m be 6eld by npplicabie Imv.Lend.r sh�ll accoum�o Dorrower �-
<br /> for�he exeess Funds in accordance wi�h�6e requinnxms of appliiafiie la�v. If�he amoum o(�he Punds he1A by Ixnder a�nny ° �
<br /> �ime is wt sumcient to pay�he Cscrow I�ents when dur.Lender m;n�m nmify Rnrro���er in�rri�inr.aid,in such cue 6ortowm ��'��;,_,-_
<br /> shall pay (o l.ender Ihe xmnunl nonainry lo mnke up the deficiency. Unrtawer shall makc up tix defiricncy in`ro more�lian ---''� -�i �
<br /> _ . . uvclvemonthlyp�ymemx,atLendcr'ssolcdixcrc�ian. .,..,;t�c`,�4�"�"'--
<br /> - Upnn pTynrem in full of all sum.secnrcJ by �hio Snuriiy Lo�runMm. L.ender.hall promptly refund �u Onrmwer any -:rf.����_ - ,
<br /> - .. Punds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21, Lender ahall acqnire nr+cll ih.Propeny. Lender,priar ta the ncyuisi�ion or sale - =, ' _���.�,�tE` �'
<br /> _ of ihe Pmpeny,shnll epply nny Funds held by Lender;n d�e�imo af acyuisi�inn nr sile as u creeli�ngainu ihe sunu secured by i := P .'��:��=a�;'..
<br />- - .� �his Sccuriiy Insuumcnt. ' .- _ -rs-55y
<br /> : 3.Applicallon of Pnyment4. Unies.c applicahic Inw prnviJc�mhcnvi,e.:dl p:q�mems receivcJ by I.endcr under p:vngraphs ��'-"�-�';"f'��--;^si:
<br /> � I anJ 2 shall be applied: firs�, to any prcpoymem charg�ti duc under�he Nme:seconJ. w nmouni�µiyaUle under paragraph 2: ":'f���:'S'�"�
<br /> :". y:�,:f:_S_
<br /> 5�--
<br /> , _ Ihird.In iNCral due:(ounh.m principal Jue:and la�l.In any la�e chargea Jue wMler�he Note. ��-' •-.�..:---:�.�h,,,:e,.Y1 ��
<br /> 4.Clmrges; I.lens. 6orroo�er shall p:ry all �arc...u.ew,mem..du�rgc. ii�x�nnJ impn+itinn.aurihwxhle m ihe Propeny � � '�-�+,,'+�,C���
<br /> �rhich may allain priariry m�er ihis Security Ins�mmen6 :inJ IrakhalJ pa�menn or grnund rem., i!an��. 2kummer shall PaY ' .i,�,,.-'-}is.
<br /> . �hese obligations in the manner prmidcJ iu p:v:�graph?.nr if nu�paiJ in i6a�m:umer.Iforrnnrr.hali pap�hem nn�inx direc�ly - '`- l€ .
<br /> lo�he person o�eed paymenl. Uorro�rrr xh:ill promp�ly furni5h m I.nder all no�irr.nf:mioont.to he paid under Ihi�parngraph. � - . z� ., " :\�
<br /> If Onrmwcr makcs Ihesc paymenu Jirccdy, f3nrroucr.hall promp�lc fnrni.h�n Lendrr rtticipt+criJrniiug�hc(upmenls. - � =.
<br /> . . �orrowcr sAail pmmp�l��dixhargt any licn ahich ha.prinri���u�cr tlii.Sarunn L�+mnncm unln.13nrro��rr.l�)ngrcn in . ���-:..�.°'�`�:
<br /> ,.,.t:.:.. "�:,�;i;�J'd�
<br /> _ �rri�ing�o Ihe prymem nf�he ohlip:ninn u.und hy �6e lien in n manner a..epG�Flr In LenJrr.lhI cnntc.l.iu g.�J failh the lien • -+,.-.• , �:h.�te:
<br /> ��... :'- ' '..:�v_
<br />_'+-� ' by. or JcknJs agairol .nfarrcmcnl n(�hc licn in. Icgal procaYVling. uhich in Ihc Lcndcr�. opinion nperalc lo prcrent �hr - - � :t t �_'.
<br /> �.3 ' �,• enfnrceinem of the lien:nr�c)ucurn Gnm�h.hnldcr a(In. I120:Ip 0�l1\:Iltpl 4111ti�JC10!\ 10 LrnJrr.uhordinaiine Ihe lien 1n . .. �":Ai_=
<br /> this Sccurity Ins�mmcm. 1f IwnJcr dc�cmiinc.�h:n am p.m.�r a„•r��,�<<�, i..uhlca to a Grn eluch ma� :n�ain priuril��occr .. ., "..-
<br /> _ . Ihis Sccurily Inutumcm. Lcndtr ma��grcc Bmrnxtr a nuGtc�Jcnuf�mg thr Grn. Barnmrr.h.dl .:ni.lr thr Ifcn nr i:�Ac nnc nr � - 2 "�
<br /> i u:
<br /> t� - 1110lC O�IIIC.lCGnib+CI(tR1A JM1T'C ti11M111� lu dnr.nt�hc gn mg nl unuir. . .
<br /> . . .. �
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