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�, <br /> \ . � 3/.l ( � .. . �, { _t _. . � - - �!j <br /> fif --z. i, h �a . . - . i- � c � �t,_ , : � . .��! <br /> ✓ •� _ �,-,,. - :•_ U .. ,b�s.v fA�_ - � ,. <br /> .�a. { _ ° -'§P^ . <br /> . ._ . � u Z�,.�3:f=cv......i,.�.r - t� F . � . <br /> -_ �.�_..,._.._��,��,i:. ....._.. . _ . _ _�:�.._..,,�L r,� c{,.�._:7a <br /> . . . - ' - /►� � t �-dEA:+r' _ <br /> � .`, � 17. Tnntt�r of th� Prop�rty or a B�n�f�old IMueel In �orrovnr. n en 93y pan�li�e r`����or '. �, � �' "T ` <br /> � , s s>�,�X � <br />-^ .`�°�� �ny Ntaesl N It le sold or Vmalerred(or il e bmN!dal Ntee3t in Oortowtt le sold or Iranslmed end [ionawer le no1�mmrtl �;,"_ �.'r.;:.�;,;:. .'�: <br /> +� +i -- ' person) wrihout lentlele pdor wdlten eonsenl,Lenda mayAl 11e optlon,requ4e Immodate pa•�rnenl In N!ol eA sume aeared bj .�. � ti•1 : <br /> y,.p .� Ihb 8eewiy IneWmm4 Howeve�. thb oppon sheU nol be ezHGsed Ay Lcnder H oxerGao Ie pro61bI1eA by fedtral I�w�e ol lhe .: � ,� Y}$' +<i. <br /> �t� � dtle ol ihle 9ewd InfWmmt. '�`i; ' - .c� <br /> . �,f�'k7�i- If Lmtlu ez dses Ihie opYon. Lentlor shen pMe Donower nolice of ec�leration. The nolica she0 proNde e peAOtl ol nm :�5;�.��4's.. 'ii`.;�s'-���� <br /> lese Ihan 90 daye from Ihs dato the nolieo is deMcrod or maiicd wllhin which Bonower musl pay e9 sume aoared by Ihla ;�L�� . �;�`p, .,,>�- <br /> � .� Seadry InaWment. II Bonower lalls to poy Ihoao suma pdor lo Iho oxp4a0on of lhis pedoA, Lender mey Inroko any rmiedlea Y ��'�+ -='1 <br /> �� � ; pemiMed by ihla 8oadry InaWment wilhom htlher nollw or demend on Oortowec �` �� ` --- <br /> 1i � s;,,.` <br /> � -_ _ 10. Borrowm'a Right to RBItlBtete. II Bortower moeU eeneN eondNOne, Bortower she0 hava Iho dBhl Io hure -� - ; r/ ;; <br /> enbrwmenl ol Ihla Seady InsWment dlawnWued et eny Ilmo pdor lo Iho eadler oL (e) 5 daya (or such olher pMOd ai -p;�- --- - � <br /> ' - - � eppGwbte I�w mcy s�xiy lor rdnstetemenl)before eeio ol Iho PropMy pixs:ait to any power a1 aeto wntefnM in thb 8ecudry _�� � - ::- <br /> � -'- . InsWmenk w(D)enUy o1 n pidgment enlorcinq Ihis Secudty InsWment Thasz ccr.dr.ons ere lhal Bonower. ;: , <br /> � : (�pa/s lender e9 -, (_ - <br /> - susu wAkh then wou!A!n Ma undrr thb Sxcuri[y Nstn:mml end tAe Kott as d no»:celz�aYCn Aad amae2 (bT�eA A'Y ,��r��t.� ' _ <br /> i r •'` dNac1 0l nny olhtr rn�ensn: c+a�exments: (cJ CaYa e]e�mses kcurr.d in sniorL�a I1us£m+3!�uh'na't ir.Gq:G�g Gal ����+tS�i{ _ <br /> . •��,SI�`�_�-'� nol E¢�>�ta.ienaane6le nt�omxys texs and(d)4ates such acWn as Lmtlx may �easonahy wq�:'se to essure Ihet Ihe Ilen ol a <br /> � <br /> ,.rr t��.,.,�'.: tn"a Sazurip Inslnimen; Lm:12rk ri�7+S in Ihe Prop�rti antl OaTV�.:`s w`=>a:'o:+is pay No eums secured by Ihia 8acuriry _ _ <br /> - . � tnawmen7 aAn9 cotnnue enc�anged. Upon rdnsWlement by Bortormr. Ihia Sxar.ty InsWmenl end Iho obGgatlons secured '�- <br />- � � here6y she0 remaN N17y e9eclha es il no ecceleraqon hnd ocarted. Howeier.thts dghl�o rMns�fl�a shall not eppty in Iha eese '•����,,��,:-� <br /> '� � ol eccelerellon under pemgraph 17. ± :h{���` <br /> 19. SBIO o} NotO� Chenge o} LOBn BBrv100L Tho Nolo or a e penl9l Inlerest In iho Noio (IOgaIhM wNh Ihie i�• 7,�,)„',,i-��� <br /> 9eady InsWmenq may be sold one or more IMes wlthoul pdor natlw la Oonower.A enlo may wEUtl in e ehu�90 in Iho mtiry ",1�;{_T-v. <br /> -� (known es�he 'loan BeMCer')Ihat eoCeele monihty paymenla duo untlor Ihe Nolo nnd Ihis 6ecudy�nslrumenl. There dso may � • �� <br /> - - -� Oe ona or mero changee ol lho Lo:n Benker unre!alM ta a sulo ol Iha Note. 11 lhew le a change ot ina lo�n Bmlcer. 4`�.���-� <br /> _ . 8ortower�rDl bo pMen wtlqtn nolico ol Ihe chmpe in eaordinw wilh pareryaph 14 ebovo mC eppficaEio�aw. Tne nollu w� "- �- <br /> � nlale Ihe n�me�nd�ddrose oi lhe nex Lo�n Bcnlav�ntl I�o eddrosf to whkh paymenle shoWA be maAO. The no�loo wIN Nso •; ,k.'�=��-�~ <br /> - ' coNein any olher Inlofmallon requirotl 6y eppOwGlo Ww. �� �"��^����,��-- - <br /> i dh).w�.. <br /> � • 70� Hli��d011� BI1bU�110U. Oonowm s�oll nol causo or perMl�ho presenea. uso. dls0osel etouge, or relaee of °','�"'fi2<;e:-_ <br /> �ny Huudou! 6uGSUneof on or In Iho P�opeiry. Oo�rowe� nhaii nol tlo.nor allow enyone elso to do. enphNp e11oeW lho ��•��.:"�P��"�"�"�"° <br /> ' 0 . t.y.,Y.:._... <br /> PropHry INI b in vlolallon ol eny Endronmenlal Lew. iho procotlinp hro senlencof ehell nol appy lo tho pmeonee,uaa. or ° °���`; "->" ��'�`�- <br /> t:�-`. , :,�•f;�r`�. ' <br /> elo�a90 on Iho Pmperty ol amaY quanlilloe ol Ham�tloue Su6stencea Ihel ero goneralM rewqo�zad lo bo appropdula lo no'mal .�l��_�'•;T°��ii.,,_—. <br /> . � roslEenllal usn9 anC to melnlenaneo ol lho Properiy. �' ��u :+ . <br /> . ' � Bonower ahall promply gNe Lentler wrillen nolico oi eny Imestlge0on. claim. demend. lawsuil or olher oellon 6y eny P�• r11-_, <br /> - I gortmmenW or regulalory egeney or pihrate pe�ty Inrohin8 Iha Property end eny Hezardoua Bubslence or Endronmenlal Lew ol ��«���� ; <br /> which 6ortower haa ecwal knowlodge. II Donower leama, or is noGfietl by eny qoremmenlal or reBuWtory eulhodty, Ihel a�y :' � ti(;j��..��, <br /> I rs�::al ct ciF¢r r..—"�"•a-� tl any Hazardauo S:bslar,a a7:c.:;'.-.n P:tp.:.� � ^.°�—,. 9^n^r+^• 5hau pmmpW taka el • - . _ . <br /> . necessary remedial aclions in accordanco wXh Environmenlel lew. F -)��� � <br /> !Gi used In this Daragreph 20. 'Haxerdous Subslancos' era Ihose eubstances deFned as lodc ar hazardous substancee by � , <br /> - Enr4onmental Lew end Ihe IoConing subslenees: gesoline. kerosene. olhcr flammable or lox'.c peVOleum proCuae, to�ic ��� , � -;:r, <br /> pesficides end herbicitles.rolal3e soMenle,maledals wnlaiNng asbeslos or lormeldehyde,end reCOaUhe maleAa�s. Aa use0 N i!,,�.�{;�_': <br /> peregmph Y0. 'Env4onmental lew' means lederel laws end laws oi ihe �utlsdclicn whe:e lhe P�operty is lowled Ihal rNate to - '�(�. .. <br /> � healh,snfery or env4onmenlal prolection. j ' "�._ �: <br /> NON�UMFOPM COVENANiS. Bonower end lcnder lunher covenanl entl Pgtee xs follows' - - d � <br /> 21. Accolarailon; Remedlos. Lendor ahall givo nofico to Borrowor prlor to accoteration . _- -t �� <br /> � . followinp Bonowor's bioach of any covanant or eg�oomoM in ihle SecurHy InsLumont (but not � . . � � <br /> prlor to accolorntion under paragreph 17 unless eppllceblo Inw provides otherwlae). The notice - <br /> � - shnll apocify: (a) tho detaulL• (b) the ectlon roquired to cwo tho dotnuit; (c) a date, not losa than � � <br /> 30 dnya irom the date the notico le given to Borrower, by whlch the dolault must be oured: an� . ' <br /> � �.. (d) thnt fallure to cu�o tho do}ault on or boforo tho dalo spocNloJ In Ihe notice may �esufl in � . <br /> acceteration of the aums secured by lhla Socurity Instniment end selo of the Property. The notico � <br /> �hall furthor �ntorm Borrower o} lho rigl�t to rolnstate ottor ncceleretion end the right to brinD a � . <br /> - couR action to asaort tho non-oxlatenco ol e dotnult or nny othor dofense of Borrowar to <br /> - � eccoforellon end eato. It the de}eult Is not cured on or botoro tho date epoclflod In the notice, <br /> - Lender at ite optlon may raqulro immedlete psymont in tull 01 ell eume eocured by thia Socurity <br /> - Inatrument without further demend and mny Invuko the power ot ealo and eny othor romadloa <br /> - � � pormlttad by appllcabio law. Londor shall be enlHlod to colloct all oxponaos Incurred In pursulnp <br /> tl�o remodies provldod In this paragraph 27. Inclucllnp, but not Ilmitod to, roeaonubte etlomoys' <br /> j foos anJ coste ot titto ovidonco. <br /> If tho powor of salo Is Invokad, Trustoe shnll rocord a notico of doteult in aech county In <br /> whlch eny part ot lho Proporty le locatod end ehall meil coplae oi such notico in lho mnnnor <br /> prascribod by appticeBlo law to �orrowor end to Ihe othor poraons praecrihod by epplicehlo law. <br /> Aftor tlio timo roqulrod by applicehlo law, Trustee shall givo pu611c nolico o( sele to tho poreone <br /> and in Wo mannor proacribod by applicehlo Iflw. Trus�oo, wlWout domond on Borrowor, ehall eoll <br /> tho Proporty at public auction to tho highost biddor et Iho timo and ploco end undor tl�o torme <br /> doslgneled In tho notice ot enle in ono or moro parcoie end in eny ordor Truatoo dotorminos. <br /> Trustoo mey postpono selo of all or nny parcol oi Iho PropoAy by public ennouncoment et tho <br /> tlmo end place of eny previousty schnduled ealo. Lendor or ite dosignoo may purchaso tho <br /> ` Proporty at eny aalo. <br /> j Upon rocoipt of peymont ot tho price bid, Truetoe shall dalivor lo tho pu�chasor Trustoo'e <br /> 3 dond r.nnvnvinn Ilm Drnnorfv Tlm .anllnia in 1ho T�uvfm'c dood nhall ho nrhna fOCIA oVId011C0 OI <br /> � tho truth of tho slelomonts�mada thorain. Truatoo shail appty lho procoads of tho ealo in lho <br /> ' fullowing order. (a) to ell coata end oxponsae of oxorcising lho powar of salo, und tho solo. <br /> lncluding lho paymont of tho Trustoo'e loae acWally Incurrod, not to oxcood lliroo <br /> � _Ya of tho ��i�,�i�ai emowit o} tho <br /> � noio ot tho timo ot tho doclaretion ot dotault, and roasoneble oltomoy's fooe es pennittad hy Inw; <br /> (b) to all sums socurod by this Sncurity Inslrumonl; and (c) nny oxcass to tlio porson or po�sone <br /> lepally onfNlod to it. <br /> 1 Ft3+Ell.1G29J: '.: + . i�/J_ L• <br /> I9H�3�N � <br /> ' -- <br />