t ;f: +Y -r- 4i r V�_ / .. [�i -�������1 . ( ,��� `.
<br /> k. . , s�:, ' 1L_, ; , u ,
<br /> . ,.
<br /> � ' j �4 x�` - 'I / i�rc4i�;z��x,..,.,,,F„ .'. ,•,{. __
<br /> ,, �, .,
<br /> :
<br /> '' �_z_u_....:...:��'r:�,-L-.�_=�_.c7��..�,�..._ 4 � .._..:v.�i �..��
<br /> :..�r..�}:.�;r,- �. � . 9 ,�j�__'(�
<br /> 0
<br /> �, n�� Bortown m+y wro aucU � detautl �nd reMahle, u provlded In p�nyraph 1B, by aveNg Ihe scUon� ro eY�$Yo be � —
<br />_ „ �..`�'�,!� . �famissW wAh�mFnp ih�l,in Lender'e pood IaNh delenW.iaUOn,preUUdee todaluro ol lhe[iortower'e Nlaeet In Ihe PropMy or __
<br /> �'n:p t.;: .,.�.=�4__-_
<br /> f. �, othx r.rtwYl N�Ymeni ol the Gm ualeA by thls Bewdty Inswrnmt or La�7e/'e aewdry inlaeet. Bortowa thoN uto b�fn Cn -
<br />� ? �_n .` delall H Bortowe,dudny Ihe lo�n eppYCeilon prouae,pevo melerieAy f�1so or Inaecumla InlormeUOn or alnemmte lo Lender(or � �� -.- - __-
<br /> , •r feAed lo proNd� Lender wilh eny m�lH1+l Inlormatlon) in connecilon w:Ih the lom evldmced by th� Nole, indudlnp, bN nol ! k - �� �-.
<br /> -••-;n��, .;x��^ MUled lo, represmhtlona wncemNg �ortower'e occupenry ol �he Propttly ee e pdndpJ rosiErnce. II Ihle BewiXy ..`. „9..`� !,;,;'
<br /> ' �i�??.;�'�{.�';+ InaWmmt le on�leasehold, Boaown ehou wmpN x71h nY the proNelone oI the leaae. II �arower ecqWna lee We lo the �.�;i•�('�`����:::+�.'�•:. �
<br /> Y�'e• �:i�X� PropMty,lhe Ieaiehoid�nd Ihe tee tllle eheli not merpe unleaa Lender epreee lo iho merger In wifWp. ^;�, �- ,-� �:��-"F�-;;-
<br /> ': "' 7. P�ohctlon of L�ndsr'e Right� In th� Proporty.n eoROwer rans to peAOrm Iha wrrnoNe md�qreemmU ° �� '"�'
<br /> .:� ';: ''S iy�:'{;`��.��,;��,:-�
<br /> 'f'�.i.t, contaNed in ihls 6ecudy InsWmmt, or Ihero b e legal proeeedmg Ihel may signl�wniy nXect lendere dphte in the Prope�y . ,.�_:_ ,.c,-•..
<br /> � "' ' (suoh ea e proceeGnp In beniauptcy,probeie,lor wndemnallon or lodeuum or to enlorw lewa or regulaYOna),Nrn Lender may ` .r `:-
<br /> ---� ��= do enA e lor whatever Is necese to pro�ect Ihe relue of Iho Pm e and Lentler'e d Ms in Ne Pro Lmdtt'e�cUone >� ��TySf� i�iar_:
<br /> . ,r. .. a . P Y �' P nY 9 P�Y• i,.�
<br /> � ,..z.
<br /> -� mey Ndudo paying eny suma aewred by a lien which haa pdoriry orer thia Securiry InsWmenl, eppeaAng N wu�. peylnq �; i �
<br /> - � reasonable ettomeys' leos entl entedng on tho Properry lo meke repa�ro.0.hhouph LenOxr m3y txte acCr:n undtt Ihis puagrqph ._ �-
<br /> 1 ) ,;���'- 7,1f11d2i dJQ3 1101�1.lYB�O(�0 60. '- T� ���-
<br /> . ��- A�y xmr�nta 6sbursed by Lender under pe�egra0h 7 sTa7 bzccmx nM:lronal Qebt o1 Bosmvn sett.ed Cy tTts Sa1x�/ d r F� .'�:%'f �
<br /> ,.{7 � I.�sl:umenL Uilza� Bonoxer aid Lend.r egree �o olhe te-me ot D3F^��t,these nmacrts sTa7 Ezar htr:ast trom IAe ci3te oi -
<br /> �r' -t6'•j•;,� tlisbursemtnl e111a Notn mte and sh�E be pay�ble,wdA 6teresl upon no1'ce 1rom LenCe� lo Bartcwxr re�:asTng pa�a�mt. � °�,��1ry Y�f#s a-^,
<br /> J nf�Y3 `f (.�'�.� B. WlOitgepo II16u�AnCfl. N LcMer aGul:ed malgaga Insurence as x eend4on oi mcVn� Ihe Ua� Sc:�r.eU by Tha ,�< yr�'a���+.�4 �
<br /> �t f.y= t tf s
<br /> �,� ��j� �_��A}} Security InsLUmenl.Bortower s7+a1 O+�Y�ha P�emimu rx�.ied to maint�!n Ih�mongape insurance in�I'ea.�I.fa gny�easan.Iha �a•��}��1 fyt Pr�.,�'_.�
<br /> 1 �- i_;,;� = motlgage Inswentt covera0� rzqui:etl b�lenw Mpsn or eeasee to be N enec�,Be^:wor s!�ai pay�ha premWma requ4ed to ��r1 ��� 1
<br /> � � � -,`��.- obte7n coverege subslenfNi,?. equ:�aknl to iTe motlga9a Fsu3ace pre�ious.y in eCec1,at a cosl¢ubaleniWly equMaleN lo the � �:` ���`�-
<br />�;�.,[_yp cost Io Borto�rx ol lho mone ge insurs�ca preriousy In ellecl, Imm en ellemalo mongage Nsurer epproved by lender. 11 . , -_:L SYrd.--
<br /> _" 1��+:'�`- substanlially equMaknt motlgago Insuranro eoverega ie not era0eblo. Borrawer shall pey�o Lender each monlh a eum oqual Io ` " �'�—
<br /> _ - --- onr(wdllh ol Ihe yeedy morlgege Mnurence premium being peld by Oortowor whon Ihe insumnw covmapo lapaed or eeaeeA to + �'`{ '�<- r_._ .
<br /> ' - 6e in oNecl Lender wN aceepl.use end rolain Ihose peymmis ne e losa reaervo In lieu ol mon9efle Inwmnce. Loss resene �.-'-! � -.
<br />-;- ` s�-� `�n- paymenle may no longer be requireA. et Ihe op0on ol Lendor.X mortpaga Nnumnco corerepo M�he emounl and lor Ihe pMOO „,��'���
<br /> � �- - Ihal Lender requires) proNtloO hy en in¢nrtt eyprored by Lander eOaN bcwmee erelbblo and I�obtainetl. �arowcr sMY qy �}�' �%
<br /> � � I � - Iho premWme requ4ed lo maNleln mong�ge Insumnoe N eXec1.or to prmlde a loss resene.unld iho ruquUemrnl lor mo�q�pe � �' �
<br /> �'�:.::'�r:,.,.- ,. -• s..
<br /> „ inaurenw ende in weord�nu w0h eny wdltcn�greement bolwecn Oortowrr end Lendcr or nppBwble law. . �� .,��-
<br /> � 9. IO�p�Ct1011. lender or ilf agml mey m�ko�caaonablo enlAee upon enA Inspoclione ol Iho PwDaly. Lmde�a�N pNe �-_� ;-- ��'.���;v
<br /> ��• . Bortowa nollee tl Ihe Wne ot or D�or lo�n inapcetion epeUt�MB rcaeonaDio cauao lor Ihe InspeUbn. ;
<br /> - � 10. Cond�mnttlon� The proaede ol�ny ew�rC or ctaim for dnmagee.tl'vocl or eonsequenlbl. In eonnedion xilh �ny .:,��_�.��—
<br /> - . eondemnalion or olher I�king ol eny paq ot I�o Roperty. or br con�reyanca In fieu ol wndemnWOn, aro hereby nes�0�ea�nd � r,-�.�v.;.- .
<br /> ,. . . sha0 be pdd to Lendec ,r ��` -� � .
<br /> - � In Iho tvenl ol e totel Iakin9 0l Ihe Properry. Ihe proceeES shaA �o eppliod lo tho sums eowretl by Ihie Bewdry �i � � - � � �
<br /> �� _. _ InsWmenf,whothM or nollAen Ouo,wiih�ny exeose Dald lo Oonower. In Iho wom ol e potlkl lekinp ol lho Property In which t, � '� ,�
<br /> -^v""'-�'-' iha iei mnrkal vefuo ol Iha Fmpttly immedaleiy L"vi0�v IfiB W4ing i5 eGnei(G 4I y�ielii iYuB ihv a�7�Wid Li Ih'v 6vr'> 'o'cW�i�i � � -- ' �����-
<br /> - �- " by IhB Soariry IniWmenl immedialcy bebro Ihe lafing, unlese Oortower end Lendcr olhmMSO agree In wrNing. Iho sume ��•''� ��' `�%'°�q^��
<br /> ' . . � ¢ewred by ihis Sewrity InaWmenl ahe�bo reduced by Iho amounl ol lho proceede muluplied by Iho IoVOwing Iracllon: (a) Ihe ' � � ` ���j�
<br /> � " �oiai emounl oi Ihe sums seeured immMulc below Ihe IaWn .tlhltled b@) Iho Ieir madcel veNa ol lhe Pro Immedat �'��h�`��A��`
<br /> . N 9 Y P�Y �N i e �1�:._
<br /> � 6eloro lho teldng.My baWnca sheA 6e pald lo Oortowtt.In lho wenl ol a parlWl leking ol Iha Properly in which Iho lalr markel - �
<br /> " � relue ol Ihe Properry Immetlialety bMoro Ihe Ieking Is less lhen Iho emounl ol iho sums sewretl Immedaley beloro !he laking. - �-.� .
<br /> unlose Oonower anU LenACr mhervdso egreo In wri1Ng or unlass appGw6lo Ww otherv�ise prodtlos. ihe proceode shall be � �:'
<br /> eppGtd lo Iho sums sewrttl by ihia Seariry Inshumem whelhtt or nm lhe sums ero ihm duo. ��',c�-��
<br /> '� .:-.� 11 ihe Property is ebnndonetl by Oortowa,or H, eller notice 6y Lender lo flonower lhnt Ihe condemnor ollers lo make en ._ � -';�,i•iy{J;':�
<br /> , ": . award or aeNe e clalm for damages, Uortowtt Iails lo respond lo Lentler riiihin SO days nttn Iho dala Iho nolica ie gHen. _"r:?;k���;
<br /> , �.��,',;•;.�_.-,_ Lendx ia eulhoiked to caLec! end appy�ho pwceeds,nl ils aplian, el�her lo rosmraYOn or repelr ol tha Propetly or lo Iho . ,-?f„�,
<br /> , auma aecured by ihis 8ewdty Inslrumml,whether or nol then duo. . - �' ;��5,-
<br /> ' Unlesa Lendn end Borrowe� mhdwiso egree in wriling. any nppliwllon ol proceeds lo p�incipal ahail not exlend or �
<br /> poslpono Ihe dae tlato ol iho monlhy paymenls referred lo in paragraphe 1 entl 2 0� change Iho emounl ol such paymenis. ,_ -� �,� �,
<br /> - , � 11. Borrower Not Roloneod; FO�boO�anoo By Londot NOt e WaivOG F.Menalon of�ho Iima lor paymen!or r � � � �.���y%
<br /> - �, •r . modifiwllon oi emortizailon ol lho sums sewred by Ihis Sewrity Insuumem gremed 6y Lender lo any successor In inlerest ol t _ , >��_•
<br /> - "� `' Donower sha0 nol operale to release�ho IWbtiry ol Ihe odginal Oortower or Oortower's succossore in imeresl. lender sha0 nol , . - - , , �•
<br /> - �- bo reqvired lo wmmenw proreediugs uyau�al nny aaccessor in inieresi o� �efosu lu vxlend Iiuo Im pepnml or oihemise � .. • "--
<br /> . � modAy emorlkatlon ot Ihe sums secured by Ihia Securiry InsWmenl by reason oi any demand mado by Ihe oriB��al Bortower or . � �
<br /> Bortowera suaessora In Inleresl. My lo�bearenu by LtndM in oxerdsing any dght or remetly she11 nol bo e waNtt o� ar . -
<br /> Y� � preduda tha exerUso ol nny tlphl or reme0y. . .
<br /> � ` " 72. Succesaore end Asaigna Bound; Jolnt end Severol Llahllity; CO•BIp11018. The wvenams ond - _ _�
<br /> egr¢emenla ollhis Sewriry Inahumenl 5he0 bfnd end bmef� Ihe snccesso�s entl essigns of Lendu ond Bortoiver,subJed lo tho
<br /> - provlsions ol paregraph 17. Bortowera corenanis end ugreemmis shail he Join1 end severei. My 6ortower who ca�signs lhis
<br /> . Sewriry InsWmml but does nol execule Ihe Nole: (a�is co�siBning Ihis Secu�ity Insirumenl only lo mo�tgage,g�ent and convey
<br /> . �hel Oortowtti inlnesl ln Iho Propery undtt Ihe te�ms ol Ihis Sewrfly Inslrumem: (b)is not pnsnnaly obllgaletl to pay ihe
<br /> sums securM by Ihis Secmiry Insimmenl: entl (c)ag�ees Ihal Lender antl any other Oonowm m�y ag�ee lo eriend.modAy.
<br /> lorbeat or mako any necommodalions vdlh regard lo Ihe lerms ol Ihls Securily Inslmmenl o� Ihe Noln withoul thel Oortoneri
<br /> � consenl.
<br /> 13. Loan Cha�pos. II ihe ioan secmea 6y �his Srcmity InslmmrM fs subject to a iaw whitl� sets maximum loan
<br /> chargos. end Ihel law Is finnily IMerp�Metl so Ihot the intemsl o� olhe' lonn charges collecled a lo be colleeletl In conneclion
<br /> wilh Iho loan exceed Ihe pertnilled lim�is.Ihen' (n) ony such loan cha�ge shell be retlucetl hy Ihe emounl necessery lo�etluce
<br /> Ihe cherge lo Ihe permAietl IEmil: and (h) eny sums o0eatly collectetl Imm Omrowe� which exceetletl pe�mitletl Iimils rrmA he
<br /> reNnded lo Oortorver. Lender may choose lo make Ih¢mlvnd by�e0uung 1he pnncfpa:owed unCet Ihe Nole o� by making e
<br /> dired paymenl lo Oortower. II a reiund retluces pmupai. Ihe �etlut6on wia be Uea1rJ as a paqiai prepaymenl wdhcW any ,
<br /> prepaymenl charqe untlet Ihe Nole.
<br /> � 14. r10HC08.My nolice lo Bortowe� p�o.ided lor in Ih:s Secmiiy Insirumenl shall be gben 6y delnering il o� by ma8ing tl
<br /> by fusl Ua.s mail unless applirable law�equims use ol anolhcr method_ The nouce shail be d�rected to Ihe Prope1ly AOd�ess
<br /> or any olhet adEress Bortower Eesignales 6y notice lo LenGer_ Any nolice lo Lendei shall be given hy f�sl dass mail lo
<br /> � Len0er5 e0a�e55 sla�ea nerem o� eny olncr aaaress Cenaer aes�gnales oy no1Re Io tlono�vcr. My no:ice prmided lor in Ihis
<br /> Security InsWmenl sholl be tleemed lo have been giren lo Bo�wwsr or Lendet when yhen es p�ovided in Ihrs paragwpR
<br /> 15. �30vOfn111(] LaW; SoVOfabllily. This Secunly Insirumenl shall be go�emetl by lederal Ww and Ihe law ol Ihe
<br /> �urisdiction In wldch Ihe P�opMy is bceled. In Ihe rren11ha1 airy piovision or ciause ol Ihis Security Inshumenl or Ihe Nole
<br /> i cmllicls wil�epOGwble lew. such con0icl shatl nol el!ect oiAn pm�dsfons ol lhis Secwity Inslrumeni or ihe Nole wh�ch can 6e
<br /> . gben eilecl wilhoui Ihe ConC¢ling p�ovi5fon. io�hs entl ihe p�otisions o11h�s Secmiiy Inslmmenl and Ihe No1e a�e deGared to
<br /> 6e sererabie
<br /> , . 16. BOffOWOf�B COPY. Bonowe�ShaA be gP.en one cenlormed wDy of Ihe Nole and ol IMS Secmily Instrcmenl
<br /> -. FlJ�6l!!LO.?JI .+v +a15 _R�/� _�_�
<br /> . • � 9lfftU.1
<br /> � I I
<br />