� t � � .Y �,. } �'� _____. ,__ ` ;_._.
<br /> �- �.� , ,�..o.�� r .N, .�. � ,
<br /> :.::1..s.u..,'..�"'.v�...._• _I '- �'%';+.1..'1, «Y.,.'�,�.� 'u�.��•;•:i�,w�'.�,-'. �_
<br /> .i:,._ , •.
<br /> �.���� �
<br /> ��.�:�;, 93- �o�s4e :.
<br />,�,�';�� ,e. MNawe«wrrerNbn.,
<br />--,-{:=,1•;, ;;�+ (q yrtq�wlk111N��d,ExUn�lonolthstim�lorp�YmentormoOlficaUOnolemaNzellonolme�um��ecursdbyrbl� —__—.
<br />_;f.r�.3.•r��� MWolTrutlannMdbyL�nOUto�nywccluorinlnbretlolBorrowei�hallnolopentelarNe�se.in�nYmonnsr,thelkbllHy
<br /> _;S`;t1�:�� olth�otlpin�IBOrrowe�nABorroweri�ucus�onlnlnle��LLenOer�h6ilnolWrpulredtocommenceproceedfnp���ln�t ��_.
<br /> ^'` rt >�� �ucn�ucu�w�orwluwtoe�n�nd�imsmr�ymenlorolheiwlaemotllyemonlu9onol�heeum�wcuretlbythb0eedoiruot ���.:�-�
<br /> � '� �s `'-��^� by re�an ot�ny dem�nd�m�d�by the o�O��el Bonowe�nA Borrow�Y�wou�wn In Intareil —
<br /> � '� - ��` (p) UndNY Pow�n.Withoul eHecllnp Ihe Il�biiiry ol eny olher penon Ii�ble lor the peymeM o1 eny oblip�tlon herein ..,,•.-"
<br /> ' - ' � m�nUOnW,anOwllhoul�tleollnplhallenorc��ipeollMa0�e0o1TrwtuDOnanypoNOnof�hePropetlynollhenorlAerelofwe =._,.. ' - - �� • -
<br /> '�•-��. �� relN�edurecurlrylort�eNilamouNO1�11unpddobuy�uoni,Lentlermay,homtlmelollmeendwlthoulnoUCep)rNa�e�ny =— _ _�
<br /> -.;;�';.�, perwnwliabls.ppexlendthamaWdryoniterenyoll�eterm�oleny�uchobllyatlone,(nqprantoiharinAulpence0.pv)rNee�e !�'�=�-°-�°='
<br /> � =�!,e: or reconvey,or c�vae to be roluwd or reeonveyed el uny tlme et Londer'e option eny pareel,potlion or etl ot Ihe Properry, £FJ8'- —
<br /> �_._.=��s�_..
<br /> .�. d?:•�>fi- (y Nke or relaw�ny olher or addillonet exudy lor any oblipallon hereln mentioned,or hp make composltlont or oMet �-:r„�__ _
<br /> -� "'�:�`��+`i �rranpomenu wllh d�btore In relalion therelo. ---
<br />;i:�"..,
<br />- „v-:1•.:, 4_.:.....
<br /> - ii . �_ . (c) FaM�nna by L�nde Nol�Wdn��Any lorboarence by Lantlar In exerelelnB eny dpM or rametly hareunder,o� c!u�-�-�
<br /> ��: �,....._.,... �:.._
<br /> ;;a-%*;;?',?'y� otherelee eflorded by appllce6le Iew,eheil not 6a o welvor ol or praclude tho exorcl�e of any euch dphl or remedy.T�e =-_=_- � -��� -
<br /> �.'+,�;'.:ta procurementollnturenceorthapaymentoltazaeorotherlleneorchorpaebyLendaehellnotbeawaiverolLentlaPeriyhlto
<br /> ,�,r�:_:y�.:::,'+ eccelerote 1ha matvdry ol ihe InAobtednoee sooured 6y Ihia DeeG ol huet g y-.
<br /> .t. � .._. ; ----
<br /> -::.,.•,,1.�:� .�i, (d) Bucemon�nd Anipn�Bound;Joinl�nd 8wm1 LI+bIINy;C�pllon�.Tho covonanle ontl apreomenle heiein con• ___,
<br /> _?���'?`-;�-'-;'�� teined ehall bind,entl Ih¢riphro hereunCer ahull Inure lo,Ihe reapocllve succeasom ontl esei9ne ol Lentlar nnd Trualor.All cr_�-=�
<br /> ' corenanfe end A9rea:n�t�01 Truslor ehall ba�olnt entl eaverel.The capllone and hondlnpe ol lhe paraprephe ot thie Deed ol
<br />��`� I` Tn�sf ero fo�wm�ao4xxa any and ere nol to be used to inlerprel or deline�ho provlelona hereol. ,,;'�'""
<br /> (e)BtpuHtlar�laVtsRTAep3rtias�erebyrequeatlhelecopyolenynoticeoldoleulihareundorendewpyolenynotice r_�,=:
<br /> --- ol eele hereunder Ca malleA lo each�nrry to thia Daod ol Tmst at tho atldross so�lorth abovo in the manner preacribed by - -.,---.
<br /> � applicabfe law.Ezcapt lor nny oMOr wti;.a re.�ui�ed under epplica6lo law to be pivon in another menner,eny nollco provided �,jn,��_•.
<br /> �,1 -����;� bt in Ihis Deed ot Trust a�en be pivon bs mn�r,n}�sirh notiee by cerliilod mail addroasod to the olher pertiee,nt 1ho 8ddrefa set Ff.$- .-
<br /> i�F�l���(���� Potlh ebove.Any noLCa O�odded for In lnis Pnr�oi Trvsl ehell 6o efleclivo upon meilinp In tho manner tla3i0nnled hemin.II i;�,;�,�nar,:
<br /> r
<br /> 33�1�d��1/Piu TN9�Of 19 II10fB 1h90 0�0 pet60M�OtIGe 5801 iD Ih2 fldtl�B58 BBI IOdfl BbOVB Bh911 b0 IIOIIGB l0 011 BUCh pOf6008. �f:<'(. ---
<br /> ,brrirr} �t/?i —
<br /> � y r (Q In�p�etlon.LenUer mny mako or eeuse to�o metle reasoneble ontdes upon end inepectlone ol the Propery,proWded �,. _ _
<br />�,.,,i(t, -`'�i'. Ihel Lentlor nhall giva Tmator notico prior io any sucn InaDection apedfying wasonablo cause thorolor relaled to Lender'e
<br /> ` _tJ�£�,: inlarest In t�e PwPerry. � �
<br /> . r[.�rhs (q) p�eonwy�nc�.UponpaymaNOlxnaumasecuroAbylhleDeeAOlTrus6LOndarshallroquoslTru8leeto�eCOnveylhe �r
<br /> ..,ir.,�{ ProparryandehallsurrenJer�hisDoodofTrustnndelinotwewdendngindebtetlnoaseecurotlhyihieDotxlolTrusttoTmateo. �,��f _
<br /> �4. TfUSl80 Bh811 fBCO0V0y�hB PIOPefly WNhON WfIRBn1y AOd W111�1U1 ChAtOB IO Ih0 P8f800 0(PDfe0f18 10�011y 80�IIIBA�fIBf810. '•!?F�R
<br /> �l;�'. Tmstor shell pxy eIi wsts ot rocortle�lon,il eny. , `r-'+ �0�, _.
<br /> � ���l �;} (h)Ponon�l Propedy:Seeudt A u�m�nt.As ntltlmona�securi lor tho e ment ol ihe Nolo,Trunlor hereby gmnte ��t�f c�
<br /> � Y 9 b P Y t fi� s, 'r�f+k.—
<br /> ���Y _��r 'r� Ler3e��ir��7o�tte NaLraska U�:7c:m Ccm.:;,rc!s:C�e s sae;:;i.^.!arest!r.e!I Ilxw�es.e9uiFmenl,flnd olhnr pnrennnl propnM �. � __.. .,,,-..
<br /> � � �% uaetlinconneclionwilhlhorealestntoorimprovemeNSloealotllhereon,andnotolherwisoAnclarodordoomadtoUOepaAO1 ¢����'�
<br /> 3 ±;7 !��%} the raal ealatB eecuretl horoby.This inslrom¢nt shall Ce conalmud ea o 8ucudty Agmomont untlor eelA Cotlo,end lhe Lender �.�_��,�ti����_ -`?_^ _
<br /> `� i ' +I';{y shall hav9 nil tho righle nnA remedies of a sewred party undor snid Codo fn addilion lo tho righte end romodioa creutod under � + ��'t�1 � 1 g �
<br /> ti�'�' " endeccordedihoLenderpursuanttolNSDoodolTruakprovldudlhotlondor'erighleandromoAloeundarlhiepnmgraphehull S��f r � 5 .���� .;
<br /> -=<�',=ti"'i' be cumulalivo wllh,entl in no wey o Iimilelion on,Londofe dghte entl romoAloa untler eny olhor socurlry n8ruemonl elpnetl by �Y„��a:�di;r�ryf�°��,"�
<br /> .}, c W
<br /> BortowerorTrustoc ° „ r�i�; -.
<br /> (p Ll�n��nd Eneum6une��.Tmstor heroby warraNa enA ropwaonle ihet Ihero le no Colaull undar Ihe provisione ol any � .1 G • �
<br /> •�� moe9age,tleetl o�Irue4leose or Ourcheee wntrect Cescribing ell or eny part ol lhe Property,or olhor tontrec6lnalrumentor , .?�-, ..;. � -�
<br /> "� egreemenl consllluting e Iien or ancumbranco egeinel ell or eny part o�the Propety(cotieclivaty."Lione'),exl6tinq ea ol lha - ;,�
<br /> �� � _- defe ol lhie DeeO ol Trust,entl lhet eny enE ell exisling Lions romaln unmotliliutl o:cepl ea tliaclosod to LenCer In Truslor'e . . � 'r�-
<br /> - wdqen Olsdosure ol Iiene end enoumbreneos provlOotl lor haroln.Tmalor ehull tlmoiy parlorm ell ol Tm6tor's oblipallona, '. 1�:
<br /> '� - � � eovenante,reprosnnlatlonaentlwarrenlloaunEOrenyendallozisi6ngon0luWroLlune.ehallpwmptlylorwardtoLentlercopiea � ?���- -
<br /> ol ell nolicos ol dulnull sonl in connoclion wlih any entl all oztsting or IuWw Lione,end shall not wilhout Londore pflor wdtton " " � .�,���-,
<br /> � conaent in eny mannor modlly Iho proviafons ol or ellow any IuWro edvnncna undor any azi6ling or IuNro Lione. ;,?r
<br />��; �,p.+;:.c;: UTApP�lertlonolPaym�nl�.UnloasolhorwiaoroQWrod6ylaw,eumspaldloLnntlorhoroundor.inclutlinpwllhoullimiletion ;� ,- :: � , ;;
<br /> �;._ .:.'� poymonle ol pdncipel enA intorosl,insuranco procooda,condomnellon procuatla enC ronte and prollls,elmll Uo epp11o0 Gy �, +,.,,�i�_•.
<br /> LentleHOthoemouNStluoandowingiromTmelorend8orwwerinsuchordorasLondorinllseolodiecrallondoamedoslrabio. � ����,_;��..
<br /> ' -•. (k)Sor�ribllity.11 eny provi6lan of 7M5 Dontl of Tmel conllrcts wfth epplicab�o lew or le decleroE���nliE or olhurvriao _ :f- -
<br /> - ' - UneNOlCB8b10,BUCh COOIIICI O!InV111�tlily 6h�11 0 01 8110C1 Ih0 01�2�provisona ol tMS OauU ol Trus!or Ihe Nola which cen bo - ��� �-, �
<br /> + j',,�; �, g(venelleclwilhoutlhecontlic�ingprovision.entllothisendl�eprovisro�soflhisDeetlolTruelentlihoNOleeredocleratllobo .�- -
<br /> �„F. severa�le. �� , - _
<br />`,f•-���,s{�;;;l r.,(,�{ (q Tarmt.The torms"Truator"enA"BOrrowor"6he11 IntluOe both singulnr antl pWrnt,entl whon lho Tmalor and 8orrownr � „ �
<br /> -Y �.,'. -� • e�e�he same person(e),Ihose lorms es used in lhis DecO ol Trosl s�a�i bo InlorchangoaDlo. �
<br /> - ; "i�� �� (m) povmin9 Lew.TNe Deotl ol Tmsl shall bo goveme0�y trie�aws of the Sule ol Nabraske. � , . �
<br /> �j� ;.,i��� .� Tlus�Or�e9 oxeGOlnd�hle DOetl ol Tru91 9a ol iha Ge�e wrltten ebove. � �
<br /> - «,:-:, Y�'L=',.• ..,r� �/T/1,..> !
<br /> TNSiD� �
<br /> -.�•i.. Glenna J Kitt�n ,
<br /> . ' ,s:; 7ruslor �
<br /> � `_ �'
<br /> � . . . .
<br />_ '�
<br /> :� ;.,
<br /> ' -� ''�if. .-,
<br /> �,�.: . . •
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