� �•f • i (
<br /> L Lt � �)� . .
<br /> .. l�. � . . ..��� ��'_ ts ..�iLi `J 1 tL-:- � �` 1 ry�Y`sF`a��rt�w __.— �_y. -� -'
<br /> v_.�i�L•��L:.{�� 'N'/�.5.e7e9:�i�t�1..�.�...1.u+ "
<br /> fJ,l1,'� ( 1'
<br /> _ ;i;.rai
<br />��:�,�,;;��: 93. i�e
<br />�����;�:
<br /> `°:�'y;h� - th�Prop�rry U�0 4kin or d�mopM,UnQN�htll h�w Ih�oD��on,In IU wb�nd�01o1u1�diwutlon,lo�DPN����ueh PrOCNE�,
<br /> 2:'S�i� p.mn__-
<br />�'..^;,:,�,._,. �lNrNduallnpN»rMromUleo�4�nd�xp�nN�Inournd0y0ineonnwllonwlt��uchProead�.uDOn�nynC�01WnN�NCUrW —_� —
<br /> j-_ - �f„b hu�Dy�ndln�ucnorduul�nOnm�yE�urmin�,orto�ppry��IwchPraNd�,�her�uehd�0uotlon�,�otl��rNrontlonoltlw __ _.__
<br /> ,. .7�n>N :,;;•'.. P�oMMuP�nEUe�condiUOn�ol.�ndamqd�Urmin�.AnY�ppllaOOnolProcwdHOindWtWn�u�h�ilnolex�enderpo�lpon� � -.--
<br />_',_l,ti_,f��'.._a. th�du�OeUOl�nypaym�N�unA�rl�rNOa,orcuro�nydelnulllhu�undeorh�nunder.Anyun�ppllWNnC��h�11MpUClo
<br /> tY,�r >�' Tru�lor. �:�.�--
<br /> 4-; 3, E.hrlam�no�by Nnde,Upon the ocourqnc�at an Evenl ot UU�ulth�nuntlu,or il�ny�c1 U uk�n¢r IpU DroaMinp ��:� „ �
<br /> � wmmencotlwhlcAmeUrlalty�Ileo��Lendp/elntereelln�heProperry,LenAermeyIni�eowndi�cntlon.bvlwll�oulobllQ�tlOntOdo q 1 .�.,. �; _
<br /> f :.
<br /> � �� ��� W,�nd wllhout notics to or dem�n0 upon Trutlor and wllhoW relea�lnp Trustor 1�Om��y ObIIpEl10�,d0 Enylcl whlCh T�uUO�hu � � � -.-� •; .�
<br /> � eyraed but Itlb ro do�nd m�y alw Ao sny olhe�wt II deem�n�ce�ury to prolacl��e eeoudry hereoL Trutlor MtlI,ImmMI�pN ��n�jw R�'.y[� ;�,_;�
<br /> .: ;1.5+`'�:;t� :.41.r. :fii,yji.'.;iI�F:.
<br /> --`?��i,�;�;,� upondemendlherelorbyLender,peyloLan0ere11coeleenEexpeneeilnourredenE�um�expendedbyLenderinwnn�cllonwllfi ..
<br /> ?i:t.rn'-� ;,�•�'- �heB%etCie0byL60dlrollhllo�ey0lnptlphll,lopelhe�wllhlfl�OreelfherBOnBlfhedBleuIl�Elop�ovldEdln�heN0�0,whlch�hellbe ^i�:`:�,4�_ .,_;_,..?,,}�%,.
<br />-':i•:�t,37'�;,����;� eddetl lo the indebtetlneae eecuretl hereby.Lender shell nol inaur eny Ilebllity beoevse of enylhinp 11 may Ao or omit lo do r,..,f`.jj ,.-3;;�;y_
<br /> � ;"'� hereunda�. -
<br /> -�S.` � � '�{�� ti �, +":
<br /> .�c1 9. H�urdow Mtleld�.Truelor ehell keep Ihe Propory In compllence with eil eppllcable lewa,ordinancea and repulalion� ,;r r . _ ;
<br /> rolallnB to induettlel hyplena or enNronmentel protodion(collec�vely refarrad to harein es"Endronmontel Lewe'1.Tmetor ehnll .' ; ,2��+' `
<br /> keept�ePropertyfreelromellsu6stnnceadaemedtobehezerdouewlaaleurvS�anyEnvlronmenlalLewa(eollanllvatyrolerredlo -�^. �^�
<br /> hereinee"HazerEOUSMatednle'9.Tmstorherebywerrenleentlrap:a3xntstoler�dartDat�"+aaaranoHe[erdoueMetedalaonor -
<br /> ;� underNeP�oporty-TrustornereDyt�grzastoindamniyendholtlharm7asele:Mar,ite0ira^•ta�.onFere,employeeaentla9eme,entl �>� �f ' .
<br /> _{;, enyaucceswratoLendareimarest��omenAageinslenyandellGalm�,damago�,buosendliaOdR+a�eds��gineonnocUonwlN -' , � _ ;
<br /> r - ,:-�`�i+; Ne D�e6enee,use,C�SDOSe1 or iransport ol any Haie�doue�leleda�5 on,u�Ger,Oom or aDOUI the Prop�ny-THE FOREOOINO , �� . � ��
<br /> i_.:
<br /> i - .y 10.Atdynm�nl ol fl�nU.Trustor heroby nsslgne lo Len�er ITO ren�s,luues end profU ol the PropertY.proviOatl that Tmstot -, �
<br /> # �i„��i shall,untilthaoccunenceolenELVnlotOelaullhomunder,hnvatherighitowlioctandrela�nsuchrente.issuesentlprofit�aethey ;� .w�R-
<br /> t1, i�[' become Aue end payebla Upon the ocwrronco of nn Event o1 Doteull,Lender may,el�hor in purson or Oy apen4 wlth or whhoul �, � _-"��
<br /> �•cF�%�a��,�' Dtlnginfl eny aclion or Droceedinp,or by a mcoivor nppoiNed Cy a court Flna wiihoul ropArd to 1he edequncy of Its socuriy enler - _�_.
<br /> '-�E>����`�� uponer.dtekepoesasslonoHheProperty�ornnypflnthe�oof,fniieownnt�meorinihenameoll�eTmatea,antldoenyectswhich(1 ;1�.-.,[iNSj;,<,r-��°�:
<br /> "i.:'.;�ki 4�d. ',t��:'.�,eli;",•�::
<br /> ,...-e.y f}t�, deemsneCOSSeryordosiiebletopreaervelhevaluo,merkelebi0ryormninblliryol�hePropeAy.orenypehlhereoforinlarostlherein, -._,,., r
<br /> - } lyd y�. incrense Ihe incoma thorotrom or prolect Ihe secutiry horeof nntl,wilh or w�ihoul toking possession of iho Proporty.eue tor or �'f�i Y}��..;
<br /> �(�yi:=!f�S"��, olhorwfse wilecl lhe renis,isauos antl profile lhereol,inclutling t�o�e peal tlue and unpaid,and epply Ihe enm0.leas cosls end }, ( ,. - _.
<br /> if({111�;� ' �� oxponseaoloperationanticoliectlonincludingettomoys'Ieea,uponenyintlobtetlnosssecuredhoroby,e111nauchordeiasLender _. S � � .
<br /> Ij�� -� -; may determine.Tha antering upon entl tekln0 Possesslon ot�he ProDerty,�ho collec�lon ol such ronte,iseuea and proma end tha _;�}�u y��``yyyy� �•:
<br /> �`���t�{y.;��!°�� epplicafion Ihereol as atoreaaid.eAell not cure or welve eny dolautl or nofico of deleNt herountlar or im�endate eny ac1 done in ',=�,7E� � ��
<br /> - YH,r�rYV. ,H toapon6eloeuchdelaullorpmaua�tloauchnoticoolde(aWlflnd.noMrilhslantlinpl�ecoNlnuanceinDUssesslonoltt�eProperly0r �r kr" ..��
<br /> -_: 7� I, �h0 G0118C1100,f8t01y�A11O BPPIICA(10(1 01 f01118,ISBIIUe Of Pf0�119.A11O TNS18B BOd LCOdO�6hpll DB en�lllEtl�0 B%EfU89 BVBry flghl ,t �:1�R1�•_„=-J� ��-
<br /> � - I<L{tdi! p!evldec�inr�nanyol�h§LOanlnatmmnMSOr6YlawuDOnoccurrenceolenyEvenlolDo1eu14inclutlinpwllhaWlimiletlontherighl i���sy .._._..._
<br /> i ` -,.��'r�� IooxortlsolhopoworofBelB.Furlher.4onde�'stightsnntlremetlle6un0e�tms0a�aprxpnenFliiuuwi�iuirCvcY.NY,aL.'.�r.r.cx:.ya - a, ti __
<br /> i
<br /> { ".-r) IIMIeHOnon,LOndoledghlsend�emetlioaundoran nssi nmen1o11easesnndrenlareeortletlnpainstiheProporty.lontler.Trostee ��JS�r+ _�,_
<br /> Y B :l P `
<br /> - - end tha receiver ehell bo Ile6io lo acwunl only lor Ihose rents ecWally receiveO. f�� ���r --;:
<br /> " - - fl. EvmU o1 De(a�d6 Tho lollowinp ahall conelilute en Evem ol Do�aull undor thie Doed ol Trust ��<t ; � �r,��;
<br /> - (a) Felluro lo poy eny inslellmonl of principal or intorosl ol eny othor 6um aocured heroby when Auo; _-, ; �;.
<br /> (b)AbwaoholordulnollundarnnyprovisionconlainotlinlhoNOte,lhiaDoodolTma4enyo1lhoLOenlnslmmont�,oreny �i,i `, _ . �Ilt�,•_
<br /> � o�ho�Ilen or encumbrenco upon Iho Property.
<br /> (a) Awdlofezecullonornitaohmenlorenysimilerprocasa6hellboontomdegeinalTmslorwhlchshell6ncomealienon : -f rt�','�yii�,��
<br /> - • the Pwperry or eny poNOn therool or Intoros!lhereln: `r°.�`�-F•'7-;r_`;�
<br /> � (tl) Thero ehall be liletl by or egainsl Tmslor or Borrownr un eclion untlar eny preseN or luturo ledoral,eleta or olhet 7���_r�.�;.�,�,-.
<br /> � - atatuta,law or ropulation wloting to bankmpicy.Insolveney or o��ar roliol lor tlobtore:or Ihoro ahell 6e eppointed eny lrustea. � ..> i;y_.,;.f«�
<br /> reeeiverorllquidalorolTmslororBorrowerorolellornnypertollheProporry.orthorenls,issvesorpro�i�at�erool.orTmsbr �...c �.,4_�;•{.-�.
<br /> �- or Borrower shell moko eny gunorai aesigmm�N lor Iho bonolit ol cred��ore: �."•-�+"���� "'���`�%����
<br /> � - (0) Th0 6U10,lfOn610f,IU880.0681911f110N,COnV0y8nC�O(IUtlhO!�nCV11�UfplICO 01 fill Of 8ny P8rt OIOI Ony I(1�0lOSI 10Ih0 ''-i_b`;���';`! , �::;.�"�!'-
<br /> '. 'I:�....-.. .'..::..
<br /> Proporty,ollhor volunlerliy or imolunlorily,wilhoW lho o.prose wrllton consonl ol Londnr.provitlud thnl Tm6tor shall bo �.,,�,k�:i
<br /> ... . pormiltodtoozocu�ooloesaollhoProporrylheldooenolconlatnonoptlonfopurchesoandtholormolwhichdooanoloxcaod ,.i� �,-�;•�,-,:'�
<br /> � . �1c���
<br /> ono yoar; •
<br /> � , - (q Abantlonmont of tho Properry:or ;---
<br /> - - (g) IITNSbrieaol8nintllvidunLlhB�55uenC8.9nio.lrenelor.essiflnmonl.tonv0yentaOro�CUm6�en[oolmowlhanebini
<br /> ol Oorcont ol pl a corpomhon)ils issued and oWSla�dfng smok or(il e pannntship)a lolel ol percunl of �,� - - G''��.
<br /> - ' pertnOfehlp IntomSte during Iho penotl ihla DooU ol Tmst remaln!e Ilon on Ihu Pmporty.
<br /> � � 12. RemWi�t;Aecda+llonUponDeleull.InlhamoNOfenyEroNOl�elauuLnntlormay,w7lhoulnolicooxceptesruquiredby �
<br />�l;;:.� ' law,doclam ell InAebtednose socuwtl horeby to bo Euo end payabio anA Iho same sholl Ihoreupon bocomo Uue nnd payablo ; .
<br />_i., -� wllhoul mly prosenimnnl.demand.prolost or nolico ol eny kind.Tne�oalte�Lundur may: � "
<br /> (a) Demand Ihet Tmstao uxorel6o iho POWER OF SALE g�antoE hernm,and Tmsloe shall Ihoteafter cnuse Truator'9 �
<br /> - intorosl in lhe Properly lo bo aoltl end Ihe procuods lo bo tllslubutetl,all m Iho manne�provitlotl in Ihn Nebraska Tmsl Dunde I
<br /> � Ack �
<br /> (b) Exorciso eny antl all�ights pwvitletl�or in ony ol Iha Loan Inslmmnnis or 6y lew upon occunoncn ol nny Evanl ol
<br /> DoleulL'enA
<br /> - - (cJ Commencoanection[aloroclosothisDOetlolTmalesamortgegu.npDOmlureceiver.orspecAicuilyenlorceanyollho
<br /> rnvennnle horool. �
<br /> No remOtly horoin conlorreA upon or resorvotl lo Trusleo ot LonEer i9 inlondod lo bo axclusivo ol eny olhor romady hero�n,in Iho
<br /> Loen Inslrumonl9 or by law Orovitlnd ot permilletl,bul each 5�nii bu cumu�nbva.shnll Ua in aOUltion lo ovary olher remotly givnn
<br /> hor�untlor,ln Iho Lonn InstNmenis o/now o�nerea�le�ex�siing at law or�n ea W ry o�by slaluie.a�tl moy be exe�cised conNrreMly.
<br /> InAOpenCently or successivoiy.
<br /> 19. Trusleo. Tho Tmsteo may msig�at any Umo wnhout ceuse.end La�der may a�a�y Omo antl wdhoul causo appoinl a
<br /> successor or 9uUS(tute Tmslee.TNSIeo shalt nol be hable lo e�y Dariy,i�c�utlmg wilhoul hmiWbon Lo�tler.Borrow�4 Trustor or any
<br /> � purthBSBt ol the PtOpofty�0�eny 1055 or Oamuge unlass Ou�lo�etkless o�wdllul mi5condutl.and 5hall nol be reQU��etl lo lBke any
<br /> edion in connactio�wi�h Iho enlo�cemenl ol tnis DeeO ol Tmsl unless mCemmhe0.m wn4ng.br a�l costa.compensehon or
<br /> BzOanseS which may De n5socfeleA Iherewi�h.In edtld�o�.Tmstee may become e purch85e�o18�y 581e o�Iho Proporty Uutl�ael or
<br /> wan h�low�n.enll lbn
<br /> undor�ho powe�o�sa�e g�a�tetl he�ein).pos�pone mo saie oi eii or u.�y vv�t�o:.c::'z^:o;.a.:;.aa;_°�- -- - �
<br /> Properry as a wnolo o� :�seCa�ate Da�cels or bls e1 Tmstee s d�screuon.
<br /> 14. Fea antl Expcme6 i�I�e evenl Tms�ee se��s O+e Pro;.crty by exearse o�powc o�sa�e.Tms�ee snall be en6tleC to epply
<br /> 80y 52�8 D�af2'vb G�b::O p01mCM G�211 COSi40�d¢sQP�5�5 0�fxE�G�5��9 pOrv¢�0�Sd�C.��Uc�:OQ ell TIWtEB 61C¢5.&nd 1U00Qi S
<br /> aM Trostce's nno�ney's�ees,atlually Incw�e0 to e:leM pe�mdt[d by eDO��CaD'e iaw In O�e eve�t Bonowe�M Tmstor exetuses e�y
<br /> nam ero�0ed by taw�o cwe o�Evem c�De�a�;;Le�Ce�s�a'i M enbnea m�ecove<<<om irosro�e�cosa ana e:�enses acwany
<br /> �^CU'�Ed 99 0�CSUI1 01 TNSIp�3 tlC�HU�L��PCC�'J wft�0o1��mdLGO�BII ?fu5i¢2 S 2��dCt+^2y�5�2¢5.�D V.0¢xlpM pe�m�tl[d by
<br /> aD:'cab%law. _
<br /> t5. FWun Adnnee�.UDC� reGuest o�Bmrowe�.le�ner mey.a1 iu opuon.make a9tl�uo�a� a�a luture advances a�E�e-
<br /> ' ndvence9loEo�ro'xe�.SucAativer.ce5an0iea7�ar,[e5.wi�hmlereSlNO�eon.ShallbeSttwfODyt���s0?eE0�Tm91-Alnolimes�a'�
<br /> � - Ihop���c�DalaTO�mo�Ne��EebleE�esssec�re4bylhisDaedol7msl�otinctuAingsumsedv3nce0toD�otecllh0secutlryo�ims
<br /> " Daod ol Trusl e,�ceM tne oriyma�D�����Ca�amounl s�nted herein.o�£..�}g�gg�-gp--w����ever is g�ealert
<br /> '
<br /> . �
<br />