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(j'' Y.� ._� ._�isSt r's�:l'..LL.�.N 1:�6--_"......,.ni'.�w ,...«.... i:,a,..... _' _' c__ 'i � �_ _�--. .. <br /> S <br /> a,:.;��r,� . . 93� so���c� <br /> cri�.r�;�+y • 1B. LbvonnnlsolTrustaiW�hRospocltoleases.4Yr,AOU���aprlorwHttenconsenrolBenot'dary Tius�ashellrrot,dlrec6yalndncYy, <br />- <i�rn��- wlthrospec7toenyleateotspnce7ntholrustPioperry,a�nypatlonfheraol,wh9the�si�ch�leesel5nowo�MreARB�hexlttMC�: <br />.%f�.T. .ql.. . <br />�;;..;•;, (�) Accepl a permlt enyprepayment,dlscour.l a edvenca peymenf oNsnt her�indeNn excaFS ol one month, <br /> �-'•�' (b) Cencel a rormlqafe tlw e�ma,oi�ccepl any canaella9on,lermina7on a simender lherea!w pemiit eny event to oCCU�w1VCh wouVi -- <br /> "� `�"^' ocowiheieundortotevnlneleoicanceilAaaeme,otha�fhanferm'nadonfanonpaymenloNenf, <br /> "'���" (o) Nnentl or modlry 1he aeme so es lo reduce the farm thero�l,tho�ontN peyeble lhereundar,a(o changa eny renewNprovlslons <br /> � �^ "• � Ueuein contelnoo, <br /> .. . ....�.: <br /> "-.�!�° � (d) WeNeenydelauttNOroundo�orbroachiha�eol, <br /> --'�-:r�,� (e) aNemycon5ant,waNOroreIprovalNarBUntleratak9enyothErocGOnlnconnectlonfhaewilh,aoithalBSSeelhBreunde4whiCh — <br /> '��a�:-,�;i would�eveNaeflactolfmpNdngthevaNaoftM/assa'slnfe�esttherauntlero�NOpropa�ryau6jec!(ne�ato,aollmpaldngtlw <br /> �f ' poslROnaln�eresrolBenehderyrhere�n.a .- �_ .. . <br /> s°n <br /> )y�{ (q Seqess7gn,petlge,mat98BOaolAerwisetlisposeal,orencum6ari7slnfa�astlnenysaldfenseaenyienfe,7uues,proG(slssuing ._ <br /> _+t�:� aedsfnpNeraundet <br /> , i,��-.� iL Weiver ol StaNlo ol Umllefions.17mo fs ol lho ossonce tn a(10l Tnu(or's o6ligaUOns end dutl9s Ao�oundor,antl m tho extonl permtltad S S�;� � _- __.-- <br /> -. �t,y bylew,T�usPo�welvese�lprosenta�NtmeatalutesollimitallonswlthrospoctloanytlabtdemAntlao6iipa0onsocwodhorB6yand -. r.c --- <br /> '•• - ' -�•� eny ectlon orp�oceetling lor the purpaso ol onforcinp N�s Dootl o!1ms1 a eny dghts or ramedles conlainotl hmofn. : i aY �. �ii�� <br /> •r';;:i;�y} ��� <br /> � j s f0. AulgnmeN ofQ¢ Iho ovont constn�ction ollmy�arom¢nts ts CoMnmplotetl by fho loan oNtlencotl by fho No(o sacured �iti'��'�'Y����':u�:-� <br /> ''�--"=.,-:�.•� �,�+reDy,as ar:du�„ra3lsocudry Iho�olao,Tnuta hereb/Oznsfers aied errs�p�s to Beneficlary,ail dghp GBn entllnteresl fo any and ell �3a�.«.�,,;;�_i�;s�tc: <br /> ' _, 1,.� monfes depom4:d Dy or on bahalf ol Trusta w2t amf ary.cowry.Pv1,Y/c Cody o�egoncy,sanitery dfsiricF,uU'liry company,and ,ii',n�',i,'�� +�;:... <br /> ,,; enyoMe�Dcd/oraqency,lanhelnsfallaUOncrNSecura0ted�staTa�brtc�enyutiliry6yTmsror,perra7MnglqUipTmstPioperty. 1 � r?5"t+�r,,:: <br /> . ,� iD. Corpo�eCan wPard:ersClp Edstenco.I/Trte;roiis a carpo�a6on,gerterol psftnBrshlp,a fimRed parGmrsMp,it vbll do ell�hings 1�,. �": s ll.jrf i .� <br /> ,,;:'.: necossary(oR�eserveitqcorpOmtoorpMnershtpoxlstonco.esNOCasamaybo,enda/fngAts;ntl�vdegesunde�fholawsolfho Yp�;iSipi,�M'�,�i� ._'� <br /> - SfBIBOflf3lnCppG2;0/�MO��IeG0l1. + •.'.( � 'yd5--' <br /> :te._-. <br /> - 20. Fabea�ence D/A:rafiGary Nat a Walvei.Mylor6tvacca Dy Beno�dary in exeroireg em,r�ghkamvrnd'/lmnun.ktr,Or olheiwlso i•:•.�:.:�';.;-;���,,,;,�,�--�� <br /> aBadedbyqap.isaDlelaw,shallnotbeawalverolapreckodeU»exa-ciseWenysv�M�alwmmedy.iTVF*vicenemonlol �.���� <br /> > � r� --` lnswence a tna,naymont o/lexos o�Iho dischergo o/E°ns ai Marg_s Dy&:�vficlary anel!nol De a N'a:vcy'a 0.'%+C':Afary's qght to � -���-° <br /> '` - ?; eccelereteGSamaNriryo/tholndo6letlnoss. ,:`� " <br /> . 21. Remedles CumWaGio.M iemodles p�ovltlotlln�hls Deed o1 irust ara d"ut7ac(end eumulalive fo any IXtn.v righf w romedy undei Nis i� :,._!'. <br /> � - Deed ol irusf or a!laded by Iaw or equiry,end may be eze�e:sadrn�,:uaenlly,indepontlon7fy orsuccessive(y. - � � '��- <br /> ' 22. Successo�a end Assipns Bound;Jolnl end Sovoref Llab7�ry:CapY.uu.TAe eovonanls end eqreemonls herafn conta+ned shffi1Wnd,end �^:';V""'S"� � <br /> - -- Ne dghls hereunda shalllnuro to,Ihe rospeclive succossas a�y xssi3:u ol BenefiGary.7rustoo,end Imstoc All covenants end ��,;���1'=. '' <br /> ... - eg�aemenfs ol T�usla shatl bo/olnt end sovo�aL 7he cap(lons end headn9s o/fho pa�egrephs o!fhis Dood olTrusf ero lo� - ::�;L_�'- <br /> � convonlence onty entl aro nol fo ho usotl ro Inro�prot o�tlofino Iho provisions hereol. . ,'>' ,?-� <br /> P3. Notice.Exce t/o�en notico iequ(rotl under e Itcabla law ro be lven ln anolho�manner, a an no�ce to Tnuloi ro�aea ro�i�mre :���•'� :.::°�` <br /> . P Y PP 8 f 1 Y P �. r;?�;.:- <br /> Doed ol Trusl shall bo gNOn bymailing such noRCO by cortifiotl mail,�oNrn iecalpt requesled atldressad to 1ms(ar et lis mailing -�, �,,t � ..-_, <br /> eddross set falh e6ove m e�such other eddross es irustor may doslgnale by notice to Beneficlary es p�ovldod heroln,end(6J eny ;. �;�,,,� :. <br /> �;.,'!!'•�,�� no7ce ro BeneficlaryOr hustee shall Do g(ven by certifiod mail,reNm recefpt� QonefiGary's end Trustee's malling .-�',ir,e;::�??_�.e-: <br /> *.x)i" atldmssstatednere:rtafosuthotheretldressasBonu�ciarymTrusteerr.aytlosignetabynoticeroLustorospiovldodhoroln.My .°:s�•,-:�_.—_�- <br /> , -; no0ce pioNdedl�rn 1�is Deetl ol Trusl sha7 De deomod ro have 6een�,cn ro Tmsror,6onolciary or Trusteo wAen givon m me --. - <br /> - r ��., mannordesignateQnemin. �� .� � _ <br /> 2a. Goveming Lxw;Sovo�ebillry.This Deetl ol Trusf shnll be govemed by tne A3ws o/tho Stero o/Ne6reskn.In Ihe even!any provluon a _ __ <br /> clausa ol @is Deedal Trusl con!licls wilh a lica6lo law,such confllcl shall not e(/ocl olher roHSlons o/(h75 Deod o1 Tiust whfch can ����"-,;�^�.�-� <br /> PP P . - �,n Y �_-�: <br /> be glven ef/ecf without tho conllictlng provisions end ro tqls entllho pro�,sions o!fhk Deed of hust ero declarotl ro bo sevora6lo. . <br /> ' f <br /> 25. Events ol Dela�dt Each of tho lollowing occunoncos shall conshluro an of dolaul�hoieunCr:,fhereinalmr cellotl en"Evont + - •,� � _- <br /> . - or0eleuu••)r . --' <br /> (a) Trustashellla;llopaywhenduoenypiinctpal,lnmrost.oipnnclpelentllnlorosfonlhelntleb!eG.vess_ �[ --.� f'f�M1`u+r�� <br /> (6) My wannnry ollilfo matle 6y Tmsror hmoln shall bo umruo. ::,i!'�li,f�F$?,�i�<€�.' <br /> �� (c) Tmslorahalllai/loobservevpedormenyolfhocovonanls.agroomonts,orcontl�ROnsn»'sDeedolTmsf. �� '-;`•y51��'i�-`="-- <br /> • (dJ My i0p�osenlFltian a werianry matlu 6y 7mslor on eny Imancial statemon(s or roports subm.bEtl la BenollClery by or on 6ohal!01 ,,;:�,'fi��' _ <br /> . Irustashanpiovelalsooimare�ieitym�sleetliag. �� '��1ti;�:;.;M1;i: <br /> (e) Tmstor shelllall to pndoim or obsnne eny o/�no covonents,condGOns or egroemnnls conlatnotlm.a btnding upon Imsror untlor , .> -� �:.. <br /> . any 6uifdng loan egreamon4 secunry egroemen4�oan egroemenl,lmanWng srommont,or any othe�agreement,instmment m �;`.'f'+•`�' '- <br /> ...�,4,,,: <br /> dxumont Bxeculetl Dy Tm5f0�m tonnocfion wnh Iha loan ev�dencod by the Na(e. � - .".c;_ <br /> (7� :.trusfeo,re[eivor ar hquitlaor of tho Trust Pioperry a ol7ms�or innn ho nppanfod.or eny of Iho cretlirois o1 Lostor shall filo a - 'j <br /> - pelifion in bankiuplcy agalnsl for Iho rcoigemlat�o�ol Troslor pmsirem Io(�o Fodore�Oankruptcy Code.o�xny simder t - <br /> lew.who(her lede�al m stolo.8nd d suth ortla oi pehhon shail not DB tliSChargetl or dismrssatl wrthn ttdrty(30J deys effor Iho tlalo f _ � <br /> on whieh such o�AOr or po(non wns Gied. �� <br /> � f9) 7iuslm shal!lilo a peidion pwsuanf fo Ne Federal8ankmp(cy Cotlo or any smdm law.lodoral or sta:e,or d Auslor shall be � - "' <br /> adjudgod e Uankmpl.or bu doclared msolvom.o�sha��mako en asvgnmont(or fhe 6e�Md o!aetlrtou.or shall a0mdln wnbng ils � . . - ° <br /> � InaDd�ry fo pay i�s deDls es�hey bxoma tlue,or shni�ronsent(o Iha appomtmen�o!a recerver ol e��oi eny pah o!1he Trusl P�operty. � . <br /> (h) Fmel�udgmenf lo�Ih.e paymont olmoney snall be�enderetl aga�nSl Luslor�n0 Lusta sna7 nct tlrschargo th0 sa��o.or cause n ro <br /> bo tlfscherged,Ndhm tNrty(30)days after Ihe entry thereo�.o�shall nol Appea�rne�el�cm W lio2�Y.e ortler.tlecree o�p�ceess uDC� <br /> -� which or pursunnt(o rvh�ch sa�tl rydgmem was g�an�ed,basetl.or�secu�e a sfay o!execution pendmg such nCFeai. <br /> I (QTNSfOlSh311SO110�COnVOyfhCT/USIPIOpP/ly.0�dnv(�^.I.�B�COf.or2nyinlC/CSII�P/C:40/Shd11CC�n'PSIC001i75frl'P.O/89y�nlP/ESI <br /> fh0/Cin.�p eny n�annel Or hdy.Nhelher v0!u�/dn1�C' r.yDW'Id��ly.w4houf(he WnttCn p0�5C�(OI DfrQl:pdn'bC•�q/��51 hdd 9f.d <br /> obferneU.o� <br /> �) 11 TNSfo��S a Cc�:oraGOn or0artne�sh�p,�^;:rco�r!^d'�trypMCMf(50°0)ol(he 5ha�o5 0�nene�C�a'�.'A�esls m SntnCO/paa!:Cn 0/ <br /> patlnersh� as(crcase may be.Sha�ICP Pcrs!wree ot co��eyetl.rvhCMCr vo�un�arJyOr mvolunfar.y.w�l`.CUI lho�v�rtfen co+�5Cn1 Cf <br /> Benehaary rr�^�'°sr nad antl <br /> 26- A[ceferahon c'i@[[PO[f:s..'C i/po:.!he G[CW+Cr.te o�a�q•EvP�I o�Del.�iq.p�a��y Ume Ne�ea^.P' 8P'C�:f.�d j '^�t5 Fp•Crt <br /> UEC/d!C d:l ihp 6tCPDICtl�CS:SCL✓PU�M[by m1plCtl�diNy tl�C dl�U Ddyd6%C dnfl fhC Sd^�P SCdll OCd'r;NCSI d:V(�;f�dU1P�J�C.��u'/ <br /> se1 lonh m tne Nctr.o:o:�e�e s r ar(ne r.:gnest�aie pe�m�:rea Uy��aw.a�+tl i�/CSpe[!'.0 C�.�r.p�PC��N�M:Gdry Pae'DSCS Sa�C CC:=" •� <br /> may.21 tlS OpI+Cr drN+p q1 SNP tl�SC/PCN_'A:�OUt d�y lu�hpr nOGCC N CCmdntl!O O�uFC� L�sx� cr:^r e�mo�e ol me�c�-c..-r: <br /> I !a1 BeneLaary�:ay eme�upcn.tate posse<y:n ol manage a�tl operafC(hC Lu51 F�oUert�o'a^y:2•'?C'£CL md�C/epa�is a^ <br /> i alteral�ons an�JCOany aps�vh�[n Genehnar�Ceems crope+to protect�ne secu��ry tne+eo' a^°e�'�r�N�:n e�wt�.o�A�ak��g <br /> nossess�on.�n�rs oN��a-r eue�or or omeiw�se c�^:•a�d�ece��e�en:s.�ssues a��apc�•n �°c•..�•�g 1'cse cez'tice a�tl�d <br /> 1 dn0 dpp�/!re 52mp �p33::f•5 ano cape�5e5 o+a:?"_'.n tlnp rouCCf�on.mCVU�ny«oyW�eSr a ���•rJ:;�r>a-�ocne�icmry p <br /> � [05:5.uF�^��^��tl?D!PC'?i5 SBtu•E^.ry.cD'/dr; -:;h prUN ds BE��C74�d�y���ey UCletm,rn �p�r rpp�^S:G:EP�eLpdry. 7�u5fG� <br /> � S�aF a55Ec��:�p.vtl>e a.a'a;�': B�r.e�rc�ary anyoltne�ms1 Property�vh�ch has C�e-�=^cietl ihe ente��ng uFCr aM <br /> � IdkmQFOeS?SS�O�O�Ih� TNSIP�Or�`/ '"�p�lCChOnO�dny�Cn15.65uPSdntlp�O�dS.r]ntl(bCd�C-CdLOnfhpiCOldSd�O�BSd� i'd- <br /> not curo or wmve any tlelaWf Ihereto/ore w therez/re�occuumy.o�al�ec�a�y�ohce o�uMauR o�noUCe o7 saie hemm�de�o� <br /> mvehdalo any acl tlone pmsua�l lo a�ry such nof,ce Nohvdhsrantl�ng Be��el�aary s connnonnce m Vossess�oa o�rece�pt antl <br /> � apphcahon o�renfs.�ssues or proL�s.Be�e%aary s�.nn be mot�en ro e.e�crse every��gh�Pro�'�detl�o���i uus Deetl d Tmsi o�bY�a.� <br /> upon or a/(e�1ne xcunence o/an Evem or De/aWt mc�ua��g rhe ngnt ro e.e+ose the Vo�rer o�sa'r nnv o��np acuo�s�Meuetl to�� <br /> tms pa�egraph may be taken by BenM�aary a�sucn tms as UeneGaary��ayOMe������e hAbouf reya�tl tolnC adPQUaCY 01 a�ry <br /> secunry lo�i�e i�tlebtedness secmedhe�e6y <br /> (D) QenM�c�ery sha4�vrtnout rega�0 to rne atlequacy o�any secw�ry�O�Ihe In�ebfetlness seco�ed he� N�h�letl(o!ne <br /> ' eppa�(menl o!e mcwvar hy any court navmgrynstl�ChOn,w�1�0uf noLCe(0(dkn pO55P55�0�Ol.prOtPCt.dntl manage fne Trusl <br /> Propert y and ope�afe tno samo a�tl co��ecr tno m��ls.�ssues ana prol��s(ne�ebom <br /> (W Qo�eLtrerymayb�mganyacno���anycounolco��ne�r+��iunsa�cnonroPomcrosetmsOCedo�<<usro�e��orcean��orme <br /> COVMan15 he/c01 1 <br /> � <br />