f,.� .. I � -�. � '�, :.- - _ - �-�- � .
<br /> - �.:, ._ - - - - --� - � 1 --
<br /> �.._... -._.` "".i'.a�v.._.,�...0---.�..�. __.:'........__.,.. . - . -
<br /> I ' . ' `
<br />. t... :r�-.;•.': �(�j' ��
<br />- -<:� - :F msmancepremroms,piountlrenla,endNioNeicharge9w08t5ooveNOWedi+}(onore� aed�tece�lMm�dl�pi�IqttPoel�ui!
<br /> ' �;�'-�_�i_ Piopoiry.TrusroNunhe�eg�ees,upar w�nan roquest Dy Bonel�clary,topromArty denvor ro Bmel�Nary eu�ece�p(e fortlH p+ym�nf ol .
<br /> ��''-��.�,_��•-•. suChcha�Oes.Truslorfikewlsoe8�aesfopayeflfexes,assaasmanteandomerchmpe�levletluponaafeeesed,plocodo�mide
<br /> • , •'a egelnst,or measwad by,rh�e Deed o/fmst or Na�acada�bn�oraol.
<br /> ,:��..;"'!�.���'- 6. AppacatlonolPeymenfa.NlpaymanlsreceNedbyBencfidary esroonydebf,naM�ib orobfigetlonowedroBnn08GUyDytrusln+
<br />;;,_ ,;;y,.:._, mey De appNed by QoneficierV to 1he payment ol No/ntle6teUnass a ro erry such o(ho�doDt.IkrWliry or ob�iyaNOn,1n eny aUera -
<br /> manno�ol epplicatlon wh(ch Qonoficlary.ln Its aDSduto d)sc�eUOn,doems app�apdnto.Unlose ot�onvlso elecfod 6y BeneAClery,any _
<br /> `:-F" .-��?� suCh paymenl ahall bo doumotl oppliad fi�sf fo 1he payment ol eny doDt IleDniry or obApallan otnei f�an fhe Nnto. �
<br /> '�-��� �. " ` B. CHa�ges;Llens.iruslo�w4lkooplhaTruslProportylieafrome�lllensendencumD�oncoswMChlnenywaymey,�nthe)utlpmMlol �..-- _ LL
<br /> ��� ,,;,..�.'�}° Benelciary,havopdonryover,oNmpeirlhosocunryol,1A19DOCdOfTNSfbUfl/USIO/IIBOtll101dItCOflfA0A�y5UChfi0060IWiQ89 G;;F,T�c;-;�-�
<br /> ' � �� •- Tnulo�shall egree,In writtng,fo pey fho o6npetlon sacured by such lian In a manno�eccepteblo 10 Oonoficlsry entl sAall M pootl/Wt� ___
<br /> �- conlest such llen Gy eppropdete logal piceeodings oNecGvo to provonl lho onlorcomonf ol(h011on nntl fho/oss of onyPolaeStln a �, t - � -
<br /> ,�t' part ol fhe Tnrst Piopeny. - .
<br /> L Ilezerd Insu/enco.Trustor aha�l k9ap iho duiltling9 ontl olher Imp�ovemenls now exlsOng or nero�lfo�oroclotl on th0 Trusl PiOpBtly . ,,�;.
<br />_ .r.?�� '-::•�j,' lnsurod bylnsurance cnnloro salls/actorylo Rono�clery egeinsfloss by lire,�nzardslncluded7n tho lorm"oxlontlotl cove�ege' entl `�,,._...,, �7�`:�';-.
<br /> � -',5�'- ' such olhor hazads,cesualtlas end conlingoncfos as may bo roqu6otl6y Beneficlary,ln such nmounls nnd lor such potlotle ea may be -'� ,,,r�,,,::�,.. �. .,,_�
<br /> �� �' ` ��1��'�` raqv6od b Dono9cla The polic of tnsurenco sholl bo ln/orm occoploblo ro 8onoficfnry,p�oWdo lhnl tho snmo mey not bo "r�-. .>+�•����"
<br />"i°.,:'�,r.� :: Y N• Y , -' :,n .�:u�,:.';�(�:.:;
<br /> �•�:� '� � `�� car:ee��ado�motliliodwRhoutfilloon(Ib)deysprlorwrittonnoticofo0nno�clary,nntlshnllhnvolo5spnynblopiovlsion97nlAVOrolend �-r._sc�tes(:� f,.,�x�:
<br /> + '' rn Rvm ecreptabb to Ber•elicfery.N!prom(ums on lnswance poliGOS shau bo pnld tn(ho mnnnor pioWtlod imdor pareg�aph�horeol 3;SA t1 ai�� ����; (-.•_
<br />�.`� -,::_ "��"� cr.i1 not paitl in svM marv:er,by riustmmak7np poymonf nt loosf fiftonn(I6)doys ptlor to tho di�o delo,di�ocfty to Iho inswancro + = '..
<br /> � ' carrie�.82r.e`ciary sAa7 Ra�e Ne righl to hold 1ho pollclos antl ronmvels Ilmroo!ontl Trus(or aholl p�omptly Iwnlsh(0 6eneBdAry nll � � -`�j s� -�
<br /> ��i-,sxL �enewal nouces and all paitl premrum retNp(s rocolvotl byit In no ovonl shnll BonofiGary or Tmsroo bo hold rosponsiblo!or lelluro ro _1 _�t}�
<br /> Y<Et }tii� pay Insurenco piemlums a lor enyloss a damago otlstng oul ol e tlolncl ln eny palicy or erking out of nny/e0uro ol enylnsurenco j:.
<br /> company to pay lor enylou or tlamage mswoU egninst a lor lenuro by Trusmi to ol/oct fho inswenco roqu6od horovnOec!n iho ovonl ; ' -
<br /> �{-�� ol Ioss,Troslo�shafl glve p�ompf no1lce by mail(o tho Inswanco ca�do�nnU Bonaficlary.Bonofidary may meko pr0ol olloss il nol �! • � .. �
<br /> - n - +� mado prwnp(y oNn proper form 6y Trosta.Nlpotciss d insuranco end eny and efl�oluntls of uneamotl prom(ums e�e he�oby "} � � •';
<br /> �.::-f1j: assfgnetl to Bonoficlary es adddional searnry lor fAe paymm+of Ue mdobfodnou.In tho evont ol Beneliclary's oxorciso ol tho poxo� ; ,� ; �-w s
<br /> _ --.,�, o!sale conta�ned here(n,orin the ovent o�(orecNSVre.a7 ngnL eze ar.0 interosl ol Trusfo�in end ro eny insumnco poiicy ihen N(orco >, , �Q -�-.� ,..
<br /> „�,,-- ahallpass to tne puichaser et ihe nustoe's sete orlorectusure sa'e.�n casa ol eny loss,tho lnsurenco procaods may,ot tho opGOn o/ •� ���?3,��.,.
<br /> Bene�ciary,be applietl by 8enoficfnry upon the InCeb:etlness,a eny Fa�t lhoreol,endln suc�ordei entl emount os OBneficlary may i:-� ( ..-
<br /> - ' detwmine;or said insurasce p�ocoeds,et the op7ion o7 Benehciary.may e"r,he�be used ln ioplucing or�osfodng(ho imsl Proporty �.. --.- :,�-„ .:.-{�--.
<br /> • � partlalty or(otalty destmE.0 U a condilion saflslactory to 9eneficlary:a snd msurar.ra O��eetls,or any ponlon thoreol,moy 60 "�{� �^�"
<br /> -' � re/oasod ro Tmsroc Unizss 6enoficlnry end Tmslor othomise egree in writinq.eny s�r.h applicaUon ollnsurenco prceoods ahnll rtot �;'.� l;���,�_,�;-
<br /> " � ' �'+ ^ extontl o�pos:,.00nelhe tlue date o/fhe Kole,or en inslallmonfs cel:etllor Ihoiem,or change 2e a�+�ounf of such Insfallmonts.0 the �' . .,��.� ,. .�
<br /> . i.. :. Y .r"� -
<br /> .i�:� .i
<br /> -�;;. •� T�ust Proporq•�s acquiietl by Benoliclarypursuan7 to the ezerclso of rhe power ol Sele or olher torY:VSUre,ell ilghf,fi0o and in.tirest o7 _•/,;;-; ,-y��<-.
<br /> ,::�..��i.
<br /> •� �•�a. „ Tmslaln an0(o anylnsurenco proceetls paye6le es a iesull o/tlemago fo fho Tmst Pioporty pnor to Iho sale or ecquisitlon srta7pass y�;j,_,.;ry.F�.;�
<br /> - �+' ' to Bonoflclory end shall be applied first Po tho casfs antl oxpenses,includinq eumney leos,Incuned m colletErsg such procoetls,fhon '�.- ��'� ,,2-.;�'���_�
<br /> � In(he manne�antl in Ihe ordor provldetl ho�ein. -� { :�,' �'
<br /> - B. Presonnl:on and Matn{onanco ol Tiust Property.Tmstor rvill koep Ihe 6uildings antl olhor(mprovements now or ho�oaUer eieclod on ` �t rw:-`�-`
<br /> ' 1he Tmat Pin�enyin gootl ropa6 end contlitlon end will not commil oi peimil waste,vnll not elte�Ihe desfgn or st�ucNral charecle� ,L;f�<lt,,,-,,,"o�"
<br /> - - i '��'; con5litu:inp Any budtlmg now or�eroai�o�erecfed on enu constiiuiing ine imst?tupuYry w.tYv�i fPm ydvr h.-dPor.c:.nos�t p' - `'y�����''-°—^-° �
<br /> �i+,- .f'r Beneliclary.wdinot do eny ed or 1hing which would unduly Impai�or c<eO�eUafo tho valuo oRhe Lusf Proporty entl will not abandon
<br /> - t'°"" (ho 7iusf P�opo�ry.Tnista win not iemove eny fixluros consn(ufing rho irusl Pioporty unless tAe same eio Immodia(eyroplaceU a7:h �`� -..
<br />_- � l;te pmpetly subJoc�to Goe�!en end secunty iNOrosl o!Ihls Deed ol T�usl enC o!ef feast equal valoo and utiliry.Tiusfo�will comply mtn �-`,!�@ i ,�r__�s-
<br /> '- all present entllulu�e wtllnAnces,�ogula�ions and ioquiremenls ol eny govornmemal botly wbich a�e epplicaAle to fho Tmst Prope/ly �i -
<br /> - " end fo ihe accupancy entl use rheieof.II Ih�s Oood ol Tiuslls on e uM�n e condominium oi e plannoa unil dovofopmonf,Tiusta sha!! �� ��
<br /> � �\. podorm nP o`Trustor's obligal/ons under rhe doUamfions m covennnrs c�oalinp or 9oveming Ihe condominfum oi Iho planneU unit �"e _
<br /> . dovolopmenC(ho 6ylaivs antl�egulafmns o/(hn tontlomm7um m planneAuml devo/opmont entllhe tonstiluont tloCUmonts. �:,'� _� _
<br /> " � 9. Inspoc6on.Benehciery oNls agenls may,et all reasonnble rimos.enter upon 1ho Tmsl Propotlyla 1he purposo otlnspoc(lan. r -°"�^-.-,—�=-.
<br /> - . Uonoliciary shall hnvo no tlury to mnko such mspectlon and sha�l no16o La610 lo Irustm or fo eny person!n passesslon INl makos or .i�;•_'4�_..
<br /> - folls ro moke any such inspocl�on
<br /> - 10. Piofection o�Sor.w�ry.II Lustor la��s to peAorm any o�Iho covennnls antl aq�nomenls con(mned m this Deetl ol Trust,or il any actlon
<br /> or proceetlinp�s commenceU ivh�ch does or may adve�sety n/leq thn Tmsr Piopeny oNho Inlorosl ol Tmsror or Benofittary fhurein o� _
<br /> Iho Gtln o!7ms(m(hMOto.Ihon QeneLC�ary.nf rts oP��on,may podoir•sunc�onvemnls and agroemon(s.make Such eppoaienCes, --:;;�f_
<br /> � dolandagn�nslantlmvosOga(osuchacl�onorp�ocooUmgandlekesucno�he�ac6onusBnnolic�arytloomsnocossaryfop�olectil5 -�-�"'�•��r�,;.
<br /> intmast inclutl�r,g.DW.ror smrte0 to,drs0ursomeN of roasonabio atromny/ees nr.:rntry upon(ho Tmst Property fo mako repa��s.My .i.�i°..:.,:,_-_._
<br /> amounts d�56mseU Di 8enr/icrery pwsuanl ro(h�s parag�aph 10.wtln mle�es�m.ereon.5hnll consANfo Indobtotlness ol Tmsfo� rt��;}_!';--_
<br />� socmod 6y th�s DoBU of Tiust Unloss Tmsm�an0 Benelrc�ary agroe fo olner Irims ot paymenL su[h nmoun(5 She71 Do payaDle upon ->;.=•1-;:-���>--,
<br /> - nolico Irom Benohclary ro Tmslor raques�mg P�vment thereol.entl shau 6ear mterosl liom the dnre o�tl�s6msomenl e(fho delaWt rxle, �'��^�7r'•
<br /> • d any.so7lorth m Ihe Noto.or olhoiwise nt tho hghesl iale peimmea or law Nothmg mnrameC•n m�parag�aph sha�lroquire '��-��;:"t�-;ES;,
<br /> BeneGnary ro mcur any expensa oi iako any ecnon nemunder. livare�inevocaDry aW�onzas nno em.powors Bonohciary(o enfer upon li-.�_:';�':?:.^_!
<br /> 1ho Lus!Piopairy as Lusmr's agenl a�tl.m Lus(or"s��amo o�olhmw4e m pedorm any end all covanenls antl egreemun(s lo be �- �-'���
<br /> eAo�med b Tiusfor es heiem rowtletl Bone/¢re� shan.at�ls o hon.bo subro aietl to an oncumbrante.hen.cla�m oi tlemantl ��"'-���',�� � -",� ��- �
<br /> G Y P Y P 9 Y � • `. '�4�-.'":
<br /> anrl(onllii hlsantlsecuntmslo�llre a�menlmaeol a�do�tl�schar eyb Bane�¢�a� untlerthe rons�onsht•�eo�endan SuCh •�-"'"'.`��' y�^
<br /> 9 P 1 P 9 Y Y P Y . ' )".i;:,:"':
<br /> suD�oBnlion righls shall bo atltl�hondl and cumul�lOVe setunty lor Pn5 Deetl o!Trusl - .
<br /> 11. Condemna(on. The p�oceeds ol any a�var�l o�da�m lo�tlamages-nnec!or Co:�sequem�a7.m co��neccon wAh eny contlemnaho.+c� . � "�� �
<br /> • oNer takmg o!fho Trusf Propeify.M anypart tl�erco�.o�/o�conveyanco m Geu o�M m anbc�pa0on ot ccntlemnahon,are he/eDy - - �
<br /> ; assrgne0!o antl snan 6e Da�d to BoneGC�ary imsrc�w•e���e anu prosecute.m gooe�au�antl w,tn due tl�i�gence ns cra�m lor eny such .. �
<br /> award or paymeni.acc ros eause!ho same to tr co�:ecrt�tl antl pard lo Benel¢id�y-2ntl.shoWtl n/aA Io tlo So.Luslor nieVOCebty
<br /> oNhonzes Antl empGwNS Beno�¢mry.m Ihe rtar..e o�7rslo�or olhenmse.ro hle.O��mcu(e.sell�e o�comp�om,se eny such cla�m entl •
<br /> !0 C0�/0[!.1C[MpI/Or Bnd ICiam IhC pICCfCCS �'�^e 7ics:Propetly�s,banCOretl Dy iiusta.o�.atre+r.o0re by Oenehaary Io Tmsfw �
<br /> - Ihal lhe conucmnor ollus to make a��JH.•t o•srP'�a cia�m Im damages. Trusfor lads to resFCntl to Benel�c�ary wrthin th�tly�901 tlays
<br /> � u11Nlrprf6fe5uchnohtersmodeU. Br�e`rf��:-snucr:neUloco�iettandaVP'Y«�ep�oCeeCS.^�crmdnnermd�pafetlheie�rTt? '
<br /> � p/Gteetls dany award o�G/�mr may.a.':P�G`etLC:��y'a 'ea5ona�le ros(s.i�tl e+pN�5e5-�cc/uC�^C dTOmey 1eC5.wn.[h maY havC
<br /> �eer.ir.cu�leQ by BeneLpary m Ine ca!�ecLCn I`�NCC �'�v so�n d�scref�o�ol BenrLhary.Ue iCfCdsed to Tq;S;p apP':Ptl fo
<br /> � iCSis+atc^:�Lusl PropeNy.or app��ed ro the pap•:•��c'I.aelnOebietlness Un�ess BeceHbary anQ Lus(e�r�rr��..�se ag�ee m wnhng.
<br /> � 2ny 5c;' O:C�¢2(�On O�p/OCeeds l0��deGlellrMS Sna.•np�e+IN�d O�pU5lp0��C(hp tluP OaM M t'f Nofe O�IhC Fayme�7 or a�/
<br /> • �n5181;m,�•n�SC@�ICtllO�IhP/f.untlC�
<br /> 72 Truslo�No:ReleeS.M F.xtens�on o�Ine Dme loi pa/mem or motl:GCaoon o/,�nv amoh¢ason c/:^P���rb(etlness g�anfetl by Be�eLnary
<br /> � foenySUCCe55C��'•"'.'cSlolTtuSfOrSha�lnofOD^�e"^lorelCasC.ma�ymd�ner.ln4LaD•�•:JN"'+�5'-/d�tlTrvS10•SSUCCf55C�5+n
<br /> ' "' ..___'_ "_ ' " _".'"""._._..__..�____.._..._....w._.............«.�.. .............w..e...e..o..,...'vi,,...�....a���..
<br /> . �mvroa.oe��r..��o.� . � .,��oo.ow.,�.......... . _..v.........,...y....y............' ""_"" "' """'"'_ " __ ' " �"' _ -
<br /> I ofhe�wrso moddy arr.oR¢afmn ollhe lndebleUnESS Di reaso��ol any tlM�an�matle[� L�;r-��^_:•;;sfo�S SuCtesisrs
<br /> m mlewsl.
<br /> i 19. Financin!Inlormanon Upon mquest ol Bsne��oa:i Trusfa�vdl p.ov�de m Be�ehciary.tn:mr,._ :.•, FC,Jays ol p�e cM se c`eac^I„cai
<br /> yoe�o�lms(or.(ho consobdaled balance sheel a�U slalement o/earmngs of Trusfo�anU any a•:a:gvara��r,o"'e�-�?DteOness
<br /> Secwedhe�e6y.d any,and w+il prondB antl dei:'�e�to BeneLC�ary such olhe+Lnanp��l mtom�al�C�2r.y re s.:'^a"=•35 BenCLOary
<br /> , mey ieasona0ry requesl Gum nme ro hme-
<br /> 14. Financial Covenanls In adtlrt�on fo a�y oiho/Lnnnc�a�covManfs of Imstor matle m any othe�agree���enl.mst�urttMt or tlocume�rt.
<br /> TruSIOr 5hail tompty rvdh and shail cau5e any and all guarento�5 N(be Indebtedness 5ecurCd hereDy Io compl�•�vAh,o�be m
<br /> compGnnco wrtn,tns 1o�lowmg Gnanc�a�Crovonants(ihrs pa�ag�.ph snall not appiv d cove�anls antl repmmments are not sel
<br /> lorth hC/oin.)
<br /> � 15. Schedule of Leases-Wnhm(en(/01 tlays allei Oema�tl. Tius�o�shnn lurmsh�o BenoGaary a sc�etlule.cem�retl ro by Lusto�.settmg
<br /> lonh al/loasOS of Ihe Lusl Proporty.or a�y pon�on lhereoC mclutlmg m eacn caxe.the�ame ol tno tonanrs o�ottupa�ts.a descnanon
<br /> - ol the spece occupfeU 6y such fe��ant o�occupanL Ino�ental payabro lor suM space.a�0 sucn ofne�m/o���a0on�ntl aocumei�ts wnn •
<br /> , �pspecf to s✓Ch foasos an0 fenancros as OenoLaary may reasonabry reQUese � �
<br />