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�•j!>�:•� .-- S.( � - -'. 1 r r':. .c� — <br /> �'. Y��� ���� i' � . � . rC� 1 <br /> � h - .n i-:i t 3t �---. <br /> } ' <br /> . . .>��..�.� .'\f 1..,.5:..,_....a.r.�.'sw ..+.�' `.�S � _' ._ . __ . <br /> a=�a� 93"�0`�S3'7 <br />-- _ -:_�� <br /> � <br />—"°'rr�=�+--"`�7 paymeme,which arc rcferted�o in Paregraph 2,or change�he en�ount ot such paymeme. Any encen prcr.ecde over m <br /> -- '�:°�:'�{, amnunt rcqulred to pay all oms�ending indcb�edncss under thc Noic onA�hie Sccudty Inswmem shnll 6c p�id to�he cndty <br /> _f� Icgully entliled�hercio. - - <br /> �r��t . B. Feea. Lendtr may rniicct fue md charges omhoduA by�he Secrciary. — � <br /> 9. QroundaforAcceleraflono►DeCt. � , <br /> t ' - ! �,;_ (�)Ik(�ult. Lender may,except ati Iimlicd by rcgulatiom luued by the Secrctary in�ho cnsc of pnymem defevlu, <br /> :s _ rtqulrc immedlate papment In full of all sume eecurtd by�his Security Inxwment if: �!"'� _ _ <br /> � (i)Uorrower defaults by fel�ing Io p�y in tull any momhly pay�ment rcqufred by thls Security Instrument pdor -� � � �_� <br />. ..,,. ...- . .. <br />` '�•`�'�-�- � '�� to oron tho due date ot�hc ncxi momhiy paymcm,or <br /> 4�`� <br /> + � "• (ii)Boryrowcr dcfeults by felling,tor n pcdod of thiny days,to perfomi any mhcr oblipuiiau contained in�his ,_.. <br /> '�-3-+�: (D)6sie Wilhoul CredU Approval. Lendcr shall,if permittcd by opplicnble Inw enA wi�h�hr.pRnr epproval o(the 5 Yf=-=_ <br /> , --.-��, �' Secrttary requfrc immedla�e payment in full o(ell�he suma secumd by�hiy Secudty Iusuvment iF. �' __ <br /> ,-?+ ' (i)All or pan of ihe Property,or e beneficial imercst in a trust ow�ninp all or part of Na Nn�xr4Y.Is solA or t' ' •-�� <br /> �- : i-r `=�- mhenviu vanxkrred(o�her�han by devlu or dcsccnp by�hc Dorrowcr,anA -�°�"'_-. <br /> �. -�L�-�'?; (ii)The Property is not atupied by�he purchnser or gramee as his or her principal rcsiAenee,w ihrt pnmhacer ---c �_- <br /> or gramee does so occupy the Propeny hut his or her crcdit hns nnt been approved in ettordancc h;, �y„�:� .�rc:.:_ <br /> wiih thc rcqulmmcnts of thc Secntary. t -�-�:�_. <br /> (c)No Walxer. If circumslanees occur�hat would pertnit Lender to requirr immedinhr p,ymr.m in PoII,6m Lendcr V -..�.�. <br /> � �� docs not requirc such piymems,Lenderdoes na wnrve i�s righ�s wi�h rcspa1�usuhneqnant evems. f" � - -'� <br /> ' " (d)Resulatlonv of IIUD 3ecret¢ry. In many circums�ances regulmions I.rsucd by�he Secrclery will limit LcnderY l . - �"` <br /> -'.!�;t{ ; righ�s, in ihe cue of paymen� defauhs, ro reyuire immediate pay'ment in PoIL�nd farcclose if no� paid. 7his i� ! �- <br /> Security Instrument does no�eutharize accelerot�on or forcclosure if nd permim:d 6y reeulnUons of ihe 4arc�ary. r �-�.__...--. <br /> fr� -":' '--� (e)Illortgage Not Insured. Uofrower agrces ihnt shoulJ�hiv Sewriq Insirvinent and�hc nn�c secured�hcrcby no� t << - � <br /> " -„!a,�_S:, 6e elipible for insurence under �Ae Na�ional Housing Ac�wi�hin B mc+mths Gom�he �`S!� "— - <br /> � '�,�'9--�%�� date hereoL Lender may,ei iu oFriea and nawi�hs�andinp anything in Per��raph 9,reqnire immedia�c p,ynicnt in ��iri.:���1�'*�� <br /> + .. .-<..:.; �y: ,:.' <br /> .�. •,�{;,;�: PoII of a7!sums securc+d b,r�his Securny Insuumem. A wrirtrn eiatement of uny omhorized agem of ihe Secroiary i , ' <br />- '�-; daled subscqucn�to a months Gom�hc dau!hcnxt;dccliuin�lo ineurc Ihis Securily it�4y��,n,_-;:'�, <br />- ' fnsuvmem end�he nae securcd thercb ,shnll be decmed conclu�:ire ronf of.uch ineli i6ilit . Nonviihaandin '""S��` <br /> _ Y P n Y 8 ,�iri!;yYi�`*•`- <br /> - ;�'-�� � . Ihc (orcgoinp,this option may na bc ezcrciud by l.ender�vhen the unnraiLibility et insurance is solcly due lo j?:f'���.�;,y�?��� <br /> - Lender4 failum�o remi[a mongage insurance pmmium�o ihe Secreiary. � , `ri��3r.-�' <br /> ,,r�� � (0. Rtlrtstalemenl. &vrower hns n righl lo bc reineuntd iC Icndar hns reqnircd immediate piy'menl in(ull bccause ; � �i�,-=+�+�": <br /> of dorrowcrs faiWrc to pay an amoum duc undur�hc�Mwe or�his Secudty InRi,vmem. This ngh� ap�lies cvcn nhe� '� -� �,�s <br /> _, .. : ' . ,. -. <br /> '- : - �-� forcciosare proceeAings urc ins�itmed. To reins�w� U�c Security Inxuvmen6 6orto�ver shall Icnder in � lump sum all �� � .-d '��- ^��` <br /> _—. -' amounti rc uucd io orin• Burtuwcr>��wunt�wici�t i���tu���s i�i i`nt uur�i:h� � a•:�''.`S.T::�•r u�M"r�:; � � -t;:r �� <br /> S b B. �art o�hg...�,., -' r� (s;� <br /> Securi�y Iasm�ment.(onclosurc cosix and rasonnble and cun�rtmary uutvneyti feca and expenses propedy associated�ri�h ,a m. � ; <br /> - � tBe fencl��sun praccedin . Upon reinsia�ement by Dorrowet.�hls Secun�y Insirument and ihe obligntions�hat i�xecures y i i`i�r, ' <br /> � . hhnll rrmain in efWcl un if Lcndcr hnd no�rcyuind immcJiuR pnyment in full. Hoimver.Lendcr is no�requircd�o Pemii� ��,��� _-}��k�� H _ , <br /> � �� . � reiaswmment if: (i)Lender has accepu:d remsie�ement athr thr.commrncemem at fmalosure proceedings wi�hm �wo ./�t-t .j'.';1{ 7 -�. <br /> ' year> immedimely prccedin p Jic ranmencemem of a a�mm Gimclosurc proceeAin g. (iiI rcinziattment will pratude `'�,.t�i;:i?�F,��''£�'=''� <br /> "`;(�,'"�� .-{. !' ' . . .�1,�•,'.+�:. <br /> - fereclosum un JifFtrem gromids in�he fmuie.�r tiii�reineainumem�vill�ndvenely a(Cect ihe priuri�y of�he lien crca�ed by . -. � u,.q,t�,;w;�; <br /> '.'. . �hfx5ecurrty Insuvment. -� �'t�•���;',,�5!i;a� - <br /> ' It. Borro�rer Nut Rtienhed: 4Lrbceeoncc hX I.cndur Nnl a H'airee Bticnaion of�he iime uf paymcnt or l � . � � _,_,�.�;,p��; <br /> --u." mndifecmion of amm�iz:niun of the wmn,ecureJ by ih���Scanirr Lnaivmem gramed hp Lender to any wccesxo�in imemsl -�i - :�_ � «2t�� <br /> � .-��- of 'Wtro��er shull nnl operdR Io�mltla•e Ihc liahilily uf U�e nripinal fimroa�cr nr ftorrowe�'s succcs�or in intercsi. Lender -i �.; - <br /> '��'�i.. .. nLnlbnm be reyuinnd to conmience proceedings apninni any> m inceresl or refuu Io ex�end �ime for paymem or :���,�-� <br /> ' utlicrwux mndif� amnniza�inn of�hc tinmh+ecun:d by� Innuumcnl hr rca.on of any demand madc by Ihe - �°}�^�¢(•+.�.�. <br /> �� .. oripinnl �Wrtower nr fioROwer:>urcc��irv in imum.t. Any fur6carann 6y I.cnder in e�ercising anp right or`cmedy shall „� , _• ��T�^�=� <br />. - nrst tx a wuiaerr.(ar pmcludc�hc cterriw nf any riuln nr mmedv . '''�•.,"�+",����, <br /> � :.: : .� •.: .. . . ., _ <br /> � "„ � l7. Succassnrs and AcciQnc Itannd;.inin[und Sererxl Lla6iiit}�:Ca•SiRnerc. 77ce covenams and agrcementc o! � •'�-[= <br /> � � Ihix Security Im:Irvmcm ah�Jl Find anJ benclil Ihe.ucresson anJ anig�u ol LenAtr:md Uorro��cr,zubj<I lo Ihe pmvisions - '- . '��1�- <br />-_ .. U Pvragraph 9.h. Dorta«�¢nanh unJ :+prtrmcnts .hall M joint anJ .cveral. \n� Ilonon�er uho co-+igns Ihis �.. ..' �=s,. <br /> r ��° - , �_�� �.Jecurity In.uumem 6ut d�es not exccme�h.\nte: (xl is co-wgmng�h�+Scrunty Inunmhm nnly ro mongage,�rxnt and -i �j <br /> Comcy Ihm Rorm���er\inlere+l in Ih.Ropem�undrr�he Icmm�f Ihi+Sccuril��InammenL'Ib)i.no1�xnonally ub igalcd lo - .;:}, }�;:.. <br /> �- - : paY Ihc sunu�ccureJ by thi,Secnrit�ln.�mmrm:�md(c)aErrc.ihai I.cnJcr and an��ahcr 13nrtmrcr ma}'agrcc lo cxtend. � -� �._ <br /> .n 1�� � modify.forbear ur mnkc:ury nccommai:mon+aiih rcg.rtd�.+thc Icnn,ol Ihi,Sc.uriry Imlrunum nr Ihc Rute wilhnul Ihal � - _��: � <br /> � �- ' [�rco�ecrscon+enl. � - <br /> t.::2n.�...' C , . <br /> -,,�..=. �t�..��- IJ. Nuticet. Any n�xkr�o Ilortn�rrr prarid.J for in Ihi.Sc.uriry In+Inuncni.hall M ginn by ddi.�cring it or by r . . �� .. <br />'��,r 7.�. �._ � mniling il by fira da,. mail unlc+•:�pptieahlo law rryuir.>u.¢ol:mnlher mcth�xi. "Ilic nutirc.h:Jl M dineltJ In Ihe f : .. . <br /> - Pmpctty AdJn,.or any oihcr addrtn[lnrtourr dc�ign:uc+M1� nnGcc io Lcndcc Am naiicc tn Lcndcr.hall 6c gircn h�� i . . <br /> - . fim daxs mail to Ixndcr:aJdrc++a:u.J h¢nin �+r am :iddrr.. Isndrr J..ign:n« 1�� nourr tn l3unrn�cr. Am nnliie - . <br /> , - procidcd for in�hi.Securit} Imimnum.hall h dremaJ tu haic hrn giccn�n liorrnwrr ur Ltndrr��hrn girru u�prm'�dod i . <br /> in Ihis puagraph. � <br /> , 14. CorcrninR�rrnbtlii�. llu.Scrun�� Inarmm�n .hell h g�ncm.d M lidcral lau anJ ihc la�r uf�he , <br /> . . . juritiAfclion in��hich Ihe I'rn�..ny i.Lx.ntd In �he c�em ih.v am pnn�.mn nr d.nne ul�h�+Secunh In,vumenl nr�he <br /> � Nole.on0icl.xilh applieaM1lc lax.wch rnnllia �hall nu� ;dlr.i�nhcr pru�i.inn.uI �h�,Snunq imirum¢nt ar 16c Nolc <br /> trhich can M gitrn cffccl��iihnut Ihe aunili.nng prau.�un l„ihn ruJ:hr pru��vnn.nI� Im�mm.m and thc ' <br /> Notc arc JCdand lo M xtcrahk. <br /> 1 C. Borruxcr'.s Cop?.,hell hc gnrn nna co�donnrd c��p� ol�hi.ticamh In.�mnum. . <br /> IG. Atdgnmenl of RenLs. Iinrtmn•r uncnnJmouall� a..�Er,.anJ Ir.m.tcn�o Lrndrr all ihc mnt,anJ rc�cnun of�hr . <br /> Pro�tn). Rurrnxtr amhorirc.i.end:r ar LenJ:tl:i�enl.I��.ollrauh.«nt..wJ re�:nnc.anJ herahr J�rich each Iem.un n1 <br /> Ihe R'opcn� In p;n Ihc rcnl.lo LcnJ.r or I.cndtr�atcm.- ❑m�e�tr.pnnr m LanJcr:nmrce m [3orroxu nf Uortowrn ' <br /> brcad�uf am covrnanl or agn�emcnl m Ihr Sc.onn In.lrum.nt.Ifntt..n�•r.h.dl o�lir.�:u W rca.n e:dl rcm.and rc�enuc,01 ' <br /> Ihc Ho{+ctty a.tru.�cc for the hncfil o(Lcndet anJ N��rt.�wr�. lL�.a..�gnm.m��1 rem.can.l�lme.:m ah.nlm.axigmnrm <br /> and noi an aa.ignmcm fnr aJJn[nnal+ccurn)onli. <br /> ... - - —"' iiiunucrgivc.noiiv:niinca�i�i��'n " �. ...,nuP _ _ _ . . _ ' <br /> - for 6rncfit o(Lcndcr hc :�pphrd m�hr,�um..ccurcd h�`ihc tittanh �In•Irum<nL�h��LcnJrr�.hall Ix�cnG11.J Io <br /> . ' - eullcci and rcarire all a(thc rcN.o(�hc R0�4fI)�::11kI IC I l']CII ItTAlll��I IM1i I�fP�Rfl\ QIAII�1A� 8II RIII�IIOC JIIJ U�I'1d�J IU <br /> Lender or LenJer3 agenl on LrnJcr<<,riurn demand lo ih.�cn:un_ <br /> . . DOROHCf I18�nn1 cxccmeJ anq pnar a•agnmcm uf th. rcm.anJ� .md \\III IIOI �RILOpII:111):ICI II1dI NI�pW <br /> - � preecnt Lender(mm fl.ngh�.unJer�hi.I aragr.�ph It,. <br /> . Lcndcr�hali nm M rtyuircJ lo cNCr u�xm.IaAc�oNnJ�d o�m.nntcnn�hr I9u�w•n� h�(orc or af�cr gning nou.c ul <br /> btcach W 6orto�rcr. Hnarc�cL LcnJcr of a judrcfall) appnmltJ rtctncr mn) du N�.11 dll\ IINC Illl'R 1�J M1R'JIII. A�l\ <br /> ' applita�inn uf rtnh sh:dl no�curc ur��ai�e:u�y d¢faull nr im'ahda�c am ulhcr ngl��nr rcmeJi �,1 LrnJ.e Thi.a..ignmcm <br /> - . uf nnls of Ihc Nnpclt)'�hall lemiinalc��hcn Ihc dchl ucunJ b� thc Sccunl)Imlmmcnl n pa�J m lull. <br /> . � - w..�.�arvc... <br /> ., f. � <br /> . <br /> E <br />