y_ . < .2 � .r� f .� - _ ____....
<br /> _y �t�. `.. F �) i+ i2 � _
<br /> _
<br /> � � ' ��tt�4� , �i, _t �11�l�1►�+�1� ._ .. .
<br /> � . ..
<br /> � anu _3...,.:.v...,.:......�.::.,.w.,..�,...,u,+.� c -•� _ . ... ..
<br /> '�_ .. >-
<br />�!-;.•_r��ti.�r
<br />�:c�..:.�em �
<br />_ __ 9�w1U'�'t53'�
<br />�'��'� L P�yment ot Princlpal,Inhreat ond t.ote Chargc. fSOROwer shall pay whcn duc thc principal of,and intcrai on,
<br /> �'=51�---� ihe doM evidenced by�hc Nac and law chargen duc unJa tlio Notc.
<br />'�'��`;'�=� 2. MonfAly paymenh of'@xea,[nsurance end Qlher Chargta. t3ortower shall include in each niomhly paymem, �__ _
<br /> y, , ^."_ togahcr with�hc pdncipal and imcrcst os set fonh In ihc Noic nnJ an lam chargc�,nn in3inllmcm of ony(a)taxce and :
<br /> � �t� spulai acsessment+Icvled or to be Icvicd against�hc Propeny,(b)IcascXold paymcm.or grnund rcms nn�ik Pmperty,ond Rh�---.
<br /> .,.��>�,�'. ,s•A�.
<br /> . t� (c)prcmiums for insumncc rcquircd by Poragruph A. ,i;,__7��-
<br /> ^:'y',F.,,;}%. Cach momhly Ins�alLnrnt for i�eme (a), (b)a�iA (c) xM1nli eqnal one•�welfth of the annual umounu, m rcaconabty °- -
<br /> ,�_ -�: , cslimaud by Lendar, plus en emwmt so0lcient to maimnln an.nJAi�lonal balancc of not morc �h�n onc•sixth of thc ��-"�;1z:,_._.
<br /> , - estimaied amoums. The (ull onnual umoum(or ench iwn�nhnlR be ueaimnlmeJ by l.ender�vithin n period ending one �. �_- - ` � -
<br /> � � ` - ' momh before an lum would become deiinquem. Lender shnllhnld�ha emmimx collected in trust io pay i�ems(a),(b)nnd � °,�_,.�
<br /> ' � (c)betorc thcy bccomc dclinqvcm. -,>�'^���`�'6-- --
<br />_.L.f._;J;�.;:f :..«[,.:".:i73»m�7i
<br /> -' - - ' If n�¢ny time�he wlal of�hc payounes heid by l.ender fcr iwm.r(a). (b):md(cL�oge�hcr wi�h�hc Powre momhiy ;;.�;,:�;-+}`{Pyf'�tp�*hV
<br /> „ -- .,`�-ti- paymems for such iiem+ payable to L.ender prior w the due drnry of such i�ems, extt.ds 6y more �han one•siath �he . � ,
<br /> �-.- esUmateA amoum of paymems rcquired io pay such fu:m.r vrM1en dne.:vid if paymems on�he Mvte arc curten6 then I.ender {',::' r� -s::- -�
<br /> .,_:E,,,:� shall ei�her re(und Ihe eaces.v over ono-si��h of�he estimakd p�ymen�s or credu ihe excas over one•six�h of�he eslimated 'f:' -r__;:r
<br /> � t ��� piymcnts ro subscqucnt paymcros by 6arowcr,at�be aption of 6ortou�cr. If ihe imnl of thc paymaus made hy�ortower 4-;: -- - -
<br /> for ium(a),(b),or(c)is mxufficicnl�o pay�hc iirm wM1en dve.�hen Oorto�ccr shall pay ro LenAer nny amounl neccuary to � :, y
<br /> i�' ir:4 make up�he deficicncy on or beforc�Ae Ju�c Ihe item Cecm�en d0a ��--, '��� •-.
<br /> Ae used in�his SecuritY Inswment.'Secrc�ary"means ibc Secn;4iry of Housing and Urban 0.relopmem or his or her .� -.�,�3 y:_:_.;,
<br /> �.i designee. In any yeu in�vh�ch�he Landermust p�y a mr.ngape InSU�ance prcmium In the Sierclary.each monthly poymem Y���:;� ., _—
<br /> ,_t���( shall elso includc ciihcr. (i) nn instaliment of�bc annnal mrtr�ya8e ins�ranm premium �a 6c paid by l.endcr �o�he p ft ,, N3 � ---�-
<br /> Secrelary,or(ii) u momhly charge instead of a mcaga0e ineurance prcminm i(this Securi�y Instnimem is heid 6y�he `��+ �t � --_
<br /> � Secrc�ery. &�ch momhly ins�alhnent of the mcrlqaye insunnce premium shnit he in an emoum mmciem to eceumulaie�he lY��� r ---
<br /> ,-_; full annual mohgage insurancc prsmium wi�h LACd¢r one momh prior to thc dait the PoII nnnual mongage insurance � �• ' _- ---—
<br /> `�� prcmium is due ro�Ire Secretary;or�f LL�is S�eurit�las�rvment is held hy ihe Secre�ary,each monthly c6arge shall be in nn 1�-� ---- _
<br /> <�'•- emount equul�o one•twel(�h of onrhniE percem o��he ouuunding prinapal balancc due on thc Rote. ' .� ,. t}���'-
<br /> ii
<br />�{:;�=:�°:.;'- If 6orroucr tenders to lender ihc full pay�mem of ail snms secured 6y ihis Secumy In,trumem,Rorrawert account , �,;, �_--
<br /> .z;Y;..:,;.
<br />'� �,;;�• ��' shall bc creditcd wiih thc b�lance remainiag for all ins�allmcros for i�emc (N.(h) and (c) nnd my monpagc insurxncc , �.! 71:��
<br /> �,!: : '4: '. prcmium Ins�allmcnt�hat l.ender hae not becorcc a4igaud�o p.ry m tlM Sccrcury,and Lendcr shall pmmpily rcfund an>• - °i=�4�''�1,"�
<br />-�i'i�-��� excesx funds lo Dorrower. Immediatel� cvtoa Ccrcd�nurs sale of�he I'm n' or ils ac uisilion h Lender,8orro«er\ ���^•':-���-'�'�-
<br /> )M P� � 9 Y ��'��'._.t.'r5;•..".::—.
<br /> necount shall be eredi4d wi�i any Mlance erruaininp For alt inetalLnenn(or i�enu(a),(h)and(c). `:"1,: , Si F .
<br /> � _3.Apyltcptlon of Wymenr.i. A![Fnpcacrtu ender P.�ropraph+I and 2 shall tic applicd by l.cnder ai folto+rs: , � s y -:-
<br /> rIRJ"I",lo the mongage insurance Fvrmi�m�ro Ix pvd Ay Lcnder lo�he Secrc�ary or lo ihe momhly charge by Ihe �
<br /> � � Secreta insiead of lhe mnmhlJ ncv�aa�e iasvr.mce pnmium: ' Y.� " '
<br /> SF�,w any�axea,tpecial nssasmenn,l.ati.holJ piymen�c or graund rcms,and fire.flnod anJ mher hazud 1 .ic' �>� ��.'`
<br /> r.r. . ��.
<br /> x- �. insurancepremiumv.asreqnirsQ ; ,i:: .;,,:.„.4_i —.__..
<br /> '�! THIRD ioi�ven.iducunAertheNae: � ti}x+}FCdS'h�:.
<br /> � ft�i�}..;j FOLIR'fH.toamonieationuf�heprincipalol�heNo�e; - - -;f' �(,�� {(
<br /> 1`�}1..;.+;", Q�T�1,io lutu chnrges duc unc�rr�hc Nn�c. � �..,3,�.�,,,t��)��:
<br /> .. .:.���,.��,�} 4. Fire,i7aad nnd 0lLCr HazxrA Insurnnce. Dorrower.hnll inwro all impmvcmems on thc Pmpcny,whe�her now ��,• -'.-.s_.e��,: y,.
<br /> ' " in exislenee or suA+equeml9 crcrted ngainv nny hnrards,casual�ir},and comingencicz, including fire.(ar uhich Lender '' � -�;,.;;1y.�:;;- -r
<br /> rcquires insurance. Thfn in�.urance shall M maimaineA in�M1e mnounta and(nr�he periods�ha�Lender myuims. [iorron�er 4;',;; i i -, ��(�-
<br /> shall aLso innnrc nll improvemcni+on Ihc Ropctly,ohc�hrr now in ccislcnac or wbceyucmiy ercctcd.ngaincl bss by Iloods �•�• t ' �1��
<br /> - � :�- to�he exo:n�.rcqnind by ihe Secm�ary. All iniurance.hall h rarnrJ ai�h companie�appmved hy Lender. 77ie incuranee � " _f '¢y--
<br /> . . policius and any renmwlv nhnll ik hrlJ 6y l.ender and �h:Ji includc In.. pa�:�ble clauvC} in favor aL and in a fortn -, r Si „ ;i��,_
<br /> accepw6lr ua l.cndcr. � .�" }r z �
<br /> In�he erem.ef Inti..Dortm�cr+hall gi�e Lend.r immtdiale nulice hy mafl. LenJer may make proof nf loas if noi �i%r••, � -�;4.
<br /> �� - �-_�., mnde pn;mptly by FNrxoae❑ I:�ch mmr,nue campan��mncemeJ i.hercb��authorind and dirccteJ�a make paymem for {-.. -� ;l�T,�;;
<br /> -.f �.r•�- snch W�c Ji�vc1l�nt Lcnder.inr.lead uf to[3ortnx.r uiJ io LenJcr joinlly. All or an��p:�n of Ihe imurance procecds may�he ;•.�/ 1 4^r i����.
<br /> « .;,; a plied by Lcndcr.a�itx ap�iun,ciihcr(:q to Ihc rrductinn nf�he inJch�ednc.,m�J.r ilx Nar anJ thi.Securi�y Imuumcnt. . .r�ll;�P, ��.`:
<br /> •..�� -�:;; nst to any d¢lim{ucnt amoun�s applicd in thc ordcr in P.vagnph J. :mJ �hcn w prcpa�m.nt o(princip�l.or(b) ia lhe f�!'.:i!4:�,t _
<br /> .���'.� . res�uratiun or re nv af Ihe J:mm ad ra n An i �li.a�ion nf d�e nxeed.t���he nnci d chall no�ex�end nr 5� ne •S!'::�.:, y;r.-
<br /> •..•t�C� � . P f' P FR. )"• >"�PI P � P� R P�. I'o ..�.r�,,... tf.-:::
<br /> � .p ,:.:,g lhc duC dntc uf Ihc monlhly p:�ymcin����hirh:nt re(rrnJ Ia in Hvagr.iph_.�+r changc thc amonm of xuch paymcmx. Any . ";��Sy'�1f��Vii:i tY.
<br /> . •��fi��:�.i�- exCecc insunncc pr�tcrd�nuvr:m amnum rcqurted to p.�y all am.iandin�indrhkdnc..under Ihc Nolr and Ihic Securiq.
<br /> _ .;'':;ti;�.:� Insuumem shnll hc pnid lo Ihe cnlil�Icgail� enutled thrrcln. [,;�;.- - .':ii�r`.'.> i.••i....
<br /> � In Ihc cveN nf forcdowrc o�ihi}Sccuriry•In.immem or o�htr�r.m+(cr nf utla io�he {'ra�ny�hm es�inguishes ihe L j�tR..; ,
<br /> 1,,.���_�i inJe6ludnevs,all righL lille and iNtm.l of Ilortnner in:mJ to inwr.mte�wLue.fn I:�rce.hall p.n.ln lhe purch:uco f - .f�f 1��•.� ��
<br /> (,-_ 5. Occupane}�, Prcser���lion, Vulnlen:mce nnd Prnteclinn nf Ihe 1'rnpert�; Ilorrm+eri Loan Appllcollon; ` ;�- x{.�� '-
<br /> I.easehotJs. DoROUCr+h�ll �xcup>�.c+�ahii.h,anJ mc�he 1'ro�m :n Bnrtourr:prfncipal rc.idenu xill�in.iVy J�yti f:.j, . . .. . .
<br />- . . " after the execm:en oY�hi.Securiry�In•Irament and shall cnntinur to�wcup� �hr IYo�wny:n Bnrtnutr:princiFvl rc.idenee .� �• . . -
<br /> for m leas�ane year aiter�he da�e nf�na�panq�,nnln.�hc Sr�mian drtennin��.ihi.reyuimmcm��ill c,u.e unduc hardchip {� . . . .
<br /> ' for 6ortower. or unhss excenua�ing circuni.Lmcr. �•xi,i whfah arc h.�und 13nrtuwer: canvol. Bortnuer tihall notif)� �-' �� . ,. ,.. ..
<br /> ' Lcnden of any czunu:ning circum,�an.c+. Rorruwer .hall not mnumi wa.tc nr Jr.lro).d.unagc nr.ub.Cmti.Aly changc - - -
<br /> _ �.. . ihe Ropcny or allow�hc Pn,Farry�m dc�rnor:nc rra.on,Me��e:�r,nd i��:�r..r.p�cd. Ixnarr m:�� m.�na�hc�4o�xny�f�he � .. .
<br /> - - Rnpcny is vacant ar ahandoncd or�hr loan i�in dclaull. LcnJrr nr.n cdc rcnnna6lc.�rU.+n lu pro�ca�and prexnc.uch �_ �.
<br /> varam or ab�nduneJ f'ro�rlt. B��rtm�rr+I�all aho tt m JeL�all i(13nrtuwer.dunng Ihc Inan appltialinn pn4e...gare � .
<br /> . nta�criall)' (ahc ur inaavnic mfimn:afnn nr .I.m•mrm. ro Lrndrr �nr I.ul.d lo pr.nidc LcnJcr ��ith +ny mat.rial •
<br /> .. infomia�io�U m mnncctia�xiih Ih. Ltm c�idcncrd M Iht Valt m iudmg.hul nni IfmftrJ lu.rrpn+cntalio:�.canCeming .
<br /> . . . ' [IOrtox¢r\occupanc)'of Ihc 1}i��m :n a prinai�+d rc.idcna¢. 1(�ht.S<cuni) Inammrm f.nn a Ic:nrhnlJ.Oortnncnh:dl :
<br /> ' eemply with ihe prmi.iom af ihr Ir:�.c. If F3nrt„�,rr:rcqmn•.4r mir����h; Pru�nm.�he Ira.ehnlJ anJ fce�nlc+6a11 nol -
<br /> - be merged unless Lcndcr agrte•�o ihr mcrgvr m unimg.
<br /> , 6. Charges�o flurro��rr:md i'rnlrciiun uf I.rnder+Rl�hls in Ihe P�nprrl). li��na��cr.hall pa� all go�ennncm.�l
<br /> or muninpal ch.�rgc..linc.anJ im�,.il�on.Ih:n.vc nnl mduJtJ m P.iu.eiph_ Ifnrrnxrr�h.dl p.n Ih:.e uhhtalmn.un �
<br /> - � lime dfrccll)'In Ihe eNrt� whtd�n ow�•d Ihe p.nnww. II I.niurr �u p.n unu61 ad�enrh a(fe.l I.cndcri mteR•.1 m Ihc .
<br /> Propcn).upm Lcndrn reyucy linrtm�a.h.ill prump�h lamnh�„Li�ud.:rc.ripnrudrnnng thr.r p.nm.n1..
<br /> If 6ortoucr faih In maA< �hc.c ����„�•�n..,� �i��• �.���n��,�. �,�,����,.i i,. Paragr.�ph '_.nr I.nl. In�xdom�.m) nthcr
<br /> � eovrnanlc and agrcemcm•comaincd m ihn Srcunt� In.lrnnunt.nr ihrrr n a Ic}.J pnw�.cJmg ihcn ma� .�gnGcamh cd(cct
<br /> I r�v4ri iohn in�hr Rnnene I.urh a..�nnw�..dme m henArunlc�. Inr candrmn�l�un or in en(nrtr le��.nr rteulalmnv.
<br /> � thcn Lcnder may dn anJ par uh��c�cr n nc.c.w�n �n protat Iht�aluc oi�hc ftn�m nuJ LcnJcn nghh m�hc 14o�m.
<br /> . - - including pa)'mcm af�atr..h:vanl m+uranrc anJ o�h¢r ucm+mcmiuncJ m Paragr.q+h?.
<br /> Any amounh di.hur.cJ h�� I.cuJ.r under ihi,ICIfJ�;fJ�lll QIdII IYCOIIIC JII:I�I�IIIIOp:II Jl'�)1 V(U,�nu��cr and M�.rcumJ
<br /> b}'IAiti StWfil)' IpNNI11CIli. ThfM A�I1�IDIlh aI10II IR:iI IlllClti�l IloI111I1i tl.lif n1 d�.hun.nxnL cn�hr\u�r ra�e.anJ a��hi
<br /> - up�ion o(I.cndcr.�hall Ir immcJia�rp Juc:mJ p.nahir.
<br /> 7. Condemnalion. lhc pnkccJ..,(any:�u,rd ur.lann fnr d.nn.�gc...hrca ur am.cyucmial,m rnnncc�mn��nh am
<br /> � condcmn:tlion uf olhcr IaAfng nf anc p:�n ut ih¢Ro�wn).�rt for�omc�ann•m pLnr ul.unJcmn.nwu.are hcreb� a..igncJ
<br /> - ' and shall hc paid In LenJcr�o�he e��ent of ihr full:mtounl ol thc mJcMcdnr.��h:n rcmam.tmpaid und¢r Ihe\nir anJ�h�.
<br /> . Sccumy Imirumcm. LcnJcr.hall appl� wd�pnx�ccJ.to�h.mJuct�an��t ihr mdcMrdnc..unJrr ihc tin�r anJ ihf.Sccuni�
<br /> . Imwmcn6 Gn� �u an�� dcLnyuem :unoum. ,ppGcJ m iht nrder prmWcd m I'ar,�graph ?. anJ �hcn �o prtp:nmcm ul
<br /> ; '. . p�indp�l. An7' appliaalinn nf �ht pnkced. tu Ih¢ pnnap:d .hnll nn� r�irnJ m p�a�me �hr Juc Ja�r .d�he manihh
<br /> - qvcr:.q�p,cr..
<br /> � �
<br />