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. <br /> r _ : r .- ' • _ - <br /> - - � - :-,. -. . _ r. . .' _- _.___.— <br /> t . ._` s <br /> �_.. ..._a.:.LL..L.u- ..�L.:.u.�..�Id.�:....u�°a.' ' hYFY1iiVSd... - _ ._:_ . <br /> -___`�,., �93„�.Q",!5`�,'�y <br />-�� <br />��•�-"5�a paymcnle,which uro refcrrcd m In Pvagre h 2, or chongc�hc nmoum of euch pnymcnt9. Any cacese pmcecd�ovcr an �r,�-,___. <br /> '"- "��-�-,� cunoum rcqulred lo pay n!1 outsmnding IndcBicdncse undcr ihe Notc and thi.v Sccudty fnstrvmcro sM1nll be paid to the enthy ���,,:_ <br /> - legally cnti�iedthcrxlo. -_ <br /> -- 8� Ftte, I.ender may eollect(ee�and chargee nmhodzed by�he Secrciary. �`' -� - <br /> , "� � 9. (3round�PorAcaier�tlanot(kbh „" '- <br /> a , ` <br /> � , n: � (a)befxult. Lcndcr mny,cxmp�a�Iimitcd by rcgulatione issued by ihc ScerciarY in ihe cnxc of payment defauiu, ' ' �r�� : � <br /> � rcquiru Immedi�le payment In fnll otall snnu sceurcd by tht.Secad�y Inv��ment rf: �f°i ,�. <br /> (p Uortowcr dcfnults by failing lo pa�in fall eny momhly pnymcm rcquired by this Sccu�iry Inslmmrnt pdor � � T ri f �, �.. <br /> �� to or on the duc daic of�he nexi moni ily paymem,or -�-�-±�` . <br /> " ,i ��h�� (Ip Oortowcr defeulu by tai�ing,for n pedod of�hiny days,to pcdorm nny o�her obligaliom com�intA in�his °�� , �;:.F,���,� �t=.- �� <br /> * -- " '� Secudly Inslmmcm. � <br /> `�� (b)9ele N'(Ihoul Credit Approval. Lendcr shall,if pemiitted by npplicablc la�v er.d with the prior approvel of�hc ,:c� f�5'� `;'_-,. <br /> ' - ` "� Secrc� requirc immediate paymem in NII of nll�he sume secunA 6y this Security Ins��ument if: ,,} ,f .-r.,'•� `� <br /> -I -�r �. . -. <br /> a - , '. (i) II or p:ut of�he Property,or n beneficinl intercs� in n trus�owning ull or pan of�he sold or j�. h ' }�. .; - <br /> - 2__,_. olhenvix vanskrrcd(o�her�han by dcviu or descen0 by�he Dortmver,nnd ,�i, � -. �,-} � -;,, <br /> _ -.:,�. pf)The Propeny is noi acupied 6y�he purehuer ar gramce as his or her pdncipal rcsfdence.or�he purchaser �.f,_ _ _ _- <br /> ��,_;�. or grantee dces so occupy the Propeny but his or her credit has nu� been approved in eccorAance p� }--j:�r -_ <br /> wiih ihc rcquimmenis of�hc Scc2�ary. �" _ <br /> - ;'- "`� (c)No Walver. If circumstances occur tha�o�ould pemiit Lender Io requim immediaic payment in full,bm Lender �'�. `�- .ie,' <br /> +- �' docs not rc�uirc such paymenu,Lender does not o�alve i�s righu wilh msQeci m sub.uquem evems. � - - � <br /> ].,`, r;' � - <br /> � ,�,�. (d)Regulat ons of HUP Setretery. In many circumslances rcgulalions issucd by IM1e Sccrctary will limil Lenders _ � --. <br /> i• righis, in �he case uf paymeN defaul�s, w reyuirc immedia�e payment fn Poil end forcclose if notpa id. 71iis <a � 7�d = <br /> - �'�1 Security Insuument does not amhnrize nccelere�ion or Porcclosure if no�permiued by regulntionx ot�he Secre�ary. ;.�` - ` - ' _ '' <br /> . �F6 ,' �',� <br /> � . „ , (c)Mortgagc Not Insurcd. Borm�rer agrecs thnt should il�is Securi�y Insvumem and�he no�e secured thereby no� te ' � � 1�,� ° <br /> - ��Ff; bc cligiblc for insurence ur,dcr thc National Housing Act within h from�hc ,', ° �x'�� -= <br />.`.`��j�..: �.'t�*� daie hercof,Lendcr ma ,o�its o tion and�rotwi�hstandin an �hin in Pua me�t4 re uire immeAinte ment in ! '' �`••;t•.�'tiu':v <br /> Y P S Y 6 8 P • Q NY .x - ,{„P, ' <br /> , . -��- PoII of all sums sewrcd by�his Security Instn�mem. A�vrinen statement o(nny nutho�iud ngem nf ihe Secraary .�t s _- <br /> � a . ��i� d:ned subsequent to 8 nont h9 from�he da�e henof,dectining tn iaswe�his Secumy y��{�"'_ <br /> LiY T Y,r7 <br />-._�,.; ..,. -,+: Instrument and the note securca�fiereby,afull 6e decmed conclusive proof of such ineligibili�y. Na�vithslanding ' .- 4���„�7t� : <br /> `•�?i: <br /> ,•i'".�;'�a�n. ihe(orcgoing,�his op�ion may not he exereiscA by Lendcr�vhen �hc un;rvaiiabili�y of inwranm is soirly due�o ; �'-.��'.-;j'�:�ti._�— <br /> - -;j} Lender's failurc�o remit a nwngape insumnce premium�a�he Secre�ery. r � -- 'r,`„i <br /> s -� �g 10. Relnstatement. Bortower has a righ�w hc rcins�atcd if l.endcr has rcyuired immcdia�e paymem in(uil becausc � � <br />' r:,,;'��.'%l� of Rorrowerk (ailurc �o pay nn nmount Aur under ihe-Noie nr�his Security Inctrumem. "Ihis ng �ap�lies rven af�er �,.;ufe�.� . <br /> ;- (y;�'�� foreclosure proceedings are instim�rd. To ninx�am �he Securi�y Inurumem. �ortnxror shall tendeh in n lump sum all �^;'��SY`J�� •,+,'a,. <br /> +- � '� amoums rcqoired lo bnng Bortower]account cumnt including,to�he ex�ent tM1ey arc obiiga�ions o(Bovonar under Ihis � -y ,f;Jl��ri�-`• <br /> � �. . ':• Securia�!:str,:.^:r�,fe:::!cs:::e cc:u ard��e::sble�.^.n cu.t�m,n,•_nnm,•ps'[c.��nd esM�w.pmmdy aanciated with !�—_ •. :,..���!:�.-_ <br /> ' �� - �'�� the foreclosurc proceeding. Upon rcinsmtenMn� b7�Bortmver,this Security Instn�ment�nd�he obligmions�h��ii securex �:•i ^'� `'].�,'��- <br /> , shall rcmain in.tten n.s if Lendcr had noi n�uired immcdiatc paymem in full. Hmrever.Lendcr is not rcquired�o Pemiit ;; ;,Y-��>� , <br /> , reins�anmen� if: (i)Lender has eceep�ed rems�a�ement nfter�he mmmencement of forcciowre prcecedingc wi�hm iwn �-� �� -" - � <br /> ` - can immeAiatel recedin lhe rommencemem nf x currenl foreclosurc raceedin lii) rcinxta�ement �rill reclude ?,' 'Et'�'�C'�%��r !," <br /> . �I.-��'���' S Y P 8 P S. P .-.., , c�:- <br /> forcclosure on diflercm rounds in�he fuwrr,ur(iii)rein.�atemem x�ill udverscl dfect the riority of Ihe licn cmnteJ b � `�;�;`�' `�� <br /> . g Y� P Y fSF� ,,.1�i _� �. <br /> ehisSecumy Instrumem. ; `" � i �- <br /> - - 11. Uorrower Nat Releascd; Forbearnnce 6v I.ender Nol n �Yni��rr. Ex�en+ion a( �he �imc uf paymcm or `� t� '-'�i". `` <br /> ' , �- � madificution of umoni�ation n!�he sums xecured hy thi.Securiq•Imirumenl gramed by I,ender to any mcecssor in intercsi x?••�'� -• - -��'1�:.��, <br /> ..,,�.:.;:: :i.: � .. <br /> � ��.:j�;: of Oorrower shxll nol operaie�o rcleau tts liahili�p of�he ariginal Uorro�rer or Ilorro��rr's successor in iNCreu. Lcnder ., . .-���.�; <br /> � �i, "�•-`:� shull no�be rcyuircd iu cammence pruceedmp}ngainsl any wca.wr in iNCrca nr rcl"use m extend lime !or pa)�meN nr . �:;�S:';��,.�.�,_; <br /> . � �•tia.i olhenvise modi(y nmorliralion o!Ihe sums securtd by thic Securi�y In.�mmrm Fy rc:�+on af nny demand m�de by the : „_ <br /> � " eripinal 6ortower or Onrtower+wrce+wn in iNCre��. Any fortk:vancc hy Lender in exercising nny righ�or remedy�hall , .�<����-� �- <br /> ��R - � na bc u wniverof ur prcclude�hc cxrrcisc of any riph�or tcmcJ�. ���- <br /> ,_ - 12. Successors nnA Assigns Ilound;Jutnl nnd Be�ernl�.Inbiltl�; Co•Signers. 71ie mvenams and ag�cemenn o! - <br /> � � - • lhis Seeurity Inslrument.hall bind und hnefil lhe w��ce..on;md:migm of LenAzr and[3nrtoa�.r,wbject In Ihe pmri�iona - - ��� <br /> - � of Paragraph 9b. Oortower; co��en:mw anJ agr.rmenl..hall tR joint and xveral. An� Porrou�ir aho cooigns Ihis ;"r� ,. �• i;'� <br /> Srcuri�y�In.trumcnt but dces nut extt�me Ihc Note: lal i.m-�ignmg Ihi.Sccuriry Imlmmem nnly to mnngage,� and . {#;� 'i:. <br /> - . comey Iha�I3ortouer+imercx�m�hr F'ro�xny anJrr�he ttmi,a!�hi.5rcuriq In+trumem:�h�i>nnl�aronally ub ig:ned to c,. i .• <br /> . . � �Y Ihe wm.xcurcd hy ih�.Securiq�In.lrmnent:anA eol+gne+Ihal IsnJ¢r�nd any uther ltarrower may agrcr lo exlend. �- . -:� -, <br /> � , moddy.fnrMu or maAc any ncrommidalinm��i�h rrEard m�hc�enn.uf Ihi.tircurity In.lrumcnt nr d:c NWr��ilhout Ihal _ t� , <br /> . �. BonowcricomenL � �:.l,•'7�i..; ' <br /> -�<� 13. Notkes. An� nuticc io Bonou.�pn,vidrJ for in�hi,tiecuriq- In.lmmcnl+hall M1c gictn by dclirrrin¢il or hy . . . <br />;i - � 't�: mailing it hy finl das�mail unico.appliaabl� la�� rcyuirr. u,c nf:molhcr mc�h�xl. lL. naice�hall be Jinrlcd In Ihc � ',��"� . <br /> ' . . Propen)�Addrcsa other addrnc I�ortrnver dr.ign:ne,hy noiicc lo LenJer. Am nolirr lo I.enJer shall h given hy. , .. <br /> fiol class mail m Lcndrr: aJJrc.+a.ncJ hrnin�dJre,. Lrndcr dc.igmnr,tn nolic. m Borm��cr. Any nnlice � - . - <br />-� � providtd for in�hi�Sccnrilp In,Immrm tihall Ik drrnxA m h,nr iwcn gircn�o B��rro��cr or I xndrr xhcn gi��tn m prnridcd <br /> -�'� in Ihis�xirapraph. • <br /> - 14. Go�erning I.00:Secere6ili��. ltn, S¢cuun In.uumcnt .hall Ic gmrmeJ M ITJ TJI I.IN :IOA IAt'I.n� n(ih. <br /> juriadinion in�rhich Ihc Ro�ny i.loca�ed. In thr th:n :mr pnn�.iun n�rl.m.r ut�hi+Srn�nq In+Immrm or�h. . <br /> ivuir eonllirl+wilh applicahic law.w�eh aan0iet .hall mu.dlc:�niher pro�ninn.ul ih�.Sc�uriq In.tnimcm ar�ha IAntc <br /> .. - � uhich can be gircn clfiw���ithaul�hr aunllf�ting p�o� li�ihi,cnJ�hr rym�.nm.ut �hi.tir.nnq In.irumrm anJ�h. <br /> ivnic arc dcclamd to M�c�craMc. . <br /> _ I5. {lorro��cr i Cop��. Ilorto��.r.h:Jl M pic.n onc a,nlomud cop� oi�hi,Sc.uny In.trumrm. <br /> 16. Axcfgnmenl uf ReMS. uncunJmnncdl,a..�rn.;md u.nnlon w LrnJrr all�hc rem.anJ rr�rnur.ul th. . <br /> Propeny. ftortower.m�hame.LenJrr or Lender� culle.l�Li rcw.and rr�rnuc.anJ hercb� J�rte1+eai6lenani�,1 <br /> �hc Propcnp m pa���hc rcm.lo LtnJcr or LcnJcr:aF•rnl.- Hu..c�c�.pnor h�LrnJcr:naure�o I3nrtm�t�o(Bartui�«� .- <br /> hrcach af any cm�cn:mt nr agrccmrm in�hc Sra unq In•.uwnont.Nurtu��rr.h�ll iulira rercnc:dl rcni.and re�cnuc.��I <br /> _ Ihe Propetl)'a�Iru.lcc Inr 1hc tn�u.fil ni LcnJrr anJ��a- Ihn�.vgnnxm.�1 aM1..+lurc a�.�gnmtni <br /> - and not an a..ignnunt(or:�ddmnnal,c.unq nnl.. <br /> . ' If Lcndcr girc�noGc.of hrcach lo �a�ali rcm.rc.r��rJ h� Bnrtuurr�h.dl in c�lJ h� 13nrtoocr�ctt <br /> _. __ r�.......m ..r�....�....,..�. �..�... ...,..r..n �.,a... ..�.... ...-.�....� �., n..,c..�...n L..�..�.�...m �h�1 ..��i:r.h:�u h..•mN.•.1��. <br /> . __ . .. -,� _ .... ..,..,..._. .__.._,. ._...�. .""��..__ ._...' """'_ " _"__' __ ' __ _ _ <br /> " colleci and rt�aciec all�+(�hc nnh nf Ihc PrnAnq:anJ n i cad�irn.m�ol ihc I#o�n� .h.�ll pa� all«nt.duc anJ unpaW�o <br /> � Lcndcr or Lcndcr+agcm nn Lcndrr:�rnuen JcmanJ m�tn�cn:nv- <br /> Uortou�cr ha. wl caccmcd an� priur a..iEnmcm nt ihc rcun anJ ha. nnt an.l ��dl nu��wrinmi LII}' Jll III]I OIIYItI <br /> � � . prc��cnl Lcnder from in ughi+unJar Ihi�P�ragrap6 IG. <br /> � - Lcndcr.hall nol Iw rcymmd tn cNCr upnn. lal.c�omrol uf or mamcun ikr I'r.,{rn� Iwforc or af�cr gnmg nmicc al <br /> M1rcaeh lo Dortoxcr. Hm�crcr. Lendcr or a judiciallp ap�w+mtcJ rtacncr ma� lI0�O JI ]Il{Illlll'Ih.rc�. a brcadi. Am <br /> ° aPPlicalion of rcnh.hall nu�curc ur wairc anr de(aul�or m�alidalr an� u�hr�nEht or rcmrd.of Lcndr�. Thi.a�.ignm.m <br /> of rcnu o(lhc Rnpcn)��hall�cnnina�c��hen�hc dcM�ccurnl hp�hr Sccunt� Imtmmcm�d m fi�ll <br /> ' . "+. ,�,r.:.f�rv�... <br /> �. � <br />