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,, �- <br /> ' , :;.� :, ; ,, „_., _ <br /> '.' . a' . =' Iw '..JL- �..--. ._ T ..__.:_:_� .. .. - . ._ . _ .' ' <br />_'-�.^-St•� _ — _`�."' '__ <br />_�. .� S3�so�s�� <br /> ��:� <br /> °.„=� 1. Pa�ment otPAncipel,Interest and t.nte Charge. Ilorruwcr shall pay�vhcn duc ihc pAncipal of,nnd imctcsi on, <br /> _ ••�;,.�� �ho debt ovldenccd Ey�hc Note nnd Imo chargcs duc undcr thc Noic. _. <br />.`;;"'_���. 2� MontAly p�ymenu of 7Yxea,lnsuranco and Other Chorges� Uonowcr shnll inelnde In cach momhly paymcm, <br /> ;.::„r �ogc�hcr wl�h Ihc pAncipal and imcrcst ns scl Ponh in�hc Nntc nnA nny laic chargca, nn Insiallmem of nny(a)�aaa nnd � <br /> ^�5�� s isl asscssmcnu Icvlcd or m bc Icvicd n oinst d�e Pro n (b)Icnscl�old a mcnu ar round rtnu on dw Pro rt and <br />-`��.y a,.,,.: Pcc 8 P� Y� P Y 6 f'� Y� _ <br />�. (c)prcmlume!or insurnncc rcquind by R�mgrnph A. � <br /> � � �� Wch momhly installmcnt for i�cros (N. (b) nnd (e)shall cqual anc•iwdlih uf thc nnnuul mnonms, u� rcawna6ly �f.�,�=-"-"-"-- <br /> !."�j;:�j„�� estimaicd by l.ender, pIw an amnunt enfliciem In malmain nn nJdhlon�l b�im�a of not morc �hnn onasixth of tlw -_—: <br /> eaihnaled nmounu. Tlu fuil nnnual amoum far each hem Ehall be necumalatrd by 4ender�rhhin a pedod ending one ��.� . +_:_-_ <br /> moNh AePore an Item would become delinyuent. l.ender shall hatA�he amounts collec�eA in ws�o pay imm�(N,(b)nnd �•';���_- �- - -- <br /> -. / (c)beforo�hey become dclinqucm. � ;r,, :,- � -- -_ <br /> - r If nt any time ihe wtal of�he payments held 6y Lender for Ilems(n),(b1 and(c),mgether with�he PoWre monihty �f ry.+���tt���'- <br /> _. ,�,t;;;• paymenu for Fuch i�emF paynble w Lendrr prior io the due da�es of such ilems, exaeds by moro ihan one-siath ihe p ,�t f. + � , <br /> � '�>"'.- esuma�cd amounl of � menGS rc uired�o a such itcros�vhcn due,und if aymcros on ihc Nme are currcm,�hcn Isndcr f��;"r�"?;�'`''� � <br /> x::�n��,..,,, P•Y 9 Y P t7:a(-%E;-`.;i". }:�.z-`^. -.-. <br /> shall eiiher rcfund�he exeess overone-six�R af Ihe eslimflled paymen�s or crcdit�he excess over one-sixth of�he estimated <br /> paymcNS ro subsequcnt paymems by OoROn�cr,ai�he option of Iforrower. If�he w�al af ihe paymenu made by Ilorto�ver -: �l '� = — <br /> - ' �' for lum(a),(b),or(c)is msufficiem�o pay the item when due,then Dortmver shall pay�o Lender nny amoum necessary to -'± ' -; _ <br /> i - make up�he deficiency on or befort the date the icem d:comes due. ��.1 f {� �,_ <br /> .' -`� �- .�_} As used in this SecurnZ Ins�rvmen6"Secretary"means�he Secm�ary of Housing and Urban Derel��.•r.r.�or his or her - . �i;,.;+k+,'3./ � - <br />- - Aesignea In an ear in which the Lender musi � n mon a e inaur.mce nmium m the Secre�a each nnnthl men� :'�::" "'"'?-'F%+l'�`. <br /> ,. .� YY P•Y 88 P ' �Y. YWY � �tas'i'_ 6 <br /> - �'�'=�� shail also include cither. (i) nn instalimrnt of thc annu�l mongage insur;u�n prcmium to 6e paid by Lcader to d:e �::�'�.,._!��;�;�_��"-"'� <br />- �����}+;''_;;r Secrctary,or(ii)a monthly chnrge insicad o(a mongage insuranee premi��m if ihis Secumy Insuumem �s hcld by the �;,'.,•..,�,_,.�: _ <br /> �:'ni Secretuy. Fach momhly ins�allmen�of�he mongage insurence prcmium shall be in an amoum suFficiem m nccumalate U�e �,_i+:';;•'A•�- <br /> '_ ,-, PoII ennual mongage insurance prcmium wiih Lcnder one momh prior�o the da�c �he (ull annual mnngagc insurence �.`.,i 'r <br /> �-` premium is due lo�he Seac�ary:or if this Saurity Insirumem is hcld by�he Secrcmry,each monthly charge shall be in an �,-. , - -�-��� <br /> . ,�L,,:._ amowi equal to one-�wpl�h of one-hal(percem of�he oms�anding prinnpal balance dne on the Nae. �:" � <br /> "`,�;e_i�,�;;; If Uorrower te�ers m Lender the full paymem af ali sums ucured 6y this Security Instmmen4 Ilorrouert accovm ':':;�:::�td-" <br /> shnll be crcdited ��i�h Ihe Milana rmaining for nll ins1a11meNS for i�ems (a).(b)and (c) und uny mongage insurance �� i � - _ <br /> ;�,���.��_.� premium ins�allmem�hat Lender has no�Ixcome obligated ro pay to�he Secrc�nry,anA Lendr�shall promp�ly mPond nny �i. j -__ <br /> °"rp���� excess funds io Rolmwer. Immedin�el rior m a forcclosu�e sale of�he Pro n or i�s ncc uisi�ion 6 Lender.QormwYr�s � t- - <br /> .._n,.r , y p P� Y I Y �:�.s;. :'':=.,i-: . <br /> ��.,, necoun�sha116e credited wi�h any balance remainins(or all ins�allmems far i�ems(a).(b)and(c). : •���.-�;� <br /> _ .. 3. Appllcnlion oT Paymenls All paymems nndcr Par�gn+phs I and 2,ha11 Lc applicd by Lendcr as folloxs: '�� ��"'-=' �• <br /> � FlRST ro�he mongnge insumnce prcmmm lo be paid by Lender lo ihe Secreiuy or In Ihe momhly charge 6y Ihe ���� -. {,�; <br /> . „ Secrc�a inxiead of�Im momhly mongage insumnce premium: �.` , <br /> fC ,m nny�xxes,special asxescmems,Ieasehold payments nr grnund rems,nnd fire,llocd and a�her hozud .' �?�_� <br /> - insurnncc preminms,az reyuired; -'^ �3f ��:� <br /> � THIRD,�o iNems�due under�he No�c; <br /> - r���r:j,ro�:�aEz:tion otth:µ�rnir:aCt::c":a.:: -.` t r-_m�'i <br /> [1L'Cti,10 lalc charges dnC under Ihe Nme. � = - <br /> 4. I+irc,Flood nnd Olher llnzxrd Insurnnm. I�arromcr+hall inmrc nll improvemems on�hc I'rnpen�•.�vhciher nuw � �u s i„:;�.� <br /> � ;,�rysS��" in existence or xu6uquenlly crec�ed,ngains�any hainrd�,cacuai�ies,and conlingenciex,including fire,for a�hich Lender ;:,.,F}:j��,'I.'��' � <br /> _ . rcquires insumncc. This inaurnncc,hall 6c maimmncd in�he nmounis and far ihc periixls ihat Lender rcyuircs. Ranoxrr ZV_ fj <br /> shall also insurc nll improvemems on the Propeny,whe�hcr now in existcnce nr nnb.uyucmly encted,agmns�loss by Iloads ` � <br /> �• to the extent reyuired by�he Secre�ary. All intiur.mce+h:Jl M cavied wiih cnmpanies approved 6y Lender. The insurance -��'��f� ' <br /> � ` poticies und nny reneaals s6nll be licld by LenJer and.hall incluAe Ins. paya6le cL�uses in fnror oL and in o fomi � ���. ``s^.' <br /> • �'���, ucceplable lo,Lender. � �,�'�:�•' � <br /> . �. �• � In thc evem af lo.s,Unrtourr+hail girc LenAer imnkJia�r nolice by mail. Lendcr may make proof o(loss if nn1 , - °'?,�_:+�� j_ <br /> - ��� � mnde promplly 6y 13orru��er. E:irh in.umnce com�:my concemeJ i.hemhy nmhuriicJ:md direc�ed�o make paymem fnr � ;�-.� ��_._ <br /> t .`N -ti�� such loss dircctly io�eaJ o!m I3om�wer.mJ m Lenderjnimly. All p:m uf�hc inwrance praceed.may hc �- �� -__�� <br /> - �S� i�r�;;� nppiicd by Lender,at ilx opuon,enher(n)io Ihe rednc�inn u(ihe inJeb�edne-o unJer�he hu�c:mJ this S.curity Inslrumen6 .�:. , , -4;�_:{ <br /> ( . firn�o¢ny delinyucnt nmaunts upplicd in�hc nrdrr in Para6raph 3,and Ihen�o pmpa)'mem of princip:d,nr(hl m ihc 1' <br /> ,I .. -� rcstora�ion ar repav af�he damnged propeny. Anp applicaiiun of ihe pnxeed.n,�he pnnc�p:tl sh:ill nM exlend m poxl�ne - ' � �r ,. c^ <br /> r- �-'i �he Auc daie of�he monthly paymem+�vhich arc rckmJ m in Parngraph?.ur changr Oir amaum o(xuch paymemx. Any � �i% i� ei_ F��, ':.:. <br /> ". �- excecs inxurance pmceeds o�er nn amount rcyuircJ�o pay:JI omaanJm} inJrM.dnn.unJer ihe�oic nnd Ihis S.cnrily <br /> . . Inswment+hall h paid m�hc emin�Ieg:Jlycmiiled iherc�o. � �P.`� -� ��L <br /> _ . ln Ihe eveni of foredasure nl Ihic Securily Iminm�enl m nihrr Ir:m+kr ol ullc lo ihe Ihopeny Ih;n exungui�ha Ihr .. . .- - . <br /> - indeMednas,all righ6�ide and imem.t of Rnrtnxrr in anJ m invmma•pnlici..fn Innr.h:�ll pa.+�o ihe purehxer. . . .�._:. <br /> . . _ 5. Occupnncy, Preserva�lon, 11foiNennnce nnd Ihmectlan nt�hr 1'mperq�; Ilorros�er s Luan Applirn�ion; � � � _ <br /> . . I.enseholds. 13orto5�er +hoil nccup��.e,iahli.h. anJ uu thr Pro�rn��a,Burrawer:principal rc+idena a�ilhin.ury�da)'s .. <br /> � nf�cr Ihe execulion nf Ihis Securily mlrununt:md.hall�a�pc�he Pra�wn) :n Unrto�ccr:principal re,idenn .. . <br /> ., for at Ieas�one year�ftenhe Jate nf�na�panq•.unlc..�he tircn�ap�dr�cniiinr.�hi.rcyuiremcm���ill<auv unJue harJship � . . <br /> � _ for portm�cr, or unlcs. exicnu��ing circuni.lancc. c�i+t ��hich arc M1c)onJ Bnrtm�cr; amunl. 13nrrnwcr.hall nolily � . .. <br /> Lenden of any exlenualing cirenm+l:mce,. Bortmnr.hali nul cummfl��a.�e�rt Je.lnn,dam.iga•�ially.hange � <br /> � �hc Rupeny nr�Ilnn��hc Ropcny�o,rca,onablr��ear and�.:v.r.cpicd. Leiidrnna� m.�a�hc Hopen��if�hc � .. <br /> Propcny is vacam or:�handoned nr Ihe loan Jefanli. I.cnJcr may�aAc rra.nn:�M.aniun in pruttrt and prcxrce mah . <br /> v:icant ar aM1andonrA Ro�nq. Ilorrnnet�hall ahn Ik m deGmll fl Bnrtm�eL during Ihe In.m applitalinn prtw'e��.g:rca 1 <br /> malrrially faise m inaccuntr infonn:ninn �v �I.nemenl. lo LenJ.r �nr I:�ilyd m proriJr Lender «iih :my maicrial � <br /> infom�alionl in cnnneclion nilh ihc lu:m h� ihe\utr,maluJmg.hut not hmnrd ta.rcpr..emation.cunceminF . . <br /> 13ortou�crT acupanry nl�hr Pro�ny:n a pnn:ipal m.iJcn�c .f dn.Sr.nnlc lu.lnnnrnl f..�n a Ica�rholJ.Ilortuwcr+hall <br /> rnmply wi�h Ihc prnvniom o(Ihc Ica.c. I(13nrta��cr acyurtc.Icc Ifllr�n�h:Prn�•�n.�he Iravhald anJ f�r iiil.,hall nnl ; <br /> he merged unle.}LenJer agrcc.In�he mc�gcr m��riGng- � <br /> b. Char�es lo liurraner nud Prultctlun nf Lendrr i RI�;hK in Ihr f'raperl}. Iinrtow�r.h.dl pa� all gnnmmemal <br /> o�municipal eharge..finc�anJ imp�.�Gon,ilc�� �rr un�mduded m Pengr.iph]. B�mu..rt.h.Jl p n Ihe.e ohhg:niam nn - <br /> limf dirctily It�Iht cnlil�'��hich��uocJ ILc p.nme:tl II I:uLut tu pa� wnnlJ.uArrvl� a(Ircl LcnJcr'. mirrc.t fn Ih: <br /> Pmpttly,ury+n LcnJrr'.reyue.l 13nrro��rr.hali prnmplh lumnh b�LrnJcr n•.rq+n e�iJ��m mg d�r.r paynrnh- . <br /> . If 6nunwer(aih �u maAc �he.r p.��mrnl. n� ihc pa�mm�l. rcyuucd M P.uagraph 2.n� Icnh lu p•dunn :m) mhrr <br /> cm�cnam.and agncmcnhrnNamcJ m th�.Sr.unt� Ip�IN111t1�i.Pf IllilC 1�A IC(;.II�IIRI'C�IIII�IM1.11 IIIA\ \12,`�11�KdI11I\ JI�I'lI <br /> - Lcndcr] ihc Pn+prny Iwch:n a pnnc<din� m M1mArup�q. for a.mJcmna��on�rt b�a�lurrc I:m.ur rt}ulai�an.�. <br /> _ _ —._ .. . . . ._ _ _i ._ ._. _._. __ ...__"_...�......�._..e n...Y......n. ....11...d...'.n..h�.fn�F: Pr..n.m <br /> ._ mcn i.cnac�war uw ui�v�.n ..�mm..-� �..�.......q ...�............ ....... ....... ...�"': ""'_'""' _�""' "'"'"" ""'"";' <br /> including paymcnl n(laxc�.ha/arJ mwrancc anJ olhcr arm+m.ntmncJ m P.uagraph 2. <br /> . My amoum.df.huruU by Lcndcr undcr Ih�.km�grnph.h.Jl Fwaonic:m aJJnwn.J Jch�nl H�,no��cr anJ!k.rnircd <br /> hy thia Securily In.uumcm. Tlu.c:miouch.hall thar intrrt�.l Gom thc uf di.bnr.rm.nL+l �hc\u�c r�ic.anJ a1�hc <br /> uplion of Lrndcr..hall hc immcJimcly dur.mJ papahlc. <br /> - 7. Condemnallon. Thc pnaccd.�,Lmr a��ard nr dann firt d:un.�gr..Juc.�or a�+nKyucnual.m conmr��on a��h am <br /> condcmna�ion m oihcr IaAing of any p:m ul Ihc I'ro� fur iom c�ancc in pL�n•o(� hcnF� a.vgncd <br /> - and.hall h paid to Lender m�hr eatenl of th.full amnum nl Ihe mJeFittlne..�h.n�np��d unJc�the Rote.mJ ihn <br /> - Sccurily In.lrumcnl. Lcndcr�hall apply wd�pnxc.J.m ihr rtduatinn a!�h.inJcMnlnc�.und:r Ihr�n�c anJ ihi.Sccunq <br /> - IrowmcN. firsl lo any delmquem :mmunh appGed m Iht ordcr prnNdcd in 1'aragr.�ph i. �nJ �hrn w prcp.i�m.nt uf <br /> � principal. Any applica�ion of �hc t6c prindpd .hall nnl cacnJ or p+,lpunc iLc Jue Ja�c uf Ihe maNhh <br /> ' _� . . � .ryc�:.qJ�vcr.� <br /> I I <br /> . ____.. _ ___ _—_—_ _ _ '_'__". _._ .. .. . .. ..... _..._._-___........_��.... . ........" " . . �l_ <br />