<br /> � �_ �+ _ - ---: i- ? ,, fi° i�r1 . - i , t r:. _':`f -°--
<br /> �'- :� . . 71�Yii3n- �r�c - -�oa..,;. _,r.�:.,�:ur:c.i�rrr.i��...�.....:.,.,.:_: ._ _ _ - .. . : _. . _ _ .
<br /> _�T�'� 'g3: �0�.��2 ' -
<br /> applisable Irw may epeclry for rtinaietemcnt)beforc Ralo of�ho Pro�xrty pursuan�to any power of seio contalncd In thle
<br />"--�°� Saudty(nshumem;or(6)cntry of a Judgmem enforcing�his Security innmmcnt. 77�oso condi�ions aru thut Bortower. (a)
<br /> �m'�'�� paye l.ender all cume whlch then would bc due undcr ihl� Securi�y Inswmem nnd iho Noro es If no ec�crlemtion had
<br /> =.,s4y�:�� occurred;@)eurc�any defaull of ony other covenant�or egreememr,(c)paye nll eapensc+incurtzd in entorcing ihis Saudty
<br /> --- _- Ins�rumem,Including, bm not Ilmlted ia rensonuble nttomey�'fas;nnd(d)tekes such ection u i.ender mny reasonebiy
<br />-=-��;���,> � ra�ulro lo nssuro ihnl�ho Ilcn at�hB Secad�y Instrumcn6 Lender'e dgha in tho Propeny end portower§obliga�ion�o pay thc
<br />;;,��,,.„,� ' enma secnred Ay Ihl� Secadry Instmmenl shnll continue unchanged. Upon rdnstaiement by Dorto�ver, �bt� Secud�y ,______._ ._
<br />�r��,=:;�, InsiNmem and ihe obllgatlons securod hercby shall rcmaln fully effadvo os if no neceleretion had occurred. Howover,�hie __
<br />^;'Zir.e"'�:L,;� dSh�to reinstate ehnll not epply in�he cnse of accelcraiion under parngmph 17. _ - __ _,____
<br />�-�,::.�rti�..�•-, 19. Spie of Notei Chango of I.00n 8ervicen The No�o or a pinial Inrerest in�ho Notc(wgcther with�his Sccurity ' °' � - -' � -
<br /> �,; ,.-..; Insimmem)muy bo sold ono or moro Ume+without pdor notico to Oortower. A sxle mey rcsult In o chango in tha entity
<br />���' ''-"S'� (known a�iho"I.oan Servicer")�he�collecis menthly paymems due under iho No�e and tAis Sceuriry[ns�n�ment. 'fl�cre elso
<br /> "'� �,F�i";�� may bc ono or moro changes of thc Loan Scrviccr unrclaced a o snlo of�ho Noto. If�hcro Is e chango of tho Loan Scrvlmr,
<br />,)��;�°?�,ry;'; Bonower will be gfven wdtten noflce of the ehnnge in ettordunee wi�h parngmph 14 above and eppIieabio law. '(he nalce
<br />":';� :: s will stato U�c namo end eddrcss of ihc nc�v Loan Scrviccr and�ho nddrus to which paymcnta shouid bo muda 7fie notla will
<br /> . .-sS f,.:;�.,?�-
<br /> s-._.�r_„_�,... also conmin eny mhcr InPomintion rcquirrA hy npplicahlo law. _
<br />= ':_�•'n;;{n,;``y;' 2A. Hazanlous Substances. Dorrower ehall not cause ar pennii tho presrnce.use,dis�wsel,ctorago,or rcleaso of any
<br />�`-,;?'�t,��'��: Hnrsrdous Subsmnccs on or in �hc 1'ropeny. Itovowcr shall not do, nor nllow enyono clxc m do, nnything atfccting tho
<br /> °?,`:�;'�� Property�hat(s in violmfon of nny Environmemnl Ln�v. 'Ihe prcceding nvo xntences sLell noi apply m tho presenee,use,or
<br /> � °1 storego on Iha('ropeny of smnll quantfAcs of Hmnrdons Subsmnces that nre genereliy recognixed lo bo nppropde�o to nom�nl
<br />- �`'' rtsi�lntial uses nnd lo maintenance o(iLe Moperly.
<br />- . Bortower shall prompliy gire Lender wriuen notice of nny Investiga�fon,clofm,demnnd,Imvcui�or other ec�ion 6y eny
<br /> � goremmemal or rtgulatory agency vr private party Involving iite Property and eny Hamrdous Substnnce or 4'nvironmenlal
<br /> -- � - Lan• of ���hich Bafowcr has r.nuxl kr.o�rlMge. IF Qortower lenms, or is notifieA 6y nny goremmcntnl or rcgWelory �.__ --..
<br /> r�•. emhority,that:my rtmoval or other remaiiation of nny}fezardous Subsiance atRcling�he Property is necessary,Ilortower
<br /> �F� W'��j,� shall prompUy�ake all necessnry rcmedial n:ainnt in x:cordance with Cnvimnmenlel Lmv. -••
<br />"i��?'ry�`�,!}y,� As used in ihis paragnph 20,"Hnznrdrnis Snhsiancet'are Ihose suM1x�ances defined nc�oxic or hnznrdous xnbsmneu 6y �--.+��.�-.�'��--
<br /> � f� ���Sf'1„ Envlronmemnl law and the fNlo�ring subs�ancex: g�.anline,keroune,other Oammn6le nr�oxic petroleum praducts,loxie -.
<br />���:�tk��;����l,b prs�icides and herbicides,rolatile xolven«, mntrrials comaining nshes�os nr fonnnldehyde, end rndioac�ivo ma�erlale. As
<br /> "��?s;:'�•+� used in�his paragraph 20,'Environmemal Law"mrans @A.ral laws nnA laws o(thejurisdic�ion svhere ihe Propetly Is localed
<br /> °''F-�'!�: ; � Ihot reintc�o henl�h,safety or environmeNal pra�ection.
<br /> ���{��-'•+ �'+� NON�UMFORM COV@NANTS. Bovoacr nnA l.endtr fnnher covenam nnd egree ns follows: _ - .
<br /> 21. Acceleretloni Remediea, Len�er shnll gire nntloe in Dorro�rer prlor ro eccelerntlon Pollmving Borrower•e -
<br />°- '/�. brench of eny ro��rnant or ngreement in Ihls SecaN�y InsirumeM @nt not prlor lo nccelerellon nnder parngrnph 17 -
<br /> � -���� %;--:'!- unless appllca6le le�v pro�-idea othenrL�e). T8e notice shall apec3P�: (a)ihe detnull;(b)Ihe nalian requlred to wre the --
<br /> ,��i'rSi t..�t�; defaull;(d n dnir,noi less ibnn 30 dnys from ihe dah the nnticr is gken lo Ilorrmrer,6y xhich ihe dMaull mnst he =-_ ..—
<br /> r�,�£qi�'A�n3� cured;und idi ihxi ini3ure io cure ibe drfnuii on or 6eiore ine dnie specificd in ihe noiice mur racuit in octtierntlon uC — " i` --�
<br /> iy�Apl<. �he sums secured by U�is Securiiy Incirumenl and snle oi�he Property. The nniice sUnll Ntlher InPomi Uorrower of ~Q;;��,���i'
<br />�+.:;'j,yi;�p>.!!�1 Ihe righl to reinslnte nRer nccelemdon nnd the right a ArInF n court nctlon to nsser�tl�e nomexiatenee otn defnnll or ;_.,•�,*;,��y���--�,.
<br /> i
<br /> - � ���� '��a nn other deFense o(Uorrower to accelernilon nnd snte. If lhe defnuil Is not cared on or 6efom Ihe dnte s Ifled In -` ��r �����
<br /> - �-....' '-� Y f� �;.,,�,,., ,,�,_
<br />%-- ' •:,r Ihe notice,Lender nt Itx opqom m�y rcqulre Immedinte payment in fall otnll Rums secured by Ihle 3ecurity Instrument J;�?' �,�r•r',�!��,_
<br /> -`:'����� wit6aut Nr�her demnnd end mn Invokc thc owcr o�snic nnd m� olher rcmedies �'� 't�''� !:.
<br /> Y D Y permi�ted by nppllcnbic luw. ;r.;�i}_p,ya:i_s�q,�,.
<br /> Lender shnll 6e enHtied lo wilect nll expenses Incurred In punuing tl�e rcmMlev provided In lhis parngrapL 21, .��;�}�;i
<br /> Including,bul nol llmlted to,rcasonnble nttorneys•fees and costs ntlille evldence. � {-
<br /> , If lhe poxer at sole is Invoked,7Yustee shnil recard n notice of detnull In ench counly in whlch nny per!of Ihe i-- �_;
<br /> . , Pro rt Is locnted nnd shnll mnil ca Ies o�auch noqce In Ihe mnnner presrrlbed by n Iicahle Inw lo Uorrox�er ond to i � �'� -
<br /> P� Y P PP �k:.�.
<br /> � � the other persons prescri6ed by npplicnbte lo�r. ARer the tlme rcquired by oppllcnlde low,TYusree Fholl gh•e pu611c , ��;!,;�;; '"'
<br /> ��"' notice of sale lo lhe persore and In lhe mnnner presedAcd hy nppllcnhle Inw 'IYustec,nilhoul demand on Oorrowe6 " ', .<-� •�:_r,;:;'.•;. .
<br /> � . shnll scO lhc Properly al publlc nuctlon to lhc highesl hiddcr ut Ihc Umc m�d pincc nnd ander Ihc terma Aeslgnnted In �.-:."`f .-i':j::e`�;,R�,
<br /> ---.. the nolice oPsnle In one or mare parcrls mid In uny mdrr 7tusim delermines. 7}nslee mny pos��ne snle of nll m•any '�r�;� ,,-.�i1 � - '
<br />,��..,: pnrcet of Ihe Pmperty 6y pu611c nmiannwment nt the tlme nnd pince af nny preriouxly schMuled snle. I,ender or Ils . ;> , (r�;:��a �i<�--
<br /> . l, .:,,n•r-.
<br /> decignee mny purchace the Praperty al nny anle. �":_ �-,�: � ��`.
<br /> Upon recelpt af pnpnenl of lhe prlre 61d.7tusler shnll dclher lo lhe purrhnser 7Yaner's derd emn�cying the - z� -,.; -.�ec.
<br /> ' Praperty. The reci�nls In q�e 7Fuslee i deed shnll be primn O�cle eddence of Ihr Irulh o�Ihr stnicments made ll�erein. - ' '` ' .:
<br /> - ,:,;.` 7Yustee shall npply Ihe proceeds of Ihr snle In Ihe fallmdng order: lal ta nll cons xuU expenccs oi exerckinglhe po��er `,�4 '�+�..- �
<br /> _ r,.r;. ,� �' . t. . -�.�,
<br /> . . � =`(i).`m,:'qfi -
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