<br /> � i , i ` f, ,.� ;
<br /> ° _'_ - �� -�, "rt+,Ss..;;._.,v� c �-., �. -r,,,,,,,._.�.^�. -
<br /> .-.....
<br /> -,� ... -. ,_„_. .,; _xvnai'ridl�ta�r�'�� :?L' _..:—, . ,,._ •s:� . .._-.._ _ _. . .. . � _
<br /> '_'". '_ —,— _" . ___ •
<br /> " �.d)t�•�l "' __ _
<br /> __ -�-�� 93° �.ci��;��
<br /> condcmnnUon ur rnhcr Inking of any pan nf�ho Pmpcny,or fnr convcynncc In Iicu ot conAemncilon,nm hcrcby nulgncd nnd
<br /> ��; shall be pald�o l.endcr.
<br /> ---="' In iho ovcm of n �oml iuYing of ihc Yropcny, d�c prceccAe sliall Iw appllcd �o Iho aunn cccnrcJ M1y ihU Secnd�y
<br />_-°_,�; Imtramcm,whcthcr nr not�hen dnc,whh nny oxcc.a palJ io Borrmvcr. In ihc cvcm nf n panL•d luktng of�hc Pro�ct�y In
<br /> a�,�,i::.x:�I� wbich Iho falr mnrkc�vnfuc ot�lw Propeny hmnedlntcly hetoro�he mking le n�unl tn or grtx�cr iunn�hc nmoum uf ilic aume ---�
<br /> '����`�� RccurcA by�hie Secudty Insimmcnt hnmcdloicly lwfnro�hc mking,nnlcxe I�nrmwcr nnd I.cndcr mhc�wisc ogrco in�vdling, - -
<br /> .,�.;.. _. _ .
<br />�av4,FY.', I �ho nume sccarcJ hy ihix Sccurliy Insm�mcnl Rhall Ix rcJnccA by�hc nmoum nf ihc p��cc�u�uuw�uca n��hc fnlinwing =
<br />�:-�;^��' Bncilon: (n)iho toml amnunt af ihc Rumx Rcenrcd hnmcdlmcly Iwforo Ihc Inking,AivldcA hy(b)ihc lnir ma� ct vnluc nt iho
<br /> PropeNy ImmcAlmcly hefnro�ho mktny. Any bnlnncc ahall lw pald m tiartnwcr. In�hc evcm of n pnnlal mking nf�ho _ _ -. ,_.
<br /> �,; Propcn9 in which�he fnlr ma�kc�vnlim of iho Propeny Immedla�cly Iwfore�he�aking is Icxx ihnn�hc nmaum of�I�o aumx
<br /> 7��,.; I secured Immedintcly be(ore iho laking, nnics. Rorrower and Lender o�henvise ngree In wrhing nr unles�nppllcnble Imv =
<br /> l - '� I ahcnvisc pmvidcs,ihc procccds shnil bc npplfed m�hc sunw xccurcd by ihis Sanmy Insm�mcm whc�hcr or nol thc xutnx nro .-.
<br />'�' " r'i. �hcn dua � --
<br /> �! If ihe Propeny Is nbandoned 6y Oortower,nr if.niter notice by l.ender m�ortower iho�ihe condenmor offerx�a mnke
<br /> �
<br />..•. . , .. ,-.
<br /> ��.�'��>�,;:�• an nwnrA or set�lc n clulm for damnges,Dortowcr Giils�o respond�a Lendcr wi�hin 30 days nf�cr�hc d,�c�6c nmicc is given, ':�`�
<br /> ���==�-���� ' I.ender is amhnrb.ed�n cnllec�nnd apply�h:pmee.d�,al iis opiian,eiiher�o rcsion�ion or rtpair nf the Propeny or�o�he �'�:i?'-.. ..
<br /> ..,__::'--, - - �--
<br /> sums secared by�his Sccurily Instmmem,whether ur nm�hrn dur. ---
<br /> Un4-�Lmder and Rorro�r.r othenvise ugrce in writing,any applicnion of pmerrds[u principal shali nal ex�end or = —
<br /> ��. postpone�h.Aue da�c of�he monthly paymenu rcferreJ to in paragr.�phs 1 and 2 ur change�h.amoum of such a+yments. -;:'':^?�`:
<br /> ' ` 11. Oorro�eer Not Rele,�.seA; Forbeeronce Oy Lender Rol x Knirca Galrnsion of tY,e �inic for p;ryment or .V��=:��_-
<br />�'�'��>�-� modificaiion ot amoniialion of ihe tams seturcd by�hi�Securiiy Inswment gnNed hy 4ender m any successor in interts� i-�
<br /> of Oofro�rer shall nol oper,�ta io rcleaae�he Ii:�bili�y o(�he original Qurto�xer or 6orro���erk successoa in imercs�.Lender �j"��ti�:.
<br />- �r.;,�� shall not be nqaircA lo wmmence promeAings agains� nny successor in intercs�or refu.e m extend�ime for paymen�nr ;���_
<br /> � ��i� othenvix modify umonization uf ihr xums xecnred by�M1is Seauiry Insuumem by reacon of any demanA made 6y the original T -_::� -- -
<br /> �,.i�,'�yt�j�. Qorto�rer or Oortowerl sucacso�in imerea. Am�fmMonnce hy Lender in exercisinF aup riFht or remeAy ahall nut be a _.;,: �
<br /> r �f�t � A waiver of or prcclmk ihe exerrixe of any righ�or remedy. ! -..
<br /> zt'��g����Y 12. Succesxnrs nnA Acsigns➢m�ml;Julnl nnd Se�ernl IJaAili�y;Ca•signerx. The crn.nanls cmd n}rezmems nf Ihis Y ;"�-?.��_
<br /> L � Securi�y Insmimem>hall M1ind nnd hnefi� the sur.esarc nnd xcciEns of I.rnder nnd Qorto�rer,xubjec� Io�he provicinnc nf - �,
<br /> i'eF��f pumgmph 17. [lorm�mrk cm�rnam�and ngmemenn.h:Jl Ir i�im and mreral. Any 6ovo�rer who ca+ignc�his Securiiy �--
<br /> ��f������ Insiramcnt bm docs nat cxecmr�ha 1oir. (ul i+ro-aigning Ihi,Securi7y In.lmntenl only lo mongagc,granl and mmcy�hal �'i� �� �-
<br />�,z; ���._ Dorrm�crh imemz�in�hc Pro�ny undrr�hc tenns of ihi.Seruri�y Inammcnr, (b)i.na��nnnaliy obligaied�o p�y�hr zunis f! � .-�
<br />-;�.ip��i;��; ; x.curcd by Ihis Securiiy InarumtnL and(cl n@ree.lhal Lender nnd any rnhrr i3nnower may agne w exlenA,mmfify,forbcu `,"�j�;,n'�{ �t;.
<br /> ;rc �� f �i,� nr makt any accommixl:nions�vith rcFarA �o �hc Icmi+ n(ihk Sccnri�y Im�mmeN nr �hc Noic wi�hnm �hal Bortowcrt 'R�ji/4�3(Y� •�
<br /> :i Q�pA r�i� cnncem. �y`Ff � r� y� n -,-
<br /> � I1. I.onn Chnrgex, If�hc loan �rcureJ hy ihis Se.7�riq� InslnuneN i�w6jecl m a I:nv w�hieh se�.masimum loan , ( ��r¢'f'{�([�yp�y�_;
<br /> :S_ Aa,�� charge.,.�nJ Ihnl lao'I.s fin:dly imeq+rc�ed xo�hai�he imenxi or mher loan charga collreted or m be enlle.ud in connec�inn , rc;`�,St�in f'i41tCl.�lt.--:,
<br /> i�ti j;fi�-� wiili Ihe toan exceeA Ihr pemlltled ifmm,l�.�n: Inl nny.uch Inan c�arge shall lx redur.d h}Ihe mnnnnl necessnry In rcAnce +�+,�y tit�y�zar��r,.-
<br /> � !'I��`�;� Ihe chergc la Ihe pemiillcd Iimii:nnd(h)an) .nnu alrtady cnllcclrA from U�rrmrcr whieh cacced.A penniucd IimiLC will M �'��?�+`>'t; �}
<br /> refunded�n Ilorrower. Lendcnnny chexne In maAc�his refund hy mdncing thr princip:d mecd under�he Nrnr or Ay makinF a �'i�::i��`4'�}���}}, �.' �.
<br /> -�1: direcl paymenl to[inrmwer. If n rc(m�d rcdnces principal.lh¢rednciinn�vill he Ireated;a a p:mial pmpaymrnl wilhonl.n) r _ :1;q' {�J-_r��' _
<br /> . ;' .i �
<br /> ', � - prcpaymem ciiarge under�he Nme. �� l ��: ,;
<br /> j„ '.,- :?y.:. 14. Nolices. Any nnlim la Onrtua�cr prm�iJcd for in�hi.Sccurity In.�mmcm .h;Jl hc gi�•cn hy dclivcring i�nr hy -'.:-1`:. •.�.�':'.1t+ ..
<br /> .;��.: ..:it.:;.?.�r}�.;.-•i3r,.NJ;
<br /> .:�t , mailing il hy fin�clat,m:iil md¢sti npplirahlc Imr rcquirc.�nc of anoihcr mcihcxl.'I'hc noiicc+hall Ix JimctcA m�hc Pmpcny - :-r��;r,.
<br /> AdJrc++or any olhcr adJrn+Ilarto�eer dc.igna�rl Ay no�icc In Lcndc�. An)'nolicc la l.cndc�xhall M1c givcn hy finl cla+� � �;.-�..'•.,:i':':i�5� `
<br /> �.'i:-,:-. ,
<br /> � mail�a LcnJcr.ndArc.,,i:u�J hcrcin ar anp mhrr:�ddn..Lrndcr dc.ignaic.hy nmicr m Rorcox�cr. An��na�icc proriJed for �
<br /> "i,� � in Ihi.Sccnrily In.lrvmcm .h:di Ix Jrrnud lo h�rc¢ Ikcn givcn In Barm�icr ur I.cndct ��h¢n givcn :n pruridcd in Ihi+ - . ;_'.:q', .'���!��`.
<br /> parngraph. � -�s�'_
<br /> I5. Om�crninF Lmi: ticccrnhllll). 'ILi,tir.nriq� In,tramrm .hall Ix gmcrncJ hy Icd.r:d I:n� :md�hc I:ne af �hc .,�� 't •..y�.,
<br /> . jnri+Jic�inn in which�hc Pnqxny i.I�k;ncJ. lu�hc c��cm�h:n;uq pmvi.inn ur cl;mu nf�hi.ticairiry�In.wmrm ar�he No�c 1 :.'i. :>:;:r-,:•, 7y:��.y,..,:
<br /> � conflicl.wilh npplirahlc hn�t xich ranllicl�hull mn nllccl nihcr pmri+iain�d ihi�Sccnrily In•uumcnt ar 16�Knlc���hirh r,m �.ty`N`
<br /> -±i:.- . .a5.�✓;�
<br /> n� E�v���rr« t�•�a��,m a���„�m������� ��.��•�.�����. •r,�i�„���a �i„ ����,•„�����.��r�i��,tiecurity In,vwncm :mJ�hc Nnlc arc ,�,.;..
<br /> ;i .� - dcdnnvllolrwvcmhlc. �;�','L� �-
<br /> �'s:i� .� 16. Rarrnwcr'.s Capr. Hnrrmcrnhall ik gic.n anc u,n6mncd cupy nf�h�t�nte anJ�ff�hi.ticcurily In.lnuncnl. ''i'.. :,��;.r:�.,i.:....°',-�.
<br /> �... •.�
<br />{�'�'�"�- 17. '1}nnsfer nf Ihe IRuprrl}�ur n BeneficinllNCrcs1 In Bnrcmcer. 1�all ur mq�p:m nf�hv Prn�knp or.my imerc.l in - .-�':<-- --'�.
<br /> _,n. '; .' ._:: .
<br />_ i� ' il ia xnld nr Irans(cmtl lu�if a iknclieinl inlrrca iu 8o�m��cr i��nIJ nr Iran.lcmd and flarto�e�•r i.no�n nalural prr..ml �•i
<br /> -- �vithnm Lendcri priar�rrincn run.cnl.Lcndtr mar.:n i�.up�iun.nyuirc invucJialr p:n�mrnl in fnll nf all.um+xcurcd h)' .,-�;r.��?;i:.---:(<---�
<br /> ;t�,[�'... Ihis Secnril)'Imlmntenl. Hoae�'c�.lhi.nplmn.hall nm Ik etert'i+eJ hy I.ender il¢�emiv i.prohihi�rd hc&Jer.J la�c a.ol ' . .
<br /> � .�y,.d �hc Jnlc.d�hi}Sccuriq�In,vumrni. ` .
<br /> ti liS>. If Lcndcr c<eni�cy tlu�npli�m.Lcndcf�hall gi�c Butrnncnluticr uL�rc¢I.rauun. 'lltc nau.r.hcJl prmidc a�xri�+d al I,. _ .
<br /> � . nol lcti.lhan tll day Gnm Ihe J:nc Ihc noucc i�dclncrcJ ur mafkd oilhin��hirh Nnrtm�cr miw p.n all.um..rcurcd M1��Ihi� ��� ` " ` ..
<br /> -���;��: Sccurily In.lnnncnl. II 13nmmcr I;�il• 1�� paq Ihe�c .nm.pnur lu thc v�prtaifun nl ihi. �xmxl. Lrndcr ma} inruAc ,nt �
<br /> • rcmcJic+�rmiiucdh�Ihi+Sranril�In+Immcnl�cnhnmtimh.rnnli.cnrdrmanJnnBummcr. - f` .
<br /> -'�- IH. Borro��crt It(�;hl in Rcinalntc. II liurru��rr mrch acn:nn rnndiunu.. BnRUnrr .hall h:�cr �hr �iEhi m hacc ' 4i,.- .
<br /> 8..2�1.".' .�� ` . ..
<br /> .:.� �.,. cnfuRCnlcnl ol Ihi.tiaYUrilt In.lnnnelll tli.aunllnnfd al am Illnc pnur In Illt c�diCr ul[ lal t�lac.Ort�ud�ulhCr�x•flnd a} ' � ..: .�
<br />.1'�.,' ' suplrLuul. Fannie\IarRMdic\farlqfUN\II\tilNl\IF.\I In�Lnml'....n.un4.4� q.i..�.qny.n.., -
<br /> . . � .
<br /> _i�. - • . � . ..
<br /> �.1t. -
<br /> ��ti.4�������1.; . � - - .
<br /> _ -:Z� " . . _ ` .
<br /> .
<br /> .-. �: . .- . . . :. .
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<br />