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<br /> _ I7pon roalpl of pqymrnt ot the�xlco Uld, 'hustee nlwll delirer to the pmrhuer Tniatoo's deM convey►np the �
<br /> Properly.The recltals In Ihe T�usttt'e dccA ahall be pdma fpaie evldw�ce of the trulh af thq riMcnterite niwde Ihrrctn�
<br /> Tn�qse eh�q pppiy the procecds ot tAe s¢lo In Ihe folloxing oMeri(o)lo all cosle and ezpeiva of exemisln$the"poxer ot
<br /> sale,and the sale,inclnAh�g t6e payment o}Ihe 7Yustee'e hes aciuslly Incurred,aot ro excenl 5b
<br /> ot thc pdiklppl pmouN of Ihc nMe at t�e ltme ot lhe declaration af defaull,and reasoiwblc wttun�cye'fecs oa pennllted
<br /> Dy lox��@)tn nll s�ims eccured by this Becudty Lutrununf�and(e)nny exass to the person or persoro Icgalfy entillnl to
<br /> ��� 22. Neconvoynnse. Upon paymem of nll sums cecurcd by tLls Sccudly Insuumcn6 Lender Shali ruIues� 7tus�co ta
<br /> -��°-�°� reconvey tho Property and a6all surrender this Sapdty Instrument and all nates evider.cing de61 sccaral by d�le Seeurhy � � ., . . - _.._...
<br /> Instmment�0 7Yus�ca.'I'tustco shnll rcconvcy�ho Property without warranty nnd wiihom chargo to�ho person or persone�egally
<br /> emi�Ied to It.Snch per�on or persons shsli pay eny rccordation cos�s.
<br /> 23�Substltt�te 7Yustee� I.ender,a�I�s opllon, n�ay from Ilme lo Ume renwvo Trustca and eppoint e successor irustca ro
<br /> - nny Trusiee appolmed hercunder by on insimmem recordcd fn�ha munry In which thls Smuity Inslrument le recordcd.Without
<br /> mmey�nce of the Praperly,tho saccessor truslce sAall Euttrsd m ell�hc�hle,power end dntica conferrcd upon 7tustec herofn
<br /> .J and hy eppliceble law. _. ...--
<br /> 24 Rcquest for Noticea. Dovo�cer reqaests�M1U copics of the notices of defaul�nnd selo bo sent�013orrower's oddress
<br /> which fe tho Propeny Address.
<br /> -_� - 25,Rldere to thle Secudty Instrument.If one or mam�iden are executed by Oottower and recorded rogGher wiih ihis
<br /> '=�7;�:v� Secudly[nstrument,the wvenants nnd agrcements of exh such ridr.r sBall6c tncoryoreted into end sUsll omend and supplemeN
<br />,.-,.y;-p,� the mvenants and ngrecmems of this Security Ittsuumem as iitF.e rider(s)were a pvt af�his Secudty Ins�mment.
<br />--:a',p��p [Check epplicnblo box(cs)1 —
<br /> ��
<br /> *� Adjustablo Retc Ridcr �Condominium Ridcr I•4 Faznlly Rider
<br /> , {;-� Oradua�od Peyment Ridcr �Planncd Unit Devclopment Ridcr Bivreekty Pnyment Ridcr
<br /> Dalloon Rider �Ra�e Improvcmcnt Rider Secorr.k E3:+nte Rider —
<br /> � �,+���, V.A.Rider �Other(s)�specify� et�„cuina:�
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<br /> � BY SIGN9A`G UEfA\V.�Burtoacr eceepts nnd egrees m�he term<a covenams wNeined in Ihis Securiry Inqrumen�end r;};i-� _
<br /> ��-.+�3�' in any riderta)exavied by 6artowcr and recordcd with it. •�ri'!"��
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