. n . � .- ry. t . "J. . • � _ _ . _.
<br /> � J� �, ]}. \3 lY � . -' Y/_ 1 ) . n_ t ._ ___�
<br /> ': � .• � ! ' " " _ .. _
<br /> .. • .• .::,..-•'•_•W �MG�i�I!'JAYiY].�.... . . ,l._` ._.
<br /> :;;� '93� a�o�so� _—
<br /> 17.7t�nster of the PropeN�or a&nertdpl Intera�In porrower.If xll or eny par[of�ho Properry or eny intcres�In h
<br /> is soid or uareRrrcd(or if a benc cial interesi In I3orrowcr Is sold or tramfcrrcd nnd Eorrox•er ly no�o namral persan)�vithou�
<br /> Lendcr'e pdor wrluem m�senL Lcndcr may, m Ils opllon, ruc�nlre Imntedintc paymcm In fuil of eIl sums sccurttl by ihb
<br /> =°^�Fm'� Sccurity Imtmment.Ho�vevcr.Ihls option shall not bc cxercisM by I.endcr if exercise 0 proLibhcd 6y fcJcml law es of the data
<br />����� of this Sccuflry Instrunkm.
<br /> __, If I.ender exercises�his option.Lender shall give 13ortower notice of nceelemtlon.flie no�ice shall provide n period of not
<br />__ ;�--_: Iess�han 30 days fmm �he date the notiw Is ddivcred or mailcd wlthin which [3orrower mus� pay ap sums se:ured by �hl�
<br />_ „��,c: Savri�y Insuumem.If 8orcmver fails to psy�heso swns prior m�he expimiim�af ihis pedixl,I.ender m:�y invake any remedles —�—.--
<br /> =� permlttcd by this Secud�y Imtrumeni wllhom Ponher nmice or demaid on ik�rrmver.
<br /> �";w�y� I8. Qorrower's Right to Refnstatc. If Ikrm�vcr mceis cennin rnndiiions, ffnrroe�or shall havc ihc dgh� ro Aavc --
<br /> —_
<br /> � '°' � ' en(orcenxnl of Ihis Sccurily fatlrunkN dismminucd a� any Ihiw prlm �o thc cadicr of: (e)5 days(or wch other �xdoJ ns "- ` " �- --�-^""- -
<br /> �`�,. � epplicable Iaw may specify for rcinsm�emenU beforo sale of iho Pmpeny punuam �o eny po�ver of Enle rnmained in thb __
<br /> -dis:�. Secudiy Inarumenr or(b)emry of n Judgment enforcing�his Sceuriiy Inswmem.Thme emdi�lone nre�hm Dorrower.(n)pays =-�--
<br /> ��_;�'-�� Lender nll sums�vhich�hen would 6e due under this Sauriiy Insimmem end tlie No�c ns if no accclemtlon had occurnxl; (li) ��;�:��..-----
<br /> ' '� `� cums any defnull of eny o�her mvenama or agnrmeNS;(c) pays all expenses incumd in enforcfng this Saurily InstaimenL - .F . ..
<br /> r �: ICir
<br /> Includinp..but not Ilmited lo, reasnnn6le ouame�s' fees;nnd(d)wkes such nc�inn ns Lender may reaaonably rcqulrc m nssure � . - --
<br /> � ti� � �hat t6e lien oFJiis Security Insinimenl, l.ender s rights in tM1e Property nnd Dormwer's o61igaiion to pay the sunu securtd 6y �` �- _ __
<br /> t`D �his 5ecurit Gunvmeat shall cominue unchan ed. U n rcfns�arertKat b Oorrnwer, �his Sttnri� Insirument end �he ����-�
<br /> y3 : Y S Po Y Y V'�
<br /> � t x : nbligalious sernred IueeOy shall remain fully c(fec�ive es if no atte[eratiou baA occumd. Ho�eever,�Ids rlgh��o rcins�ate ahall ,z. -
<br /> ��-.: not spply in the case of anYleruion under pamgr�ph 17. ri..�a, �_
<br /> �j 19. Snle of 1\ae; CP.w,�Se n6 l.oan Sen�lcer. The Nute ur a �utiat in[ert�st in tGn, Nme (ingether wi�h �his Sccurily � n -
<br /> `t•'j?�. Insuumen0 m.ry be so1J or.e�v naon time:�vi�hom prior r.otice ro Bortuwer.A�de may msuli in n chmge in�he emiry(knmvn •. r �+t "
<br />':l:h!t�fi'�.i�", ac thc'Loan Scrviwr')�ha�mlleas mm�thl t� nxnts dur ur.der the�o:e and�his Securi! Inswnetrrt.'G/icro nlw ma bc one �fi;=;;'z"-_.
<br /> - i_ h�a. Y 4 ) Y Y .�(:.._.__.
<br /> .s,� +,' or morc changes of[hc Inan Scrvimr unrelatal�o a s:d.of the Nae.If there is a change af thc Loan Srnicrr.Flarrnwer wfll bc -. ,,:t -°'
<br /> " -'-��:�" giren«Ti¢en no�ice o(�he change in necordance wi�h pamgraph IJ above ancl applicable law.The no�la�+ill s�ate�he name mid 11��n;:�_;>�
<br /> ^ eddrrss of ihe new I.oan Servimr and ihe nddresc�o which payn�ems shouM be made.The no�ice�vill nlm contain any atier - � -
<br /> - .'�� infomi:i,.M nquircd by appli-ablc law. `^_,;,,�:.
<br /> , N.`{�:(�`-_- 23+_ CLvardom Substenccs. Dorcowcr shall nm caum nr pcnni� U� prucncc, usc, dispnsal, itoragc, or rclrate of any ,'t�'�,;±.,_;;,�._
<br /> - � Hamrdau< SuMwnas on ar in ihe Prapetly. Onrro�cer shall no� Jo, nor nllo�v nnyone dse �o do, nn�thing affec�ing the '. � -�-
<br /> ..�.,,,_ .`;'..' Propeny iha is in vafation o(any Environmental Lnv. T1ic preceding t�ro semences shall nut npply m ��e presence, usq or :'�.,�,,.:..-��-_ -
<br /> �%:. slnrage nn the Properq•af small quamilics nf Il�rarJnus Suhslances lhol are grnenlly rcmgnized tn M1e nppmpria�c ta nomial i'�-' ,...
<br /> - residential uses nnd to maimenance of Ihe Prapcny. ���tfq x =
<br /> j?` '�, Domnver shall promptly give Lender wriuen noiice of any invesiiga�ion,claim, den�znd, Imvsui� or oiher nction by any � y[ttir ..
<br /> Y go�rmm:mal or rtgulatory ngency nr priva�c puny invnlving�he Propeny and any HamNnus Substance or Environmenml 4�w .;�TY,� „�,r-_____,
<br /> f{)�iyt ` ;� of�rhich Qarm�rcr hac acmal knowlnigc. If Oormwcr Icams, or is no�ificd 6y any gorcrnmcmal or rcgnla�ory emhori��, iha� Ir���'�i '��"'
<br /> r _" any removal or othu remedia�ion nf any Har.mlous Subs�anrc nffcc�ing ihc Propcny is nccessary, f3ortower shall pmmp�y inkc I• � 'F'S�'e��,."g���
<br /> all ntiecc� remeelnl adions in nnrordance wi�h Enviranmemnl Law. 1�;' - �$'
<br /> �Y � ,.:t!�f,r��'�}'ya,��y+�°'�j,.:;_�-.
<br /> ` ` � '�;,-�� :�s used in �his paragmph 20. 'Hur.minus Suh+�nnces' arc �hosc xubsmnccs Jcfined ns toxic or hn-r.3rCous xubs�ances 6y �:`.5�'.':�ii'a�:�-.__-•t:
<br /> -- lenr��oa:nrm9 I.mv ana me rollowmg wbUances: Fa�lm., nemsenc, ods� Ilammahle or loxic pclroicum pnfcluru, loxic -s+� l �r�f`^� �
<br /> pes�icid,c am1 herbiciJes,vnlalile u�lvenu,m:�leriala comammg n-,he+Ins or formaldelry�de,nnJ mdinaaive ma�erials. As a�d in ��.;_-_ �i-�:j:%-:-_._„:_,-
<br /> �his pnr.�gnph 20. 'Environmemal la�r' ineans feJenl lawc und lawx uf lhejuriulictinn �ehere Ihr Pro}etiy is I�uat�d �hal t ._.�Sl;R:;
<br /> - rclaic�u hrnhh,xntis. or environmcnlal prmcciion. ,� -•
<br /> � NON-URIF�OR\I COVENANTS. 6orrowcrand lsnJcr funher cnvcuant:mA;igrcc:a(ailows: � ' -
<br /> ,.,� - : 21.Accelrrfltinn;Rrmedles. lander+hnll gire nnUce tn Flnttmser prinr lo ncctleratfun fallmr6�g Borroo�er's 6rcnch -� �'��f 1jj �'-� ' -
<br /> �i�Ti .>-". ot nny eorenm�t or xgrmnwnl In �hk tiecurll}� Ins�mmrn� lbuf nol prlor to ncmlera�ion under paregrnph 17 uniesv :.�,,,,j�,�s�i,f�,,i.1���`y_�.
<br /> n� nppllcflhle Imv provldes alherelse).The nnqee xhnll sprclfr: (n) Ihe defoull; (6) �he aclion reyuircd lo curr Ihe defnulL• o ,,,,iii���, ,
<br /> �� ' � (c)n dnle,nnl lexs Ihan 30 dn�s fmm Ihe dnte Ihr nn�lce i.phen lo Narcooer, by�rhlch Ihe default mml Be curcd;nnd " � !4,� �-
<br /> rn°
<br /> , (d) 16ai fnllure lu cmr 16e defnull nn ar befnre the A:HC specitleA hi Ihe nnllre may� resull In nccelrrullon at ihe smns �.� Yr_.�' i.....
<br /> SCfUfC(I I]\'IIIIS Stturily Imimment and xnle uTlhr 1'roperly. The nnlic.shall furlhcr inform finrrnner of Ihe rlphl lo �'.:' :� �
<br /> relnstale efler nccelerntinn nnd Ihe ri�;hl ln bring a conrl xciinn In nsscrl Ihe non•exlsience nf o defnnll or nn}• alher � �•._.�Tlh'?___
<br /> dchuvr oi Oorrnirer lo ncccicivllon nnd sxlc. If Ihc defmil� i.a nnl curcd nn nn c�fnrc �hc date specflleU In the nMice, -..-'ti,�,;:,�,,4J V,.,
<br /> . I.enO.r, a� Ils oplian. mn�� rci uire inunedlate p:pment In full of ntl snroti si�ured br lhk tiecurfl�' Inqrununt �dihoul -..�..,_.
<br /> . . fnrlhrr drmnnd xnd mu}hno�e Ihe pm�cr of a�le�md nu� olhrr reniedies pennhleJ�b��:ippllcuble Im��. I,ender shnll be � ::<.�j'),y .
<br /> '.�-��..•'.-. enlitled tn rnllec�nll erpenccc Incurred in punuin�;Ihe rcmedir.prmidrd In�hia parngrnph 21,including, but not Ilmited - .; -: ' -
<br /> .. In,rrnsnnnhlr nnnrnr)�`fm nnd mst.uf tlik eddenm. _:;,,�:;;.�_:;
<br /> -� � If Ihr pniiei•of snle Ic Inrnked. '1'raslcc shall rccnrd t� unl(m of defimlf In exnc �uunN In xhlch m�y parl oi Ihe
<br /> .h,.��. � Prnper�c is Inrmarl nnd+hull nudl cnpic+of such noiicc in Ihr mnnnrr prc.cribcd bi s�ppliad�le Inx tn Ilnrro�+er and to `� ���1`,�t � -t� ,
<br /> t)� , Ihr othrr prrsnns prescrl6al by npplicxMe laa.Afler�he limr nrpiircd 6� npplkulde I�iia 7'rus�m+hnll gire publle noticc h' }. `�
<br /> ;�,.;:.,.-�:� - uf sale ta ihe prnanc unA in Ihe mmmrr pnxdbed b�-nppli��a61r Im�.'I'ruatir. �dtlmu�demm�d on Ran•oxcr.+hull sell -��fh"�°..-�''�.�.- .�
<br /> , - Ihe Prnperl} nt public nucilnn �n�he hlghiwi hhidrr ul Ihe Iime nnd pince m�d midrr ihe terms dntgm�ied in Ihr nufice uf � �....d!:.'. ,
<br /> .. cnlc in nnr or morc pnrccic nnd in nny nrdcr'1'n�+ire delcrnilnc+. Tnnicc nu�g �w�lpane.:dc nf�dl or nnc p:vccl of Ihe . .
<br /> Properq� A}� puhlle mmnuneement m �he �ime nnA place nf:up pre�inu.l} .chidnlnl .�de. I.ender or hs de}i�nee mu� . .. .;i'. ..
<br /> � purchase the Proprnp uf nn� xdr. �_ _, � -
<br /> Po�m 3020 9�H0 , . ,
<br /> ,:�` ' ; .. . ,
<br /> �'' �
<br /> '-'.�l. .' ' ' ' . .
<br /> �_ -.:."v:' .
<br /> , � ' .i.�.' . . .
<br /> � •. � ' �
<br /> .. ( � .
<br />