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� �j:�1 .,F r . av _ . <br /> . <br /> �,_. l+ <br /> ��i':��� ri/. � . -. .-. � / - '` _-4. . .. _. <br /> ./� . 1 ' �`..e�i �n���h��{/ 't )y�,'L, 1 '+.4, V . 1�' " ' � � 1L <br /> - .�..�.siYU�L.��'uSi�.�G3��'1vi�S'.t+4.� Y .Le.�.t�L'uu��A-. . . 1\ _._., e- _ <br /> y) <br /> y • . <br /> r .l:ai�t�� . . . _.. _. . <br /> --�.._�'^— Q3w iQI'le7� <br />_°�-`�`n„--='era—r V <br />"'�""'"�'� periods ihat Lendcr nquirce. Tho Insumncc cnrticr pmviding�hc Insurnncc shall 6e chascn 6y[lorrowcr subJeci'in Lcndcr'n <br /> -°_�'+r'�'f� • appmval�vhich Rhall not be nnrenconnbly withhald. If 6orroo�er fails ia maimnin covemge described nbove,l.ender may,nt <br />"='�==_`"'-? LenAer§option,abtain covmgo�o proicet I.enderk righis in�he Ropeny In accordance wlih pam6mph 7• <br />"`'";.;'ry" .`. All insumnco pnliclea ond renewals ehall be attepmhie m t.ender nnd shall include a R�;u�dard mongage clnuse. I.enAcr —_ <br />_;u;'i,�T,����,-,��` , shall havc the dgh�io hoid�M polide�and mncwate. If l.ender rcqufrcv.Rarrowcr shall prampily givc�o Lcndcr all rcccip�a =—_-- <br /> 4c,T _ p,.,',}` uf paid premiums and renc�mi no�lcc+. In ihc event of losa,Oorrowcr Fhnil givo pmmp�no�la In ihc Insurmicc cnnler nnd _ <br /> = "'�-i Lende�. l.endcr mny makc pmof nf losc if noi madc prmnptly hy Itorcmvcr. � - . . <br /> 'y �" -.i^�" Unlau l.cndcr nnd Flortowcr o�hcnvi.k ngrcc in wdting,Insumncc procceds ahnll Ix nppllul m rcsiarn�fan m rcpair of -- - -- <br />�`` ,�:p,��,!�y ' the 1'ropeny dnmaged, if�he mzmmGon or repafr ie economically feasible nnd I.enderk xcud�y is not Icsaened. If�he - <br />�.: .. .� F_';4' P Y Y P ,,s;�n;.-:- <br /> : �`,j�`..__,, msmra�ion or re alr ie not ecanomknli kati6lo Or I.enACtY eecnril wnnld Ix IesseneJ, �he insmnnce rocecAs sliall be ;'_c,_.� <br /> , �,,, .;�_E_ npplied la�he suma secured by �hfs Secadty Inamment, whe�her or no� then due, with nny excess paid �o Ilorrmver. If ti r -. <br /> 5„ _.�� Uorrower abanAons Ihe Propeny,or Aces not nnx�ver wil6in 3U dnys n nmice Gam LenAer�ha� �hu insurnnce cnrcicr has $Y ,r _ <br /> �,t i �-�; of(crcd�o setlle n cln(m,thcn Lcndcr may collcc��hc insnnmcc procecds. LcnJcr tnay usc�he pmcceds�o rt��ir or rcstorc � _ <br /> -�+�+- �he Propeny nr ta p.ry snms ucurcA hy ihis Secnriiy Inslmment,wheiher nr nm�hen dne. The 30-day perind wtll Ixgin�vhen ' - - <br /> h t�--. �.��'r,yl' ihc nolicc Is given. '` _ <br /> .:?��.��C'.i4 � +e� Unlesr Lender nnd Uortnwer o�hernix ay.rec in writing,nny npplicmim�o(pnxeeds to principal shail na ex�end nr V�� <br /> °.cfr+�i�i=1'-'�li po�t{wnc Nc dac dau:uf ihc momhly paymvt.mfemd ro in pamgnphs I nnd 2 nr changc�hc amount oE Wc paymcros 1( ;`�,��.� <br /> ' 1- 1 ' - �', w:Ar a m 1 2E tfa Pro n i5 uind 6 6.err\r, Hormwers ri hi ro an imarnnce 6en+:utd roceeds rcsuliin - <br /> ,. . , - Pu'8 P M Y �1 Y S Y W� �'� P F sf�` . __. <br /> ' - �^- fmm damage lo the FYUpeny pnor w th:nyui�itiw shnll paxs to Lender to the ex[rnt u(the,um.xruec*�}by�his Securily �-�i <br /> -:� }t�E; Inzwmem Immedia�cly priar�o tl�c an�ui}itiun A { - <br /> �< <,� 6. Ottupancy, Preservnflan, Mnimenance nnd Protecllon oi Ihe �roprrtp�; �kvron�ert 4oun Applicutioni r�``�'+ ; _ <br /> ,r...� :r�-°-•"s l.easeholde. [lorrower shnll occupy,ex�n6lish.anA u c�lic Ropurly m fturtuarri principil resiJence�vilhin�ixly dnys nfler �� �'"_� - .."`---- <br /> � --k:.�>: Ihe execulinn of Ihis Securil Instrumem nnd.h�ll mntinue in cecn �hc Peo n n Ilorrowert rmci il nsidence far m �'`� !� <br /> ',i n�t�zy`'�%�i Icni onc ycar n�cr �hc daic of ocrnpancy, nnlr-u Lendcr o�hcnviac agmP. i wri�ing, �vhi h shall no� 6c �(t� <br /> �r -. <br /> ' , �-it�,1�:'�.� unreaconnbly wi� unless ex�ennaiing cimunn�anee.exisi which are hyanJ Borrowerz comrol. Rnsmser shall no� �r ��"_ _. <br /> � ;.,�`Sj��}f(- des�roy,damage ar impair�hc Propeny,alla�v�hc Ra�ny�o demriorma m cnmmii wnae on�he Propem. Borrower�hall [.,>�;,;�;t�___ <br /> �, ..�-c.,,..�.,• 6e in defnuh i(nny fodeiwR aclian or procecJing.��Mether civil nr criminnl,i.begun Iha� in l.enderl goad laitli ji�dgmem er+-.:� <br />