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1 ,._ -,.'r �N+'�.�1.`� 5i'1 j r J� ri _ ��' -_ <br /> } r!� _ - _ v '.: � r -I�� ! - . . ,,�� M'1 -_. _—_ <br /> ..� r .'� ' <br /> : � ;_ '.: S,_i^{��='.�E'��II °� . �.. ...: .'��IMi�iS;_�.._:-T_.. � _. ' t . . <br /> � � <br /> � � <br /> __ 93- 1o�!�ss <br /> TOOG'fHliA\VYfH uil the Improvemenu now or hematler ercstcd on No prapeny,end all eaxmeNe,appunenancee, <br /> end Hxmrcs now o�herea�er n pan ot tho propeny. All rcptecements and addiilone shall niso bo eovered by�hie Secudey <br />---_—. tnstn�menl. All o(tho foregoing Is rcfetrcd to In�hl�Sccudty Inswmenl a�Iho"Ropeny." <br /> __, =���,c.•�.r�� flOHROWER COV[iNANTS tha�Uorto�ver le lawfully scised of the es�ate hereby conveycd nnd has tAo dght lo gmnt --- <br /> �---__: and wnvey�he Propcny und�hnt�ho Ropeny is unencumbercd,eacept for encumbranca of record. 9orrower wwmnts nnd <br />__�,,=l.,�� wili deknd gencrntly�ho Iitio a the Ropeny egeins�eil claimo end den�ands,subJec��o ony cncum�renaa of rcwrd. <br />�` - ---- � --� '- 7'f(IS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combincs unifo�m covenanu for na�ional uso ond non-unifortn covcname with "� `� � -'- �""� <br /> _ �._.� <br /> —^��� Iimited vertalione by Jndsdiction to wnsllwio u imlPomi secad�y Inslmmem rnvering mal propeny. <br /> ---:?°�"' � <br /> � rt lJN[I'�ORM COV�NANTS. Uorto�ret end Lender covenanl and egrve as(ollows: _ _ . <br /> - ���cr� ; 1. Payment otPrincipul�nd(nterary Prcpymenl and late Charga. Oorco�ver shall promptly pay whcn duo tho R,"_ <br /> principal of end intemsl on the debt evldcnccA 6y the No�o and nny prepayment end le�o chnrges dae under the Note. <br /> 2. FYmde tor 74xw pnd Iruvrance. SnbJeci to npplicabla Iaw or ro a wdden wafver 6y Lender,Dortower chall pay m �} „�-- <br /> I.cnder on the day monthly paymems or dae nnder tho Note,until�he Nom la paid in f1dl,n sum("I�r.dsry for.(n)ycurly �'+ �+'+'-�--- <br /> ,;s; ."._:�_ i �axes nnd assessments whlch may euain pdority over thia Secudty Instrument na a Ilen on tho Propeny;@)yearty Ieasehold ` ' <br /> i,•'= paymama or gronnd rcnGS on ihe Propcny, if nny; (c) ycndy hnmrd or property insumnw premiume; (d) yenrly (laod -_=—°°- <br /> '4�aki�� insuranw promiums, if any; (c) ycady mongngc insumnco premiums, If nny; nnd (�any aums payablc by �orto�vcr ro "� _ � <br />_._;.�t.,�,fS;..S�y�.-` Lender,in accoManco whh�he provisions af pamgmph 8,in Ueu af�Lo pnyment of mongage insuranco prcmiums. Theso �t;��-____ <br /> imms ero cnlled'[iserow Items." Lender moy,m nny time,collec�nnd hold Mnds in an nmoum not ro exceed�ho maximum � ���- <br /> �r - �';,���` euaunt a lender for n federally rcla�ed mongago loan muy requiro for Uortower�eurow eccount nnder�ho fed:�al Real --� <br /> � d i;_�' F,s�ato Seulement Rocedurcs Act of 1974 as amended from 6me to iime,12 U.S.C.g 2601 rr se�/.("RFSPA"),nnl:ss anotis:r �� � <br /> " -� lea•�hat applia�o lhc Punds sds a Icsser aa:ount. If xo,Lc:.dcr may,a�any�imc,collctl and hold f�nds In en nnwunt na to "----- -� <br /> ` •�� *- exeeed �he Iesser nmonni. Ler.cler may estimate ihe vm,vvr,t of Mnds due on ihe basis of currcnt date end reasomb{: �� f ' ''� <br /> J ulima�es of expenditurcs of fuaae Esc(uiv Uems or ahenvise in eccardance wi�h applicnble luw. IP' � ��" <br /> � .- '- -� 'ILc fbnds shall be Mid in an inctinrtivn �vhosc d:posits nre insured by n fed:ral agency, inslrumentality,w emi�y Ytf'f},-�- <br /> � - '-� Oncluding Lender,if Len�r is such en instim�ion)or in xny Federel Home Loan 6ank. Lender shall epply Ihe FLndc to pay . f �,i s.:� <br /> `f '� �" 4� �he Escrow Icems. Lender may no�chazge 6ovmver for holding end opplying the P'vnds,ennually enaiyzing the escrow "� ��?s-- <br /> .,u.-¢f,:,..- <br /> ��-'Jj(>;:��".:!;:��f! attovn6 or verifyfng �he Fscrow liems, unless I.ender pays Uortower imerest on �hr Wnds and epplicable laa pem»ts '^r��;s:"3���- <br /> , r: .. t. �:. <br /> Lender Io make such a charga However, Lender may rcquire 6onoo�cr�o pay a one-time charge for nn Independem real 4 �i -'.. <br /> --'-,jl estme lox reponing service used by Lender in connation with�his loan,nnless nppli.nble law pmvides othenvise. Unless an :_.�r.,,:.� <br /> � - ' agreenum Is made or applicable Imv rcqu(res imercs�m be paid,Lend.r chall no�he req�dred�o pay[iotrower nny imerest or { � . <br /> - - '1��;!, carnings on�hc I�nds. Borto�ccr and Lender may ugrce in��riing,h.aerer,ihat imere.�shall be paid on�he�unAs. Lendcr ��t �a. .°. <br /> '° shall rve ro 6orcower,wiiM1om char e en nnnunl acemmtin of�he limds,shonin credi�s and debits�o�he Pundt nnd�he �?S=>��''i;--� <br /> •r .�"�.,�.:,�-, 6 6 . F R <br /> ,- .�'?�-;�.r pnrpose for�vhich ench de6i��o�hc f�nds�ras made. Thr�nnds nre pledged as addi�ional securiry Por nll sum:aewmd by f��f�',>�;�'��,��� <br /> - - s - fiis Securiry insuumom. � -' <br /> 'i�¢°., If�he Ihnds held by Lender exceed the amoums pemiiued lo be held by apylicnble law, Lender shall nccoum m �` ; '±° <br /> /��1yr��l,(+'`i'h L nAeroi¢o�timeisnotmff�cirmc�oaan�hevLsc�ovltemmvlensdue,�Lc'nder'ma�`�coln iif �6ovowcrin�n�tin� and.6n ,' .��•i� �n�'+�.�. <br /> ai . = Y P Y S � Y F. �ts��� ._31-;�.: <br /> Z� t + ' _; such cau �orto�vcr shall pay in l.endcr �he amoum nrceswry io make up the deficicncy. 6orto�vcr shall makc up Ihe "y�y' ti���, f '. <br /> I}� ���;�. -}� deficiency in no moro�han ueeler monthly paymenis,m l.endar s mle discrc�ion. �' "�n�� s�" �, <br /> _ .����(" . � ; Upon paymem in full of oll xums sen�red Ay�his Securiiy Ins�mment.Lendcr shall prompdy refund ta dortmvcr nny ' r•,. ,r.:,,;:i..;��r <br /> �F �ir . 'rr - FLr.d�held hy Lendec IL w�drr paragmph 21.Lender shall ucquirc ar sell ihe Roperty,Lender,prior�o�he ncquisitlon or � 3 �;• ' � <br /> �„)f�r� ' snle of�he Property,shall apply any 1'vnds hcld by Lendcr ai �hc iimc of ncquisi�ion or snle ax a creJi�agains��he sums ;_•��,�;�:: <br /> 1 �` �- secured by�his Saurity Ins�mmem. r •� <br /> � � 3. Applicnllon af Pn�menis. Unle.s applica6le law proviJes mheneise. ;dl paymeNS rcceived by I.end.r m�der -� ���� Y' ` <br /> iJc, sl. . <br /> . !� • -'.-�+ pamgmphs 1 nnd 2 shall 6c npplicd:firsL to uny prcpayment ch:�rges duc under the Note:second,to amoums payable under �� '� � �„I J'.'��- <br /> "��;, pamgmph 2;ihird,tu intercxt An.:fnunh,in princip:J due:and L�a6�o any la�e ch;vges due under the No1e. �� +1::; <br /> ,__ - - -,�;�j� 4. Chnrges; Lleas. Bonoxer xhall pa��all laxes, azsc.smems, charges, fincs and imposi�ions auribulablc lo �hc - <br /> �?��j 1� Prapeny which may nuain prinriiy nrrr�hi.&.uriiy In+in�mrm,and Icaschold poymcmx or ground rcms,if nny. Broro�vcr � <br /> � �i)i ��:' �` shall ay thcsc obligmiona m Ihe mannrr prociJcd in parngr.�ph 2.or if nat paid in thal mm�ncr.Ilorroo�er shall par ihem on - � <br /> .,;i timr Sincliy lo Ihc persan m�cd pacmcnt. Owrm�cr.h:Jl pmmp0y fumi.h W IwnJcr:di nuticn uf mnunm.�o hc paid under �:�l� ..p �-e':: <br /> :...���}p�f.� -..`...yy; this paragmpL. If Bortoarr maAn ihese p:ry�ments directl}�.➢onnwer sM1all pramplly hmii.h lo Lender receipls evidrncing �.��;.�,'..`. -- ' . <br /> . " ��, �he paymems. �� <br /> . i,�� . �t 6 13orrower xhall promp�ly diccharge any lien u�hich haa priomy nrer�hi.Securi�y In.uumem unless 6onower.(aI agrcec -• <br /> : h ' • in wri�ing�o�he p�ymem of�he oM1lig:nion.ecumJ M1y�6c licn in.i m.mner.�a.ptable m�s in goal faiih�he �.+ J l���� .. <br /> '^ .i���- ���"�_ licn by,or defendz againu enforcemrm o(�he licn in.Irgal prrceeJmgs mhich in�he LrnJcr c��pinion opera�e m prc��cm thc ;, i � . <br /> i � �� ����r en(orcement of the lien:or ai ncurcs Guin�he hoW.r of�hr litn an agrecment.ali<(,rlory In Lender mixmlinating Ihe licn <br /> �' .� - ': 1 �o�his Sceuriiy Incwmem. )f Lrndcr dc�cnnirs.�hai nnp nm o(thc Propcny i..uh�rt��a.�licn�vhich may attain priofiy . <br />..��;:::.-' , orer�his Srcuri�y Inslrumenl.Lender may pi�r Horrmcer a nolice iJemifying ihc lirn. Ronnw.r�hall sa�i�fy�6c lien nr lake - � - <br /> � � onc ur more of Ihc aclions xt fonh a6urc wilhin III Jays nf Ihc @iving of nMirr. . - . <br /> . '•d� 5, flumrd or Praperlp]nsumnce. 6ovowcr.hall kecp�he�� rxiain�nr hrnafcer erecied an�he � � �.�„�: <br /> - Propctly inwrcd agaiml in...M fire.haiard�induJcJ��iihm Ihc Icrm'cttcndrd m�cr.�Fr"and any nthrr hvanl..including 4 _,� . <br /> -.�� 7, Ouods or Ilnocling, for uh�ch. Lrndcr mywrc. imurm;ce. 'ILi. in.ur.mct .hall h�incJ in Ihc ;nm�ums anJ fnr Ihc � � '"-?. <br /> i t . <br /> . .,'..,,- �'o.m.w:x v,vo ,�:x.:��..n,�.�,� . - <br /> .,t:., ' <br /> . �• z,.. �� . <br /> �: . .f . _� _ _ ( - <br />