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i T}t,`j :..�,.r....7` '.'�J �y � ii1 •v'* . — <br /> `3 -– - . . �4M . �i.: _.�, w. --.4.. — _-_ _ _ <br /> a ., f ' .. ..- . . <br /> 1. I_ <br /> 9'� 1��6 2002UOM15 <br /> Upon rctelpl ot pryment n!!he price 61d, Truatee Fhdl dellverlo lhe purcluser 7'rustte'e deed wnreyfiq the .. <br /> Property.The rall�b Ii�Ihe T�iatede desd xNoll Iro pHma f�cle cvldrnca of the I�uth of�he s�Hemrnte m�de theretn. <br /> Trv�lea ehall appty 1he @roceeds of Ihc satc In�he fotlowlnA orden'(x)to ell cos�a wnd expettses of exerclsinq Ihe pnwa of <br /> xxie,wnd tho eaie,Includin4lhe p�ymen!otthe Trustea'e hca acwally hkurred,iwt Ib excttd , '� <br /> of Ihe pdixipd omount ol lhe no�e at IM ttmo at the Aatwrxtlon of defouli,and reasonoAlc atturncye'teca ws pennlftM <br /> hy Iawt(�)ro all sunn sccurM by thb&curlty Instrumenq and fd ony czc�s+10 Iha penson ar person+Icgai�y cnptled to <br /> it. <br /> 1x. Raonvey�nce. Upnn paynknt of p11 sume s.curM by thb Saariry Instrumem IsnJer �hull roqucst Trustco la <br /> . recom•oy �he Propetty aMl shall surrender tlile Secudry Instrumrn� and all nme� evldenclnp debt saurM by lhb 3ecud�y <br /> Inswmcm to Trus�a.Trusuo ehaU remnvcy qio Propeny wilhout warmnly nnd wllhoul chnrgc lo Iho persan or persons�egnlly <br /> entldod to it.Sueh perROn or persone shnli pay nny raardutlon wsta. <br /> Z3.6ubstltuta Tnislce� Lender, ut I�a op�inn, may from time ro�6nc removo Tmstce ond nppolnt a auceessor Wstw to <br /> eny Trustw eppointed hercunder by nn inswment rocorded in the munty fn�vhich thia Secudty Instmmau is rccorded.Wiihout <br /> rnnveyonco of�he Property�lI1C 611CCCSSO�INS(CC SM12II SI7CMCC 10 IIII lI1C IIIIC� power and dmies wnfertal upon Trustee herein <br /> end by eppIlwble I¢w. <br /> - 24�Request for Notices� Gorcawcr tcques�s that wpies of�he notices of dcfaul�end salo ba sent to Iforrower'e eddress <br /> �rhich i�the Property Address. <br /> -- — 25.Rlden to lhfs Sccurity Inslrumen6 It one or morc ddcrs ere exccutcd by porrowcr and recorded together wl�h Ihts <br />------- S:cudty Instrunum,the mrenants nnd agreemems of each such rider shall be inmrpomted imo end shall nmend end supplemertt <br /> !he rnvenante end qqrumcros of ilds Secunty Instrument es iRhe rider(s)werc e pan of�his Security Insirument. <br /> `—_=— <br />