" .2�- �1f ���i.. - . . . �� A"��.. _ ..� ._..._.....u[ __ 111- _ ° _
<br /> _ . _ ,� :.:'t.;�,i �; .s�:�...v.....�`y-fn.ki_.L�Jc..�l�..�.:�v.N:..u�ii;sr. .i , ,.«u'� — -
<br />`' ""�i'i�Ltr,.1,�t"'. 1�17� �V/•2DV r. �.
<br /> �;R';;r4tCt.
<br />;';v��;,.�;f,j� l7.Tronstcr ot Ihc Property or e Beneflclol Intcrat In Ilorroiscr. If nll or nny pan of lhc Propeny or nny interest in II
<br />_�:��tl',,�"�j,y.,*,._.r la sold or Imnsfcrred(or if n beneficial imerest In 13orrower le sold nr imnsfcrred and Rnrm�ecr ie not a n�mr�l person)withom �`
<br /> ,"�,};;si}�;p;; I.ender'F pdor wdncu mnscm, l.endcr may, nt its opUon, require immedimc p,ymcm in full of nll suma securcd by �hie _.__:-.
<br />=i:�;'�;;.;;:�i?' � Security Instrumem.However.�his op�ion xhall noi he exercised by I.ender If exerclst fs prohiblteA hy federol law ae nf�he dale �,y".,,,.__
<br /> �r� ,"`�' of�his Sccurl�y Inatrumem. _
<br /> f�i If I.ender exercisea�his ap�lon,Lcnder shidl eIve flurroo�cr nnlice of naclero�iou."fhe no�ice shall rnvide n perin�l of im1 ,` w �,
<br /> �i';i =,�; �; .
<br /> N .,- i ,.,�}�. Iese�hnn 30 daye fmm�he Jate d�e notice ix delivered or malkd wiihin �rhich Dnrcawer mnst pay alPsums securtd by �hle , � , ____'
<br /> Sccudly Instmmcnt. If Dorro�vcr(nilx m pry Ihcsc sunGS pdor lo Ihc cxpirmion of ihis periid.I.cmlcr may invakc any rcmcJia -
<br /> t v ,� i�"-n pennitted by this Security InslrmneN wi�haul funher nollce ar dem�nd on Ifarrower. �' `;' �
<br /> i
<br /> i,� :,� •r 18. 13orrowcr'e Rlghl ro Relnsinte. If Onrrowcr mec�s mhain candiiians. Ilnrrmrcr SII.III IIJYC IIIC rigitl m 6avc "t �a ,_ -,
<br /> � cn(arcemwu n(lhis Securily la+lruntenl Jix•�mlinutJ N nny iimc prinr �o ihc aidicr of: (a)5 d�ys (or such athcr pcdnd as -: ... :. _
<br /> �'"` nppllcebie Imv mny spceify for reins�atemcnq t�cfnre sale of ihe PrapCny pursuant �o uny poo•er of xale mNaincJ In Ihfs ;�;¢trp� r t�1�y�,,,s.
<br />' y;4;{ Securily Instrumem;or(b)cmry of a Judgment enforcing�liis Securiiy Iniwmenl.7Lme cnndi�fons nre ihat Ilorrower.(N pays ., ;` -jf'(�e �—.
<br />�i Lender nll snnu�vhich ihen �vnuld be due under ihis Securi�y Inswmem nMl Ihe Nale ns i(na oceeiera�inn hnJ acurted; (6) '�'- � 5
<br /> �t� y-_=:�', cures nny default af any od�er covennnt:or ngrcemems; (c)payx nll expensos incnrred in en(orcing ihis Secudly Inslrumenl. :%�
<br /> } � :;r�, including, but na� Ifmi�eA tn,rcasonable a�mrney.s' fees;and(d) �ekes such acUon a�I.ender mny rciisnnably requim m assnre n_ _-. _
<br /> > .�T��. that ihc lien of�his Sccuriry�Ins�mmem, Lcndcr's rights in�he Prapcny anA anrra�rer's aUlignlion�o pay�he awns secnrcd 6y � '�
<br /> ,t =J :,p•`' thix S�rurity Imvnnxnl +hall nauinuc unchang�d. U�n min�tatemenl bp 6oTm���cr. �his S.rnriq� Irovam.nt and ihe ��- ? .`.. f�i ' ---
<br /> -r�,r z;.c�` o61i �tions savnd h.reb shall remain full eff��ti�e:u if mi aa-eleraiion had�xcnrt�tl. Hmcever,ihis n h�to rcimt:ne .hall f -�' .
<br /> � 1�),� s• ). )• E •(�I . CryAth -�-
<br /> � `t+,;.�,.... am apply in thc ca�e of accclrmiion nnd.r pimgraph 17. i�%�,�,;.. :-�� `'_�,'`�.��:
<br /> "'�s`Q :'i 19. Sale of Notr, ChnnFe of I.ofln Senicer. Th� \om or a panial imerr>t in Ihc h��l. linge�hcr ���i�h thi. Securiry. 'jks� : _
<br /> `� jf��i��?::; Inclmmen0 may t+�enld nne nr nmre times�ri�hom prior no�ia lo Qnrmwca A c:Jr may revd�in a changt in ihr emi�y Iknnw�i +f:. - - �� a-.:
<br /> .9ti t'••�, as Ihe "Ln;m Sen�i..r'I lhal colltcls monthly peymcros duc uncicr Ihc Nme nnd Ihi.Satiurm in,lmmenl.Therc alsu nup be�ne �� � -r � -_ '
<br /> `'}'ti -�'; or mare changrs of�hr Lnan Servicer unrel��td m a vde nf�he Note.I(�here is a c6ange nf�he LMn Servicer,Dorrmrer will 6e .. _ ,�.� �"}�` '�
<br /> given wriurn�xaice of�hr change in acmrdance�vi�h p:ireFnph 14 aMwe nnd nppli.aFle I:nv.The uo�ice�vill sla�c�he name and .���i fdi�ly��Y�h"�r'�-
<br /> � nJdross of ihe new L�un Scrc�ccr and�hr nddres,�o�chi.h�.�rmems should be nude. The Maice wiil aisn aml��in uny o�her ��.� 1�� `,�ts, 3�,�;:�.
<br /> � i - �� 5 inforntnlinn rcquircd by applir.ible I.nc. f�r�# t r������i�,;...
<br /> � - -`�,� 20. Hnmrdons Snhs�nnees. Hnrzm�er shnll nm rau.e nr pemii� �he presenw. �uc, dispnsal. .tnrage. ar releau of any °q)}�r��+c� '
<br /> - �i��.S�}[i'•�.� Harnrdnu� Suhs�ances on nr in �he Praptny. Ilnrmwer shall not Jn. nor nllmv anyane ehr m Jo. :mylhing afle.lin� thc ';^;.jl<<l�•;�.�s7`�'�'f--`A3>.
<br /> _ �..';7t��-��'�t;^ Pmpeny�hat is in violaiion of any &�vimnineiu�d Isnv. The preceJing twu semence+xhnll nat apply m dic pre}ence. u..r, nr '±i`:(;;�.j4:::;;.�.s�^•i<:-
<br /> r+ -�.t " xlomge on�he Pro�icny n(small yuantiiia nf Hmnrdnu,Subs�ances�ha� nre generally recagni�rd io he apprnpriaie m uonnal _{i; i�t�fS�tY�fFr�i�4�
<br /> p�.���-?, residcnlial uses un �o maintciwnce nf�he Pmpeny. �kf 3 ��1� - -_-
<br /> . .,, ,... E:�
<br /> 1 i"�� Qorrmrer shall prmttplly give lander�vriucn nniice o!any im�esiigminn, cl:iim, demand. lomsni� m o�h.r ac�ion hy nny },.;n�:•.�{.4i;.�;.:•,._.,o.,
<br /> + .. ,�11"'. �s. orernmemal nr re ula�o � enc or ri��me �n involvin �he Pro en mJ nn Har+irdom Suhslnnc.nr Fm•ironmcntal law �°�:.��f;..cs^_, - -
<br /> `.�i,fP���;','iY„ 8 S �Y�S Y P P� Y 8 P Y� Y Cy.s(';.,�I�'�f• .,�'•..�
<br /> �- �,�:n 1- of o�hich 6arro�rcr hac aclual AnawlcJgc. If Ilnrmmer Icxnn.nr i+nolifiN by:my gavcmmenl�J ar rcgnlcnnre nmhmil�. Iha1 - "L:'.2�}�,'-��/r''� `.;
<br /> ' ,.�. nny rcmoval or olher nmeJiatinn af an�•Na�arJous Suhsloncc affecling�he Prn�scny i.nanv�ry. �nrrmccr.ahnll pmmplly Inke ;'.'/;((tl:��„�'�j�;�� ;��-�:
<br /> all necesmry remedlul uc�iane in ncanrdanm�riih Iinviromnemal lanv. -,Fr j�yt�t�:��kQ,�h�;, ,�';;
<br /> � As u+al in ihis p�iagmph :0. 'Haradnu.Sub�mneeti are �hn+e wM1��anee}de�nctl 2�lozic nr hmardous subsianee+hy ,���/'���1y�;Y-?:1���.: .
<br /> --- - ?,•_-� Enviromnened l�w nnd the follo�ring .uh.lnnee}: gnsnline. Aeroxn0. nlher Ilaininahle nr Inxic pe�mlemn �ndua+. taaic .�y;.tv{.�q{lrr,`-<�,��;_
<br /> pcsiiciJes nnd hcrM1ieiJec.voia�ilc.nlrcnk,m:ncrieh rnmnining m6etiia.nr fnrm:ddchydc.�md r:�dinaanr maicruJs.A�mcJ in .� t _, ,
<br /> ., ,�:.:[�•� �his p:mgr,ph 20. 'Gnriranmemnl I.n+' meam 4Jcr�J hn�a nnd I�me nf�he juri+Jiction �rhere �hc Prn�xny i. hxateJ t6a� ��fi'.�y'�.:
<br /> ,.'.,.;�'".r;�.:• , relu�etahe.d�h.xnfet orenvirmnnem:d protectinn. __;,.���i�S:;:;t�: ..
<br /> 4 Y 1.:.: .;;,f�:.,�. {
<br /> �' -�Y;)5'rj;'"' NON•UNIfORMCOVENANTS. 11arzoacrandl.cnderfunhcrcovcnanlnndagrcc;nfnllna•.: - . ?,.,. : -
<br />'�'...`, '.-.i�.: 21.Aceelerntlmr,RemMicz. Lendrr sludl Fln nu�ice In Bnrro��er prinr ln ncaelemtlnn fnllms6ig Barrm�rr's brcnch ��°"``;'^;!': ��.` ;•
<br /> `:7�.,, , ; �, .'�.
<br /> � - . . o(uny m��enant nr ntirttment in ihiti tiecurl�y Inslrninrnl (bnl nnl prinr ta neceleruUnn nnder pnmgrnph I7 unitts .:�.i;::n_:r,_.>:�_dtj:'
<br /> . . � nppllcnAle Intr prm�idcs a�hrn�ise). Tl�r notice�Imll spirify: UU Ihc dr(null: lh) Ihe nctlun mpilrttl la curc Ihe def'eull: . . ;, _-
<br /> '. . . (c)n dnte, nal Icxs Ihnn JO dn}:s frnm Ihe dnte Ihe nnllee Is glren�n Rarmocr,h?� �shirh Ihe defnnll nmsl he cured: nnd '�""'_i
<br /> ��'�I-�,, , (dl Ihnt fullurc to cum Il�c dcfnulf nn nn c�fnrc Ihe dn�e.piriticd In Ihe nnlhe mn�� mnll in amlemlian nf Ihc sums .. �r, :��$�:;:
<br /> secwrd by Ih4s ticcudq� Inclrumrnt mid tiidc af tlm Prn�xriy. "I'hc nn�kc+Imll furtlicr Infann Ilnrroxcr nf Ihr righf lo .�..i�lJ.;'i'-.
<br /> i�''�,,�-,..�; minctatc nRer nccelen�tlnn nnd Ihe dgl�l l0 6ring n caun ncllun lo nuerl �hc nun•i��l�lenm of n dcfnnll nr nn�� uihcr :;�;�:._::.
<br /> r , - - Ae@nse nf Rarrnxrr In necelerminn nnd vde. If�he defnnh Is nm c�mrl an nr befnrn lhe dnte+pceilinl In �he notice, � _ � {` .
<br /> ���_`,5..�� I.ender.nl Ils aptlm�, nmp mq�dm hnm�vlinle pm�nunl In full af:dl Splll\\1f11fLYI I)1'IIIIti tiecurh�� Inclrumenl ��Ili�aui � �+ t -�.�:
<br /> :.. .! i�. fanhcr demnnd nnd m�p�Incake Ihe pnucr af�nle nnd mq�olhcr rcmcvliiw perndl�al�lq npplia�blr h�u. Lendrr sinJl he . . ;,lfQ(l;�_`.: �'_;-.
<br /> .'�`,�r..y�;�`.� _ cnitqed In collcct nll czpcnacs incnrnd in pw>uin�Ihc rcimdii�t prmidtvl ln�hfc parntin�ph 21,Includinµ,bnl nni Ilmilai . . .�.';(:,4�y, �..:.I;i
<br /> M.rcnsnnablc atlarnr�.'krs m�d cml.nf Iillc cddcnce. �':;,'rii,:;..".. :� '-
<br /> _ - If Ihe pon�er nf snle h Inrnked, l ntqm +hnll rarorJ n nnlice nf defnnll in rncl�emnm lu xhich nnt parl uf Ihe ` . .;- . , -
<br /> Pmprd} is IncntrA nnd+hnll mnll enpicti nf such uaUce In�he mnnner pn�+erl�uvl b� npplicn6le hw la Rarra��rr und�n `n� r �' ,.
<br /> Ihr olhcr persnns pnscribcd b� npplirnblc Ln�.dflcr Ihc Ilmc rcqu6rd h� npplknblc Im�.'1'rnMCe ahnll{;irc puhik nallcr f-. l e :
<br /> .. � of s�de In Ihe�xnnna nnA in Ihe mxnncr preurihed b� nppllenlde Im�.'I'ru.la•. ��ilhmrt denumd on Uarrm�cn�ludl+cll ` ;!;���->' ' --. .
<br /> / Ihc 1'rnprn� nI public nuctlnn In lhr highrtil biddcr nl Ihe Ilmc�md phar nnA undcr 16c Icrm+dr+i�nnkd In�hc nn�icc of `. '_ . . '
<br /> ��..f ,. � rale In nnr nr mure�ZVCCIs ond in am nrdrr 'Prn.lce delrnuinr�.'I'ruair mn� putlpanc vde af nll nr nn� parcrl nf Ihc - )„�c:� -.
<br /> .. Nrnperl� b� puhlie minnunecmrn� a� Ihr�hnr and pince nf m�} pre�l��u.l� .ched�ded.:de. Lender or ils de.ignir mnp t� -.-. .
<br /> � � purchxce Ihe Prnperl� m mp .ale. � .'��� �',
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> Faem JOZe 9.90 �
<br /> , ' !
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> I
<br /> � # ,
<br />