�d, . 'u, r . . ' �
<br /> _-. ,_:.lRC_Y[!��;} W" -� �. .i - �: "
<br /> T � -�•fi._+r1nN:4�§�a[7LL'� . n - - e.;..-*,�._.�. ,.. t .... . `_—__ ._
<br /> .....
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<br /> . ..�,.., �:�uie�....'�:...t..4l�nRf 'i' . .. , . ._
<br /> i �..__ , __ ___ _: . .
<br /> �_.� .. _..... ,93r dV I981r _,....
<br />---- S� IlQUrd or Ptoperty Inwrancc. Bonowcr shall kap tho Improvcmoma now exisHng or hercaftcr orate4 on the
<br /> _____ Prnpcny imurcd ngnins� loss by Itre, hanrde tneiudcd whhln tho�wm 'cxtendcd coverogo' nnd nny o�her hurarda. including
<br /> —.,�, Ooode or OooJing, fo��vhich I.ender requlre+Insuronre.Thls insumnce shall ho malmained In the amounts nnd for�he pedods
<br /> - thnt I.ender require�.Tha Insurnnw carder pmviding�he Insuranee shall be chosen 6y 6armwc�subjcci m l,endels upprnvnl
<br /> �"—��'� whlch s6all not Iw unru�sonably �viihheld. If Onrrower faib to malntnin covernge described abme, l.ender mny, nt Lender'e
<br />���.._`;;� eptlon,ob�nin covemgo�o pm�ccl lxnAcr'+dg6u In lhc Propcny in ncrnrdancc wiih p�regrnph 7. —
<br /> ��,,,,,:-�_�• All insvmnce policice and renemds shall bo accepmble w LenJer and ehall Include e siandard monguge clauso. Ixnder
<br />-_wyrs;�+� shall have�he dgh�m hold tl�e policies und renewnle. If t.ender requires.Rorrmrer shall prompUy give to Lender all reccip�s of
<br />---`'---`- pald prcmiume n�rcnewnl noiicee.In�he evem of lose,porrower shall give pmmpt noiice to�he Inaurnna enrder nnd Lendea .. .. .. . . .. .. . _
<br /> -N•°ti,��,5a k� I.endcr may mako prtaf of losr if not made promp�ly by Dorrower.
<br />.,,7;;:�:Y;` ' Unlese t.ender nnd{3orrowcr mherniso ngrec In�vdling, fnsumnce procceds shall be npplicd m restora�lon or repair of the —
<br /> ' "'S'� Pro n dem ed, If ihe res�om�fon nr rc ufr Is emnomicall fa�sible and Lender's secudt h nm Iessened.If�he receom�ion or °-
<br /> - �=�'�S'-:"_," rcpatr ie not omnonilrnlly fe.�sihle or Lender's secudiy woi Id be Iessened, �he Insumnce prneecds shall be upplied to�he sums °^
<br /> .��" �{�� � sccured b �his Sauril Inslnmum, whe�hcr or nat Ihen due, �vith an exccss �fd lo Dorrowcr. If 6orrower abnndons the —
<br /> 5�-.:,x,��+' Y Y Y P� _---
<br />�.�!�-i"=_� Propeny,or does mm�nswer wi�hfn�0 dnys n no�ice from Lender diai�he insurams rnrrier hns offered to se�de o clnim,then --'_� - ._.
<br /> Lender nuy mllai the insmm�co pmcttds. Lender mny use Ihe p[oeeeds to repair or restoce �he Property o� lo pay sunu Y
<br /> � -- : secured by�his Securily Inslrament,wbxthxr or na��hen dae.The 30day period��ill Mgin��hen Ne notice is giren. ,�
<br /> �� `� --�� Unles� I.ender ond Onrro�ver utherwisc agrec in «riU�g, any application of pnxttds lo principal sAall r.d exttnd or �g�s�� -y
<br /> , - .�p�t.h,� pos�pone Ihe due date o(Ihe ntonthly payr..rnts rcferrtd to in pact,rnplu 1 and 2 or change Ihe:unoum oP the p'�pmnts. If ���`�'�
<br /> . ' t > . �;,�.x .�
<br /> r under ptrogreph 21 ihe Prupeny is xyuirtd Cy Lendzr,Ronou�cr's right to ony insuranee pnlicies and prarais rcsalting from ' v -
<br /> ��'"��.: dartyge to the Fropeny privr W thc acquisitiun shall pus Io l.ender tu�he ex�ent of�hc sums secund by�his S,���riq•Ins�mment ��� �-
<br /> � -��--� irtufv�iatclyprturtolhca�yui>ilion. -�;;= r - -�-
<br /> - -���-�.=:,: 6.Occu{rnncy,Presrnrilon,111sINennnce and Prolecllan ol'lhe Propeqy;Oorro��rr's O.osn Applicatlon;I.easeLolds. �.,�'M#;�==��=`
<br /> ��' •`��' •`r Bottou�er shall cecupy,establisB,and use�he Pmpeny as Darrower's principal residenee�vithin six�y Jays after�he excemion of ��=:t%•.i;,:;-�_
<br />��":��;���- ��� ihis Securiiy Inswmem nnd shall cominuc m cecupy�he Property ns Qorrower's principnl residence for ai leas�one year aRer l^`'�'�7��^"
<br /> •-i::. :�r,-„ .. ..
<br /> 3'�':=';�.�;' � �he date af occupancy,unless Lender o�hern�ise agrces in wri�ing, which cansem shall not be unreamnahly wRhheld, or unless •r��!-'(,�rfy;-,
<br /> " - �� � ex�enuating tircunumnces eaist which nre 6eyond �orro�rer's contml. Uorroo•cr shall no� Aestroy, damage or impair the "_`�';:i��:.�"
<br /> Pro cn alinw �hc Pm n io dc�crion�c, m mmmii waste on �6c Pm n Qnrrowcr shall !x in default if en forfeimre - �:+ � ` -
<br /> r P Y• P� Y P� Y• Y ,. Frz '.
<br /> . nnion or proce�ding•�vheiher civil nr criminal, is begun ihm in Lender's guoJ fai�h judgmeni mnld resuh in furfehure of the -��': d�;t�?j''�i�'��i..
<br /> ,i�... � e-.."-
<br /> Propeny nr oihenvise ma�erially impair�he lien crca�ed 6y ihis Stturi�y Ins�mmem or I.ender's securi�y imercs�. Borrower may , .�v. ;._ .�i .�;
<br /> r ���-,'
<br /> ' cure such a defnul�and reinsm�e,as provided in pan@raph IA,6y causing�he ac�ion m procttding io be dismissed wilh a�vling �j����ry
<br /> ': �ha�, in Lender's gocd faiih de�ermina�inn, prccludes fnrfeilurc n( Ihe 6nrrower's inleresi in �he Property or other nulerial ��`.t i,, tjN i;
<br /> �� ' iiiiNn�ui�iid�i(ifd ��Ci�iiinl"v� tij lt�i uCiiifily �IiilN�iiCi�i :�T �wnui(:SiiJTiii ii�liiCii. {�i411aNC1 >�Itl�� Yieu bC 111 1�C�YLL�� 1� �:.�.� � � ����t'•
<br /> --'-f:W; Ilorrmccr,during�he Inan npplicmion prncess,gavc mn�crinlly falu ar inaccumic infnrmation nr s�;nemcros�a Lc�der(nr fuileJ �'_N�.Iff'r',gl:r;�a�r'�, �?Bi��
<br /> - � �o prnvide Lender ivith nny ma�erial infnmiatioN in connectinn�viih tl�e loan evidenceJ by�he Noie,including.6m nm limited �`��14V -. f f'�.;, `[+�`
<br /> t ,��� �o, reprcaematinns�oncerning finrm�rer'x�xcupancy af the Prnpeny ac a principal residenm. If�his Sewri�y ins�mment is on a q,+%� ," A
<br /> �: Y,:f.: f.
<br /> , ��:_�,,.�� Ieaschold, �orrower s6n11 comply wi�h all �he provi+inm of �he Iea�e. If 6nrroarr:�cyuires fee ii�Ie m �he Prnperty, the �;;�y,:.�i���_�:_:.., r`
<br /> Ieacchold nnd Ihc fee�i�le sh:dl nm mergc unle+x IanJcr agrcn�a Ihc mcrger in wri�ing. �'�n �iS ;�t
<br /> 7.Pratcctlnn of I.endcr's Righlx In Ihc 14opert}�.If Rortu���cr Liils�a pedorm�hc coeennms and agnrmems com�inttl in �`t -� +•- �
<br /> '� �� �his Stturiry Insuumcm, nr�imrc ix:i Icgal pnxrnlin@ ih:�i may+igni��amly nffit� l.cndcr:riglns in thc Pmpeny (such us n ' " �`�• �.L�,;"�;iS(' �I.
<br /> .. . Proceeding in banAruplcy. prohale. fnr mndemn:nion ar fndeiwm or la en(arce law,nr rcguintions). Ihen Lender m.iy do and t�4}��;� � �,..�•��'�dl�-..
<br /> pay tor whatcvcr is nccc.�ary to prrnce ihc caluc nf ihc Pro�ny anJ I.enJcr's rigMs in �hc propcny. Lcndcr's actinns may - r. .-tr`'= S.�y _.-
<br /> incWde paying mry wms .ecund hp a licn �vhid� has prinriq� over ihis Securiiy Imtrumem. appenring im m�n. Paying >>{'�.- �.3�� .,-
<br /> ... . rcasonablc n�mrney.s'fn+and emcrin�on�hr Propcny m make repain.Ahhnugh Lendcr may iak¢anion unJcr ihis paragmph - .. � '" �'..
<br /> .. . 7.l.cndcrJrcsnothavemJu.o. .+I:d �_:� {i:_--;-
<br /> . Any amuunls Ji+burceJ M1y IsnJer vndrr ihi. �.����.:��i� 7 ahall hccumr adJmon:d d.M of Uorro�rer se�vreJ by �his �`��'�.` � . `..:1' ;
<br /> � .. . •:
<br /> _ _-... : Sta�rily hulrumcnl. Unless 6nrro�cer:md Isnder agrcc lu alher tenm ol paymtm. �h.x amannt..h:Jl Ixar inlcrcs� from Ihe !� .. ... ._.�,....1_..�� '.-.
<br /> ._" dale of Aishnnemem al Ihe Note r:tlr :mJ +hall he po�ahle, nith inlcrcN. upnn nutiiti frnm I_ender la �arrnwer reyues�ing
<br /> - �� Paymem. F..,.- ,_. .
<br /> l
<br /> �!`'/%j B.�1nnFngc Incnrnncc. If lxndcr rcquira�l nwng.igc in,ar.mcc:n a cnndi�i��e nf maAmg�hc lo:m xtu¢d hy Ihi.Scaurily � �'�- � -
<br /> ...4Pl;i __
<br /> Ins�rumrnl. Dnnmvcr shall pa�' �he prentiumti nyuired m mainlain lhe mongaer in.ur.mir in eflltl. If. for any reamn. Ihe � �. .. .
<br /> mnngagc insurancc rmrngr requircJ by I.cnJcr lap+r+ur rcau.�o ho in clfcc�. fSorto�ccr+hall p:n�hc prcmiumti rcyuirtd lo .. -. .
<br /> ,��.i_�>.� .
<br /> : nMain cmrr.igc+uhsiamialh cquiralcm m�hr mnngagc in,ur:mcc previ��u+lr in cff.•cL:n a.u:l.uh,t:uviall� cyuir:dcnl ln Ihe � � . .
<br /> ". . rna1 In Oortnnrr ul thc morlFaFr ir..ur.ma prc�ion�l� in cfic.�. Irnm an :d��rnatr monga�r mwnr apprnrcJ hc lAndcr. If - , -
<br /> . - znh��ami:dlp rquiralem mm�gaF�c Sn.ur:nxe ameragi f.nni a�aflaMr. Bor�uxer.h:dl pay In I.enJ:r each n:nnlh a wm yual lo - .
<br /> . nnc-!�cclflh of lhc ymd� mongagr in.ar.m.c prcmium Infng p.nJ hr Ilnrrnxcr��h:a iix uiyir.m:t a�neragr Inp.cJ nr rca.�d tu
<br /> - , ' h in e(feil.IwnJer�cill:�an•pL inr and*ciain ihr.e p.nmm�l.a. a In.. r:.enr ir� Lru nt n:nn.a;r inwmnce. I.o.+ rr.en�e �
<br /> . ( ,
<br /> " Fo�m 30I8 D'DD � - '
<br /> ,.�. . �
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