+t�t� `, M:�_•'�UF�IM��w.�+..�— � ' . .; t.' ' — --
<br /> .. :� ;:�: :,,. ;r,.,,.
<br /> � � ,
<br /> _:.:.;;,_.� 9a• .. s0'y4g6
<br /> , 7'OOIiTHQR Wffll all tha Improvenxnu now or herafler ertcted on the propeny,ud alt wtnxnu,�purtanukta,�nd
<br /> Oxrorca now on c�rcalicr u pan of �ho propcny. A�I replaanxme and uddiiloro sha0 aiso bo mverM �y �hb Sawdiy
<br /> Tnstrvnunt.All of Qw Poregoing fa rcferccd ro In thle Sccudty Instmmen�a��he'Propeny.•
<br /> BORROW[1K COVLNAN7'9�het Borrower Is lewfully scised of�ho cstulo hcrcby mnveyul end ha+ihc right m grant mid
<br /> convey tho Prope�ty end that �he Propeny is unencumbered,excep� for encumbmncca af rccord. Uarrower wornma end will
<br /> defend genernlly the litle to tho Property ageinst ell ctaimv a��d demarvl�,su6Ject lo ony encumbraneee ot recnrd.
<br /> THIS SL�CURI7Y INSfRUMENT combine+unifomi rnvenanle for natlonal uso nnd iwn•uniform covcnants wilh Ilmllod
<br /> , vnria�lons by Judsdidion to constimm a un(form secudry Instrunxnt covcdng rcal properry.
<br /> UNI�ORM COVCNANTS.Dorrower and I.ender covenan�end ngra m followe:
<br /> � �� � -� �-� 1. I'nyment ot Principal nnA Interesp Pmpayment and I.ate Chw�rs� 13ortnwcr shall prompdy pay when duo �ha • - - � °�°'° �--"-�--
<br /> � principal of end Interal on�ho deb�evidenad by tho Noro end eny prcpayment und lote chergee duo under the Nole.
<br /> _---- 2. Funds Por Texes end Imsrraanee.SubJect to nppl(ca610 law or�o a wrluen wniver 6y Lender, Oortower s6nll pay to
<br /> __:-��� Lendcr oo the day monthly paym.rocs aze due ur�+�r tGe Nae,vnNl�he Notc ie paid in full,n sum('�unAs')for.(a)ycerly laxa
<br /> __±�'{�"� azrJ a.ssesseo.n�s.v[tich may attain paoriry ocer[his Soe�riry[asuument as a Iicn an�he Pmpeny;@)yendy Ieasehold paymenls
<br />—...' �_+ or mund rer,ts un rke n if an ,(c) exet 6azud or •n irtsumr,ce nmium,:(d)yeatl Qood huumnex amiums,
<br />=r}a�t,:;;3� 8 �Pz Y. 7' Y Y ProA Y P ' Y P ' .- - ----.__.. ._
<br />_f-�,,,y �,+',! if any;(e)}•tarty nwngage insucuvY prcmiums,iP any;;ud(�xny sums payable by Borevwer to i.erdn.r, in ncoordancc wilh
<br />-. f. 1tY�• tA:pro1isiem of paragr�ph 8,io IEeu of ths payment of neongage insurar.ce preminms.'it.ese item+erc callal'Qsavrc{tenu.'
<br /> ��?�� ;�•" Le�;!er n:ay, e� any�ime, collen zad hold Fur.de in an nrtaum not to cxcecd ttr. m3ximnm amounl e lender Por:federally ____
<br />-UtS��>::.i relat�Yl a:..ngage lo:m may rcquire for Borms�er's escrow ecronm under the fcdcral Real Fs�eie Setticmrnt Proccdurcs Ad of
<br /> � -.-"ei;"''-. 1974 u amcndd From�imc�o iimc, 12 U.S.C.Stttion 2601 er sr�. ('RLSPA'),unless enothcr Inw�ha�epplics ro thc Punds
<br /> '�- '''�;�• sets a tesscr emount.If so, Lender may, et any�ime, mllect end hold Fancls in an emount no�io exexd�he Iesser amoum.
<br />:*i:�'-;_v�,
<br /> ___;..^,:,:_,. Lendu nuy admate ihe amount ot Punde duc on Ihc basis of currem dala nnd ttuona6lc csqmateti of capendilurea af fulure
<br /> �+r;;�7L,::, Cscro�v Itenu or othernise in accodance wf�h epplicnble law.
<br /> ���.��;r-._�z�: Thc Punds shall h hr.ld In nn fnsliwtion whose deposi�s aro Insuted by e federal egency, insttumeNallly, or entily
<br /> j;�_,;*$'Sr?: (fncluding Lender, it Lender is such nn institutinnl or in eny Federal Home Loan Dank.Lender shall apply the Punda lo pay Ihe
<br /> _ `p�� Escrow I�enu. Lender may no�charge[iorrowrr 4s holding end epplying the Pnnds,ennunlly analyzing the escrow eccounl,or
<br /> _ -*�:,;�,u�r. verifying�he Escmw I�enu,unless Lender p�pc�,;:ower imeres�on�he Fnnds nnd applip6le Inw pemiits Lender to make such �
<br /> - ���+ ti;%" a ch�cge-No�rever. Lender may rcquirc Borrower�o pay e one-�ime charge for en independent real alete�ex reponing servix
<br /> .ti�;'�;
<br /> .,;.��.;��; asea 4p Lcnder im m�nx�ian with this Inan, unlcss applica6tc law provides oihernise. Unless an egrwment is made or =
<br /> ''1`i;%'�:+ eppli:abic law requirrs imcrcst m bc pald,Lcnder shall no�be requircd to p�y linrrowcr any inicres�or eamings on the Funds. —= �
<br /> � '+�+j,���. Bormwer nnd Lender may ugrce in wri�ing, however,�ha� imcres�shall be paid on�he F�mds. Lendct shall givo lo Oorrower, .
<br /> 1:e'�°� t`�. withuut charg0. nn nnnual nccouming of�he �unds, sho�ving credits end debi�s to the Funds a�d Ihe purpose (or which each -
<br /> ..,1� t.., —
<br />�-��i'.ra�-`__ dcbit to the Funds waa ninde. The Fnrds nm pledged as additional sewrily for ell sums sccuud by�his Secudty Ins�n�men�. __ ._ .
<br /> 9�k�`�y�j'., 1!ihe Funds hcld by Lendcr excred ihe amoums penniucA�a bc held by nppliwble laa.Lender shall attnun�lo I3orrower ��� -- -� -
<br /> �4_ I-r} for�he exccu Funds in accordanct with the requiremems of applica6le la�v. If�he amamr.o:che�unds hcld 6y Lender at eny
<br /> "� ��;1:�., �ime is no�sumcient�o pay the Gscrmv liems when due. Lender may so no�i(y fiarro���cr in�cri�ing,nr,d,in such case Uortower
<br /> :.'��:,-;��!7�r shall pay�a Lcnder thc amoun� ntccssary�o make up�hc AeOriency. Darro�rcr shall mak.np the deficienry in no morc Ihan
<br /> ",.��--1,:�� n�rlvr monthiy paymcros,u� Isn9:r's snle Jixrciion.
<br /> ';;�� Uynn payment in full o!�i7t sums .ccurecl by �hi5 Sauriry Inawmcm, l.enJcr shall pmmpily rcNnd to Oorrower eny
<br /> - '�'�' �unds held 6y Lender.If,under puagraph 21. Lender.Ball ucquirc ar eell�he Pmpeny.Lender,prior�o the acqufaidon or salo
<br /> �'�� of Ihe Praperly, shull apply mry F•undc helJ hy I.ender�n�he�ime nf ncqui,mm�or xale ns:�eredii ngains�the sums secured 6y --
<br /> "'�'"�%�.- d�isSCCUrirylnsuumem. r.,.� ..
<br /> , :�;-.' •� �`":;:-
<br /> - '�' 3.Applientlon al'Poymentv.l'nlexs applic;�ble Lnr proriJes mhern�ise,all paymen:.rr:eived by Lender mider p�ragrnpht - •• _-_
<br /> -. ..:y:,. ^:i;_,:-
<br /> ;. .i,,; I and 2 shall�appliN:fir.l. lo am prcpapmcnl d�argc.Juc mxlcr Ihc Nmc: xtnnd.�n amnunts payabie undcr parngrapL 2; -,y'-r`-ti:.
<br /> -,_;!',:i.. third.iu intcrcu Juc:fnunh. �o prinripal Juc:anJ Ia.L m anp I:nc charga Jur unJrr Orc tirnc. �
<br /> `lyn . 4.Chargcr; t.lens. Ilnrrou�cr.hall pay;JI �axc..:uk..mcnn. rh:�rga, fmr.m�d im{mi�ions auribm:�blc�o the Propcny - s .. _
<br /> c %`"' which ma aunin rioril ovcr Ihix Sccuriq� Irt trmn.nL anJ Icarhnld nmcm�or ronrd renls. iY anr. Uorrowcr shnll a --�;����'•'6" -
<br /> ,S. 7 Y ' P T P�.' S PY .. c , ,� -;i::
<br /> r `;?� IhcSC obligalions in 16c ntinncr prnriJcJ in par,�graph 2.ar if nol paiJ in Ihal manner. 13nrroi�cr eh:dl pay Ihem on lime dircelly : f .-�--
<br /> ,.-.:�-'. lo�he nan ow�ed a mcm. Wirtoutr.hall rnm d�fumi�6 io ItnJer:dl na�ice�ul amnuuu ln bc �id under Ihi> ara rn h. V � t � 3�':�`�:-
<br /> . _ P�. P 7 P P > P� P F P ,.:...,,.,,t)�;._:
<br /> � If Iiorrmecr make+�he�c pa��mem,efircnly. florro�nr diall prnntptly lumi.h to IAnJer r.rcipi.eriJencing the rrvu:cros. ��:'��: ."-C:.r-
<br /> - Oorm�ccr xh:dl p:ompily dirchatgc an)�hcn�chivh ha.priuny orcr ihr Srruril}�In.uumcnl unle+.Ito:roacr. (a)agrces in �l t '"
<br /> � writing to�6c piynrcin nt�hc obl�gauon xcar.d h��h.licn in a manncr a.itpuMc to Lcndcr:�b�toma�•in gaH1 fai�h�hc licn j i rJlr :.
<br /> 6y. or d.1enJ. ag:iimi rnfor:cua•m nf Ihc iicn in. Iegal pnxarvlmg+ ��hiah in Ih. lAn�l:i. upininn opera�e �o prr��tnl Ihe �� s'M.��"�.-
<br /> - -. � .d.�'-.� .
<br /> -�D.:i;i�:+,�•�� cnfor.cnxm of Ihc lirn:ar mi s:u:r.Gam�6.holdcr at th.licn:m agnymcm cdi.Lmor. �o L.nJcr wbnrdinaling ihr lien m .. . ° ' ''
<br /> .-,::4;�:,' � Ihis Stinrily In.Irumtm. I(I.cnJrr Jrlcmm�r.ih:n am pan ul thr Pru�rn� i.vihjr.��n:,G.n aL�rh ma� :uLnn prinnq mcr . - � .. �,::..
<br /> � thi.Srovilc In.tn:r..r..e I cuJrr mar gi��r 11uR����ft a ImI0.f�dcnl{I\tilr ILt hill. �IuI(a��C!Qcd�all.l) Ih¢�if0 ut IaGi Wld uf . �a r:
<br /> �..
<br /> more of�hc aeion.�Y ronh.,hure�riihin ill da�.ul tL:pninE nl nnt��r. . .
<br /> .u, `<'
<br /> Form3028 9i80 ;7 r -
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