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_ �.,.i'i M"+OPr.Bn} �( 1 . .. . 5 .. <br /> . fr. — <br /> l l. ��.�.' ..�...:� .^. !� .. :: _. <br /> �4i1'a. . I . . �>..._ .. . . ,-.__— _ . .,... ---. <br /> ..� ' ' . . . . .-. . . " . <br /> 93� �o��eo <br /> i.Firc,Elood�nd(kher Np�airp Insw�qnce. [{nrtower sAall Insuro n11 I�nprovemcnts on�hc Propcqy,whether now In <br /> - existence or suAsequentty emted,oguinst ony haraNe,casualda,and mmingcncia, includii�g firo;far wlilch Lcndcr rcquirq. ' <br /> insumn��, This insure�m s6a11 Ae mnint�hxd in�ho onwunu aad for�ho perlodc tbnt Lcndcr rcquirce. 13orrowcr ehail nleo <br /> Insuro all Improvenunu on ihc Propery,whcihcr now in exis�enco or euM1scquemty eravN,ngainst�ose by Itoads M�ho exlcn[ <br /> rcry�Und by Iho Sccrcta�y. All Insumncc A�all Iw carticd wllh mmpanic�opprov�d by Lcnde�.7'hc insuronce policles nnd any <br /> -- _ rcnew�l�shnll be he�A By l.ender nnd shall Inrludo los�paynl�lo clnuses In fovor of,ond In a form accepiablo to,Lender. <br /> ti <br /> �_-_„�,-., In ihe crcnt of loss. 13ormwer sl�all givo Lendcr Immtdintc nmitt by mafl.I.endor tnay mako proof of loss if not madc <br /> ------ <br />_— .: . . _.:..-_.:.-.,.__— <br />-�--- promptly by 13otrox�cr. Cxh insuroncc mmpany mnccrnttl le hcreby euthodzod and dironed ro nmko pnymenl for aucb los� <br />;*:i.�E�� dinr�ly�o I.cndcr,Insiead of ro[inrrower end ro Lender Jolmly. All or any pan ot tha(nsumnw prntttds may bo applicd by <br /> 9'��'''"�� 4ender,at its o tinn,either(o)�o pw rudncilon of ihe fndebicdness under tho Nmo nnd tlds Sewrit Inst�unxnt, firct lo en <br />-�-ri;:t `"' P Y Y <br />?�-:� , ddfnquent ntrwuNs epplicd In thc ordcr in p:uagmph 3,nnd thcn�a prcpaynunt nt pflncip�l,or(b)�o iho rcstamtlon or repair <br /> ��,�y�.�., � of tho dumn�cd Propeny. Any appllcatlon of�ho procccds �a ihe prineipal ehdll not extend or pnsipnne the due da�e of�he <br /> �i�',y.l.\.l• <br /> __�yt_R_ momhty paymems witich are rcferted�o in paragmph 2,or chnnge dio nmounl of such p�yments.Any exeese insuranee praeeeds _ <br /> �_-' • ovcr nn amount nx�uired�a pay etl owaiandins indcbtcdncse andcr tho Nnm and this Secudty Instrumcnt �hall 6o paid�o tho <br /> �fi�.�':r,�t enti�y legally entilled Ihcrelo. <br />�".•,i;.1'6'ttt:'. <br /> � �l�w• In ilic event of forcclosurc of this Secudt Invrumcm or o�hcr transfcr of Uq¢ m U�e Pro n that extln uishce uie <br />�_{:<�.�`;���..:.. Y P� Y S _ <br /> indebtedness,ail dgfi6 ti�le and incercst of[iorcower in and�o insumnm policles In force shall pass io�he purclwuer. _ <br /> ' - -� 5. Occu}�ncy, Pnservetion, Matntenenm end Protecqon ot the Pox�eaiy; khriener's ORAA Applkatk�r.; - <br /> ??.,�,�{jst{, t.eaulrolds. Burrower sh�ll occupy, es�a6lish, nnd use ihe Pmpeny os Dorrowtr's principal resider�m witM1in sia�y days aRer �_`�_� <br />�-�`���•f��f'� the execuux�oi this Sm�rity Inswmem and shali mntinue ro occupy�he Pmpeny as Dorro�rer's pdncipal�zsidrnee for et teast <br /> '-f, .,,..,: <br /> .`-"�) d'`;'- onc��ear after[hr Aate otmupancy, un!ess the Scerctary detemiin.�s�his rcquircmcnt will causc unduc hardship for 6oamvu, <br /> `-�.11 i,;y or unless ent-nua�ing cireumstenms exin ��hich are tK��ond Bortower's mntml. I3ovower shall nolify I.endero of any <br /> "�::•.;°.;�'.^� ex�enuaiin <br />-.:,�,,,-;,, g cinums�ances. 13orro�cer stull no�cvmmii�casie nr desuoy,damage or subs�anttally change�he Propeny or allow <br /> i�'}.-•c-,;,;, �he Propny �o detedore�e, rcawnable u�ear and uar exapted. Lender may Inspec� the Propeny If�he Prope�y is vacant or <br />:•t;-+i'.-`..Y.'- .bandoncd m d�c loan is In dcfaull. Lendcr may �akc rcuonablc nc�ion �n pro�cct and prescrvc such vawni or ebandoncd �� <br /> :``i, ,5�.,;':`. <br /> ,,,�,_,•„;;{.!; Propeny.Qorrower shall alm be in de(aoh if 6ormx•er,during the loan application pracess.gave ma�erially false or inaccumle <br /> ,_�;.,�?ff�;}}t�' infnmwiion ar sia�cmems m Lendcr (or tailed to providc LcnAcr �vi�h any ma�crial inPom�ation) in rnnncalon with�he loan �` <br />- •.-�rr,'af;' � evidcix+ed by ihe No�e,including, bm nnt limf�ed m, representa�ions mnceming I3orro�cer's occupancy of the Propeny es a <br /> + � �+- �-_ �vinei�ul residenee. If�hic S•curiiy InawnMm is nn e Itaeehold; finrmwxr shall mmnly�vilh lhe omvisinnc nf ihe Irau. I( — _ <br /> �a �i <br /> 7� . ; B�aKm�rer acquircs fee ifUe to the Propeny,the Ieacehold and fee�i�ie shall mt be m.rged unless Lender agrees�o ihe merger In f';��k � <br /> ' '� uc�r.�ng. rt`p�Sjt�n - �._ <br /> i ii!•� 3�'�'V 31d�:�� <br /> 6.Chae�,�es�o Qarm��er nnd ProtKlion of Lender's Rlg6is in Ihe Property. Qarrmvcr shall pay ¢II govcrnmemal or �!•.,�_'.��,��`��° <br /> � munici I char is fines and im s�liorts Ihal arc nnl ir.cludcJ in m ra h 2. Dorrowcr shall a thcx obli a�ions on iinx - - i}h���� <br /> t , -_ •' W S•.. � .. W 8 P PY R _� ��i-i <br /> directly m the emiiy�rhich is o�ved�he paymem. If L�ilur, m pay would adversely affeci LenJer's imeres�in�he Pmpeny.upon )y �.� ,�F_ <br /> -.{c; Lcnder's rcques�Ikircoo�er xhall promptly(urnish m Lendrr rcecipis cvidencing�hcsc paynxnts. �h},-- -, ��� <br /> ��} r ,•' n(+��.i�i}t73_ir•.:� <br /> � -{a;.; If 6orro�eer(ails to make ihesc paynnm.m the paynumc rcyuircd by paragraph 2.ur fails�a perfnnn any mBcr a��enams -!- ���"}<„_-. <br /> _., 'I,:. �1: aid agntiments comnined in Ihis Securip� ihere is a Iegal pnkecJing�hal may significamly affm Lender'i righu 5�1,�.;:.-� �(�d.7-!:;_.._,. <br /> i _ „a..t�-� <br /> ;{� �, <br /> - � .in Ihe Pmperty fwch as a prma�tiing in bunArup�cy, for mixlenmatinn or to enfnrcc latrs or regulalions).then Lender may Jo .'.;Y:,'}:;:ti:;'?�� <br /> _ � . Y�...;, � y <br /> �.'.. <br /> __-����: _ nni pay mhaterer ic necec+ary to protni�he valur ni th;Nopen�•anJ I�enJer's riFM, in�he Prnpeny, including paynxm of �.r �;,��•i-",.�', <br /> �axcs,hararA inwrancc anJ oihcr i�cros mrntinned in ry•�ragraph L n- � "''`"':�tS.;;�x: <br /> .�, <br /> ` {._ <br /> .. Any anwums dishunpl I,p LcnJcr unJcr Ihiti paragraph.h:dl h::onx an nJJninnal dcM nf&+rrn�ccr anJ bc>ecumA by� . ' !. <br /> � tEi.Sccuri�y Inslrumcm.Thcx amaunls�hall M:v im�vr.i Gmn Ihc Ji.bnntm.n6 at Ihc No1c a��hc oplion of '. R ` � - <br /> ,,.i `'..':*ti,: <br /> �a .�. �. fxn�cr.shall bc imntnliatcly duc and payaM1le. ',.i�;�_..'c}_;-.i.. <br /> –no� � :-:t•`-r.. ,-:o.:��-. <br />_ - 7. Condemnallon. 17�e proceed.of anr award ar claim Inr Jamage�. Jim� nr con.eyuenf+al. in mm��etion �eiih any - n���.�� �:� <br /> ;ti.�,t�i..,: . <br /> mndemn��inn nr nthcr�akin nf an �n of�h¢Pro n�•.ar for amrc an�r in L�m nl ronJcmnalinn.arc hcrcb axsi ncd and :.1%;'Fi`:'j:+;'' ;.• <br /> . .. F YP� R > P Y' F .. r!5;�,_.. <br /> - shall bc paid m l.endcr tn�hc cxtcm of the full anmum nf thc indd+��Jnc„�ha� rcmain,un�uid unJcr ihe Rnlc aiM Ihis Sccurily .` . <br /> .. Imlrumcm. I.cnJcr}hall apply wch pnxr.J.t�i 16.rcJuatinn of thc inJchnvinc..unJcr Ihc ho4 anJ�hi.Sc vrily Inarumcnl. ° . . . . <br /> .. finl ln any Jclincrycnt amount. appiinl in �hc ordcr prmidrJ in �:��:��:���i, i. anJ Ih.n lo prcpaymcnl of princip:d. Any . .., . . .. ' <br /> .� , applica�ion ..f�he pnstitd. io �hr prin:ipii .hall not eVCnJ ur �x,.!pnr.c �he dut J:ec of Ih. m�+mhl� paymenb. ��hi:h :�rt - . .. . <br /> . -. �-0BINEI .�.p..c � <br /> s <br /> :Ij � . . <br /> . . <br /> , .:. . <br /> :. <br /> ' < _ "'_'__-,._.,_...._____. . . . .�, "_,. . _,. . _ _ i <br /> _ - .11ep. . ._ ,.� . _ . . _ , . .. , . u.xf:��. .. . . <br /> .. � ' <br /> , ' •�:'- ,�� .. � . . ' . . <br /> . ' <br /> < .. �� `}• � . ". _ ___. ��.. . .. _. _._. . ._____._ . � <br />