l . . . �,. _ _.. ._.. . .--
<br /> / '
<br /> f � . r. . a i' - _ _ f._
<br /> ! ...+ wf�w�wMr.zx�rpwii�r_.-..3c__. _._
<br /> .� � �. — ._�__�
<br /> -� • . . 93•� �.o�Qan "
<br /> T608TfIfiR WITIl. nll tlio ImprovenxNe pow or licralfccr ercctcd pn �lie property, and all cnump��l,,:dgfu,._
<br /> �ppurtNanr,es.rcnts,royaitlw.minerel,oil end gae rlghte aM pmfita,wntu dghia dnd stak and all Oxtdtw pnw:uthereif��t q"..`. ��
<br /> pan of thc properiy. All rcpiuttnunu end additlore ahill eiso 6e coverc4 by ihle Securiiy Ins�iume�t. All'of iAe.fes,gofng le :'.".
<br /> rckrttd to In tAis Secudiy Instrunxnf m tho"Propeny."
<br /> __ BORROW[iR COVIiNAN7'9�hat Bortower Is lewtully seiscd of�he estata hcroby mnvcycd end hns the dgh�to gnnt nnd
<br /> com•ry tha Propcny nnd�hat tho Propeny la unencumbcrod,oxocp� for encumbranca of rccord. Oorrower warrnnie and wlll
<br /> defencl generelly tlio tiile to�ho Propcny ngalns�ell ctelme¢nd demaid�,subJm�o eny cncumbranca of rxord.
<br /> ,--. ._ '-; �..�.,,...,.,�,�-.--.
<br />� 1.Pnymrnt ot k'rincl{wl,lntenst�nd tate Charye.ifortox•cr shall pay whcn due�hc principal of,end imcrest on,lhe
<br />_---- debt cvidenced by�ho No�o and lato charga due mder Ihe Noio.
<br /> .��7Laip
<br /> =�� 2, �fonlhly Fnymente oi Taxa, [nsunnce and Other Charges, Dorcax•er shall include (n each momhly paynxnt,
<br />=�`S� together wlih tho pdncipal end interest ns set Potth in lhe Nole end any Imo cherges,an InslnUmenl of eny(a)Ipxca and spalal
<br /> ==�;z�
<br /> �i,�.�:�� asscssmm�ts lovled or to be levicd agalnu �hc Propcny, @) Icaschold paynxnq or grouml rcms on ihc Pmperty, end (c) —
<br />--a�: preminms Por insurenw requtred by pangmph A.
<br />_.:.i�_1.^
<br /> ..�r:y
<br /> �" a`rc � Rach rtamhly installment for items(a),@),end(c)shall a�ual ono-�a•d(ih of Uic ennual emoums,ns rcasonably cstimated
<br />-'.•.��� by Lendcr,plus an emoum su(ficiem a maimain en addhional batenoe of no�moro ibxn onasix�h af�he estinuted nmoum�.7'ho
<br /> e��;°�i;a full annual emount for qch i�em s6a11 bc eccumuletcd by I.cndcr within a period cnding onc month beforc an Hcm would
<br />� "'`�"t� became delinquent. I.ender shall hoid die emounte mlleGCd in trus� to pay iiems (o), (b), and (c) before they become
<br /> _ -.`iP ` —
<br /> - - - °- dclinqucm. �" ..." -
<br /> i_,.�_,_,.-'. _
<br /> -�N-'('�.r- I(nt any �ime �he iotal of�hc payments held 6y Lender for i�enu (o). @). and (c), together with the fueurc momhly ---
<br />-.ii.r�,;+;_'.; paymems for such itenu payable�o I.ender prior m�he duc dales of such i�ems,exceeds by morc ihan onasixth the estima�ed �----
<br />>�..,�,;:.:1_', �';;.
<br /> amount of paymenis rcquircd to pay such items when due, and if paymenls on Ihe Note nrc cvrtem, then Lender shall ctther ��;.yp-;
<br /> "" rcPoM �he excess over onrsixih of�he ex�imaied paymems nr credit ihe exccu over onasixlh af�he estlnuled paymente lo "
<br />_ .;::,�::.:.�;
<br /> '��,,'- ����!; subscqucm paym;nls by Oorro�vcr, e��hc ap�ion af Elorrowcr. If thc totel of�hc payments madc 6y 13ono�vcr Por item(e),(b), _.
<br /> '<.'.;•>i__�::t,
<br /> ._;,��.�e", or (e) is fnsufficiem �o pay �he Item when due, �hen Oortower s6all pay m Lender eny emoum necessary ro ntake up tho
<br /> ��:+w'„.:.`*- de(eiency on or before�he da�e�he i�em becomes due.
<br />".^'- .Yc'
<br /> '•'-�:..]; �" As used in�his Securiry Insuumen6 "Secrciary" means�he Secrc�ary of flousing and Urban pevelopment or his ar her
<br /> -=:r..v.;>.•;� . . . .
<br /> ..._ -`---- , _.. ._. . _
<br /> � 32mguec. (0&Tq ycd� ���iri�iei� ii�c I.axler nrvoi pry x mmigugc nuumnao pecmmm iu Ihe S�xrttary, c�cn muniidY paYmen� . .. . .
<br /> %`�'�"�-� ?. shall ulsa include ei�her.(i)an installment of�he annual mongage Insumnee premium to be paid by Lender to�he Secretury,or
<br /> -'�;•�'.`;���,,�� (fi) e momhly charge Im�ead of n mongage insurance premlum if �hts Security Inswnxnt is hcld 6y �he Secrctnry. G��eB __
<br /> S � �j).�; monthly inanlhnem of�he mongage Insmm�m premium shall he in nn amoum sufficiem�n nccumulate the(ull annunl mm�gnge -�
<br />-����{ji��{it�;: insumnce premium wiih Lender nne mnmh prior�o�he da�c ihe full unnual mongage insurnnce yremium is due io the Secre�ery, ---� --
<br /> :;..,-..;;_�..,;, or if ihis Securi�y lasuumem is held by �he Secrc�:�ry,e.xh monOdy charge shall be in an nmount equal �o ono-twclllh af u"4
<br /> ono-half percent of the omnanding principal balnnce due nn�he Noic.
<br /> r
<br /> If Oomnrer�enJen m l.enJer�he full paymem af all snmt secured by ihis Stturiiy Inurwnem, Darfower's acenum sholl �[_-^�-�----
<br /> bc cttvlited tvilh Ihe balam�c remaining for all inal:dhnc�tlx for uems 4U. lh). and (cl and any mnngage inwra�xe prcmlum (�; r. .'_--
<br /> installment�hm Lender has nnt become nbli a�eJ�n � �o ihe Secrce� �nd Lender sh;Jl rnm HI•re(und an•excess funds lo ( -r-�
<br /> -- ' F P�Y 7'.. P { 7 ) ` -
<br /> ; - ��• Wmoo•cr. Immcdiatcly prior m a faralown .alc nf ihc Pmpcnp or iu aaryisi�ion hy I.cnJcr. Onrro�rcr's acmum sh�ll be f � '.
<br /> '�_..._°:.: crcdiced wlth am haL•mcr�•��.,��:i::g C::r�I7 'v�,in�imcnl.f.��itmina fal.lhL nnd k). �..-' - .
<br /> rt:�^ :
<br /> j � �� - �,�tiz.;:
<br /> 1.� -.�i.�U :
<br />�'}_ Y1:.�-0.- 9.Applltatton o!Parmrnu.:111 paymcm.nnJcr par.�,r,�,i>1 aM:shall hc applicd h�•ItnJcr.0 follons: _� __..
<br /> + i��!)'( �� Pin�.�n�hc rm,nt.�gr inwr�ncr prcnuum to 6c paid M Isrdar�a ih:Sr:rc�aq�nr m il:c momhly chargc 6y thc Secrc�ary °, i � -=.:
<br /> �t,��-, irolcad of the mnmhly nn,ngagc inzur.mce prrinium: } ,,. ,� ;:_
<br /> .._ 1.F1j... ScaonJ,lo an�� laac..s�ktial a.,c•.mcnt.. Ice.chuld p,nmrnt.or grnand ren1..anJ firt. Il�xd anJ rnhcr hamrJ imumn:c , t . a,.. .r ��.::...
<br /> :�.;i�._. ,r 1..�,:_..
<br /> premiimt.�i.rcyuind: .,�:�;J����-:•-�:.-,
<br /> ��'r� 7'fnrd.�n imcrn�duc und.r�hc\otc: _:� '
<br /> �,
<br /> Founh.la:nnnmia�ion af�hc�����,��:�i�,r a„Vo�¢: -
<br /> „ - Piflh.lo lalc ih.r.gt>duC unde�Ih¢Vnle .,, .
<br /> �70
<br /> - .. . �-0iLNE4 o.r- -< �:: .,_ ,�����. ' .
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