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y��..1 ...• F_._. . . � . � <br /> /`+. � <br /> . . - :i. �,e '.�..nvT;�� t - .__��:_.—. " -- ..a. r.. . _ .. <br /> L ��,� - --- ` . - �g»�U!9'���! <br /> -- .. Bcrtowu m�Y u+n woh � dNouH �ntl-rnY�oNle, ae DrorWed��yiGh 18, bY uueNp Ihe � on a pra�0 Ib tr�: -. <br /> , • d�MS�M xflh�NIMp U�t.(n Lenders pooC H11h dalannin�UOn,precWdra IwlaRur��tAe Baroww�Nlxrst in ih�%qPNy df"�---�, <br /> � ot�a mftaMl Ynp�kment ol ih�Ym aea1M by thie 8ecurNy InsWmenl or lender'a aewiNy Bterest. Bonoww�hall Ysb W N . . '- <br /> dehuN N Dortowa�MMq lh�b�n�ppYUllon Prouae,p�ve mHeA�Ay lals�cr N�aunU inlar�wibn or�tetMt�nU to LendM(a'�, � <br /> Q,,,�,� LtM lo pro'M�UnA«w11h�ny muMU Inlorm+tlan) N wnmetlon xTth Ne bm trW�neW by th�Nott,NaLdinp. Dul nd <br /> - iMIW lo. �prnmiWOna eonarrN9 Bortowere oecup�nry o1 the CropMy �e � pMdpN resW�ncs. 11 thp S�curNy <br /> --^°��F".=a tneWmenl le on a le�aehold, Oortowa eh�7 wmpy wNh �0 1he proWslone ot I�e leue. II Borrower tequ4ta tM We to Ih� <br />'�`-2������ PropMy,Ihe leesehold�nd the lea IiUe ah�0 nol mxpe unitse LenAer�yreae lo I�e merpa N wiflhg. <br />-:�":'�;i"":�� 7. proUollon ot l�nd�r9 Rlghb In lhe Property. u eonowe� ia:�e to peAorm Ihe wrm�nU mtl eyrnmanle = <br />=_rL1-'!_.>-.4r� ' tont�ined ki Nb Beadry InsWmml. or Ihere le � Popii proceedny Innt may alqidficanlry �n¢CI lmAere d9hla N 1��ProDnN —_-_ <br /> ;--�-'F"y(�Y,�;! (aueh u n q�np In bnnlwptry,probale,br wndcfm�lion or loddluro or to mloru qwe or requ4Uone),Nm Undw m�y _ _ <br /> -- 3 do en0 pay lor whalever Is neuss�ry lo proleU iho vaNe ol Iho Property end Lendere d9hle N Ihe Proporty. LendK6�cUone - , <br /> �- ip-- Y WS'hY Y Y P �Y b D C �•�•• _ � .. <br /> t { i .�$. m� Ndude �n aume eewretl b • Gen whieh hee rio�f oru thl� 8ecuri In+wmmt. � peuln N court, p�yln9 •_- <br /> reoson�0le�ttaneys'Ice� end enteAng on Iha Properry to make repe4e.Nlhough Lenda mey leke ecuon unda Ihia D�r�yaph p]j�Ja���. , <br /> ��_ 4nU�., 7.Lmda doce nol hara lo do so. -'`a�,1,�'�`3°�y,� r,; <br /> n: ; My �mounls dlsOUreod by Lender under peragraph 7 ehe➢ 6ecomo eddNonal debt ol Bortower aeare0 by lhb BewAty �_ �,� ,���.-� <br /> + '-� InsWment. Uniese Bortowtt end Lmdn apree to olher temis ol paymenl, Ihese emounU sha0 bear Nleresl Lom the d�le ol - 15jt��-' <br /> �(�,`�i',�; disbmeemenl el Iho Nole rale end shuu bo payebla,with ime+es4 upon nollce Irom Lender to Borrower requestNg D�Ymhu• `'�r" qy ti�n_�-kf�- <br /> B� MOApepe InallrAnoB. II lentler required mortgage Nsurance ea e condlon ol meking �he loan sewred Gy thb i�, a Il <br /> �„ � �.� 3earity InsWmeN. Bortonur sha0 pay the prenBmu re�+ired lo melnlaln Ihe mongage Nsur�nce N etlecl.II,br�ny ruson,the ���-`Y�-r9��rya,:�.. <br /> _r modqaqa Ineurance croven3o rcqWred by Lender tapees or oc+xs� lo be in eXee1. Bortower aha11 pay Ihe proiY�ms requYed to :.',.�.,.;. ., �.,k��<�. <br /> `� � '- ebtxn coveraqo su05Wnsa!y equMalenl lo the mortgage sswance p�erkus'y H aYecl, nl e msl svb9zWaTy cq�Melmt lo lhe ". �S�r{,`,i���'� ._ <br />+ ����j��-:� mst to Bortancr of tAe moh9a9e Insuranca prwiousry n e7xt hom en ¢ittmata mang3yn hwrcv aypro-rc-0 by LmAer. I� �_ -����� ._ <br /> . ;y;,`t;;.,{ti substaaTfl?y equha�ent mortgage Insuranca coverage is nol ava'aD�2,BCrtOwQT Shd� p3Y �O LE9C?l E4lGA R:O(IV1 G eum eqwl lo ,,:(; �_: <br /> ""�� f�'�� ona�IweHlh o��he yeary mortgage Insurance preMum Oeing pa'd by Ba+m.x whe�the(ns�mnca covcrag3 hyseG or eeasetl lo � - ___— <br /> �3':�;� 6e In etlect. Lendxr ni7 accepl.uso end releln�hese payments as s bss rwetie in 6eu ol mortq3ga hsumnca. Losa reserve �t :,�,�� <br /> 4 ° �- paymenls mry no longtt Oo Ihe opucn ot lende.M motlp�9a Insma::c :rrerago(�the a:��ht a-d for Ihe pMod - ;; �` _A -- <br /> 1 ��� y!]�� ihel Lmder requ'fes) provide0 Ey an Nsurtt apD�ovetl Cy lender agnln becomoa avalable end b eblolaad. Donowcr nha0 pay t(�i � 7 --- --' <br /> �< f�'{ Ihe premWnd reqWred to maintan mortgage insmance in eNec4 or to proNdo a losa �eserve,vntii ihe reQu"vemmt lor morlgape f '�: �P`�". ' <br />:;'Fzf ��j';� insuranra endf in eeur6nnco wilh en wrilten e recmenl behveen�ortorrer end Lentler or appGw6le Inw. -���(ri,r,�!,';;: <br /> � I$��},�, r e <br /> !}� y�,a: 9. IOBPBCHOO.lentler or IIS agenl mey make�easonable entdea upon end Inspeclions ol Iho ProOeRy. Lmtler aha0 gHe ' p'c t - <br /> } ����+�����f� Bortower no0ca el Ihe Cme ol or pdor lo en inspedion spectt�7ng reasonehle cause lor Iha Inspeclion. � � = <br />,,�y��5��j,���;�'.{ 10. COndeTnatlotl.Tho proceeds ol eny nwa�tl or da�m lor damegos,dred or consequentlal,in conneUion wiih any :�'� <br /> � ll��r„� wndcmnalion w o�hn WWng ol any parl ol iho Properry. or lor conveyanw In lieu ol eondemna0on. ere hereby essigned and � .-- <br /> �l� : ��h��_ sha�ba peld lo Lendtt. l �f Jf7- <br />=t- . � .' � In the ermt ol e lolal Wking oi lhe Properry. Iho proceeas ahall 6e applied lo ihe sums seared by Ihls Seaidy ':c-drn(; <br /> :- ,� } i,:` n,_��.;' <br /> InsWmenl,whether o�nol Ihen tluo.wilh any excese paitl ta Uortower. In tha erent ol e paalal IaWng ol lho Property in which '��; � �t p?��, - <br />=i��� ' �[%;�� Ihe la�r ma�kel ralue o1 the Pro e hnmeSal bolore Iho lekin Is eQual lo or realer �han Iho amounl ol Ihe sums securetl ��`��i-�-- l-+.�- >-- <br /> ,o.A...� P M MY 9 9 �.arl.,:°•s.?-+>:'.=__ . <br />, �' ", <br />.'v,__ -_;i�aW; by Ihis Seadry InsWmenl immetluley belore Ihe t�k4�g. uniess Bortowcr end Lender olhercdso agree in mNng. Iho aums ,5�,��,.;q.,�.;Sy;,�°� <br /> ( "��((������ 6ewretl by Ihie Secudry Inalmmenl s�all Ga reOUCeG Ey�he emoum oi mo proceeds mui�ipneu uy fia ioiiowing irawvn: (aj ihe - g �,_-_�-- <br /> '�•�i;l;�ts��_i;ss} 101al amo�ml ol lho suma sewred �mmedialcly belore Ihe faking.drcided by (b) Iho lair ma�kel va:ue ol lho Ptopedy immedaley '��j�'�S;l�!}jl��ryo=e:£,�i{"' <br /> -V�{X��i�. beloro Iha fa{ing.My bn�ance aha�l be paid lo Oorrower.In Ihe erant ol e pxnul Wking of�he Pmperly In which Ihe lair markel ''j �(�;�� .A <br /> � ��$ .�,t�j?���� vslua ol�ho Roperry Mmedutely bElore Ihe Iakln9 Is fet5 Ihan Ihe emouni ol lhe sum5 SeWretl Immed'ately beiore Iha laking. -';��t 'S,}�"�° 31�:kp-=: <br /> �ii /� t�� unlesa Bonower end lentler olhervASO a reo in w�ifn or unless e Gwble law othervAsa rovides, Iha roceeds aheA 6e '��44����"";4- <br /> �F� h i ��t�_ 9 9 PP P P .:SY' v/�l�p���'t��.'�}' � <br /> y� �.�, r applred Io Ihe aums sewred hy Ihis Sewdry Insimmenl v�helher or not Ihe sums e�o Ihen due. { i� s,+,�f._. <br /> _ ��+�� ,; Il lhe Propeily Is ebendonetl by Bortower. or A. n(ler nolico Uy Lmder to 0ortower thal Iho wndemnor oNns ta mako en �j�¢( im}, �� <br /> --.,sv,�.�; eward or seNe e daim lor damages. Dortower (als lo respond b lmder withN 30 tlaye etlM Iha dala Ihe noliee Is BNen, ;,?;}��ti�;f�{�'_'_ <br /> - Lmder is euNOdzed lo coliecl and epply Iho p�oceetls. al fla option. either lo resloralion ar repair ol lho Properly or lo Ihe ','�- ,c si�- <br /> •�;•���, sums sewred 6y this Security Instrumenl.whelher or not Ihen tlue. . � � �i��� <br />:;y� - Unless Lender antl Borrower olhe�wise a9ree in wrilinQ. eny apD�����on ol proceetle lo pdndpai 6ha0 nol u1end or ���j�� !���:r- <br /> " poslpono Iho tluo dale ol Iho manlhly paymems rc�erteE lo N pa�agrephs 1 and 2 or change Ihe emounl ol auth paymenls. ' -{-! ,_ <br /> �- in�?ti 11. Borrower Not Roleasod: Forbuarance By LendBr Not e Welver.Exlension of Iho Ilme lor paymenf or - •'! '-� <br /> modficallon of emortixalion ol thn sums secured by lhis Sewrity Inswmenl granled by Lender lo eny auceessor in interost ol 1;�?�i� i � <br /> � - ..3;. �.. { t�, ,�:, <br /> "��^•�7� Bortower shali nol ope�ala to release Ihe Iu6diiy ol lhe odginal Oorrowtt or Bortower's sucressors in Inlcresl. Lender shell not .-{;�F__'lra.s;. <br /> ."�:.n <br /> -„- 6o reqWred lo commenco proceeafngs egainsl any successor in in�ttest or reW9e lo exlentl time for paymenl or otherviise ` -i�;yr�itf�".')�+� <br /> ti- -+:" modify emotlixetlon ol lhe sums secured Dy Ihis Secur:ly Inslmmeni by reason ol any demand made by Ihe originel Bonower or _ �Q�J�#O��11�Y; <br /> ��j - t �//� Bortower e successors in inleresl. My lo�bearance 67 Lender in exxdsing any righl or remedy sha7 nol be a waHer ol or r �� i 7} <br /> --� �'' preclude the exerciso ol any rigM o�remedy. r . �t `>�}i �:��1.'_- <br /> � - - �•��-'' 12. Succosaore end Assi ns Bawid; Jolnt and Soverel Lieblllt ; Co-sl nore. Tho covmams ona I �� i :�? • <br /> _ : 7y.: .-:; fl Y 9 . )�..,�, - <br /> "•'�y+y',"/;•}•; egreemenls ol lhis Sewrity Inslrumenl shall b�nd and benefil the successo�s antl essigns ol LenUe�nnd Dorrown,sub�eel lo Ihe '�")�t.�,7 , <br />-r,,.',�.;�i���T�" prorisions ol para9raph 77. Borrowr.'s eorenants and egreemenls shail be joinl enA sereial My Bortower who co�signs 1ha �"a. ��.f�'-. _ <br />^�!"�r�+'�✓1��� Sewriry Inswment but Uoes not exewte Ihe Note. (a)is coa�g�7ng Ihis SecunP�mshumenl ony Io motlgage.granl end wnvcy " 7'. -- � ��� - _ <br /> �.�I'�;. Ihal Borrowx's inleresl in Ihe Pwpedy unCer Ihe le�ms ol Ihis Securily In5lrvmenC �b) is not pe�sonaly o6Lgaled lo pay Ihe . � ,_ <br /> . .� . � <br /> � � aums secuttE by Ihis Secmily InslromenC and(c) ag�ees Ihal Lende� antl any olhe� Boncw<r may a9ree lo exlentl, moUify. 1r�' "��'� <br /> ' lo�bea� or rNke eny eccommodalions n�h �ega�tl lo Ihe te�ms ol Ihls Secunty Inslmmenl or Ihe Note wilhovl Ihat DortOweYb `. . <br /> . ..-1��•�'f. COn5C1�i. . . <br /> _ - � 79. Loan Charpos. n tne �oan secvrea cv m�s Secumy Ins�mmem is su6ject �o a ww which sels marimum loan . - <br /> - . � cha�gea, and IAdt Iax is Fna�1y inle�prrled so Il:nt me mferesl ar olhe� loan char9es collectetl at lo be cotlecled in conneCllon <br /> '- �n� Wlih IhC�DM 11CPPtl I�P PCf1001Ptl IimI15.IhPrt (a)G�y Svth IOdp cha�ge shall be reduceE by Ihe emounl neus5ary lo reduce � <br /> - Ihe charge b Ihe permille0 limh antl @1 any 5um5 aheady<c:'CCletl lrom 8orro�me� which ¢xteeded D��� ��m1s wi.l te � <br /> �� relunAed Io Oonower. Lentler may choose lo nuke Ihis relund ty reCCCEng Ihe p�intipal onrtl under Ihe Nole or by making n � <br /> - . h:"� 0ircd paymenl to Bortowec II a re'c�tl rctlures p�in6paL Ihe ietlucicn wul 6e trealetl es e panial plepaymml wilhout any • � <br /> - piepaymenl charge untler Ihe Nole- <br /> - 74. NONCBS.My no4ce lo Donoae�p�m�tlea fo�m Ih�s Secanly Instrurer. 5^a7 be gben Gy Ee�ne�inq il or by ma0ing� <br /> � � hy firel ua55 mad uniCSi app'�caL�e lar.repm�es vse ol ano��e• ��MhcC The r.o':ce shai��e Mecled lo Ihe P�ope�ry AdOress <br /> or any olhp address Boumer ces�y�ales by �rouce �o Lende� Fr� no'ce �o lender s�a' o= given Oy frst Uass r.+a� 10 <br /> �� LenEn s aCGns sta:ea ne�¢�r m an� o1ne� atldress lenCx des�5^��`s b� nobce to Oa�c..e� My noUCe p�mitled lot m R+s � <br /> Secunly Inslmment s�al Oe tleeme0�o hare be?n g.•en lo �o��o•.e� o�lenCe�v.".en gnen ae proefded fn ihis paqgraph. <br /> - � � � _ 15. Oovoroing Law: Severabilily. T��. SCCUM1I� NSIIYT.EYII sna: Oe gorrmetl by Icdcral law end Ihe lav� o� ln! <br /> - � �urfsd�clion �whcA t�! ProO�f �s loca:ed ��� �^e I�at an� prou,n� o�uause o1 �hts Secunry Insimmmt o� ��e 1�v.e <br /> � - eonOlcis nah epp��wb�e lar.. s�.:� co�".c� 5�39'0'dMep� pl[M 0'�+�4�0�5 0� IhfS Secuury msimmrnl or tne No�e w��cn r.» ee <br /> ' - gNen ellecl ntlhoul Ihe o�o...n+ To��: oc0 P•e O�o��>Ans 01 Ih5 SPCVnty In51mmM1 an0 I�e NOie 2tC d¢Ga�3Q(o <br /> -- � be sererable. <br /> �� _�: � ' 16. BOROW6��5 CO(lY. Oorrowe� zna7 0+gven one wnlo�metl wpy ol Ihe Nole and ol Ihis Sewnly�nsirvment <br /> . .' . :� fU�5irI009» .r � � _ <br /> .. . •_�..�9 � <br /> - �, � . .. _ . . ._ . � - " <br />