- �,��€hi - `�'r .i. . � -� .. � _:_ ._ � . . . . ., ._.__,_ ._ ..
<br /> .r. `.,- _._- ., ..: w.-:iuL�.....�_ . ' -
<br /> � ' _
<br /> i. �������
<br /> ` �^���;�:�=� .... �� ... —
<br /> . TOOETHEfl VATH �i 1M 4rpor�mxN nox or hKwAN x�cled on th�p�opNly,�nd �9 Mf�m�nb.�ypc+l�ii�ricM wd�.�
<br />- - . AaurN now a hKwflx�pfh of Ihe property.Ni rpNeetntnle�nd�tlGllon9 th�tl�yo be oWaed Dy IA'a Bettvky In�Wm�nl -
<br /> ' � M ol lhf latyoh�7 U rot�rte0 Ia N thle Beeud�Intwmmt u 1��'Pwperty.' �
<br /> BOflRCWEfl COVENANfB IhH Borrown(e 4whAy eelietl of lha nl�le hKeOy oonvryed�nd hN Ih� �A1 lo{ytnl dnd ..
<br /> Y�a�■ eonr�y t�e Propary�nA I��t Ih1 PropeM1y Is unmcumbaed, except tor enambraneea ot rao�0. 5arowH w�mnle�nd wl
<br />=:,rn�g�� E<fenA pmenOy�h�6tle lo Ne Propary eydnst�11 ehUro�nd dmunEe,auOJeq lo�ny encumbnnaea ol t�wt0. ___
<br /> THI9 6ECUfli1V IN97flUMEM combinee nal(mm eovenmts lor n�lion� ua �nE nonunNOrm cov�n�nl� wflh irnN�d
<br />;��.}� vul�tlonf by pds6clbn lo eonsNule�unHOmi tewdry hswmml wreMy rtN propttry. __
<br /> ..�.�-_., UNffORM COYENAMB. Bortower md Lender wvxunt�n0�yrN a loTOwr.
<br /> t. P�ym�nt o}Ptinoip�t �nd Int�ncti Pnp�ym�nt �nd 6�ts Chup�t.6orrower�nai v�omDU/D+�y Wnm
<br /> °' -� due Ih�erindyd ol�nC N�aesl On Ihe debl evldmud by the Note�nd�ny preprymen{�nd kU eh�rpa due under Ih�Nots. �Ti�d �- '—
<br /> 2. Funda tor T�x�i �nd Inaunna.abkn�o.ppMabie ww or�o e verinen w+ka by I.mde., emowa�hu p.y
<br /> lo Lendtt on Ihe dey montMy Feymmle era du�undn t�e Note. unl�Ihe Note b paid N fu0.�eum('fundf7 lur: p)Ya�N F^9"<c""'F7+Tbewcs�'.r
<br /> . __`^�, tu�e �nd �ssessmrn�e whieh m�y�tt�N pAwNy ovn Ihb Seariry InsWmmt�e � Gm on Ih�PtopMy. N)Y�b �NSMOIA �n�, i ____
<br /> p�ymmte or qround rmU on tha PropMy.II tny. (o)ycaRy hozard or propttry heunnco prertJume; (�yeuy Aood Neunnu , .,�. ��,
<br /> t�� - -� �I�� premlum�,H my. (e)yeary mongage Insunnw premlume,il eny,and(q eny aume pay�ble by Bortown lo londd h�CeaMnee � '��'! ' aY;_ ii,�-
<br /> +,`t with Ihe proYlslon� ol paz�graph B, N tieu ol mo payment of mortgaqe Insu�enw preMUms. ineso Items ee wltd 'Eaaow ,5±�, „ .-5 '� ^ :•-.
<br />�r -4 - ''�,�, Items.' Lmder may. al eny Gme, eolled end hvid Funds In en emount nol lo exceetl Iho mWmum emounl e Imdn for• _,,, - '� �i :
<br /> -�� �x�: �edm4y reWled mo�gage loen may requ4e lor BortoworS nvon eaounl undn lhe lederel Ile�Estele Settlemml Procedure7 �,t °�_ -'�ct r�
<br />-_,.�.:-�.�;.r.�� Act ol f071 ee nmended Irom IMa lo Iime.12 U.SC.8 2G01 et se¢ ('�SPA'�. unlese enolhtt kw thal epplce to the Funde �Sg_s,J, 'l,�,_ ::,���.
<br /> � ._� a ':
<br /> - ;y<<. aele a less^r emounl. II ao. Lmder may.aL eny tlme,co0ecl en0�d0 Eunds N an amount nol lo auxc� Ue lesser eroo�nl. ,Y,�r y ^s,: -:
<br /> '�"r � ,,, lmdv ma�rstmi'e the emounl ol Funds Ne on Nrs DasU ol curtenl0ati ena reasonablo uslYnaVS3 01 e'r.�enQwros ol Ntura �.-, c� . - ,;:'�!:-
<br /> i ��S +�� '.;; Esaon U.ma a othervAse In eccordanco wiln appuaWe dn. � t ,. ,: ;
<br /> v ���i; Thrp FunQt sha0 bo hetd in�n hstiluUon whose depoztt5 aa�ns�ved Ey e federel oqenq.InsUUme++ia.i�y.p�n6ty Qnduding ,-s '-��
<br /> �*� . ��31�r:iy. laach+,�lmder b aueh en Instinnlon) or in eny Fedc.al Homn Loan Wnk Lender shall eppy Iho Fw.da to Wy No Esaow '. �
<br /> - '� {' ttmu, lmd+rn3y noi ehargn Bortowe�lor holQng anA nppyiny Iha Funds.ennually onalyting Ihe zswh acwu�t er veviyNy :_" � -�5 iti��--.
<br /> � -,�i�-����?' the Escrow F.ercu, unleae Lenda paye Bortowe intttesl cn Ihe Funds s�d eppliwblo kw pertnib lmdx lo mita such • .i;(� 4"7y��+=� '�-
<br /> Msrge. Ho�rern, tender may requRe Bono���tt to p�y a cnrEme cherga lor en Indcpcndent �eal est�:a tax rcportHg servka ?� 144�,�._.
<br /> � usM 6y Lendtt h eonnecllon rri5h ihle loan. unless eyflEwO!e �aw povides olhemise. Unisaa m egoemml b nuCa a -: 7 r,s�.z�,
<br /> " ep�Tr„a:{e 4w requ4es Inleresl la be paid, Lentler sha7 not Ee�equ4ed lo pay Bortower any Nleresl or camtnpe on the fl:nQa. .. � 4����
<br /> �� ` �. Bo:rower and Lender may agrco In wtlting. however. Iha� Ntc+esl sha7 bo pe�d on Ihe Fur.da.Lender shall qhe lo Bw-rower, v;, 1(� � � +e t'-��
<br /> . :'L �vBhom crarpt_en ennual eccounting ol Iho funds. showing aetliu end de6ila lo Ihe Funds end ihe Duryose lor whicA eaeh 1`i�;;. �7�',-a���4
<br /> 'r:r'r...:'�`i,z`.. - i .,1.:
<br /> deNl lo Iho F�:+�s was mado. The Funtls ere p�edged es edd0onel sew�ry lar ell sums eewred 6y Ihe Seeufiy InsWmenl. '�- 1•�"�,_��y..,;_��;
<br /> -� � 11 Ihe Funas neld by LenACV exceed Ihe amounla permitled lo be he�d by eDpliwCle Ww,Lentler sha7 eaaunt�o Bortower �- j�',; �`c ��� "• �
<br /> '� �'� lor Iho exceea funds in eccordance wilh Ihe reQUtremenls ol epplirable 13w.11 Iha emounl ol 1ho Fund�heid by LenOer et eny :V� . - ;'f''r;.�
<br /> � ' 4Tx la not eufOCienl lo pay ihe Eauow Ilems�rhen duo, LenEer may so no�dy Oonowet in writing. enq In such case fl0rtower � t-f. ,,;_
<br /> � ���,.�; ��; sh37 pay�o Lentler Ihe amounl nttossery lo meko up Iho deGClenry. Donorrer shall maka up Iha de6denq N no more lhan ., .�'.•;'!i�..;
<br /> - . nvHre reonihy payments.el LenOer a sole Olsaetlon. � - � .-;
<br /> � - : '�,j{. Upon paym[nl In htl ol e0 aums secured 6y Ihis Seariry Instrumenl. Lender sha0 prompify mNnd lo Bortower any Funds . _ � � � <'°- -,.
<br /> ..��} .� hdd by Lender. IL undtt paregraph 21.Lender sha�acquire or sell Iho Propeny. Lender.pdor lo Ihe ecquis:tian or sale of iho .r �7�,��
<br /> �"'"��' � - k Property, shall n en FunAe held b Lender et Iho IMa ol ecqulsitlon or aalo es e creRn e inst tte sume soared b ihls ��:� �•1�•"a�=�-
<br /> �9i.ui:'i1.:t_ PP�Y Y Y � Y G�,.�.��`Y'T�'-_
<br /> ,�r Gj. �_y" Secumy Ins'vumenL � --° - -
<br /> 3. A Iieation o1 Pa mante. Uniess e lieable bw roNdes oihmvise. e!I r eenis recn�rd LenUtt nnder ° ' �r�� �
<br /> xi. - PA Y PP P P•1� d/ �-�S S + ��� -.
<br /> paragrapha 7 pnd 2 sha0 ba apDlietl: (xs6 !o eny pwpaynum chargee duo untler Iho Nole: se:md, lo emnanb payxC�e undcr tl�
<br /> � , paregraph 2:Ihi�d,lo inleresl due:lourth.lo principal due: ena hsl.lo eny Wle chargea tlua unCx Ihe Note. -.��}. .
<br /> ���'^ 4. CbefgBb; LIBn9. Oortower shall paq au laxes. assessmems. cnvges. fines and Impositians e!IrDWabio to ITe _ i��`�}'i,;
<br />- ' !l�� ` Properry whlch may ailein pdoriry orer Ihis Securiy�Inslrumenl.end Ieasehold paymenis or pround renb.i�nny. Bonower eha! ��.,5.;�`,���7��;;
<br /> pay ihese obligalions in Iho manner proviAatl in Daragraph 2. or il nol paitl h Ihal manner, 6onoWer shall WY Ihem On Oma :--:,-• i°����
<br /> „ ' drecity lo Ihe person onetl paymenl. Bo�rowa shall promp�ty lumish la Lender ell nolicos ol emouma lo be pald under Ihb •� �!'S;�.;:�::-
<br /> - .�� � '- parepreph. II Bortower makes Iheso paymenls dreclty. �orrower shall promplty lumtsh lo Lender receiple eridendng tho . '��-..;," �
<br /> . _ -:.�p,�...;, x�'��
<br /> DnymHll9. �.iy:-'t.('.h
<br /> Dortoveer ahell pwmplry tlischargo any lien�rnich has pdorily orer Ihte Sewrily InstrumeN untese Oorrown: (e) egreos in ;i����_,_�.;_:
<br />� - wAL'ng to Ihe paymenl ol lho obGgailon seeuretl by Ihe lien in e manner ecceplablo lo Lender, (bJ wnluste in Bootl lailh Ihe . ;,. .';�. 7q�`�;.
<br /> -- Oen by, or Eelends egaNsl en(ortement ol lho lien N,legal pwcecCings which in Ihe Lendere opinlon ope�ate to prevent lhe - ? „
<br /> - enlorcemenl ol ihe Oen:or(c) eecmes Iwm Iho ho�der ol Ihe fen an egreemenl salislaclory to Lender su6orSnating Ihe Gen Io Z�,� �� f�;;�t �
<br /> � lhis Sewriry Inslrumenl.II Lender delerMnes Ihal eny pah ol tho Properry is sub�eel lo e lien v�hich may a11aN D�ody orn lhia ����
<br /> ���' Secudry Ins6umenl.len0er mey ghe Bo�rowe�e no�ice Idenfyin8 lho lien.Oartower sha0 ae�isty Iho lim or leke ono or moro ol i��•�1�1�. '��y-•
<br /> - - - , � �: I�e nclions sef lo�7h ebore withN 10 days ol lhe giving ol notice. '�.�r�I'.;'�1'%�. ��t j;
<br /> � 6. Hazn�d o� Proporly Ineurenco. emmner she!I keep Ihc imp�ovemenls now edsling or herealln eredeA on tho �1_ �;y :
<br /> � Propetry insured egainsl loss by fue. naiar�s mctutlea vnlnm Ihe Ie�m 'ealended coverege' enJ eny oiher Auards. Induding 1-. �
<br /> ���r t;�; Aoods ot Ilootling,lot nhi<h Lender requaes insu�ance. ThiS insurance shall be malnlined tn Ihe amounl9 enU lor Iho perlode � f-
<br /> �:�(�:��:.;�� _ Ihal L¢nder cequires. The insuronce carrier pmviaing Ihe fnsurance shall be chosen by Bortowet sub)ecl to Lende�'s epproval � _
<br /> - �' whlch shall nol be unreaaonaby wilhhe�d II Uorroner lails lo mamla�n corerage descnbed above.Lender may. et Lentler s ' .., .„
<br /> ..�"/.ylt��- • -
<br /> ;n:-; - option.oblain wrerage lo pwlec�Lenders righ�s in ihe ProDeny in a<co�dance�vi�h para9raph Z � �
<br />'i. . NI Insumnce policies end renavals shall be acceplable lo Lender end shail inciude e slandarO mortgage Gause. Lender i - ,
<br /> �J�:�-;'�� .� shall hare Ihe Aghl lo hold Ihe po6cies and renewais- II Lender reQUVes. Borrower shail promply 9ive lo Lendet e7 reedpls ol � . '
<br /> ;.- �!%j.0� .��� pa�d pfem�um!Bnd rcnMial noftes. In Ihe Cvenl ol 1055. Oarowe� sha0 gire pmmpl nolite lo Ihe fn5manto Wrtler Bnd L¢nCer.
<br /> :. � :� ' Lende�may make prool ol Icss A nol maOe promptly by Donower. � ,
<br /> ';�,: ' 'a Unlesa Lender and Do�ror.H olheiwise agwe �n mliing.insurance procecCS sha0 6e aDGfied�o reslorelion or repalr of t�o � -
<br /> � ' �"�� Properry tlamaged.il lhe rcslorol�on o� repaL is econom?w!ly leas�ble end Lendeis seturiry is nol Icssmed. 111he reslorallon or .
<br /> � . �epair is nol econom:wlly leas�b�e o� Lender's srcunq r,outd be lessened. �ne hw�ance p�oceeES sha:l be epp+ed lo the sums -
<br /> . sewletl by IWS Sewrity Inslmmenl. vd�ether o� �of Ihen due. riilh eny excess paid lo Oonorrer. II Bcrtower ebandons lhe
<br /> P�opnty. or tloes nol answe� willim 90 days a no(ce ho�+LPndfl Ihdl Ihp m5u�3�CP CamM hd5 0112f¢d IO SPNB a Gaim,Ihen
<br /> .. Lentler may coCecl Ihe insv�ance p�oceetls Lc��CC� may esr I�e p¢ceetls lo rrpai� a �Mtae the Pmpetly or lo pay sums �
<br /> _� •� secureA by Ihls Secmity In5l�umenL whelhe� o��o� �ne�tive 7nc�:�Nay perua.ar.l begn vmm lhe nolice is ghen.
<br /> �I��a'�� Unlees La te� end Bo�wrce� olherv.nc ay�re m raa�n9 any uppuc.bcn ol proceeas lo prinayi sha0 nm er.end o�
<br /> - �� GOSIpOn¢ Ih¢ tive tlalC ol Ihe monlNy papr�NS �MeucJ lo �n paru§�ap1�S � and 2 or ChBngC Ihc d¢[unl CI IhC p3ymen15. 11 _
<br /> � � untle� parayraDh Pl Ihe P�opetly rs acquE�ctl L� ler.Ce�- Paucnv: c5'� �c ecy mswance policas nntl F'ccceds[esul��g Irom
<br /> � wmage lo �Ae F�cperty pno� lo Ihe acywsBron sha'I pasi L- t¢Wer �o t).^ e,lem o� t�e 5um5 by Ihis Se[uriry Inslrumenl
<br /> ��t�� imreeEalery pncr lo ihe ecr,dcCOn.
<br /> -,:, `.� 6. Oeeapancy, ProsorvaHon, Maintenance and Proloction of lho PropaAy; Borrowor's Loan
<br /> ����i_�t ` AppIIC6�lOn; Loaeohold9. Bonower shan oavpY. es�at:rsh. antl vsr 1he PmpMy as Oo��ower's p�ncipal residmce rrilhm
<br />_ . eiRj days nL'M :ee exawlicn ol Ihis Sewilly Insimment end shzA <c�.fnue lo ocwpY me woperry as tlo�ower s prr.apa�
<br /> - �n�denrn Im at/east one year al�e� 1he tlale ol occupanq.un�ess ler._¢r olhenvise agrres in writin9.which consenl sM0 not
<br /> "- " be unreasonably wi:�held-o� un:ess exie�vafng cfrw�u:a+c>s ens� wnicn are beyontl Bo�mwer's eonlrol. Bw�ower s�a7 no�
<br /> � . Oesvoy.dan�age or impa� I�e PmpeNy. aiiow Ihe ompw:�t: ae:e�iorale. or commft wasle on Ihe PropMy- Oo��ower sna]Ce n
<br /> - e<1au11 il eny lodefime aGion or p�oceedmg. nhMhei cnn o�crminaL fs begvn Ihat m Lmder's good laah judgmenl cou10 res�a
<br /> � in IodeiWte ol lhe Pmo�1Y or olherc.ae malcua9V inryart Ihe Len crealed by ihis Secvnty InsWment o� Lender's seCWily inle�est
<br /> � . Fl]161MO11A)1 .a . 'S __
<br /> � .� .� .�. -. �nun+5
<br /> .
<br />