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<br /> � _ � � ' '93-a.o���e
<br /> 17,Tronsfer of Ihe Properly or�Beneflcixl Interat in Barrower.If all or any patt of the Property or eny Intaut In It
<br /> ia eoid nr uanefcrrcd(or if o benMicial Interesi In Borrowcr fe solA or imnaRvud and Borrowcr la not e neturol persoN wi�hout
<br /> l.cnder'e pdor wduen wnxm, L�endcr nuy, a ite option, rcqulrp Immcdiaio paymcnt in full ot nll sums ucur.d by thle
<br /> 3ccufliy(mtrunxm.Ilowevca�hle op�lon shall na�lw cxcrclscd 6y Lcndcr Ileacrcisc is prohibikd by lederal law s�of tha datc
<br /> nf t61e Sccudiy Ins W mcnl.
<br /> .� It l.c�drr excrcltica this option.GenAer shall givo 13orrowcr nolice of aceclemUun.Thc nolico shall ravide e pcdod of nat
<br /> ---- Ics��han i0 Anye fmm Ilw datc tha nolica i� dc�IvercJ or mailcd within which Darrowcr musi pay elPsums stturcd by�hls
<br /> ""'"� Saurhy Insimmem.lf[forro�vcr fails ca pay�heso sums prlor m lho expimtlon of�his perlod, Lcndcr may invoke eny remcdics
<br /> j permlilccl6y�hla Saurlly(nNmnknt wllhont furthcr notiw or dcmand on Rorrowcr.
<br /> „-- , 18. Horruxer'e Rlghl ro Rchulalc. If Ilorrnwer mccu ccrtein condl�loa+, Omrowcr shell havc ihe right �n havc __ ___ _
<br />-- en(orcemenl of ihis Seeurity �nsuumem dlsconqnuM nt eny �ime prlor lo �he caNler oC (N S dnyx (or such o�her pedod as "`�-� -" ��
<br /> eppllcabiv law may Rpedfy far rcim�a�emenp tkfore sale of iho Propcny pursunnt �o any pnwer of snlc cantalncd in �hle �
<br /> _—_--,.a,g Securiiy Inslmmentt or(b)entry af n Judgmcm enforcing�his Sccuri�y Instrument.Those condl�lore ore�hat[iortower.(o)pays =__---
<br />---= I.tnder nll sums which then would Iw dne nnder�hie Securi�y Ins�mment nnd�lie Nme es If no eccelereUon had occurted;(b) _ — -
<br /> ----���+ curc�nny default a(any o�her rnvenams or agraments; (c) pays nll eRpcnsa inwrred in enforcing�his Savrity Insirumen4 ---°--__
<br />'=�'!?�y�yyj Includin@, bm no�Ilmittd ro,rcasona6lc neomc�rs' fces; and (d)takw snch nafon ns I.cndcr may rcasonably rcquirc to essuro =_=-°—=
<br /> .,r�e a��wi�ai Iha1 Ihe Iicn af tlila Sccurity Instrumcnl, Lcndcr s dglus in iho Propcny nnd Dnrrower's o611gntian to pay the snms secured by s� — —
<br /> �iPIYL$' � � �hts Securiiy Instrument shall conlinue unchanged. Upnn rclnslntemeni by Oorm�ver, Ihis Securily 6ulrument end lhe --� �-
<br /> �",�,�� o6lfgnilons saured hereby shnll remaln fally effenlve ns if no uceelemiion had occurnvl. Howerer, this righl lo reinstaie shnll �-�
<br /> �._ -�, -� • - not apply In�hc uhse of acccicreiion undcr pamgreph 17. ,:. .:..�3i-
<br /> � !.�r"`_:tr 19• Snle of Notc� Chnnge oP I.nnn Scrvicer. Thc Noic nr n parUal imcresi in �he Note (iogdhcr�vith ihts Securiiy -� -;,,,��'_-
<br /> � -- l�utrumenq nwy 6e sold one or more limes�viihmu prinr nolice�0 6ormwer.A snle may resul�in n chnnge in�he entl�y(known ��� �*+��,_
<br /> ' a=t.,!i=— -
<br /> :�s thc'Lo:m Servicer')tAat milects monihly paymcmt due under�hc Noie nnd ihh Sccudly Inslmmem.Thcrc alm may be ane .,_,�:-�_-
<br /> or nmrc cTanges of�he Lw�n Servicer unrcla�td lo o sale af We Nom.If�here is a change uf Ihe Loan Servicer,Oorcower wlll be ' �' '�'=°_—�
<br /> _ given written notice af�he change in accoldanR o�i�h pamgreph 14 ehove nnd applica6le law.The notice will siete�he name anA �r c+ �� ._.
<br /> - aAdr.ss af the m�r Loan Sen•icer nnd�hc address to�rhich paymcros shoulJ be mada. The notia will ulso mmaln nny mher `.�y3j'r.=�.F;,� �
<br /> -' inform�iion rcqnircd by npplicablc Imv. «< �- �
<br /> �i���� -�� ' 20. lieznrdaiw Suhstences. Qnnowrr sfiall �ioi cm�se or permii �he pn�sen:e, u.e, dis}r+sal, s�orege,ur rctease of nny f���`���" �--;�.;.
<br /> -•�v +-�'(����� Nazardous SuM1siances on or in ihe Pro�nr. B.+rtnwer shall not do, nor nllmr an��nne else m do, nnvhing nffMing �he c�„+.�, �tr',:.:;n�€�.-
<br /> e�.`.��2cCt1.•�rS�� ��C�,q_
<br /> �-�-.�. Propeny that is in violatinn of any Enrirnnmemnl I.nw. Tht preceAing nvo semences shall nn�apply in�hr presrna, um,or ,>.�f.i,�e p;�• .,-,�
<br /> :F i;t 4�'�i,�:� starn e on the Pro n of smNl �unnliiies of}IazflrAons Snbtitar.ees Ihai nrc enernll rern mmd �n ht a rn riate�o nnmxJ n tf'�`�yA'•'y -_�:
<br /> i ,,,t 8 V� Y 1 6 !' F � PP P : �
<br /> ;'�ti c;,_ resfdeniial azes and m maintenantt of ihe Prnp�n5'. l �rr7� ,t+"�°�'
<br /> ` t � rt � Uorro�cer shali promptly give Lender atitten no�ice of.my inves�iga�ion,claim.Aem:md,lan�sui�or oiher nclion by nny ' ` ,
<br /> s,}�S`!��� nvemmcn�al nr rc nla�o a en or riva�e �n inrnirin ihe Pro n aud nn Hanrdnas Snhxtnnm or Em•irnnmental Lnw "f�'r%�?%;+;Y•�;;;::.� .
<br /> o.:r:;,;,�',f ; 6 S �Y F �Y P P• Y F P� Y >' 'i,�i;,� d,arr%
<br /> ;;;-.,,,,�. , i. of+vbich Bovou•cr has naual knmvladgc. If iiorm�ccr irams, or is naificd by any gorcrnmemal or ttfulmnq�:mthority, �hat <<„��i S��,_;X;y�'...
<br /> %i, ,+ - .�.�% any removnl aT uther remedia�inn af xnq}J;vardous Snhsunce a(ieciing�he Prnpeny is necestian.Rnrrow�tr xhali promptly�ake y ;i� y> - �-
<br /> � `�f p{;.�� f,. �II necessaq�remeAial aclionc in accorJ,nc.•o•ith Envtronmem.l Iau. ���i . -
<br /> ! rilU l� �vt: Ac ucrd in Ihis oAraeranh 20. 'Ha-r:�rdnus Suhslnnecc' nre �hn.c.nh<�anrn drfinrA nc tncir nr hvardnnc cuhaanrr<hv :��e7'// � -�:
<br /> -r�'jy���'M��j�•' Enviromnenwl L:�w� xnd ihe�follo�ving sibs�ances: gasoline, kerosenr, other �ammahle or �nxic pcimleum produc�s, �oxic -`;�1s"{ ',- <'g�;-��
<br />:°.-i;;'�4•'C%;ir }+esiicides mid herbicides,rola�ile solrems.nmterials comaining a.besms or fnnn:ddeh��d�,nnd radivactive m�terials.As used in ::
<br />