� �._
<br /> � _. :: ._:.� . _
<br /> �.;� .,, �s
<br /> _�_ . ,,,F ---- —._ , ,- — -- __..—�.-. .. -
<br /> . , �� .
<br /> . , ^�. ,.,.,; ; .:`- ,.. ��' �.�.�'li��L9 .,
<br /> �a� ,
<br /> ` jiiynxme may no lor,�er be roqulred,.o�tho oplon oi Gender,lYmonp�e Inwru�ce cover�a pn�Ao�moum u�0 tor iAopeiipq�
<br /> �hu I.ender requlrcU Drovided by�n li�urcr�pprovcd Gy Lender�y�in btt�onK��vflilaDia uW U pMal�1, Bnrrpwcr�Mlt�y.:,.. . .
<br /> �la primluma rrQulred ro nulNoln nananyo InwrAnco�n qffccl,or to prnvieb q1oaA.rescrvc;qnill tiw re�ulranxnl fur natlA�e` '
<br /> Insurxncc Cnde In eccorda�xro wi�h my wriuen apreenxnt 6elxcep.pqtrnwor anQ t�ixlir or oppllcoAlo i�w. , � .
<br /> 1,Iirpediun.l.ender or ii��yen�nuy nwkti«�sqna618 cn�dee npon��I Inspcction�of iho Pr�peny�IRtIdC9 9IIpII RIVO ,
<br /> Borrower�xnlco at iho Iima of or pdor lo an Inspecdon e�cifying rensonn6lo causo fnr�ho Ins�tlon. .
<br /> !0. GmArnm►Ifon.The praoceds'»f any pward e�clalm fnr d�nwgU, dlrect ar mn�equcntld, In connnUon �4iih any _.- ; .
<br /> cron{lapnailon or mhe�tuking of any pnrt of tho Propeny,or for mnvcynnw in Ilcn nf condem�wdon,aro hcreby asslg�kd'aiW
<br /> .__ _ _
<br /> _:_ ..-.,.... :., - shall.IxpaidloLende6 '
<br /> in�ha event af o Intol�aking o(tho Propeny.lhe procmde shall be app11W ro tho sums saurcd by�hla Securl�y Inslntmud,
<br /> whtthcr nr not ihcn duc, wiih eny oxccsa paid�o Hortnwc�. in tho cvenl of a paitial mking of tho Propcny In which iho falr
<br /> markct valuo of�ho Propeny Immcdia�cly bcfore tho teking te cqual to or grcaicr�hqn�ho amount of tha sume sccurcd by�6b
<br /> Saurity lnstNment Immediaiely beforo tho teking,unless Uorrower pnd Lender oiherwiao agreo in wflling,tha sums secured by
<br /> — ihis Secudry instmmem shall ba reduced by �he omount of iho proaeds multiplied by iho following froction: (n) tho tolal
<br /> � � - �- emount of�ho sume securod Immediaiely before�he teking,dividcd by(b)thc fatr mnrkct valuo of Iho Properiy imm�dlalciy
<br /> beforc the tacing. Any belenee shall bz paid to Borrolcer. In tbe erem ot a p�nial taktng of tho Propeny In whieh tho falr
<br /> market value of tha Property imni�diately Mfore�Ae�aking is less�han tho amount of�ho sums socmcd imm:diately bc[on tha
<br /> taking,unlese 6ortox�cr and l.cndcr othcrwise ngrcc in�vridng or unlas,pplicablc law othenvlso prorides,tM proa��shill
<br /> be ppplieA to tht sunu securod Cy�his Securiry Instrumem whother or nm the sums orc then due. -.
<br /> If the Propeny is nba�oned by 6ortower,or if,afler notim by Lcndcr to[lorro�cer Ihat the rnndemnor otten to make an
<br /> ---------- eward or setile e claim for damages, Qorrower (alls�o respond to Lender�vi�hin 30 days n4er the da�e the notica Is given, _
<br />._.s;s�'� Lender is authorized�o rnllcet and npply the procceds,a�its op�ion,ei�her to rcs�oretfon or repair of Ihe Propeny or to the sum�
<br /> : �. < <
<br /> -�- ;.•• t saured by ihis Security Inswment,wh.iher or not then due.
<br /> a°.' rrs,:
<br /> �r;'. ^ Unicss I.ender anA Pn,rtoricr oth:rn�ise egme in wriiing, eny applica�i:�v of proceetls lo pdncipal �teall no� ex�end or
<br /> ;� ��#,,�,t- postpone the due date uf�he monthly pa�m:ents referreA�o in pnrsgmphs I nnd'_or chenge the amount of such payments.
<br /> �s �° ,s���, - 1l. Rorron�cr Nut Rdensed;Fnrbearnnce IIy l.ender Not a\Yniver. Estension of the qme for paymem or malificraion
<br />—"`�''�(j`';'-.. `' of amoniention of�he sums secured by�his Securily Inswment grmved by 4ender to any successor In tmercst of Borm�rer srall
<br /> _t;.'kjF';�s�.:
<br /> ���� � noc opcnac m mlease�hc flebilhy of ihc original 6orro�vcr or Oorrowcr's successors in imcrest. Lender ahall not be required Io
<br />;�:i��Sb,����i:
<br /> � commence proceedings s�ainsl nny sacressor in interest or refuae m ex�end�ime fot paymen�or oiherwise modify emorilzadon
<br />.ni_�,7�';,";
<br />_�,,-�ypaf�VF+,, of �hc amu sttured by ihis Security ]nstrumem hy renson of nny demand madc by �he original Uonowcr or Qotrowtr'i
<br /> ;':'+;;r,S�ii�� suceessors in imeres�. Any forhemm�ce bc l.e�xler in exercising any right or rcmedy shnll nnt be n waiver ot ot preclnde Ihe
<br /> .,,.,•�5_.r)/.
<br /> . ,,r,�,-: e�erdse of nny rlghi or remtdy.
<br /> - ',��}( 12. Suaessnre uetl Asct iu floUnd; Jolnt nnd Sereral I.Inbflil , Co•sl ners. The cuvenams and n rtemems of�his -
<br /> ",1;$'vY��L, 8 Y' B F - —
<br /> �.:.-�_,,._;, Stturity Instmment shell bind nnd henefi� t6e snccessors and nssigre of LenAer nnd 13orrower, subJai �o �he provislons of ° ---
<br /> - '-•S`�d.4 pnmgraph 17. Uorromer's cmenams nnd agreemems shnll be jofnt ond severaL Any 6orrower who co-signc �his Securiry =
<br /> .•r;�
<br /> "C%�;;f, InsuumeN bm dces no�execme �he Note: (a) is co-signing�his Securi�y Inslrumenl only ro mongoge, gmnt end convey�hni
<br />'�'«�+�;`+i,`. [Mrmwcrb intcresi In�hc Propeny undcr the�em�s of Udx Security Insuumcm: (b)is na personelly obliguted�o pay �6c sums
<br />���yli�k�t3`;� secund b ihh Sceurit InslfumenC mid(c)a•rees�ha� l.ender ond an o�her Qorrower ma n ree tu ex�end, modif forbear or
<br /> -'.t�5..... Y Y b Y Y B Y•
<br /> ... _.
<br />%��:fi-::_,�L, nnke any�mnmud;ninns o�iih regard m ihe�erma of this Security Insuumem or ihe Nme without�hai 6orrowePs mnsem.
<br /> . -..'.��.�?;,' 13. I.oan Churges. If ihe Inan xecured by�hix Securiry Inumment is subject lo u la�v�vMch scix maximum loan charges, �
<br /> �7�"-�-�' " ond ihm Imv Is finally Imclpreicd m that �hc imcros�nr o�her Imn chorges wllcetcd or�o bc collccud Im m�nttllon �vith�he
<br /> ; . ' ,���i lomi exceed ihe pemducJ limi�s. �hen: (n)any wch In:m charge.hall 6e reJuc�d 6y�he nmoum necessary io reduce the charge -_��e1 :�_
<br /> lo Ihe permilleJ IimiL nnd lb)nny sunrs nlrcaJy mliec�ed Gom 13nrrao�er w6ich excecded permlueJ Iltnfls wlll be refunded lo y�s+5f{_�'��
<br />:'„ `q,��'?; Oarro�ver. l.ender may t6ansC lo make Ihis rclunJ 6y reducing the princip;d an�al under ihe Note or 6y makins a direcl .i+i:. .'..-.:�..�.
<br />�: -i.�•.:..;*� paymem �0 6onmrec If n rel'und mlu�rti principaL �he aduc�ion will 6c �rcateJ ac a p:mt�d prepaymen� �vi�ham any �..,-::_�..
<br /> b' . `}/[d� �'.J'7''"'.:
<br /> "(";,''yl::, . Prcpaymcm charge under�he Notc. ,.;y,:
<br /> '^":;t`i,;;��! 14.NoNms.Any nutice�o Rnrro�rer pmriJed far in Ihi�Securi�y Intiwmem+hall be�i.�en by dclicering i�or by n�ailing `'i,'�C-_:`_'.
<br /> i�..LNrl[c.,.t. _ _
<br /> -- �:.:p��n•� il by firsl clasv mail vuln�upplieable Imv requircs u.e nf:mmher mcih�d. The no�ire tih:dl Fe Jirected m�he Pmpeny Address
<br /> -�-`:'.-,•.�• �.� Y b > > girrn hp tim clasc nuil to
<br /> � � s ,. or nn othcr nJdrccc 13�irm�rer dc�i�naica b• na�icc �n LcnJcr. An� noticc in I.cnJcr �hall br --__
<br /> '� s" Lcnder's address s�;nal hcrcin nr:m alhcr:�dJnti+ IAndcr dc+i�n un b nuticc lo Burrowcr. An nMi.c rm�idcd (or in Ihis
<br />_.a,...�ti.., .r. y b , y y p .:,�.
<br /> ; S�o rf� _� Security Ins�mnxnt.h�ll M dcemed�o hare bccn giv.n ta 6nrro�nr.+r lAnder e�hcn gircn:n procidcd in ihi.pangraph �.'.�
<br /> ,� %'� N; IS.Cm'rrnhig I.o�r Se�c1Y�Af111)�. Thi. SKllfll}' IIINNIIICIII .hall hc gorcmcJ M1� fcderal lam mH11hc laar ot�he ti �,�
<br /> � �'t` --\�: jurisdiclinn in�ehich Ihe Propeny ia Lxaled. In Ihe crcnt Ihen an�� prori�inn nr claux af Ihn Sciurily Insttumtnl or Ihe Note i a,
<br /> {;��j1j.;�� mn0ias with applinhlc 4nr..uch rnn0ici s6ali not affn�oihcr pmri�imm�!ihi.Saurity In.,�mm.m nr�he Nntr�chich can M � -
<br /> {ii �� giren effcel w�ilhnul�he ennllicling�,rori�inn Tu�hi..nJ ihe prnci.iain nf�hi.Srrurilt In.rtunxnl and Ih�• Nnte are Jrdared
<br /> � t���tl�" lohc.r.remblc. i:;�` v •�.
<br /> - -�.;f` �� Ifi. 13nrm�rcr's Cn n f3nrrm�er.h.Jl ht p.
<br />�i;�;;':[6'-`'...:, I.�• gicen nne con(arnad ao � ol the Nme anJ n(�hi.5rruriq Iu.trun:enl. ��:-,iO;'�+
<br /> . 1•....
<br /> • � fo�m 3020 9�00 . . .
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