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<br /> I)ppn (ectlpl.ot p�yment ol the prke bid, 7Yusta�h+�ll dsllre�lo the purchutr Trustee'e dad mnveyln� Ihe _
<br /> propaHy. 71ro rccl��b In Ihe Truslee'e deed eP�ll be prim�t�cie erldence of the�rvth ot�Ae N�temcn�e m�Ae Ihereln.
<br /> TPUS�te sh�il eppty the pfecetd�of Ihe sde fn Ihe fdb�rirtR oMen(�U to all cosls.end expense�of exrrdsing Ihe powei ot
<br /> e�k��nd lNe sole,,U�cludln�Ihe p�ynmt of Ihe Trvitee'e faa ectuelly Incumd,not ro txceed `�
<br /> o!the pMndpd�mount ot the pote�t the ttme of Ihe dec�arollon o4 detxui�,�nd rcasonabte otlomeye'fea as pcm�lded
<br /> Dy IRw�(b)to pIl.Fwn+stc{irM b)�lhle Securlty Irelrumenlf�nd(c)any ezcess ro thc person or perscm IMn1iy mtltleA ro
<br /> il�
<br /> 42, Retuivty�nce. Upoe payment of all �ume saured by �hle Secpd�y Instrunxnt Leneler sholl request Trvs�ee a
<br /> , pvcy tho Propeny oid shall surtender thle Secud�y Insuumcnt end all notcs evidencing dcbt securcd 6y this Securi�y
<br /> nstmment ro 7Yustto.Trustce ah�p recbnvey the Propetly without wnrwny and wlA�om cMrgo�o�ho person or persons Icgelly � •
<br /> eMhicd ro It.55�ch person or pusom shaii pay ony reourdadon cos�a.
<br /> 43, 65�bs11tute TntfteS. I,ender,at lis opqon, mey from limo ro timo rcnwve 7Yustcc and appolnt e suacssor Irusta lo
<br /> any ltustee� inted heramder Ay en InsYmment nxarded in Uio county In�vhich�his Secudty Instrumem is rocorded.WltUom
<br /> conveyanco o the Ptoperty,tha succeswr iruslM shall succeed to all the lille,power and dutles conferrcd upon Trus�co hercin
<br /> and by a�ppIlr.ble law. -_
<br /> . _ 24, Rcquest tor Nolices.6orrower tcqucs�a Ihai mpEes of the milces of dr.faiilt aad s�te Ce sem�o Dorm�vcr'e a&�ess `___ . _ `
<br /> — whid�la tho Property Addrese.
<br /> 2S� Rldt7s to thls 8[curtty instn�ment.If onr.or mnn riders are cxcantod by Horro�xer arol[ecot�'ed rogethet with c6is
<br /> Sowdty Inswnxnl,Iho covennnis nnd ngn;emenis oE ear.h such rider shail bo inca-pe�mt.d into and sW_tl e�rr:rd ecd wppteureat �-=—
<br /> �%�_
<br /> ih0 covenante arA agreemenle of�his Securily Insimtc��a as If�he dder(s)werc e pan of�Ais Securiry Instrvmant. `:Ti',--=-
<br /> - - (Check eppticablo box(ca)1 Y�r'` -
<br /> - Condominfum Ridcr �1-4 Femily Rider q�, �+��.
<br /> AdJustabla Rete Rider -.r
<br /> dredusled Payment Rider Pixnned Un0 Dcvelopment Rider �Iwcekly Paymcnt Rlder �,� -
<br /> �� �Balloon Rider Rate Improvemcm Rlder Saand Home Rider - _
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