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���-��f1iE1:, - �. . - _� • ' _ � . �r ,. <br /> p,� - <br /> . .... <br /> �. .'r -�• ,��II x. � - ". �..... . _ . . � <br /> ��L •� ��. _�.i.w����.-.�._ . ._ .. .. - <br /> �-� � 83� 1o�r�Ks <br /> t7.7Ypnster otthe Propeny or�BtntOcial[nterest In Borso+ru.if aLl or eny part of�ho Property or any intcrest in i� <br /> -- Is sold or Irareferted(or If e 6eneliclat Interut in Borrower Is sold or Irans(eerM and Bortower is nm a namrul persun)withow <br /> Lcnder'e prlor wdnen concem. Lendcr mny, at ita option, requlrc immcdl3te paymcnl in PoII of oll svmv sccurcd by thla <br /> ._.—_ Security Insuument.liowever,this option shn�l not be exerclseJ 6y Lender iiexercise is prohibited hy fed:nl law as of the date <br /> of thia Stcurity InsiNmem. <br />�"-- If l.cnder excrclsce Ihi�opllon,Ludcr shull yive Rorrowrr noticc ot accclera�lon.The nolico shall rovidv e pcdod nf not <br /> less than 30 days frmn thc daic the notico ie dcilvcrc4 or nulled witM1in wAich Dorrowcr must pay eIP5WR4 SCCUfCA DY IIlI9 <br /> ---�;��;��. Sewrlty Instrunxnt.If[iorrox•cr fnib to pay�hese swn�pdor m�he expimtion of this perind, l.ender nuy invoke any remcdies <br /> —" pertniued by this Secadty inslmmenl wf�hout funA;r iwtice or denund on fbrrower. <br /> �,.y;z��- 18. IS�rroHtr'e IU�hI to Reinstatc. I� Eb7MHCf IIhCl9 Mf�3I0 COIIdIlI0115, BOIfOWCI SIIUII A7YC lI1C II$Ill 10 I78V0 — <br /> enfonrmC�t of Ihif SCCUniy fmlrunknl dlsmNlnucd et eny�ime pdor to the earlier oh (a)S days(or such other perial us ---- <br /> .��= ,_ ._ - __ _.,,,. <br /> -- epplicahle law n�vy sy+crify for rcimiatemenp before sale of tlw Prop�•ny punuam �o any power of sale containcd in �bia — <br /> ` - Secud�y Tnstrunxm;or(b)uury of ajudgment enPorcing Ihis Security Instn�m:m.'Ihiue mndiUons are tln�Fiortower.(e)pays �- _ —___. <br /> ��a�:j ' Lender all sams which�hen onulA M due under this Saurity Inctmnxm aid tIK Note m if no eccelrra�lon had occumd; @) :�, �y, p��. <br /> wres nny delauli af any mher mvenants or agrcenxms; (c)pa)�s all expenses lncurrcd In enforcing�his Sccurity InstmnKnt, �� ���'"' <br />; � '`#�-? inclndin� 6m no�Iimitat to,rruonable nuome��s' feis;nnd(d1 takes such aciion a�LenJer nuy reasonzbly requiro to auure ty�iq i�C�.��,.`-- <br /> ' � -- that tho Ilon of�hfs Socurity Instrumem, Lendw e dghis in the Propeny and Oorrox•cr's obliga8on to piy the sums socu�ul by _`�,�7v}� + ��£ -: <br /> ]t�` !--��� Ihis Securhy Inserumem ahall conlinue unchnnged. Upnn reintlalemeni by Onrtuweq lliis Secumy Inslmmeni e�d the ;� =- �.. <br /> �jYt� [���'� o6ligatlons socural herc6y shall remain fully e(fecUre as if no att�.lem�lon had nccurrtd. Ho���ever, tliis righ��o relnstete shall - t " ': <br /> .�� -�'p� - not�pply in thc c�c of ncccicration undcr paragraph 17. as�'�'4` r j'*`,'.`'� '; <br /> ���F'�'�>1;;s'�=` l9. Saie of Notc; Change ot tuan Sen�lcer. The Nae or a panial imcresl in �hc Nolc (mguh:r wlth this Socuri�y -;,.:.;z��yf't.�.�i.�;..� <br /> }�'�� {g�_�;.�' Insuumcnp may bo sold one or more�imcs wi�lwm pdor mnia to Elortower. A salc may resalt in a chaR,ce in the emllp(knoon ,;, � r�,�,: <br /> {x(i .j_ n:lhe'luan Servimr')�hat mllects momhly paynxn�s due undtr Ihc No�e end ihis Sttguriy�Insuunxm.There also may Iw onc d,t a <br /> 1� :�'i,h`'!<<'i� �Iven vrillens oGt�e�of 11 e chnn ol i�ii a�emtdanoo�v Ih Iaref w hN 4 n6mc arnd e e lic,ble 1�rh7Y�c�wtliv�v II s��emhe nnme a d .�� t�F•y'���: <br /> 8 8 P S P PP . l{ ft� <br /> tr�t -:- address nf dw nea• I.oan Sercittr a�xl thc addrcss�o n•hich paymen�s nhotdd e�t�us:la The nodce will nlsn coNain nny o�her ��r �4 '"�'��� <br /> � infomiaiion rtq�drcd 6y applicabtc lao•. + � � <br /> ,: ,'c�a•--�j;; 20, 1[nrnrdous 4uLstences. Iforro�ecr ahall no�cause or penni� �he prrsonct, ucc, dispnsxl, s�nrngc, or rcicax af eny �''_���t f �,57�___ ;--. <br /> fx- --i .-:: tiazardous Substanms nn or In Ihc Propeny. Rorm�cer shall not da, nar allmv enyone else to do, an7•�hing a(fcaing the � + �qy�F�; <br /> r !t� l�v n �hat is in violaiion af an Gnvironmemal Thc nccdin nvo sentenccs shxll not a I �a ihe msence, usc, or ' , `-,"tV <br /> - �F',� lx Y Y P ' S �P Y P -y�-. <br /> •. �";t:.; swrwZe nn�he Pmpeny nf smill quamhics af Hmardous Su6swnces ihnt arc genernlly recognize to Ix appropria�e In normal - - "'`'��:�-` . <br /> ��-� '•� n�ideN�al uses and�o maintcnancc M�he Pm n " �� 'P�'`��:��� <br /> � "� Qorrower shall pmmp�ly give Lender��•Pil�o nmice of any im�es�igaiion,clnim, denund, Inwxnii or other aainn by any � :=- <br /> fy�- -_;�:i;�: govemmcntnl or mgulatory agc�rcy or privak p,ny im•olving�hc Propcey nnJ any Haiardous Subs�nnce nr Gnvironmemal Lew � �, � ii -,y�._- <br /> �- of�vhich Oorro�eer has ncwal knowledga If�orro�vcr Iearns,or is noiificd by any govcrnmem.l or regulaiory suthoriry, thal ;;:r.'.i:=..'�'� � <br /> W���i6- "'�" eny removal or other remedia�ion of any Hmnrdous Su6stanee affec�ing�he Propeny is necessary, Uorro�rer shall�rompdy�ake --t i�4 � r , :��,�_ <br /> �' + �k��j.� all ncccssary rcmcdial ac�ions in accardancc with Gnvimnmcntal Law. �_.;� �� � ;�++,. <br /> ' . ��} ;_;:�, As used in thia paiagaph 20, 'Noinrdnut Subtlunce.s'arc �hnu suhsinncex defined ac ioxic or havrdous subsinnccs 6y , - t� �'� f.��g,px�, <br /> - F.mirsrar�:��:a: :.,.—.. .:: thn f-d4:aiag sabsar�r,: ea:alir:, kara;;n:� �:;:r ^aa�m:F,7: o; tnxit �'rc::co: .�la:;;. tnxt� 3 ti{i �,:'b. .;• . <br /> ' � .4rt1-fP•:.. <br /> �';!i��'?' pes�iciJes ar.d h:rTici3:s.rol��ile colvems.nuteriabconmining nsbes�os nr fi�mialdchyde,and n�Jioaciice maienals. As used in �'%�;%7!�-,`��t:.'- s?,.- <br /> t �jl'�( �his pva;raph 20. 'IIin�ironmemed Law' �mvm h�teral laus anJ Inn:c of thc jurisJiciinn wherc ihc Proq:ny is laca�ed �hat ' �t�c� i. ;t''. .�-.. <br /> i ���5, �:.'�,� rclate to h:alth.sak, or envimnmemal prut�iyion. �-' << � 6-.:s� - <br /> � . -v��,L NOS•UKIFOR�1 COVENANTS.Rartune�ar.J l.�at�r fiinher nivemm�and:�gree nc follm�:s: '; i� tif '- :aE . <br /> -� �j,� 21.Accelersition;Remedlcs. I.enda•s'tmt]�le nWice to fiorrm�er pdm•lo nccclerntlnn follmdng Ilnrrmeer's Areach `" l ' ., ; � �, <br /> _;F: oi nny mvenem or xgrecmenl In Ihis Stti�su¢ In.annucnt (but nnt prlar In nccclerallm� �mder pnragrnph 17 unlccs ,i`. ,4,-:. <br /> �'�'��.��p_�S n IlenUie Inv�pmNdes othern�ise).The uufice shall s If (N Ihe defnnll;(b)Ihe nctlmi uired to cure Ihe Ae6ml1; � � . �; �_;; <br /> .. . .�� PP Pec f: rxr� -..:... <br /> .. . . (c)n dntc, nol Ic.�t Ihan 30 dn}:s fmm Ihc dntc Ihc notlm Ix glcen la Itm�roi�cr. b����hich Ihc Acfnull must hc cured;mid i;�..�"-.; , ,. a,"' '+�� <br /> ;;,•-��=),��,:fac; (d) lhat fellum in cure ihe dePoult on nr befare Ihe dnte sprcilicd in Iite nnike mny resnll In nccelemtlon nt 1he sums ���-'r `�:r� �;��:_. <br /> f1ti2� -���'"` secured by thLc Securih' Ins�nnnenl m�d mle of Ihe 1'roperty. The nolice shall furlhrr Infonn Ilm•ro�cer of Ihe right to ,�;����' �'�- 1' = �`'-- <br /> r ���tCa1�'{E rclnslnir ntler nrmlernlion mid ihe rlghf l0 6dng u court nrtlan to ncscrl Il�e non•existence of n drfnult or miy oll�er ��,,� -���l`��,.�%'��ii <br />���p� �j�'�,! � de(ence of Unrmemr lo uctelerotlm� nnd mie. If lhe defnuli Is no1 carrl an or before Ihe dnte specilied In Ihe nollce, „ `� <br />�.Y�::i �� d ` ` I.ender. at Its optioo. mny requlrc Immedlate pn}�ment in fall af�ill sunas.ceurcd 6y Wls Scruri�y Inctrument oflhaut '!^ i. .,�;�,'.;�'.;'-:; <br /> r( � ��� �»� Nrther demnnd nnd mny im�okc tAc pn�rer of snle nnd am nlhcr rrmriiira pcnniticd by np�Iicehlr lao'. t.cndcr ahell be °J�}' v ;VS '.;�., ���" <br />�f41��i.�( - :y"`{ entitle0�o coil�c�nll ex�xnst+IncurrcA In punuh�R�he remrdirs proxided in Ihis pars�mph�1. InAndin�. bul nm Ihnlled ,,-�S�r t ir� :., � -- <br /> to,rciisunable nitome}x'fees m�d cosls ot Iltle ecldence. .q- ,�`'a.� :' ,� �' <br /> If thcpo orr of s�alr is Im�nkeA. Trutitm shall rerard a nMkc nt delaull In c�ch munt>� In ��hlch nny parl of lhe ��_-, . +-',' ,:� <br />-- -�_- Nmperly Is lornied nnd shall mnll cnples nf such onikr In Ihe manner pnxcribcd b� applirnMe Imr la 6urrao�er und to " ��` (�,"':;i;:'� <br /> .-�.. Ihe olher persons pracrihcd b���pplknhlc la��.:lher Ihe�imr rcqutred fi nppllihble la�r.TnLacr shall gire public nntice � ' .r.. <br /> <�" -� - ot sele lo Il�e per:un�nnd in Ihe mmmcr pm.udhed bc opplireble law."fmace, ��iihow ArmAnO an 6orrooer, shnll sell r � �:. ��'"`�� <br />- }.-.'h�-" i6e Properly ol public nuclian In Ihe highe.t Uiddrr n��he�ime mid pince�md mider�he�rrm,dnignaled hi lhe nofice n( , �. ". <br /> af � ,.���-�� sale In one or more parmla mid In unc arder Trutitm dc�crm6te4.7'nutec ma� ���apme wale of atl ur nm parcci nf Ihe - <br /> ' - _�.-. Properq�b�� publlr mmouncrment nt �hr�hne nnd placr af nny preJ��u�h schedulecl s:�lr. I.endrr nr ils deslFnce nmy . , �..`� : <br /> �:-�.•'::'z:; "�• Purchasclhc Properq�nl en�solc. .�:i ,.. <br /> ','r'. <br /> .}��i;.': - ' . <br /> �:-�r..�, . . . <br /> Po.m 3028 8�90 � , . <br /> . ' 16 1 <br /> ...::�t;. '. � . <br /> , •�. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . • . . . __. � . .. - . ., <br /> . . _. . r '. _— _ . - I <br /> a. _u-`.� .. .. . ' . . ' . <br /> : : .. <br /> . <br /> i ' � . . • • � � . . _ ._. - . - . . . . � _. .. .. . ._ _____ .__ _ . <br />