�_.J � . ;., . . .. _ - .
<br /> '--«.;., . .
<br /> --t� f.,;s ��r.��a���r�i��wraiii�ii:a:.c_. i.r-.._`-____�—�-'-�� -: � .
<br /> ....J. �r-�J.' .. . �g�w� �VI'Si7F '} 4 ,
<br /> � �.
<br /> peAqda thu�I:enOer ttquita. 7ta insdrana cartier providing iho tnsuranw shal I be chosgen by fiorrowcr wb$ct to Lender6 ,
<br /> .: ' Le�der§opllo�n,obtn[n�Lrov erag�to ptpftet�l.cnderb righis In 1he Prop'ae rty in aceordanco will pa ag�l��ve.Lehder may,�t �- _ �
<br /> � All Insurantt�nlicia�cnd nnowals ahnll bo nccepInbio�o LcnEcr and a6a11 Inctudc a sinndard mangn�e clausa Iknder
<br /> shail hava tho dght ro hold the po)icles end renownls. If[;inder requircs,Bortox•tr shnll prompily givo to Lende�'nll recelpu
<br /> ' of p�ld premiume ond rcnewel noticca. In tho ovent of lo3s,Borrowcr shntl givo promp�notlu m iho insumnw cAMer!nd
<br /> . L.endcr. Lender may mako prootof lou If not mudo promptly 6y 6arcower. - -�
<br /> Unicss Lender and iSonower othmviso agreo In writing,Insuronca praceeda shall bo epplicd�o ms�omtinn or rcpatr of - � .�
<br /> _ .....,- ..—: �he Proprny dam3ged,if the rcsror�tion nr mpair �s economicnlly fensiblo nnA LenderL ucudry ia noi IcuenW. if�ha - �.___._
<br /> �- ruiore�ion or rcpair Is not economically feufble or Lendwh ucudty�vould Iw lossened, �ho inaumnco proeecde n6n1I be --
<br /> � epp11W lo tho suma securtd by�his Suurily Ins�nmicn6 whcthcr or not Iben dno, �vl�h nny oxcesa pAid lo QoROwer. I(
<br /> �—--- Dorcower ebandons �he 1'ropeny,or docs no�nnswer wiihin 30 days a nolix from Lender ihnt tlto insuranco carrter ha�
<br /> _ _-=i offertd to scltlo n clnim,ihen I.ender mny calleci the insurnnce procecde. Lender may uso�LO procecds to rcPair or rcsioro
<br /> __ _ the Pro�ny or�o pay sume secured 6y ihfa Secud�y Instrument,whetl�er or noi tl�en duo. TLo 30�dny pedad mll begin when
<br /> ___- - tho not w fs given.
<br />`_�_'^�PA�q, Unlss l.ender and Rorrower othenvi.0 agnx in writing,eriy eppIlcniton of procecda to pdncipal aholl not ex�end pr
<br /> ' �wstpono tha due da�o of iha monthly paymenu roforted ta in pamgmplis I nnd 2 m ehange�ho nmonnt ot thc paymcnre. if
<br /> ��;�c��i under paragreph 21 tho Propeny la ncquimA by Lender, RorrowerY dghi ro nny insurance policics and procceds resulting
<br /> Bom demage w�he Propetty pdor la Ihe acqufsi�ion shall pxss to I.ender�a�he oxlen�of Iho sums securtd by Ihis Security
<br /> ��Y`�;. Insuumen�immedlatel prior�o�he ecqulsilion.
<br /> „�I 6. Occupancy,YPreservetlon, M1tain�ennnce end Protectlon of Ihe Praperlyi Oorro�rer•a Lvnn Applltaqoni �_=
<br /> '�,�. I.easeholds. 6orto�ver shall accupy,csin6lfsh,end use thc Property ns 6orto�verb prtncipal rcsidenw whhin aixty dnys e�er � -
<br />- __f.='y.,.:-,-. ihe excemion of thts Securi�y Insimmem nnd shall comfnue�o occupy�he Propeny ns Oortowerk pdncipal residenc¢for nt �
<br /> � 3'--- Ieati one year efler �hc de�e of occupnncy, unlese Lender othenvise agrces in svriting, which wnsem shall not be -
<br /> ?�'�2` :y unreasonably wi�hheld,or unlca extenuming circumstances exist which are d:yond Uorrower�s control. Uortower shall not
<br />,:;:'v[��iG.,(�r _
<br /> ��i'�-. � datroy,damage or impair�ha Ropeny,allow ihe Property�o deteriora�c,or commil�vas�e on�he Prapeny. 6orrower shall
<br /> -_ �t��,F be in defeul�if any fodeimre nc�lon ar pracceding,whether civil or criminal,is begun�hai in Lenderk good falth judgmen�
<br /> r-;yt ,T�� could rcsule in forkimre of�he Propeny or o�henvise ma�erially impair �he Iien creaud 6y �his Sewri�y Instrument or
<br /> "'I i;{�;i�J 1;. Lender�securily imeresi. Oovo�ver may curc such a defuul�and rcinsime,ns provided in pamgraph 18,by enusing�he uction
<br />����'r��"'t,y(�t' or procceding to 6e dismiased�vilh a ruling tha4 in Lender�good fnflh delemiination,pncludes fodelWre of�hc 6ortowerh
<br />�'4�'��,�i a'r Imerest In d�e Propeny or o�her material imp�imiem of�hc licn cremed by�his Secumy Inswmem or Lender§securi�y
<br />`,�'.�,;};;�s:!r_ imerest. �nrromer shall nlso 6e in defnuli i( 6onower, during iLe loan applicntion pracess. gave maierially (alsa ar — -_-
<br />:it�`;�.- -.•:'i:t inaccurnte In(omia�ian or s�memems�o Lender(or failed�o provide Lender wi�h any ma�erixl inPorma�ioN in connce�lon wi�h
<br />� '��-?; �hc loan evideneed by Uir No�e, including, bnt no� limited �o, mpmcemmions conceming Oorrower's occupaney of t6e
<br /> ,`.`;,�;�=;;,�� Pmpeny ns n principal rcsiAence. If�his Secumy Inswmeni is on n Ieasehold,Unvoaer shall comply wilh nll lho provisions
<br />- -.:,,V,*(g, o(�ho Iense. If RoROivcr acquires fec iitle io�hc Propeny,�he Icasehold nnd�he fec�itle shall no�merge unless Lender ngrcee .
<br />., ";,,;yrr��,',' to�hemergerin�vriling. - - '-- �
<br /> � �:.��� 7. Profecfion ot I.ender's Righls in Ihe Property. It Dorron�cr G�ilti io perfonn �hc cavenams nnd ugreemems
<br /> �� '..l.:i-' Y B P F Y ��6 Y � F
<br /> ���,�,�,.,. ., comained in �his Securi� Insuumem, or thrm is n Ic al roceedin �ha� mn ai nifirnntl lffec� Lendch ri hta in �h;
<br />-+`^�%�'":�'°7�- Propeny(such as a prceceding in bankrupicy.probmc,fm rnndemnmion or fodeiture or�o enfo¢c laws or rcgulaiinnsl,thrn
<br />"��7ji';.,.. � Y P Y 7 P r 5 8 F� )
<br />.;_ri,.. ., . Lende�ma do and a fnr wha�ever is necexsa to rotcet�he value of Ihe Pro cn•and LenderY ri hts in thr 7YO n•. —_-
<br /> �.���'��-��-* Lenderk anionc mny inclnde poying any.umx xecurcd hy u lien�chirh hxc prio:iq orer�his Securiiy Insuvment,nppeadng
<br />��'�'''`�'�`�'• in coun, � in reasona6le auame c fee.:md emerin on�he 1'ro nr In makr re us Al�hou h Lender ma �ake ec�ion
<br /> -nviu;:..,•• PY & Y�� 8 {� N�� B Y
<br /> '.:-'1�;;`•.,-'...�: undenhix pamgraph 7.LenAer dce}nm h;rve�o du ao. __ .
<br /> � Any amoums di�bnrsed br Lendcr unJcr ihia p:vaFraph 7 .hail A.�.�.�mc ad:li�innal dcbt of Dorro�ver ucured by Iliis �-..
<br /> ,'� _.. Securily Inswmem. Unlcs.B�irro�ver nnd LenJer agrce�o mher�em�c of p.rynxnt.ihr.e amauNS shall 6car imems�from d�e Q�,'.
<br /> 1 � .�j dme of disbunemem m�he Nme rne and shall M p;qa6le.�ei�h imerc.�,upnn naice fmm Lender io fiartmcer reqaestlng r,x :
<br /> , �UT� paymem. Err:�
<br /> r,� $�� 8. Mortgage Insuranee. If Leni v�eynircd mnng�ge inu�rance a,a condilion of making�he loan eeeurcd by this C i�-� �_
<br /> -. ,'� Securily Inx�mmen4 Ro�ro�nr+h:dl pn ahr prcmium,rcymrcd �o maimain iha moripage insunnee in e(lecL If, for any ,�i��.-;:,_.__
<br /> rcason. �he mongnge inxumnce mce�agc rcquircd hy L.nJer lap.r. ar rer,r. �n hr m effea. 6orto�rer shidl pay ihe ' r—
<br /> ' remiums m�uircJ to nbiain corera a �uh.l.v�liall ¢ uivalent lo Ihe inan �¢ in.mance nv�uusl m effacl, a� u cosl Z i:� .
<br /> � P 1 F' Y 4 F•t' P ' � Y � ,{�-i;��.
<br /> � subslumially cyuivnlcnl lo thc aa+l ln 13arta�cer nf Ihc mnng.igc nunrana prc�iou.l� m rfkcL Gom an ahcm�h mongagc
<br /> - -�-'- insurer appmrcJ h��LtnJrr. fi wb.tamially a�ui�aknl m��nEage mvn.nne iv�aagc i-.nni araiL�61c.�ortuwrr+hall pay lo M�'p��y�tr'�� '-` ..
<br /> - Lender each mumh a.um eyual m one-nrel�h af ihe�rarly mongagr nnut:mac pnmium being paiJ hy 6omncer whm�he -�{��Y�; }fs��i(}��-._-.
<br /> insur,mee��orerage Iap.eJ or ar.nrJ tu M in effrcl. I.ender�rill accrpL uv and«i.�in�he�e pa)menh ac:�In.c rtsen�e in lieu U�t „?- �,.
<br /> �F,��� � _
<br /> of morlgage inmranra Lnx re.en. p:��mrnn ma�� nn Inngcr lu rtv�aircd.:n ihr opiinn nl I.rnJ.r, if mongage inwrance � �.. �� 's -.
<br /> �. �l. ° coveruge(in Ihe anmun�and fnr lF.r�w•rial Ihai LcnJer rcymrc+)prnrid.J hy an in.uret apprnced h��Lender aFain becomes ;fi:+`E-.:y:�.:;'^.^'
<br />.`"' . � availa6le anJ ia ohtaincJ.Bnrnna��nh.+ll par ihr prtminm,rr�ryind In mainlain mm�gagt in.nrancc in cRcct.ar�u providc a �'.•,...:..'��- ' �.,'y-
<br /> g";:
<br /> - luss rescn�t,until�hc rcquirrm.m fot m�.ngapc in,ur:mco cnJ�in ara.�nl:mrc«iih anr oriu.n agrrcmcnl lxH�cen 6urtowcr � `�i:'�� -
<br />"•;1;:'�,�;�•'_ and LcnJer nr applicablc laa. �' . _ '
<br />.�i;�-� ,, 9. Inspeclion. L.ndrr or in agcm m:n maAr m:non.�Me cmnc.u�x.n:m.l inyx�uua.nf�ht Prupcny. I.ender.hall .
<br />� 'i', " icc6orrmccrnmi.c:ntF.�•�imrn(ur �rinrmanin.k.�wn.kai��m rra.nnahlccau.rfnnh.fn. � .
<br />- :40.-'�, F I i ' I " F Ixciinn. - .
<br />-..`t... 10. Cnndemnalinn. "Ihe pnx�ec�h of an�.m:vJ nr claim Inr Jain:igc..ducri nr cnn..ynemial.iu cnnneclion u-iih any �'-�' . - _
<br />"7'� � 1mplcL�md. kmnir\IuekTMJir\Iatl\ffOR\II�tilBl�lf\7 -lud..nnfl..���.�nn 95�1 .p��:f..�nryin. S..- .
<br /> . ..n Lih Pa�o'�a F.Tn 1? � " - .
<br /> � I.�eYt�a'I ILL\'l.Clv�_ fU6�6F1.1��1 . .
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