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.l � •{ ,. _ <br /> -z �.n ' -•.. s '):.0 - . - _': <br /> , .. . <br /> � . f �_ j �il�-�; .. . .��..._ � -"Y4:t.�L- -__. _...._ .. ,b., <br /> ' il:� ' ' '_. _ <br /> _. .�"..� ' - . ... <br /> --- g :��.0��:�2 <br /> TOOpTti�R WJfl1 ntl tlw Improvementa now or Iwrufter erated on�tw propeny,an�a11 oaumenta,�pqSrlm.nce�, <br /> Rn011xwrea now m haafter e pan of�6e propcny. All roplacemente end additlona Rhn11 nlao bo covered by Wa Secndty <br /> lnswnxRt. All ot�he foregoing 1�rcfurtd lo in thli 3r.utti�y InstNment w the'Properly." <br /> 80RROW[!R COVBNANTS thu Bortox�cr ie Irwfully seisul of the esinlo here6y conveyed and Aas�he Nght to grMt <br /> xnd convey the Propeny end�hu Ne Propeny B unencnmtxred,exapt for encumbmna�nt record� Bortowar wortants and <br /> will dehnd genenily�ho tiile to�he Propetty ngalnst ali clnim�enA demand�,subjat to nny entumbrana�of record. <br /> TfiIS SGCi1RITY 1NS7RUAitiNT combines oniform mvenama Por naqonol uso and non•unlform wvenaNS wl�h <br /> Ilmitedvarletlonebyp�risdiNiontoconstitutesunifortnstcwirylnswmentcovuingrcalpropeny. � <br /> . " ' UNIFORMCOViiNAMS, Dortowarendl.endereosanantandogrecastollo�vs: . ._ .--- <br /> !. FMymrnt ot PrinHp�l u�d Intercst4�'�ep�ymtnt ud L�k CAarga� Dorrower sholl promptlypay when duo�Me <br /> pdnclpal ot nnd Interest on�e debt evidencM by Qw Note and any prcp3ynxm and Iate cherges due under the Note. <br />�"='� 2, Fhnde tor 7Yxe��nd Insur�nce. SubJxt ro appliwble low or to a wdtten w�iver by Lendcr,Donowu shall pay a <br /> �---��� Lender on the dey momhly paymems tuo due nnder U�o Noia until tho Noto b p31d in full,a sum('I'unde9 Por.(e)y�arly <br />�;��,..-;� tuc�and ncussmems which m3y el�ain prlo�ity OYGf t}II6 SlCUIIry lnstrument as a Ilen on�he Pro�xrty;(b)yearly leasehold <br /> 4.,� paynxnu or ground rents on tho Pmp.rty, if any: (c) yrariy hezard or propeey insmancc prcnilnmr, (d) yuuly flood <br /> { �h�:° Insurance premlume, if eny;(e)ycady mortgago insu�ance prcmlums, if any;nnd(�eny .uma payablo by IIonox•er to <br /> I.ender,In axordanco with�he provistons of pamgreph B,in Ileu of�hepaymem of tnongage insurenco prtmlums. 7twse <br /> -'���-�.C•T=+�� items nru celled'IIscrow Imnu.' Lender may,m nny�ime,eollecl nnd hold iLnds in m amoum not to oxeeed the maxtmum = <br />_ , „���,. __ <br /> emounl e Iender for o fedemlly rolaied mongage loan may reqniro for Aortowcrk escrow aeconm under�lw fcderel Rcal <br /> " �S'�», Cslete Settlemem Ptocedures Ac�of I974 ae emended(rom dme m dme,12 U.S.C.¢2601 rr sr .("RIiSPA'),unless another • — <br /> •�'�"�� Io�v tha�nppllu lo�he fimds seu a Icsser emount. If so,Lender mny,nl nny 8mo,wlloct and ho3d F'unde in en tunomm�ot to �� <br /> _;;.y;�:;.;':�, oxceed tho lesser amount. Ixnder may estlmato tho amaun� of rimd� duo on �ho basie ot currcm dais end rcawnablo <br /> estlmata of expcndiwrcs of fu[aro Eiscrow Rems or oiM1env(so In eccordenw w(�h nppIicablo lew. <br /> 7Le ILnds shall be held in an instimtion whose deposi�s em Insured by e federal agency, inslmmcmxlily,or emity - ----�--� <br /> _�- � (including Lender,if Lender is such nn insiitu�ioN or in nny I�edeml Home Loan Oenk. [.ender ahall epply�ha f'vnds�o pay <br /> �� .�- � Ihe Qurow Ilems. Lender mey no�chargo Bortower for holding and applying Ihe Fimds, nnnuxlty analyzing�ho cscrow _ _ <br /> ;;'!��.:��•,'- ecwunl,or vedfying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Dortower interes�on the Ponds nnd applica6le law pennits <br /> ��¢-�.�-�`�� Lender lo make mch s charga Hmvever,Lender may uiro I3ortower to pay n onatimo chazga for an independent real <br /> �:,;:�� <br /> • � _:,,.,;. a�ate�a�reponing service used by Lender in conncction� �h ihis loan,unless applicablo Iew provides olhenviso. Unless en <br />�_:..,k;; -::..; egreement is made or npplicabie Inw requires imercst to be pafd:Lender shall not be n:quired lo pay Uorto�ver any imeract or <br /> _ �;_ „ eaminge on�he flmds. Dortowcr nnd Lcnder may ngrce in wncmg,however,�hat interes�shnll bo paid on the I'unds. I.cnder <br /> shail give to Dormwer,withom chnrge,en anmial nttnunting of the f•Lnds,showing credi�s nnd de6hs to�he Mnds nnd the <br /> �''l'�, � puryose for whlch each de6it�o the f�nAs was made. 71�e fim&ore ptedged as edditional sauriry tor nll sums secured by -- <br /> .� � � �his Security Inspument. <br /> .. .. , , <br /> , ' ��. <br /> �- '- � '• If the f�nds heid 6y Lender ezceed the emaums permilieel w 6e held by epplicnble law, Lender shall account to <br /> ; ,.� Ce,rs:txr fa;the exass Wr.d:in accerdance•�lth�he rcq�_:ren+.ems et nppltsnble Inw. If iha omounl of ihe I§mdc helA by ____._. _.___. <br /> � � Lender et eny time is not sumciem to pay�he Cscmw Ilems whm duc,Lender may so nolify Ilorro�ver In writlng,nnA,in <br /> such case Oorto�ver shall pay �o I.ender �he nmount necevnry to meke up �he deficiency. Dorrmver shall make up the ---_ <br /> d:ficiency In no morc�hnn nvelve monthly paymems,m Lend.rk sole discrc�lon. <br /> � Upin payment in full of all sum<secured by�his Sauri�y Insttument. Lender shell promptly rcfund ro�oROwer eny -_ <br /> � Funds hefA by lsnder. If,under p�ragmp�21.Lender sh:�l ncquirc or sell ihe Ropeny,Lender,pdor�o�he acquisition or -.. ----- <br /> ' sele of the�coperty,shnll apply a�y fnnda heW by l.ender a��he Qme of ncquisition or aale ns n cnAll against �he cums v�:��=�r <br /> � sccured by thit Sewrity lacwmem. i%�`�-����'_ <br /> - 3. A llentlon oT 0'ay-menfs. Unlrss a licable law rovides othenvise, nll paymems received by Lender under .- �:-"'-- <br /> ara r� hs I and 2 shail be n hed:firxL Io an rrrr � nem chnr es dne under�he No�e;xecond,lo xmaums a nblo under '(�:'�;�:l;.�.. <br /> ' P 8 P - PP� )"P P•Y� 6 r Y i'�y:i•,6--- <br /> . pamgraph 2;Ihird,w imeresi due:founh,to pnncip�d dnt;ond lacl.lo any Imc chnr6cs duc undcr�ha No�c. �.�J ;.`.,- <br /> - 4. CAerges; I.iens. 6ovo��er shall pay ail �ax.s,acsessmen�s, chargez, fines and imposllions mtri6mable �o ihe �i''���.�;' _ � �- <br /> � - Propeny which may auain prioriry oaer ihis Security In,wmem.arA Icuschold paymems or gro�md rems,if¢ny. Oorto�ver {,�2;,�,� , ` �c� <br /> shall pay thcsc obligaiions in�hc manm�r pmrided in parograph 7,or if no�paid in that monner,[Sorto�ver shall pay�hem on �� �y, j� h__-, <br /> �imc dircc�ly�a�he person owed paymcnt. 8ortoo�cr shall prompil?�f��n(sh to Lender nll no�ices of nmm�ms to be pnid undcr •u?IT�1e 7 _ <br /> �his pvagraph. If Oorto�cer makes�hexe paymems dircctly,Oormuer shall p�ompily fumish�o LenAcr receipis evidencing �i,,a!���1f �t� i,.: <br /> thc payments. ' <br /> = Durtox.r shall promptly discharge an��lien shich has prinri�}orer�hi�Sr:uri�y Incwmrm unless f3ovox•er.(a)ngrces �`- ;�;t ��� � : <br /> � in wri�ing lo�he p�ymeN of�he nhligniion securcd by�he lien in n nunner accep�able to l.ender,(b)conlests in goad feilh d�e ;..-.,;(�a;pj{^7_ <br /> -r_. _��:; �., lirn by,or defcnds againc�cnfarcemrnt n(�he licn in,Iegal praecdings���hich in�tc Lendcr.opinion npera�e to prcrcm the t"�,�>;t�:_�`p'f!�;";i_-'- <br /> � :';-�� rnfurcemenl of Ihe licn:or(c)securcs!mm�hc holder o!�he iien un agrmmem sa�isfa.inry In Lender sulwrdina�ing Uie lien ,.r Y' 'c - <br /> m�hii Securiiy Instrument. If IAnder de�emiines tha�any pan of�he Propeny is subjea�o a lien�vhich may mmin prioriry ;;�i:;y ,EZ':�'-- <br /> ., . ocer this Securily ImwmrN.Lender may gice Uorro�eer a notice idemif��ing�h.r hrn. IIortonrr shall salixfy the Iicn ar lake ��'���, - 'r-•.:�_� <br /> une or nmrc of lhe aciians x�fonh aMee wi�hin 10 day.a(�he giving of no�ice. �� �� •�- <br /> , - 5. flamrd or Properlr Insurenm. 6ortu�ecr ahall kecp�hc improremcros now rais�ing or hercaRcr crccted un�hc r��`�j��_-� <br /> {Ya�xny�inwmJ againsl In.�Ay fire,ha�ardc included wi�hin Ihe tcmi'cxlendrd cmrragi:ir.d any olhcr ha�alds,incinding -1 ;••:,.{,:, <br /> , O�wJ�nr ILxxling, far �rhich L.ndcr rcyuirc. in+ur,mrc. 1Li. insurancc shall M inaintainrd in Ihr amounls and for Ihc �- ��-`�' <br /> ,C, �`.�i.:. <br /> .. ..,.�f'.... <br /> . I�otm30SA 9,50 qas�T.'/M1tyFnl - .':i�`.--: <br /> � � <br /> �•�. <br /> . .. � <br /> __. �.�'"r-.-.laS' ._: ... ... : <br /> .. . .i. ; , . _. <br /> ' ,�••. .. . . .: <br /> } <br /> ' <br /> . <br />