, � �-._ _ :__�,___:
<br /> ,;.i, I . ,.
<br /> ' ��w�i�I�'SJ .
<br /> perloda�hnt l.snder rcquircx Ttw insuranco curitrproviding�ho insurenco ch�ll ba chosen by Bortower suqjc�,lq Lendab
<br /> epprovcl whlch shall not Do unreasonab�y withheld. If Bortower f�lle to msimnin wverege dascdbed�bpvo,l.cqdrt mny,n
<br /> Lbnder6 opilon.oEtdn wverage to praec�Lender§rlgAu in iha Rnpeny in xcordanca wi�h p�rograph 7.
<br /> + All insurerrca policiee and�enewais shali bo occcptabla to Lcnder ond sha�l tncludo o siandard mongago clousc. Lcnder
<br /> , chnll have tlw dght�o hold Iho policics and tenewels. ff Lendtr rcqulrce,Oonowcr shail promptty give io Lender ull rcttip�
<br /> _-_ • of patd premiume und rcnewnl noliees. In tho event of los�,llorcower shnll givn promp�nmico a�ho Insurmce carder anA
<br /> � Lender. I.endermay make proofotloss if not mada promp�ly by RorcoSrcr.
<br /> Unieu Laider and Bortower o�M1crwi.se agrm in wriNng,Insumnco procecds ch�ll he applicd Io rcsromtlnfi,nr rcpair of
<br /> ..r.� �--„ �ho Pr�ny damaged, If ihc restorallon or mpair iv emnomically kasiblc aml I,enderF ucurity iv nol Isssenttl� (f thc ..,-,- -_ --
<br /> rcstwat on or rcpair is not economicnlly fe�siblo or Lendert sxuriiy would be Icsscned,�lio Insumnra Pnm�ccis�shpll�be
<br /> uppllcd to�he sums securcd by this Sewrtty Instrumen6 wheiher or no� �hen due,wiih any execss paid�o.0arrpleee If.
<br /> Itotrowu obandoro iho Propeny,or doee no�enswer wlihin 30 daye e notice from l.ender that tlte insumnce canier has
<br /> o(krcd Io settle n ciaim,then Lender mny colicc�the insuranee proceeds. Lender m�y use the proreeds�n mpxir or rcs�orc
<br /> �he Pro�rty or to pay sums securtd 6y thfa Sccurily InstNmen6�vhcihcr or no�ihen due. 'Ihe 3D-duy pcdnd�vill begin when
<br /> the not co is given.
<br /> --_-.--� Unless Lender end 6ortower o�herwlae agrce in+ttittng,nny eppllca�ion of proceeds lo principzl shnll nni extend ur --------
<br /> postpone�he due da�a of�he monthly paynxnis rcfemd�o in�mgmphs 1 and 2 or change the nmmm�of tlio paymcnts. [f
<br /> under pamgmph 21 iho Ropen� is ecqulrrd by Lender.6orrowerY right �o eny insumnce pollcies and procecds rcsul�ing
<br /> -� -= from damage lo thc Propeny pnor�o�he acquisiflon shail p.m io Lender ro ihe excenl of�he sums secured by this Secumy
<br /> --- Inslrumrnl immcdintcly prior to�hc aaryisi�ion.
<br />-_';'�� 6. OccupAncy, Preservatlon, M1Sulnlenance and Protttdon ot IAe PropertZ: Oorrox�er's I.oan Appllcatlon;
<br /> _`-'—"— Leaseholds. Dortower shall oaupy,estabiish,and ux�he Property aa Bonow�cr's prinapal residcnce�vithin siKly dnys nRer
<br />_-�^��!� IFe execution of this Security Insuumem nnd shall cominue ro oaupy�he Ropeny es Uorto�ver4 pdncipal msidence Por m
<br /> -- least one yav afler �ho da�e of occupancy, unless Lender othrn��ise ag2�s in writing, which consxnt shall not b: `°" -�`-- -
<br /> ,,.�f, �� unrcasonably withheld,or unlen ex�enus�ing cirenms�ances extsi which am bcyomi Borrower�comml. Dortoirer shnll no�
<br /> ��?ti�'��. deslro
<br /> �._.�.,i..� y.Aamage or Impalr Nc PYopcny,allo�v�hc Pmperty to dercrior��e,or mmmit was�e on�hc Propeny. Qcvrower shall _
<br /> •�{�,.����. be in defeult if any fodeiture actian or procecding,�chuher civil or criminal,is b:gvn�hni in Lendert good faith judgmem
<br /> :-'i�(..f;,;_sl. muld rcsult in fode;turc of�he Prop.ny or o�herwiu malerially impaG �he licn crcated by this Stturiry Inswmem ar
<br />-. ':aP��rGt*.�t. Lendeh securily Intercst. Oortower maycure such n defauh and rcinstale,as provided in paragraph(8,by causing lhe action _
<br /> -`-�'� or procceding�o be dismisscd with u ruling�ha�,in Lcndcrr gad faiih de�ermination,pmcludes fodeitum of the Dortowerk
<br /> ""r����'�11 Inicrcsi in the Prapeny or o�her ma�criat impatrmem of�he lien crcatcd by ihis Sceurity Insnument or Lender�s security __
<br />��i�-�S'*.,:r�;;'c= intercsi. Qortuwer shall also be in defauh if 6orto�rer, during �hc loan upplication process, guve ma�erialty fal.0 or —
<br />- q;�};w 1,�; . inaccumw infuanniion or s�atements�o Lender(or failed�o provide Lender with any material inPomia�ianl in cannec�ion with �
<br />- � �� ihe loyi evidenced by the Nole, including, bm no� limi�ed �o, npresemmions conmming Ilortowerk accupancy of ihe
<br /> ":'.:f�.����"i Pm n osa rinci — .
<br />��,,,, .yi.,„ pe y p pql msidence. tf ihis Sauriry Insuumcm is on a leasehold,6ono�ver shall compiy with ull�hc provisions _
<br /> ,~�;b�•�,. of the Iease. If Oorrower acquiros fce�ille Io Ihe Ropeny.ihc Ieaschold and�he fce title shall nat mcrce unlest Lender nemes �=.-��.; ... .
<br /> -+ m tha mcrgcr In�vri�ing. - - - - --. - .
<br /> �'; 7. Protection of Lcndeds Rights (n the Properir. If�ortoser fails to pedom� �hc wvewms and agrcemems �',�;- -
<br /> ` � ---.,�� conmined In �his Securiry�Instmmem, or�hem ix a Icgal pmcceding �hn� may xignificanqy affec� lwndert righ�s in Ihe ;-.r� -r.;;
<br /> � j�n�c�'`ys Nopeny(such ns a proceeding in bankmptcy,pro6me,forrnndemnmion or farteimm nr�a enfont la�vs or rc@ulmionsL�hen ,r.:_,�{�-..—,-.
<br /> �:, Lender mny dn and pay for�vhntever is necessaq•to p`mec��he vnlue of�he Ropeny and Lemi:r:s righis in �he Propetty. ' i';" �r;,w.._
<br /> ` I.enderk nctions mny include poying nny uum securcd hy a lien which Aac priori�y nver ihis Secari�y Inx�mmem,appearing S•`; -�`:,,;�„:._.
<br /> . �_ '�"'tfi' in caun,pn in rcawnn6le anome i(ecs and emerin on�he Pro n Io make rc rta.AIUmu�h Lender mn �ake action '��"`����-•��ii•4-;
<br />._.;'-�`�,`;,-.•i. Y 8 Y F P� Y Pa Y ... `�\a-��.__;i;
<br /> .+.,.. undenhis paragr�ph 7,l.ender does no�have�o do so.
<br /> ' � i�--�� Any amouma disburxd by Lender under this pangmph 7 shnll became additinnal debl o(�orto�rer xecund by Ihiz , :,�
<br /> .;y�J� s; Securiiy Inswmem. Unles.6urro�cer and l.ender agrce Io o�her iemna(paymrn6 iluse nmoums shnll bear imenst from Ihe ,< -
<br /> . �*F` Jntc of disbmxemem m �hc Notc nie:md thall 6c payablc.wi�h imere..i.upon no�im fmm Lcndcr to Ilorto�ver requc.�ing �;�:'�, ��,�;�;'��
<br /> - -� Z paymem. �_ .; -
<br /> , +- - .i tl. Morlgoqe Insurance. If Lender rcyuircJ mnngnge in.ur.ma a<a condi�ion o(making the loan ucurtd hy thic -;�
<br /> - Seeuri�y Instrument.Oorto�eer shall pay�he prcmium�nquind m mainmin ihr mongage in.unnce in effeci. IL tor any � �' •"=K"-"
<br /> � _ � rcnxon, �he mongage insuranec coren@e rcquired by Lender lapxs or ceaus m h in effec�. 13artuwer thall pay �he ���(�;�� ���'.��_
<br /> , ra,_ prcmfums rcyuircd io obtain cm�cr.ige suM1.�antially ryuiealent �o tIx mongage in,uramti prrriuusly in effeci.ai a cm� ; - _�,.-.
<br /> su�]�181111u11 c ulVUll'l1i lO III¢aual Iu QotluwCl u�IIIC 111011`il a ip�lndiltC ICViuua� ^Z'..i�
<br /> /"�� Y 4 F F' P Y iu c(fiti.Gmn an allcma�c nwngngc I ;- t �'y ,
<br /> insnnr appru�•ed by Lender. If suh��ami:tllv equiv:�lenl inongage in.nrancr cnrerage iti nol,nnit.�h:c. Dotmwer chall pay lo .i,•
<br /> r - -- �s� Lender cach mnmh a sum equai lo nne•Iwclllh of Ih.ycady mnngage iinumnc.prcmium Ucing paid by 6urto���e��rhen ihe - r'".` ';' �''-:
<br /> t _ a �::
<br /> _ �� inwrancc corcrege lapscd urcca�cJ�o Ix in cffca. Lcndencill accep�.uw:mA rrtain thoc paymenn a.a lo..rcxm in licu -t;-- , r� ��'�
<br />�- " '-'a�+�i o!mmlgagc inwrancr. Lim rcKnr i�m.nh ma�nn lun cr Ix re uirtd.,1 Ihc o tion of I.cnJcr. if mon � c imurana �`'�S:�:.'..:.;�;:'-.
<br /> �='��4{._��:;.- P�) 3 F 4 P F'F .
<br /> ..,;� ,:,;.;p; coverage(in�he amoum nnd for Ihe�ri�xl ih:u Isnder requirc.)prn.�idrd br:m in.urcr appmred hy Lender again I+ecumr. �:�'�. '."�.�'..-
<br /> ..-. � ':s. available and is oblain�d.Rorrox�cr.hall pa��Ihc pnmiwn.rcyuircd In mainiain mongagc in+nr,nar in c(fcct.nr�o pmvidc a :;+c'' ', d_i:-
<br /> � los�rcsen�e,umii�he rcqui�emem li�r mongage inwranre end.in acrnN.mce xiih:my�criucn,em.mrm Mloren Oorto�cer �},�� .• �
<br /> - - and Lcndcr at applicahle la���. ..,E. . .' -
<br />. '��;".�:� - 9. Inspectiun. Lcndrr or ih agcn�mar m:dr re:nnnaMr rnlrir.u�wm:uiJ im�.lion.of Ihc I'n+�tny. Lcndcr.hall �--i . . . .
<br /> ' gi��c Onrtoiccr nolicc at Ihc timc uf nr prinr m:m in.�clinn yxri(�ing rc:nonahlc c.m�c for thc in.p.t�ion.
<br /> "':��;�. 10. Condemnation. The pru.reA.ol any a��:ud w rl:�im for d.mc�}c..dire.l ar convyuenual.in conn.ciion e�ith am
<br /> t::; .
<br /> . :.�;)v�� AngI.�F�mJ.-FonnlrVar'}rrddir\la<ICIi�UR\II\]1Nl\IF:\7"-lmin�mtb.cvm. 9W .�„c�?.an�,.-.�� '{;:.
<br /> �ny�v.�.r�w�.rtmmirc ■ - .
<br /> ' M1.�tify��t IAWSD9R1::lA1614191-1111
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