IJ. .� � ` . �. . . . _
<br /> . ' l. .1..>_ .. �...._ ' _ _ ", "
<br /> _� � s!n'd�`-�_ �' i `_ - s _
<br /> i �. ��n . . _. _ - _._
<br /> .�ni.�� � � . - - . ' •
<br /> 'f0(IE77fPR WITN nll Ne Im rememe rx�w a AercoRer orectM�nn�rnn r n ,�n93 zro��a�`tf
<br /> �nd futuros now or horn(tcr o � P� Y Plwrter,nnu�,
<br /> put of tho property. All rtpl�cemnntn nnA.nAdiiions sA�il also be wvcred by�h(e Sceurity
<br /> Insuunxnt. Allot�hoPorcgoinglsrckrrcdtainUdsSscudrytnetmmenna�qia'Roptny."
<br /> IfORROWLR COYCNANf3�Imt Bortower I�lawfutly celr�ed af.fl7a cs�a�e hcrcby conveyed und ha�tl�a right to gront
<br /> and convey ihe Pro�erty end�hnt ihn Propeny is unencnmhered,oxeopl fur cnc•umbronaa of record. Borrower wamnn nnd
<br /> ___--- will dcfend gmcrel�y No 800�o�hn Roperty egolnrt ail otnime and damnnda sihJrct ro eny enwmbmntte of nror0.
<br /> TIIIS S[CURITY INS7RUMfNT comAlnne unlPorm covonf�nPo for.nNlunnL ur� anA namunitorm covennma wi�h
<br /> -.-_- - Iimltcdv�daqonebyJudsdictlon�oronxOtutaaunifumiscwd�y6u�wmam.rnrcrinproalproperly. ,._ , _
<br /> UNIFOlLIlCOVFIJATYI'S. BorrowcrendLcndcrcovennnLnnAaprooasfnilmvs:
<br /> _ — 1. P�yment of Princippt and lnkcesl;Prepeympn!ond bqtn q��caqc. Bottnwcr shall prompdypay whcn duo�he ---
<br /> ___= pdnclpnl of and imercst on tho dabt evldenad by tho Nota and nny proppymenl.ond Inm chnrges due under U:a Note. ___ ----
<br /> 2. FLnda[or 7Yxea�nd Inaur�nee. SubJccl lo epplicabla Inw or tn a writmn walver by I.ender,Iiorsower sM1all pay�o __--
<br /> =:�E�,'� l.cadcr on tlio dny mamhly payaicme en;duc undcr�ha Hote,umil_iha Nnto is paid in PoII,a sum("Wnds")for:(a)ycarly m-- -
<br /> -- i� taxce and esussmentn which mny el�nln pdodry over this Secudn,/Inµmmnnt es e lien on the Propeny;(6)ycarly lenschold n c-� -
<br /> Paymente or ground rcnix on J�a Propcny,if any; (c) yeady linrnrtl ar propeny Insuranee pceMums; (A) yearly (lood - ---------
<br /> ="„�-'"' nsurancc pttmiums, if uny; (e)yearly mongage Insuranac p�miumq if any:and (q xny sum� paya6ta Cy Qottower io
<br />_:=F:-'._;-, Lender,in eccordance with�he prvvi.slnna of piragraph�8,In Ileu of d�o payment of mongage Insurance ptrmiums. 'Ihete
<br /> "- ������-� ireme nrc called"Fscrow ItamE" L.ender mny,at any qms,colipet nnd�hnid Funds in an nmount not ro exceed Ne m�ximum =°_--
<br /> ' �`'�.�`� emnunt e lender for o fedaraily m6iled mnrtgapo loan�mny rcqpiro fur Barto�verY escrow occoum under�he federa! Real - _=-
<br /> .- -- �`' Esmto SetOement Procedums Aa af 1974 na umendad from��imn todllnr..13 U.S.C.p 2601 rr sr�/.("RESPA"),unless anothcr e-°=
<br /> 'f Inw tl�ot applies to�he Nndn seey a lasur mm�unt.:If so,Lcader nmy.aLany time,co11ec1 end hold FLnds in nn amount not Io x-;�1.; _
<br /> t_ � exceed tho laaser emaunt. L.ender mny esOmnta U�o ammmt.06 Nnds due on �he basis of curtent daia and rcamnable �i?-,_�}-
<br /> `L ��;- estimnies of expenditnrcs of Po�nni Escmwdwmnor ahorxL�in•ecconlnnce wi�h npplica6le law. ���>� '
<br /> ,�(� .ti - Tha IhnAs shall be 6cIJ in an inr.tiUtlinawLnEC depofiu�atu h�cumd by e federzl egency, inawmemality,or emiiy . '.'Y"�
<br /> a � ak
<br /> ' n� �-� - (including Lender.if Lcndur Lv snch eainetimdon)or in nny FcdcmbHnme Loan dank. Lendcr shnll npply�he Rmds to pay 7m: . .
<br /> .�;�..,r „ th¢fscrow Imma Lender mny nm chnrge 6orrower for haldinp und applying �he Ponds, ennunlly enalyzing the escrow ;r,!��;;i`,:;�.
<br />�.;.i"f<<S`�? ecconnt, or veriCyinp thn ['scmw Imms, uNeu Lender pnys Uurtower interest on the Wnds end applicabte law pertni�s �.,�=a�—
<br /> '-r:;s}t,� }k��! L.eodor ro mnke sueh e chnr�e. t1m��sver,Lender may roqnim Qurtower�o pay a one•�ima ch¢rge fa an inde ndent rcal �;y;�"�'�.��
<br /> ��''�3 j��'- evao:ux reportinp senlce ueed 6y[.ender in connectiomwitli ihis loan,unless applicablo law providee o�henvise�Untess en �"�'-x:-'-�"
<br />`„r,d��:!#�_?, ap.reement in m�u vr appiivablu Inw requircs fmarcs�to bc poid,Lendcr shall not bc rcquired to pay Uortowcr any inlercs�or .���;��".f,__
<br /> �� ��. ea.nin4s onaho[•Ludx. Barco�verond Lendcr nmy ngree in writing,howevcr,�hu�iniercs�shall be pald on Ihu FLnds. Lendcr t-° -
<br /> Al � 'S' .v'w'.[ ve�o ISUrtower,�vitlmm ch c an-mm�nl accoumin of�he Rmds,shoviln credits end debi�s m Ne FLnds und�he �;" °�'�'�""
<br /> ���4�jp'}M1_`, pum�fw which each dchib�o•the�I�Lnde was mnde. 77ic Ponds nre pledged as edditional security for alI sums ucured by ��,�+� __
<br /> � ;�:� , iivxSceudtyfnswmcnt. �
<br /> ��' .�k��•. y permi�ted to be hcld by applicn6le law. Lender shull eccount m _
<br /> � �;,.,�,Z C4 die ILnds he(d b Lender eaeecd �he amoums :<7,ik+t =•_,_ _
<br /> � G �'t� 13�rtorvs�fo�Nc rxress IUnds In acco�dnnce wi�h the � uircments of a lica6le law. If�he antount of the Wnds held b "� �
<br /> tt1 41�d� 29 PP �
<br /> i �r�� : l.ender e�eny�une is not su(ficiem�o pay�he Fscrow I�ems�vhen due,Lender may so natify 6ortower in�vdung,end,In ��}��z4s �.-�.
<br /> ,����ti � a�ch�ceu 6urrower shall pay io Lcnder the amount necessery to make up �he deficiency. Borrowrr shnil mnke up �he �ri�in1 -___ _
<br /> r=y�JSy'-� defir.iuncy In no more�hnn�welrc momhly payments,ai Lender�sole diurciion. '���Fi'F�'t..
<br /> {4 Y�p�� , Upon puyment In PoII of all smis secund by this Security Inswmem.Lender sM1all promptly rcfund�o f3ortoo�cr any ���?7,3 9 j}�,'��%
<br /> - .. Bm�ds heW by Lender. If,under parzg�aph 21.Lender shnll acquite ar scll�he Propeny,Lcnder,prior�o�he ncquisition w E ;.,F7ia� rr�:1�
<br /> •�,�y�p.�:�:h� sale of��a Ropeny,xhall apply nny f•Lndc held by Lender ai�he time of acquisition or sale as a crcdi� ngalnst �he xums '"":r}t• '.+���_.-
<br /> �,� aecurcd by�hie Security Inswment. ' � }� ar ;.
<br /> , - 3. Applientlon of Poymenls. Unless epplicuble I;nv provides oihenvise. all paymema receiced by Lender undct ' t�I,� -a'i i�
<br /> � ` {- � paragraphs 1 nnd 2 sholl be upptied:first,to any prcpaymem churges due under�he Note:second,�o umounts pay�eble ander � "JY�i�Y t1 i=..
<br /> � - ; p�ragrnph 2;�hfrd,io imeres�dur,founh�o princip�l due,nnd ias�,to uny la�e chnrges due under�he Note. '�}�i) (h -.-
<br /> +� ` -,_� 4. Chorgea; I,leav. Borto�rer shnll pry nll iues, asxssmenu.charges, fines and impositions auribmable io �he - �• Pt( �t _i+:.f
<br /> � i.__, Nopetly which m,Ty nuain priod�y over�hfs Security Insuumem,:md Ieasehold paymems ar ground rcms,if nny. Borcox�er -���"+'°��� .'�f'-�
<br /> shnll pny these obliga�ions m thc mnnncr provided in parugr�ph 2,or if not p�id in�hm monncr,Dortower shall pay ihem on �,r'�7g;S p -i� !-�
<br /> '}� timu dirccUy ro the person owed paymem. I3ortawer sholl prompUy fumish�o�ender all noiices of nmonnw lo be paid under ,'.'�„ �r � ,;;S
<br /> � �hie ar� ra h. If Borto��•er makes�hese a menis dimcll ,6orraver shall rom d G�mish m Lender mcei is evidencin �{'`'� � - -�' -�-
<br /> �' - . . P F P N Y Y P P Y P 8
<br /> , cniu, Y .
<br /> �I - - tLc puyments. _ �; r m ---� .�.
<br /> � � � - 6ortower shnll prompdy dischnrge any lien which hus priority uver lhis Secnrity Inxtmmem unless 6orro�ver.fa)agrces :;1}((� r� -`� •
<br /> ��' � in writing io�he payment of�he obligmion securcd by�he lien in n m�nner nccep�abie m Lender.(b)comes�s in good fai�h�he � `�'� -.���; �{
<br /> ..,_:� lien by,or defends ugninc�enforcement o(�he licn in,Ie�al procecdings�vhich in�6e Lenders apinion operaic io prevent the - �, ;: ---
<br /> � �t_ en(orcement o(1he lie�r,m(c)securcs from the holder uf the licn un ngrcemem sa�isfac�ory�to Lender subordinating�he licn t�+..c ��"�
<br /> ' �o this Stturi�y Insuumem. I(Lendcr dc�em�ines�hm an an of�hc Pro n *� �•�.�s`-�«�'�
<br /> ° over�hiF Secum Inswmem.Lender mu Y P P� Y�t cubjeci to a lien ahich mny nuain priority �:-� Z�S' _ . _�;,�•
<br /> y y give Dorroe�cr a noiicc iJentifying�hc licn. Ranower shall sn�isfy�he lim or�ake ? 7�r ,
<br /> � - onc nr morc of thc aciianx sct fonh aboec wiihin 10 days ohhc giving o(no�ice. y.�:f�, '.;,;:�;��i�:
<br />'";.�,i'�.�_�". 5. Hazard or Property Inxurnnm. OoROwcr shall kccp�hc improcements nmc exic�ing or hercaftcr crected an�hc � - `'%
<br /> ..,;� . Prapeny insurcd egainsl loss 6y fim,ha�ards included�eithin�he iemi"extended corernge'nnd any o�her havards,including % � ,..
<br />:j,�,,-.,`':, iloods or flooding, for a�hich IsnJcr reqnircs inxumnce. Thi. inhurantc sh:dl hc maimaincd in ihc amnums and for thc ��
<br /> .yd.?� ` S. � . .
<br /> ''��`��� i. .
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