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k � a. ._..�...rv .,�Ll���" ,. <br /> . e. 4 � � �,I • ------ -- - .. <br /> ," -il" , �7i�'��07J�v� _ . <br /> - �.�i o�Nk,and the wle,IncludiaQ t6�p�yment ot tbe 7��r�ieo'��ies octwlly Incwrred,aot to�xceed f ive `�� <br /> tIN priacipd�monat or the not��t tUe 11n�e of tiN decl�ralbn ot defpult,wad renroaabk attwneyr•fceo as rmitted <br /> -�:� � by Iqw=(b)lo�11 wma secured by thb Securlty Imtrumenti�ud(c)pny excea to the peraan a'perwm M�I�e�utitied <br /> ,� a�a <br /> .���+ Z2. Reeonveyance. Upon pAyment of all sums secured by lhis Secu�ity Inewment,Lender e�hall request 7Yustce to <br /> rcconvey Ihe Property and ahnll eumender thia Securlty Inauument ond all noteg evidencing debt secured by this Security <br /> - In�trument to 7tuRta. 'Ituatee ahall reconvey the Property wlthout warranty and without char�e to�ho person or persons <br /> _ - - -�-"F""""- legu!!y entiticd to it. Such pensc�n or persons shall pay eny recnrd�tion costx. �_,__ <br /> - 23. Sub�tilute'IFustee. its optian.may from time to�ime remove'Ih�steo end appoint o auccessor trustee to <br /> uny 7tuetce appointeA hercunder by an instrument recorded in the county ln which tbis Security Instrument ie recorded. <br /> "°'��- Without convayance of the Properry. the successor truatee ahall succeed to ull the title,power end dutiec conferred upon <br /> t, <br /> 7tuetee herein and by A plicable lew. , <br /> �_ ,.; 24. Rtqueat tor odces. Borcower requeels thal copies of 1he notices of defuult arid sale be sent to Bortower's address <br />