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�I . _ ___ _ <br /> ,a ,• .. . <br /> ;€ . .. � ��.. _ - — <br /> ! . � 'Kw.� I ��� �' ' . -•ry='-_ , <br /> . . � �..x,:.. -:.�_ <br /> '� � _ . _ - --_ _ - - _ -- <br /> �y j�:,�; _,�. =_�-= ' 9I-1 UG3£�5 _ <br />_ -- _ - <br /> -�,� - <br /> -�v!_�,., upplicabk law may specify for reinat�tement)before sale af the PropeRy pur�uant to any power of sale contained in ttd� <br /> _,,,�i� Securiry Inswment;or(b)enpy of�judgment enforcing thio Security Inatrument. 'Pho�e conditions are Ihnt Borrower. (�) <br /> pay�Lender all ruma which then would 6e due under this Security Inslrument and the Note as if no accelernlia� had <br /> '��`� accurred;(b)curcs any defwult of uny other cavenanta or agreementa;(c)pays all expensea incurred in enforcing Ihis Security <br /> '.�,� Instrument. including.but not 8mited ro, rcarwnuble attomeys'fees; and(d) takes such acllan ag Lendor may rcasonobly <br /> �. requirr to asaurc Ihat thc lien of this Securlty Inatrument,l.enderg�ights in the Property end Barrawcr'x obiigAtion lo p�y 1he <br /> - aunu secured by thia 9ceurity Inauumenl ahwll continue unchonged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, Ihis Securlry <br /> µ Inxtn�nnhx auiJ the obligations�ecured hereby shull remuln fully effective as if no uccelemtion had occurred. However.this �- <br /> -�"'•= d�ht to rcinatate xhall not apply in the cese af acceler�tian under pc�rragrnph 17. <br /> :,` 19.3ale ot Notei ChoaQe ot I.o�n 3ervker. The Notc or a pertlal interest In the Note(toge�her with ihia Securlty <br /> �-----_°°=�?�_-� Inswmem)may be sold one or more times wi�hout prior notice to Borrower. A sele may result in a change in the entity <br /> _-�-'�_�`�.�, (known a�the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also _. <br /> _____o���;:^' may be one or more chenges of the Loan Scrvicer unreluled to a sale of the Note. If there is a chnnge of the l.oan Servicer, <br /> Bortower wlll be given wrltten notice of the change in accordence wlth parngraph 14 above and upplicable luw. The notice <br /> °�.�a�as�;:�,;,ti`� will atate the name and address of the new Laen Servlcer and the address to which payments should be mude. The notice wiU � <br /> - elr.ocont�in any nther infarmation required by applicable lew. <br /> �� ;;.�,;,:��'� 20. Hazardous 3ubstances. Borrower ahall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,starage,or release of any c <br /> .�;`• Hazardous Substences on or in the Propeny. Bortower shall not do,nor allaw anyone else to do,eny�hing affecting the <br /> ,�;;,,,::.�, ,':;� �. Property Ihat is in viola�ion of any Environmenlal Law. The pr+eceding two sentences shall rrot apply lo the presence,use.or <br /> ___� ----''�''�"''�_ stonge on the Property of small quantities of Haznrdous Subslances tha�ere genarally recognlzed to bc apprapdate to norm�l � <br />- ,.���'"�?T��;;T�,'� � residentid uses and to maintenancc oithc Property. <br /> -�p��?����•r.. . Bortower shnli promptly give I.ender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or ather action by any <br /> ,.;��,���:i J. ^- govcrnmentul or�egulatory agency or privatc pany involving the Property and any Hazerdous Substnnce or Environmental _� <br /> �r. : '»V Law of which Horrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory �_ <br />--���„. �Y � � ' � eutiarity,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substunce affecting the Prapeny is neceasary,Borrower <br /> r. �,,, e , <br />-;.q,,,.� shqll prampdy take all necessary remedial actions in accardunce with Environmental Law. _ <br /> �°;,.. ; ....;'.,. <br /> ������t' . As used in this paragmph 20,"Hazer d ous Su bstances" are t hose su bs tances de f ine d as t oaic or hazar d ous su bs ta nces b y -- <br /> ;��;� :. , � Environmentel Law and the following subs�nnces: gaso8ne,kerosene,other flammuble nr roxic petroleum producls, toxic `._ <br /> ;;-_`:� '-.�:=�^`� pe�ticides and herbicides, volutilc solvcnts,muteriuls containing asbestos ar formoldehyde,nnd radiouctive meterials. As = <br /> -�.' ��� . used in Ihis pnragraph 20."Environmental Lnw"means federal IAws end laws of the Jurisdiction where Ihe Property ix located <br /> ��" .:��, ., " Iha�rela�c to health.safery or environmental praection. _ <br />- _ _�` NON-UMFORM COVENAN7'S. Borrower und l.ender further covenant und agree ns follows: __ <br /> •3� " 21, Acceleration; Remedies. I.epder shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration tollowing Borrower's <br /> '`,�r; ' :�; breach of any covenant or agreement In thia Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleration under peregraph 17 __ <br />--=,y- �_�; :-:=-"�'_' tsnless ap�slksb4e!aw provldes olherwlse). ThP�ntice nhall xpeclfy: lal the default;(bl t6e s�ction required to cure the <br /> : . • detaul:;(c)a date�not less than 30 dpys Prom the dale the notice is given to which the deiault must be <br /> � . curM;uad(d)that PAilure to cure the deiault on or before the dAte speci0ed in the notice may result in accelerallon ot _ <br /> ° .,"''' the sum�secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall furlher inPorm Borrower ot <br /> lhe rigbt to reinstate after AccelerAdon and lhe right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence ot a dePault or <br /> '�:'�'"� �� any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sak. If the default(s not cured on or before the date specified in <br /> • . � the notice, I.ender at its option may require immediate payment in iull of all sums secu�ed by this Securtty Instrument <br /> ' ��" without f1�Mber demand and may invoke the power of sale and aay other remedies permitted by appliceble law. ! <br /> �`"'�'1• I.ender�hall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuins the remedies provided in this par�gruph 21, <br /> ' • -� inclnding, but not limited to.reasonable attorneys'fees aad costs oP title evidence. <br /> :.� �' y " � IP the power of sale is invoked,'11�ustee shr�ll record a notice oi'default in each county in which any part of the =_ <br /> Praperly is located and shall mail copies of such notice in lhe manner prescrfbed by applicable law to Bwrower and to <br /> �"'�" "� the other pergons prescribed by applkable law. After the time required by applicable law.'I�ustee shall give public <br /> -•'{- noNce of sale to 1he persons and in the manner prescr{bed by applicable law. 'IYugtee.wilhout demand on Borrower, � <br /> � ' sh�ll sell t6e Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in <br /> �� the notke of sale In one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 7Yustee may po4tpone sale oP all or any <br /> � � � ''"� parcel of tl�e Property by publk announcement al the tirne and place oP any previousty scheduled!u�le. Lender or i4c U <br /> • " � • designee mwy purchase the Property at any sule. —` <br /> � . Upon receipt oP payment of the price btd.71�ustee shall deliver to the purchuser 7Yugtee's deed conveying the �` <br />- Propertr The recitals in ihe'I�ustee's deed shall be prima Pacie evidence oP the truth oi'the 4talements made therein. �r, <br /> - m�. 'I�uslee shsiH apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: la)to all costs and expen�es oP exercising Ihe power �- <br /> .. � �. <br />: ° r ��' <br /> �•`._ <br /> . • �: <br /> . • : �. <br /> Fi�rm 3112N 9/911 r��Kr t„)n�wx�•�i � <br /> . F <br /> � <br /> ., � <br /> ,. .� , <br /> . � <br /> ( I <br /> � <br /> � � <br />