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� . �.�-�--.�. _ � �- <br /> , , :: : <br /> � T , .. . <br /> -.�:� , ,93- a.o��a.s " <br /> paymenta may no longer 6a rcquircd,at�ho opllon of f.cnder,It nwngugo insuranco covcrege(in�he anwunt and for�ho perlod <br /> �hal 4ender requires)provlded by an Insurcr approved by Lender ogaln becomes nvnilablo and Is obtained.ibrrowcr ahall pay <br /> �ha prcmlume r.x�ulrul to maintaln mongago�nsurance in effu4 or to provido n Iosa reservo,unql ihe ru�ulromcnt for nwngage <br /> insurenrn enA�In eccardanw wiih eny written agreemem 6etween Bortotiver and l.ender or applicablo law. <br /> 9.(nspeNion.Lcndcr or lu agem may mako rtasonabia emria upon sncl lnspailons of.thc Propeny.Lendcr shall gtvo <br /> Borrowcr nolica ut tha tinw otor pdor to en Inspce�lon spocityfng reasoneblo wuso Por�hc Ins�:ction. <br /> t0. Condemnalfan.Tho procecds ot eny ewnrd or clalm (or damagca, direct or mnseqnemial, in connatlon wi�h eny <br /> condemnatlon or other ieking of eny pan of�ho Property,or for convcyanco in Ilcu ot condemna8on,ero liereby essigned and <br /> shall bo palA to I.cndcr. <br /> � �"�-'�--�"-' (n ehe evem of n tmel taking of tbe Pro�x.ny,iho proacds sM1all,ba applfed w thc mms socurrA by this SauBty Insuument, �-� - <br /> wUc�hcr or no��hen due,with nny exaess p,�id�o Borrower. In the cvent of a panial �aking�of�lho Property in which �he felr � � � <br /> . market velue ot�he Propcny immcdlntaip bciuru�ha�aking is cqnnl to or gmalcr than.�he mm�unl af�hc sunu sccured by thie <br /> Sccuri�y Insuument imm�dintoly be(nro tho tnMlnp,unless 8orrower and Lender ot6erwiw egmo�iani�ing,Iho sunu secured by <br /> �his Sccurity Instrumcro shnlU bo rcduad by thc enwum of tho procceds multl}�Ilad•by q�p-falimving fmainn: (e) tho rotal <br />_ -- emoum of the sums ucured immedintaly betnru tho�nking,dividal 6y (b)�he fatc medca vsb�a oL�he Pmpzny immediately <br />-_ = beforo �ha tnking. Any balance shnlL bc pnid m 6nrto�ver. In tAe event of a partinl mkinp o(..t6p Property in +vhich �he fetr -- <br /> market vnino oFlho Pmpeay Immedlnlaly betnm tqa tnhing le�ess Ihan the emnum of lha.mmis rzwmd immcdiatcly before the <br />__--= mking,unleu 13orrower and LcnAer otherwir,e eprco in ivri�inp or unless epplir.aM1ln 6m athenviro pmvldcs,the procecds shall <br /> -"'�'— be epplfed to�he sums ucun;d by�hin Securiiy Inpivmant whnher or not ihe sums nm thenAna. <br />'�;,.+;?'� If tho Propcny IfinhnnAnncd by Rnrrowcr,or if,aRcr nmlr.c 6y Lendcr to Ravo�vcr�he�.thcmnAamnnroffcra to m9ko an <br /> ='.:�" eward or settln a einfm for dmm�pes. Rnrrowtt fella m respnnA•�n�Lender witldn 30-diqa aiicr ihe data [he notfce is given, <br />; �^�!'' ;;n Lender is e�nhnrized to mllcet and npply�ho procceds,at lis oplinn,eiihor ta.rostaralion or r� af Ihe Propeny or w the sume _ _ . <br /> „a �'d`.,- secured 6y�hiF Securi�y lnp�vmen4 whe�her ar nnt then dna ._._ <br /> } ��7,,,`(�%� Unless LenAar and Qorto�ver a�6erwire aprce in �vrtling, eny appllca�fnn of proaxds fo principal shxll noi extend or <br />��i„„i�Yf;.(`-AJ postpnne�he dne dnie of�he mnmhly paymems rcfemd ro in pnn�r�phs I and 2 or chnnga the nmount of such paymems. g._„�, _ <br /> s ^L}5��` ���Qurron�er IYat Reieuud;Farheoranec By Lcadur Nut e Walrer.Exicnsian of Om time for payment or modification �._=- <br /> ` .�� of amonlm�fnn of the sums s�rurtd b this Secud� Inri�vment mnted b Lendor io en aucm5�ur in interesl of 6orrower shall <br /> �U.i�:S?t�i,�, Y Y 6 Y Y ��.t_� <br />';�.-.,�a���_ nni opera�e to rclease ihe linbfliiy of the aripinnl[lorrower ot Quvou•er's suoa�smre in imercsL LenAcr sBaU not be rcquired to _ <br />' "-;.i�� L;'-�;'�. mmmencz promdinge aseinra any suceessar in hneas�ar rcfurc w extend time fnr payment or oihenvixe modify umonizaAon �- - <br /> ''1`.�'`��, of the sums ucurcd 6y �hifi Secudty Inxtrument by reamn of any demNid by ihe oripin�l 13ortower or Bortower's � �� <br /> ..,,; --°"----- <br /> ,;��.'„°,-;�e� succesm�in Inlercs�. Any fofbcar�nce 6y I.ender in excrciRinp any righ�or remedy shrJb nut be a waiver of or precluAe�he :,:_:.--—. <br /> ';y , n.�;A _.. .. <br /> --� exercise of any riyhl or remedy. F''�W <br /> e�: �iic;fs•:.> 6}7tll}ITI.i,_. <br /> -;r.,;.s,j 12. Snecessors aud Assigne [tuund:Jaint nnd Severel UuGil[t,ri Cu�sSGnen. "fhe covenaNS nnd agrccmcnte of�his <br /> r��i � 2'' Securf�y Inswmem shdl bind end Benefi� We sucttsm�end nssigns ot LenAer nnA liurrower,suuja� to�Le provisions oi '��-` - '` ' ` <br /> ;�„��A�`�i,j`:�-, paragraph I7. (Sovo�ver s covennm�: anA agn:ements shnll be jnint und sever� Any Borrower�vho co-signs �his Security r.��,�'y-'_. <br /> i t�pf�s�±: Instrumem bw daa noi execme the Na�v; (a)is co�sipniny U�Ih Secvrity Inswment only w mortgage,grant end mnvey iha� '�,�,��,�5`{�4}j�� <br /> .1t���5yy.r.��� Darrowcr's inlnrcst in ihc Propeny under lhr.lcrme af thlM Securiic Inalrumcnr,(b)is no� pc�naily o6ligoted to pay the sums �.,�:;,��,�_`�,,_ <br /> i ,} ({�_:��,� secuad by ihis Securi�y InqivmenC anA(c)ogrcea thni Isnder and any o�her Uormiver may agrce to ex�ond,madify,forixar or ��- '�"� e ��,,C.; <br /> c;,,:r�.•.-J:�i� make any aaammndminns wi�h rogmd m ihe iarntx af�hin Security Inswmem nr tlic Nme without ihm Oammrr's mnsem. .�,,,,.,f� _ ?i- <br /> I.j'� s?f.,...: <br />„_ :i;:.:�:•,i„ 13. lunn Clmry{es.If�he I�r,m secumd by dil�:Security Inswment is sn6jaa w a law which scu maximum loan chnrgcs. �.z7t�.:.,,.�;.;,�s�*' <br /> ";.;i�,,_. and�hal larv is finnlly inm�pm�ed so �hm the imercst ar a�her Inan churgn coll�e�ed or�o be callet�ed in rnnncaion wi�h the sY-``,'�.:i��:•'} <br /> S, '�S - - loan excenl Ihe permiu��d limiiw,ihen: I:U�my such lunn-churgo Jmil be ndncal by the umounl necessary to reduce Ihe chnrge '.;. �.'�[;,�n;5_;.f,-: <br /> ..'�" : �'�•_' �o�he pemiiued IimiL and lb)uny sams ahvaAy cnll�cmd fnmi Uurtuw•er�vhicA exceeded permiueJ limiis�vill be rcPonded ro -r" `�::.y'�.�'L-�g;.�: <br /> �t p -i- '. 6orroo•cr. Lcnd.r mny cLnn.a� �n nmkc �hli� r�fund by roducing �hc prinripel owcd undcr �hc Notc ar by mnking u dircct � -- ,; + > ^� _ <br /> � t1. .;�� peymrm ta Oarro�ecc II'a rcfund rcdncn princip:J. �hc reductiun wiil be tmatal as n pimial prepnyment withoW nny a -"_ ' ���}j ;- <br /> - � �(�;�s�jt' propaymcm chnrgc unJCr thc Nuw. - �^� �s + , <br /> ., _�;.::.,� r�f, , Yt : <br /> .� :4t-,;.;.• 14. ti:d(ca.Any miia la liufruwer prnvided far in Ilds Securin• Inswment shnll l+c given by delivering il ur by mailing _:;.);.:?%::�` <br /> �: Y/}A•i'.T 11 Il)'IIRA CWSti I11p1I UOIC9 Tj1(IIICBIIIL'IJ\V ECQ111Nf UK O!'JI1M}ICf inem�d.Thc no�ire sh;di hc dim7�d�o ihc Prupcny AdJn�a '�� .�.,.: -- <br /> 'r.'' <br /> � ar nny uiher addR,.. Borron•er designates hy nnucr:-.i ienJer. Any no�ice in Ixnder .hall be given by firs� cluss mnii Io � ,;:,; S r w�,t ':- <br /> t Lendcr's uddmss�1ared hcrcin or any o�her aJJrcss lwnder dc�igna�es by nmia in Bnrrnwcr. Any no�icr proeided fur in�hfe t + <br /> � - �:3 Securi�y h�ummm�+hall be JcemeJ�n hare Ixen gi�rn w Uorro.�ci or IsnJer ahen giren:n pmvided in�his paiagraph. t ' S � �;��. <br /> }� �� _ .-�i IS.Go��eming, Serernbllit)�. Thit Securily liuvwnem sh:dl I+e gocermvl M1y kJeral law anJ Ihc law o(the :. ; {� -•.. <br /> �*.:��-- urisdiclinn in�rhich the Pro rt rc ItK�IC1I. III lI1C PYl'01 II181 :Ip rm�i.inu ar rl:mx of�hi.Sccurit In.umnem or the Nnte - <br /> �-:�r�r�,�t,.:. 1 P� Y�� > P Y .#.._,�. <br /> � - mn0ie�s widi applic�blr lan�. wch cnnllicl�hall nm aftc.t oihcr proci+i�ro+nt Wi.Sciuri�y hnwment nr�hc Nolc whieh ean 6c ° . <br /> .�'�' .?� ,- given effecl wilhnul lhe avntlir�iuF prnei>ion.Tn�hi.end Ih.prnri, thi•.Se vrnc InV rumem anJ Ihe Note are Jalared ::,�,,�: <br /> ;='T.: �o be urcr.ihlc. '�"��-`� <br /> j, :� �5',..:'-... <br /> `},�;i':.;- 16. Borroner'c Co Rumnrr.r.hail Ix •icen nne r�mlrtm�vl ro r nf Ihe Natc and ol�hi.Se.vrilr In.IrumenL "'•i�'�,`,?:�� . <br /> � ,..�.., P)"• t P. "�)',::i i. <br /> ' -:'n �° Porm 3028 9/fl0 � ' � �''� ��' <br /> .�.. p ��:;, ... . _ <br /> ,. .,.< < <br /> '.;,� . �' <br /> , . .: � <br /> ---,---�--�-,-�----�- - - -- - - - - - - <br /> , . . <br /> _ - <br /> , --- -_-_ <br /> = - �_,,. . <br /> 4 ,.,; .... . , <br /> ..9'� . .. . . <br /> ''` �. - _ ' , � . . . � . . � <br /> .. . ( � . . ... - " . . <br /> . j' . • �� ..- .. . .. . � <br /> . <br /> I <br />