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�� j,�:j � __ , � �_ .xi.�"` <br /> : :,:- __. _.__... _. — '_ '� . - : , -; —"...... . _ —_ <br /> (r=:,. _____'>., �:_�.�.c_��, _ .,. . . <br /> �� ."s� 93��a.s <br /> S. H�urd or Properly insuranca Borrowcr shnll kap�tho Improvtmente now enlsling on c�rtaftcr oreNed on the <br /> Propcny Insurcd ognins�toss by firc, h¢urds includat within tho tcrm'eatcnded mvcrage'and ony othcr ha7arQ�,includin� <br /> (lood�or ftoading,for whlch l.endcr requires Insurancc. Thle Insurancc ehall bc maintnincd In the nmounts end for�ho perlodf <br /> tha�Lsnder requira.7rio insuronce carAer proriding the insamnce�liall bo choun by Qorrower subJect�o Lcnder'e opp�ov�l <br /> whleh shnll not bo unr.asonably�vlihheid. !f Bortowcr falls m maintaln coveragc dcscrllxd ubovc, Lendcr may, m Lendcr'� <br /> opqon,obtnin mverago to proiec�Lender'�righte in�ho Propeny lu accordance wi�h p�mgraph 7. <br /> _�_ All Insnrnnce policics nnd rrnewnle shall bo accep�able to Lender end shall Includa n smndard mm�gage cleuse. Lender <br /> shull havo Iho righl to M1old tho policics ond renewnl�.tf Lendcr rcqulrc�,Oorrowcr shall promptly give to Lendcr all rccelpte o( . <br /> _ , pald premiums nnd renewel notices.ln tdc evem of loss,Qortowcr sl�ali givo prompi nmice to thc Insurancc wrder and l.endcr. <br /> � Lendcr may mnko proot of tos�It not madc pmmptly by Bortowcr. "- � '"�°-�°' '�----` <br /> Unless Lender end Bortoxrr o�hernise egrce In wriling, insurence procecd�shall 6o upplicd to restoreilon or repilr of the <br /> ---- Property dnm;�cd,if thc reslom�ion or repair is emnomirnlly fca�ibic end Lendcr's security b nnt lesxncd.If Ihe restarellon or <br /> repair is not ecnnomiplly kasiblo or 4e�der's secumy would 6c Icssened,the Insuranco pracceda slu�ll be upplled�o�ho sum� <br /> -- sccurcd by thls Secudty Instmment, whether or not tlicn duc, witli eny excess pald a [iorrower. If Dorrmver nbandons thc <br /> __,���;��� Propeny,or docs noe enswer wlthin 30 days e notice from Lender that Ihe Insumnm canier has offered to uule a clafm, then <br />----. �-�-�� Lendet msy mllect the fasurance pmcada. Lender may uso the proc�ecds �o repair or rcslaro the Propeny or �a p�y sum+ <br />„�•;��� secured by tlils Security InsuumeN,whcther or nat then due.The 30-0ay period will begin whm the notice is given. <br /> �_..,7,� Unless Lender end Borto�ver otherwise agrcc In wming, eny epplication of procecds�o pdncipal shxll not ex�cnd or <br /> �--,�r:;,� pos�ponc �hc due date of thc momhly paymcnts refcrred io in paragraphs I and 2 or changc the amount of the payments. If <br />�����`�'-��'�`�� under ra re h 21 �he Pro rt is ne uind b Lender, Itortox�er's d ht to en insurence ticies end roaeds resuhin from -- <br /> Pa 8 P P� Y 4 Y S Y P� P 8 � _ <br /> ��`�`i:'0.-. damnge ro�ho Propeny pdor m�ho ncquisitian shall pass to Lender m the ex�ent of�he sunu securcd by�his Security Inswmem -- <br /> :i Inwediatciy pdor a�hc ncquisitian. �`:.~'-. <br /> �-.;,,�-,��'i� 6.Oceu{wncy,Preservntlan, �Sulntenance nnd ProtecUon of the Proprrty;Dorro�ver'e Loan Applicailon:I.easehold+. -•�.; _- <br /> - Rortower shall accu esmblish,end use�he Pro en as 6orrower's rinci al rcsidence withtn six� da s e�er the exauHon of ��+��-- <br /> PY. P Y P P Y Y ',,�...- <br /> �hls Securiry Inswmen�and shall continue m occupy�he Pmpeny ac 6orro�ver's principal residence(or al least one ypr nRer '! };'`?�-� <br /> h�, �::'� the date of occupancy,unless Lendcr o�henvise ngrees tn writing,which mnunt shali nM be unreasonably�vilhhcld,or unles� -��a _'_ <br /> '"'.4i.::;'. <br />:.._q,.,�,..j, extenna�ing circunutnnoes exisi which ere beyond Dorrower's rnmrol. Qorrower shnll nnt des�my, damage or impair Ihe -r. <br /> °���'>;�--:>:y Propeny, allow�hc Propeny to delcrioram, or rommit wute nn the Propeny. Dorrowtr shall bc in default If eny forfcllurc `°�-��h"-' <br /> : _ . ... . ::Y�Y::kS:-.. <br /> -,- aclion ar procceding,whelher civil or criminal, is besun�hal in Lender's goad feith Jud6mem could msalt in for(timre of the <br /> � -4- _f•`- Propeny ar o�henvisc ma�crially impair�hc lien crce�cd by�his Sccuriiy Insuumem or Lendcr's security imcrcs�. Uortower m3y y��,1= �I=;�i` <br /> + _:; wre such a defeuh and reinstate,as provided In parngmph I8, by causfng the acqon or procceding�0 6e dtsmissed with e rul ing ".�i, - �i;= <br /> VY�S p. <br /> �+;_, .;.,-n,it ihn4 in Lendcr's goad fai�h determination, prccludcs tnrfeiwre of�he �orro�vcr's imcres� in �he Propcny or other mnterial �g_�:!ss..-,:`: <br /> =h:. impalmient of iha lien created by this Sauri�y Insvumm� or Lender's security imeres�. 6orrower shall a1w be in de(null if }'=` '— <br /> - A t' Dorro�ver,during the loan npplira�ien proccss.gave marcrialty falxc or Innccumto infomiadon or sia�emems w Lender(or failed F- �i�� �;� �� �-- -� <br />. - - �hvi io provida Lender wiih any materinl infom�aiioN in rnnnenion with the loan evidenttd by the No�c,including,but na limited -.,`..i(��YS�r���_ <br /> f �tr jrt,� �o,repmsents�ions mnceming�orru«cr's orcupancy uf�he Pmpeey as a principal rcsidence.If this Security Instn�m:m is on o r? rt� i C� _ <br /> r '�: leuehold. Bono.rcr shall mmply +vith all the provisions of the Icase. If Iiarro�rer acquircs fce �iUe to th. Property. �he - � +yr '�rr,i �-- <br /> �lJri": .'>>�i����i%�t. <br /> ���,,F��� leuehold nnd�he fee�i�lc shnll noi mergc unlcss Lcndcr agnrs�n�hc mcrger in�vriiing. �.� {_,�-: <br /> - 7.RatecUon of i.endcr's Righ4s in Ihe Pmperly. If I3anvu�cr fails�a pcdorm�hc covcnants und ncrcem:mi mntained in - �� '{E— �� <br /> ..i :y'-..1 -.. <br /> ;r =. this Security 6uuumem,or�herc is a Ieg�l pracecding�ha�may significanUy affect Lender's righ�s in�he Prapeny(such os o e. .o�-.�.Yr;;.: <br /> -i- �, proceeding in bankmp�cy, proba�a (or condemn:nion or fndeimrc ar ta enfnrce la�vs or rcculMivas),dmn I.ender may do und '�c; _ p� ,:;�:!_.: <br /> -���`•� ��`. pay for�vhntever is necessary m pro�ec� the vnlue nf�he Pmpeny .nd Lender's rights in�h:Propeny. Lender's nciions may `�=ii�'�.';�.\. <br />- '�t•�;�'�,''-�� inclnde a m an sums secund h n lien o�hich has norit o�rr �his Sccuri� Inswmem, a vin y g <br /> -_.,� s �;... P Y 6 Y Y P Y Y PPG 8 in coun. pa in - :i'a.t;-,y:!;i�tr <br /> ,-- f' � rcasona6le nitorneys'foes and emering on�he Propeny�o makc rcp:iirs.Al�hnuFh LenJer may�ake oc�ion under�his pangraph - ' ����'"�'- <br /> �' � r , ;. <br /> �,�- 7.Lcnder docs nnt huvc tu do w. - r . <br /> r -- Any� nmoums disbuReJ M1y lsndcr mxlcr �his pan@raph 7 .nan n���� aJdi�ional debt of finrrou�er securtd by �his -�"' ` �' -i;` <br /> '_��' -,' Securiry Instrumem. Unless IHirrower anJ Lender agree tn uther paymem.�hese amnunts shall bcar interca Gom the � -�F� ��,h.�'LSs; : <br /> �}�e� ��'� .' date of dirbursemem a� �he Nme rale and sh:Jl be pxyaM1le, a�nh imeres�, uq�n nmice frum LenJer to Barto�rer requesting ;s -�; ;ptt��� R� '�, <br /> ,�'t�r�J` 9 mcnl. t� r�;. <br /> '�f�/Z?�f�+ �' P Y 8.�torigege Insuranca It I.ender reyuircd mnrtFage in.urance:u a.�,nJi�ion of making�he Inan.rcund by this Securily {x ry. -; <br /> t�+W,F vtf(. Ins�mnkm. Dnrroaror shall pay �hc premiumx rcquireJ ln mainlain thc mnnga�c in>urancz in c(fcct. If. fnr any reason. Ihc - �}rY' <br /> t` i Yi--_ mongage inwrance mrerage rryuind by I.ender mau.ta In in efka. Born���cr.hall pay ihe prcmiunu rryuircd�o '�� ��l�rl�� <br /> ti ,. <br /> s� �G�I�!! obiain m�•erage substamially cquival.m �o�hc mongagc in.urann prcriau.y in MfrcL .�i a rn+� w6.lanlially cyuitalcnl la Iht ...�,���s SL_�. <br /> � r- mxl �o Rorrmrcr o(thr nxingagc insuramti prc�iou.lp m cflcu. frnm an .dl.rnalc mortgagc in.urcr approrcJ hy Isndcr. if ,.- f <br /> �f :' subs�amially equi��al.m nx�ngage inxir.mce tmrr.�ge n no�arailahle. �ornmer.hall pa� �a IsnJer each momh a win cyu:J �o � ._3 f it4 �' _ <br /> {2 V� ., nnc-IU�dNi n!Ihc)�mdy mongaFc inwnmr prcnuum hcmg p:nd h� 6orra�ccr�chcn ihc in+uranrc roccngc lapxd or�rmcd lo -- �`,�_- �� . <br /> ;��' �y��:. 6e in efl'ect.L.enJer�cill amep�.u.r:uxl rciain�hne p:rcmem.a> .�Im. rc.enr in Iftu ul mnngag. inmran.e. Ln� r_.erce .� il! . <br /> r. � <br /> k;�;: -� ' Form 0018 9/80 � 3� y ti_'_ <br />-�'. c, .u.�. e. . .. � <br /> ; ' . <br /> �/.. <br /> r�.'1.7:5.. : . . <br /> �.i;;: � . . ' <br /> , , . . <br /> -' �.::.- —,�—._..-'----°--.. .._ . . . ._ -- - - - — -- - - <br /> . ,. . . -- "- .. _ _ - -- <br /> .. . , -- ,a., . <br /> ,�, ; . ' <br /> " , -• `'�t , . . . . .. . . <br /> :L'.: € � • . . . <br /> _ ��_, .:� - , .` ; � _ . <br /> �-� : : <br /> � • .���� _ . � , � . <br /> . . : - � : -. .. -� . . <br /> .. <br /> - • � - - " - . � - ' . _.. <br />