�2!JF:":. _" - _ . .__.
<br /> � ' •/�/iJAl1�l�R}IF�IIp�A . ..��n . f . .. . .. . ._ . .
<br /> ilC � ...
<br /> g3.. io�►4li .
<br /> t pcdoda tA�l Lsnder rcqulrcs. Tiip Insuraxro wrticr providtng�h�Inftvnnoe shzli Da chuKn Ey Nortower 6uEJect to Lcnd:tY
<br /> rpproval whkfi sAall not 6o unrcasonab�y wUhhetd. If BaroaYe[pili�o ma(inaln mvbra�a descdbed abovc.l.endet iliiy,et
<br /> , I.ender�optlon,obtdn covenge ro proleu Lendetb right�in iiwProperty in�ccordnna wi�A puagraph 7.
<br /> Afl lnsurpn�v policfes and rcneweis shxll bo nae�ibia lo Lene�er dm!shafl Inelude a slandud mortgaga cisux: Llpdsr
<br /> sh�il h�rc�he dght to Mld�ta policia and rcnowals. f Lendcr rcquirce,Bortowcr shxll prompliy gJre ro Lender al!reaiplt -
<br /> of palA prenilame nnd mnewal naicee. In iho event of lou,Bortower shall givo promp�nmice to ihe Insaranee canier and
<br /> Lender. Lender may make prooi of loss If not macb pmmply by Borrowcr.
<br /> Unlus I.ende�nnd Bormwer oihcrnix ogrce in writing,insumnco procccd�ehnil be applicd to resto�nilon or rcp�ir et
<br /> � the Ro�ny d3ma�ed,If ihe rasler�tion or rep�ir Is economically fcaslbic and I.enderY ucnri�y is not lessened. It iha °-°°'���-°_---_°°--� ��-
<br /> � ~ � � rcstoret on o�rcpa r la not economtc�lty fculble or Lendcrh uwd�y wouid be Iessencd.the lnsunnce prceeeds shall be
<br /> applicd to�ia sums saurcd by thi�Sccud�y Instmmem,whc�hcr or na�hcn duc, whh uny ezces�pald to Bortower. I(
<br /> 6orrower ab;mdons tho Property,or Aoa not ansx�er w6hin 30 days a notice from Lender tha� the Insurence cartier hm
<br /> ofiertd�o seulo a dnlm,then Lender muy coliect�he Insuranee proceede. Lender may use�he prooeeds to repa(r or rtsiorc
<br /> the Pro�hy o�to pay sunts secund by�hl�Sceurity InstrunMn4 whc�hcr or nol�hcn duc. Thc 30-0ay period wlll begin whcn
<br /> �ho no�cc ie given.
<br /> �----— Unless I.ender and Oovower oth:rwiw agrze N wdting,eny eppIfca�ion uf proceeds m principal shall na extend or
<br /> posr�ouc�ho duc dnto of�ho mon�hly paymenrs re4Ynd�o in pamgmphs I and 2 or chango tho emowu oi thc paymcnu. If -
<br /> — ____ under�ragnph 21 tho Ptoperty is ocquind by Lrnd�r,B�mwcrb righ�to any insurancc pnlicies end p�oceeds msuLing
<br /> -- -=--==— fmm daaugt to�he Property prior lo�he acquisitian s[wll pass m Lender lo Ihe extem ot t[�sums secun°d by tAiv Secmuy
<br />._.:F,�;�— Ins¢umemimmediatelypriortoth.ecquisiuort
<br /> -___:��� 6. (D:cwpxa.y. Preservation, M1falntenTm:e arrJ Protatiun of Ihe Properqy; Paaroxer� I.oan Appli:atNrn;
<br /> ___�.��� LeauM�Ms. Boao��rr shal I occupy,es�ablish,and use Ne Ropcny av Dortowcr�pri�ipal msidence within sixry days efier
<br /> .7�� the execmion of�his Stturfly Instmmrnt nnd shall rnntinue to cecupy Ihe Pmpeny�6omncer§principat msidencc for at _._.. . __
<br />--.---�i«;�,� -� Icast or.e ycu afler ihc date of occupancy, unless Lendcr othcrwisc agrces In e-riiing, which consem shall not be --- --�
<br />- __�=`�,.� , unrcasonably wiihheld,or unless exunuating circunumntts cxist which erc bcyond Dortuwerl wmrol. 6ortuo�er shall not
<br /> -.,,�.:f,;�. destroy,damage or impair the Pfopeny,nllow U�e Propeny to detedom�c,or commit waste on�he Pmperty. �orto�rer slull
<br /> "��'-'`r-' be in defauli if eny(ndeilurc action or proce�ding.�vheiher civil or criminal,is begun ihni in Le�Mer�s good fnith judgmem
<br />=-:i�t����3 wuld result in (orfeitnrc o(Ihe Propeny or otix'wise matedally Impair�he lien cremed by this Secnmy Inttmmem or
<br /> � {�=r��- Lender�ssecuri� interes� Dorrowerma cure+ncfiadefaul�andreins�aie,as rovidedin g p t� g
<br />. _.:';\!'� Y Y P W� � h I8. causin �hc action
<br /> `:_����,�;.';, or procceding to bz dismlsscA wi�M1 a iuflng that,in Lender�gcn.d faith de�crminatlon,pnYt�des for&iwn:of ihe�ortoxrork
<br /> j� _, Imemst (n the Propeny or othrr rt��ierial impaimient of�h: 0izn crca�ed 6y�his Secumy instrumem or Lenders secumy
<br /> �„ x ; - Intercst. 6orro�ver shall also b. in defauli if Uanower, during ihc loan applicntion process, gare ma�edally false or
<br /> r'��'�S� �'�5 Inaccura�c fn[orma�ion or statemems�o L.cndcr(or failed to provide Lendcr wi�h nny m�terial infomimioN in rnnnection wi�h
<br /> � -� ,/,. _--
<br /> ,.:,,;, ;. U�e loan evidenced bp the Nwe, including, but noi limi�ed to, �eprcseNations conmming Qortonrork occupancy of the �'�'°��-
<br /> Propeny u a principal rrsiAe�xe. If�his Secumy Inslmmem is on a leuehnld.Qo`rox�er shail mmply�vith nll�he provisfons -
<br /> _ �f Ihc leaae. If Anrmu�eracmdrye&e Iilie In�hc Rnpe!ty,�M Irau.hnl.10�.�!!;_f��p,�.;��,xt mc.ae unlc;.;Lcr:i:r�g�:S --- - ° .
<br /> ro thc mcrgcr In tivdting. "`•-.
<br /> 7. Protectlon of lander's 7tighta In Ihe Properq: If QoRnwer fails m pcdon� �he covenan�s and ngreements �-`-
<br /> _ ;��_ -� . comained in �his Security Insicumem, or ihere is a Iegal proceeding tliai m,ry signi(cam7� nfkc� Lender� rights in �he ;�,��_, .
<br /> .��.�;,-;�� Propeny(such Rc a,praeeding in bankrupicy,p:aiaatr,for rnndemnmion or fadciwrc ar�o en�arec la���ec c:pulntions�,then �*r—.�r-= ---
<br /> s'Y
<br /> r, -�.� Lender may dn and ray for wha�ever Is necenary �n p�ota�the value o.'�he Propeny and Lendart rip'��..in�he Propeny. - :-r�'��
<br /> ' J -�'" Lender�s ac�ions ma include � m an aums seaured b a lien�vhich has priori�y over�hit Securias Inctrumem,appearing ,;; n ', '�'--
<br /> yr � . Y P•Y F Y� Y
<br /> �� - -- in rnun,payfng rrasona6ie nttomeyi fee.nnd emering on�hr Ropeny�o make repairs. Ahhongh Lrndet may lake nc�ion .tti 1���,,
<br /> �. undcr�his pamgraph 7,Lender docc no�ha�r�o da so. \ r b,_
<br /> ��(?,�{r��� ` Any amaume ati:Tun.d by Lendcr undrr ihis paragnph 7 shall 6ccamc additlonal dtM of Bortmver secured by�hfs ;�,�`�
<br /> �tl Sauri�y Insuumem. l�nleiv 6orro�ca and Lendcr ngrcc�o odicr tcmis of pa}num.�hese amonm+shall bcar imcres�from�he �{i;��'_—
<br /> -`` •� daie af disbursemeni m ihe Note ro�e and shall be paynbia wiih intems�,upon na�ice Gom Lender�o flortower rcques�ing
<br /> ,' ' . 7; pnymcm. -..�� -. :�
<br /> _.r,_;-)._ �'� H. Morlgage Insurnnce. li Lender rcyuind mongage inwr.mce ac a conJi�iun uf making the loan secured by Ihis t. � S'!f�f � --'��"
<br /> � - '' Secn:iq• Inslmmenl. Dartowcr xhall p�y �he prcmiumx rcquinJ �a maimain ihc mongagr inwmnce in cffec�. If, for any ':.fa�}4i}iE -. -•�-.
<br /> ` -�f��. rwson, ihe motlgage inmmnee emenge rcynireA hv LenAer lapce. ur ce:ne. �o M in effecL Dorto�..er xhull pay �he ` ��,} -�:
<br /> --;r'- prrmiums rcyuired lo a6tain covemge xubuar.oall} cquivulent to �he mongage inwr,mce prcriou�lr in eRai, a1 a cmt ; - -�"%��-
<br /> +ubsmmiaily eyuivnlem tu�he cou io 6urro�eer ni ihr manFaFe in.nr,mce prevmutily in euec�,�rom an �dmmme mongage °j r'�---i �'
<br /> Inauter npproved 6y l,ender. If wMlamially eqniv:J�nl mnngagt imurance corerage iti nol:nailable.Dorcmcer xh:dl pay lo ,. �Y'� )��},l�`{�)'��
<br /> IxnJer each momh a xum equ:J �o nno-�e•clGh nf Ihe yead�morigage imurvnce prcmium bring paid by Quno��cr�rhen ihe -{�it';t�Zih'i,+>�•:
<br /> .� " imurance coverage lap.ed arce:ued wia in effeu. L.nJeniilL�ceep4 n.e and re�aiiuhr.r p.qmem+z.;�Ims rccerve in lien � ��1�Sr�� �•.-.
<br /> r -_ � of mongage insurance. Los.retient p�ymem.may no longer M myuireJ.:n ihe opiinn nf LenAer.i(mong;�ge inwrance %�t fi � � ?l�'-`�
<br /> �-_,_ coverage fin Ihe amonnl and tm Ihr�riid Ih.n I.cnder reyuire.l pmvided h) an imur.r approred by Lender again Mcnmcs � � A V'`t .�,- .
<br /> 4} ,�� availablc and is oblaincJ.Dorto�cer s}u11 pa��Ihr prcmiunn nynircd lo mainlain u:ongapc mwrancc in cffccl.or In providt a !> > � r)-\v.:z'..-�
<br /> r i�i`tii�} i Inss rcserve.umil Ihe myuiremem.fm mongage inwrance rnd,in arcarJance��nh am xrmrn agrtemenl Mnreen[3nrrrn.rr "r�}if�!yi- .�•�°_.
<br /> F� ...J; -
<br /> � �•.:.. �nd L�nAcror npplicablc iaw. -�;'t�i w -
<br /> 9. Inspetllon. Lcndcr nr f�.ag.m mar maAc rca.anahlc cmric,u�m:md in.�x�imm�f�hc Rn�xny. LcnArr.hall - �'�'
<br /> - . . FiYC 6orto�vcr noiicc:11 Ihc litttc o(nr rrinr lo ap im�k•clion��cif)'ing rta.nnAAlc caux(or ihc in��tfclion. . .
<br /> ,:,�.� 10. Candemnafian. "Ilie pncecJ+of am :n�.+N nr a�liim(nr damagr>.Aimct or.nn.cyurmial,im m�nec�inn��fth am� - ..
<br /> _ '
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